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Mr. Donald Sterling


It wasn't a phone call. She taped the conversation. In the second link she gets him some juice to calm him down lol.
is it visual or not??? Also this woman has a motive. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/donald-sterlings-relationship-woman-audiotape-699202

"She is a "defendant in a lawsuit brought by the Sterling family alleging that she embezzled more than $1.8 million, who told Mr. Sterling that she would 'get even,'" Clippers president Andy Roeser said in a Saturday statement on behalf of Sterling that served as the first official response to the recordings. "

this a very tricky legal situation at this point and we don't have sufficient evidence to do anything about it yet. we have to let the legal system do its works, we can't just piunish rashly with reasonable doubt on the surface. This is a very scummy situation. chances are he is racist and she is conniving, however the fact she is being sued for embezzlement will give her a motive and the change to doubt that this tape could have been created fakely. This story is going to blow up huge. The league can't do anything yet and we aren't sure whether this is private or public or what yet. This is going to take a long time until action can be done and we aren't sure what is going to happen. This is going to be very awkward for the clippers organization and the nba. They are lucky this has surfaced with an offseason coming, of course the clippers could make a deep playoff run.


I mean, it still sounds like it was a private conversation, and it's not illegal to be racist, as long as you're not oppressing someone. I don't follow sports or anything, so I don't really know what will happen, maybe he'll be pressured to resign/sell the team or something, maybe it will be forgotten. :coffee:
this is going to blow up i think and be around for a while.


It was a phone call, so wouldn't that technically be private? Westboro Baptist Church is all hate speech yet no legal action has worked against them so I don't really think he can be persecuted legally, not that I think he should. I'm against racism, but if people start getting arrested for their opinions, where is the line drawn?

If anything, he'll be removed from his position because he's bringing bad publicity to the NBA or whatever, same thing that happened with Paula Deen.
removed from ownership???? tricky... banned from public league activities, tricky but possible. Lawsuits incoming.


cr. HP Master
I feel like if he wouldn't have moved to the "I think it's over" talk she wouldn't have said shit. Which is even a bigger story. People are racist out there. Granted, with each generation it dies a little, but racist people are very real and can brainwash younger people. Lets not play ignorant to it all. I visited Texas recently and heard the "N" word several times a day. #culture

Actually, I'm going to edit and be completely honest. If this was some random guy with his views no one would give any shit. Since he is in sports and etc. hell broke loose. Kinda silly at the end of the day. People are fucked up..especially older people(65 and above) and there is nothing we can do about that. I was around very..VERY racist people before I was taken away and had my world rocked at a young age of how the world really is. just let them die and lets move on.
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Not much the league can do since they can't force him to sell.(Can the NBA kick a team out the league?) I think the only way he will be ousted is if networks threaten the the league to stop airing their games. Hit all the owners pockets and they will find a way to get Sterling out.
Honestly though I see nothing happening except Sterling getting a fine and having to stay out of the public eye for awhile.
Guess we will see what happens in the off-season.


Ive seen the leprechaun
He should be fired...simple as that he owns the Clippers and employs black people in a predominately black sport....he should be fired



Drops combos
The guy is a Racist piece of shit, Fire his ass and get him out. But I tire of Lebron's Flops.
You're just butthurt the Lakers suck. Lebron gets hacked for no calls all the damn time. Dude gets elbowed in the neck and doesn't even get a flagrant. Gets hit in the nose twice, breaking it in the process and doesn't even get a foul call.



Est In Harvey 1989
But even if it was a call making it illegal the damage is already done. She's probably going get sued anyway lol.
It was a phone call, so wouldn't that technically be private? Westboro Baptist Church is all hate speech yet no legal action has worked against them so I don't really think he can be persecuted legally, not that I think he should. I'm against racism, but if people start getting arrested for their opinions, where is the line drawn?

If anything, he'll be removed from his position because he's bringing bad publicity to the NBA or whatever, same thing that happened with Paula Deen.
I didn't feel like typing out the schematics but, yes, it's confidential. So the situation might be different, if anything they might find him unfit to be the owner of a team, because it risks the integrity of the game if players don't play honestly because this jackass is in charge.

And not sure if Westbro practices their beliefs in Canada, but, in Canada, yes, they will be arrested.


he's just a piece of shit human being.... But to have this guy on the FRONT and BACK pages of all these Newspapers and being the lead story on every mainstream media site is ridiculous . The mainstream media love nothing more than to incite race separation...


To be clear, it isn't a recorded phone call, just a conversation
It doesn't matter, the law applies the same. California has a 2 party consent law, meaning if you want to record a conversation both parties have to be aware it's being recorded.

So if he wasn't aware it was being recorded he can probably file charges against her and it's probably impossible for the NBA to take any action against him based on this tape

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No I didn't. Maybe that's why she recorded it while she was in the same room with dude. Either way this is just going to get worse as time goes on. Them boys lost today 118-97. Who would really want to play after finding that out?
Yes, see above.
he's just a piece of shit human being.... But to have this guy on the FRONT and BACK pages of all these Newspapers and being the lead story on every mainstream media site is ridiculous . The mainstream media love nothing more than to incite race separation...
Illegal or not, the court of public opinion has no law about throwing out evidence obtained in such a manner. Sterling is still a backwards thinking racist who has no business being in a position of power that he is.

lmfao Wow



OG Mannimal

OG "OG Mannimal" Mannimal
You guys keep saying lawsuits incoming... But for what? As far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything illegal. I mean, it's not like he doesn't employ black people, and he definitely pays them well... The only thing he has done is tell his "girlfriend" to not associate herself with black people, and while being racist and extremely scummy, isn't illegal.

And you can't just fire the owner lol. That's like firing your dad and getting a new one.

If he has done anything illegal (in this context), go ahead and tell me. I honestly don't think he has, cause, you know, freedom of speech and all that.
Reactions: nwo

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Modern America continues to react the way it does towards racism.
Some people are making it seem like this guy's been enacting Jim Crow laws in his stadium. He told someone close to him something in private that reflects some personal beliefs (whether you think they're misguided or not is irrelevant). All these demands for impending doom are ridiculous. This world is filled with racists, more than you can imagine. It's an unfortunate reality people need to start accepting.

Under my understanding, Sterling cannot be evicted by the board members of the NBA or prosecuted by the law. I can see this going down similar to "Marge Schott and the Cincinnati Reds". Google it.
Reactions: JDM
You guys keep saying lawsuits incoming... But for what? As far as I can tell, he hasn't done anything illegal. I mean, it's not like he doesn't employ black people, and he definitely pays them well... The only thing he has done is tell his "girlfriend" to not associate herself with black people, and while being racist and extremely scummy, isn't illegal.

And you can't just fire the owner lol. That's like firing your dad and getting a new one.

If he has done anything illegal (in this context), go ahead and tell me. I honestly don't think he has, cause, you know, freedom of speech and all that.
Not lawsuits, you can't sue someone for their opinion unless it is extreme case of racist speech. He will have to step down as the owner or some action has to be taken because you're risking an entire franchise and sport at hand. Remember when the refs didn't officiate in the NFL, this could very well lead to the same situation, but, with players.

You already, saw today during practice, players wearing their shirts inside out. Clear message.

The only thing I see is him, apologizing or something but that's BS, Lol.


Lawsuits? The only question is whether the league would suspend him/fine him/remove him from his position, which they should. As far as the "if this were some random guy nobody care" argument (though that guy would still be a racist piece of shit), well yeah, except random guys don't own basketball teams consisting of mostly black athletes in a predominantly black league, nor do they benefit off of them.


cr. HP Master
You're just butthurt the Lakers suck. Lebron gets hacked for no calls all the damn time. Dude gets elbowed in the neck and doesn't even get a flagrant. Gets hit in the nose twice, breaking it in the process and doesn't even get a foul call.

All I see is James getting away with traveling all over the place lol.