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Mr. Donald Sterling


Noob Saibot
They invaded his pivacy and freedom of speech in his own home whether anyone likes to admit it or not.

He was recorded without his knowledge and was baited ito expressing his opinions.

One step closer to brainwashing people and takig away the rights of the people.

No one intervened when Sharpton or Jackson called for the Black Panthers to "kill whitey" afyer the Trayvon case.

But whatever. Keep being sheep.


Drops combos
They invaded his pivacy and freedom of speech in his own home whether anyone likes to admit it or not.

He was recorded without his knowledge and was baited ito expressing his opinions.

One step closer to brainwashing people and takig away the rights of the people.

No one intervened when Sharpton or Jackson called for the Black Panthers to "kill whitey" afyer the Trayvon case.

But whatever. Keep being sheep.
Okay, keep being a racist. :DOGE


My blades will find your heart
They invaded his pivacy and freedom of speech in his own home whether anyone likes to admit it or not.

He was recorded without his knowledge and was baited ito expressing his opinions.

One step closer to brainwashing people and takig away the rights of the people.

No one intervened when Sharpton or Jackson called for the Black Panthers to "kill whitey" afyer the Trayvon case.

But whatever. Keep being sheep.
He was recorded by his girlfriend who he was obviously cheating on his wife with. Its his fault if he gets involved with someone who ends up screwing him over.

Also his freedom of speech was in no way infringed upon, he has no legal reprecussions and is only being fined by the NBA.

I will. Keep being a dickrider of being Poltically correct ad punishment when it offends your ethnicity or views only.

Double standard much?
What did you think would happen when he openly called out the race that most of his players and fan base are? He has already been fined for racist remarks before btw, so he had already said his opinion before.


Drops combos
I will. Keep being a dickrider of being Poltically correct ad punishment when it offends your ethnicity or views only.

Double standard much?
Lol do you really believe what you type? Good lord lmao. At least you know you're racist so we can all ignore your opinion on basically anything .:DOGE


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
Donald Sterling made his fortunes as a slum lord and was LITERALLY sued twice, once for $2.75 million, for ethnic injustice. If I remember correctly back in 2006 this dude was caught trying to buy all minorities out of his overly priced Beverly Hills apartments and made statements like "They're dirty and they make the place smell bad".

Before I make a decision I like to have as much information as time allows me, and i'll try to be as couth as possible in my assessment. Keeping in mind that he's 81 years old billionaire and probably wasn't as exposed to minority assimilation as the rest of us, he's completely out of line. As an owner of an esteemed franchise in an international sport you know how to hold your tongue, you have a PR guy; which leads me to believe that whether or not he was exposed couldn't matter less to him.

Side note: LA Times columnist Sandy banks wrote:

"Let the real estate magnate and Clippers owner take his millions and buy a hockey team," she wrote. "Then he won't have to worry about black superstars showing up for games on his girlfriend's arm."

Wait, I forgot it was okay to be racist if you move to a predominately Caucasian sport...

I have 2000 things to say, but let me actually read some of your guys' input before anything else.


I got home from work and just saw Adam Silver lay the hammer down on Ron Sterling. 2.5 million is a slap on the wrist for a multi-multi millionaire, but banned for life from the NBA. Now that's sending a message.

Sterling won't tarnish the Silver!!!


Est In Harvey 1989
I got home from work and just saw Adam Silver lay the hammer down on Ron Sterling. 2.5 million is a slap on the wrist for a multi-multi millionaire, but banned for life from the NBA. Now that's sending a message.

Sterling won't tarnish the Silver!!!
He's worth 1.9 Billion my G.


They invaded his pivacy and freedom of speech in his own home whether anyone likes to admit it or not.

He was recorded without his knowledge and was baited ito expressing his opinions.

One step closer to brainwashing people and takig away the rights of the people.

No one intervened when Sharpton or Jackson called for the Black Panthers to "kill whitey" afyer the Trayvon case.

But whatever. Keep being sheep.
You have NO idea how many people have overlook this part.
You have NO idea how many people have overlook this part.
Not overlooked just doesn't matter. It would reflect poorly on the NBA if they let this slide especially if you keep in mind all the things that were being brought to the attention of the general public about his past.
The league are within their full rights to punish him the way they did. Not like he lost the team yet (which is probably going to be long court battle to make happen).


Not overlooked just doesn't matter. It would reflect poorly on the NBA if they let this slide especially if you keep in mind all the things that were being brought to the attention of the general public about his past.
The league are within their full rights to punish him the way they did. Not like he lost the team yet (which is probably going to be long court battle to make happen).
In no way am I saying the NBA should let it slide,but we need to take in account that this happened in the privacy of his own home and she basically baited the fuck out of him and his dementia just kick in.

Do the NBA understand how much money LA will lose out on if the board decide to sell and move this team? They're doing big things right and would just be plain wrong to do so.


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
In no way am I saying the NBA should let it slide,but we need to take in account that this happened in the privacy of his own home and she basically baited the fuck out of him and his dementia just kick in.

Do the NBA understand how much money LA will lose out on if the board decide to sell and move this team? They're doing big things right and would just be plain wrong to do so.
Doing Meth in the privacy of your own home is still doing meth...

Would you rather have the story not exist and him continue being shady? Obviously his girlfriend felt that this was a big enough deal to set him up. Lets be serious about the fact that what we know about the story is almost definitely NOT the story in it's entirety. Could you imagine what this dude has managed to cover up if something this detrimental was leaked? I mean look at his past! Even that was well hidden until recently.


Doing Meth in the privacy of your own home is still doing meth...

Would you rather have the story not exist and him continue being shady? Obviously his girlfriend felt that this was a big enough deal to set him up. Lets be serious about the fact that what we know about the story is almost definitely NOT the story in it's entirety. Could you imagine what this dude has managed to cover up if something this detrimental was leaked? I mean look at his past! Even that was well hidden until recently.
Great points all around....really.

I just wanna say again that what Sterling said was fucked up.....all of it and the penalty for the racist comments was appropriate.

Now with that being said if it was in public and in front of Magic or his player,he would get hate all around...no question ask,but this was done in privacy not in public and not only that,but she record it what out his consent(Rumor has it that she is getting sue by the Sterling family for those unapporved recordings).

Lets not kid are self...she did it for the MONEY and nothing else.A women looking like that and she's with him for love.....bullshit and you know it.This man has his hands deep in that Old Money(If you don't know what that is google it).She thought "Oh I can blackmail him for that cold hard cash" and he was like "Nah" hence forth the recording coming out.

Oh and congratulatons on finding another old rich racist guy......there's about a million more to find in the United States alone.......so good luck.

P.S. Sorry it took me so long to answer back really wanted to get my thoughts together on this one....waiting on a rebuttal :D

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
This guy has been saying shit like this for years. He's said and done worse in the past so why now? It's a good way to try to get the team at a discount.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
i didn't realzie the nba had the power to this, they have a different constitution, they are are going to force him to sell, they still can't fire him, he still is making money
They can't force him to sell but they can do what they can to push him to sell.