I really think the hate is more on Tom Brady and the fact that Grandmaster Sub is annoying to fight against whether people wanna admit it or not.
Except him being annoying in a game full of rushdown is actually a good thing, people just fucking hate Sub-Zero. (And/Or Tom Brady and I don't really get it but hey this is a wacky scene.)
That is the honest truth. Even I do to an extent as Shinnok.
But I'm not gonna sit here and say I deserve to d1 you in the corner when you have it set up, but those are all hitbox/hurtbox related issues. Even if you "fixed" clone you would still have similar issues.
I gotta admit, if they can't do klone right, don't have it in. I don't like it when developers put shit in and just be like "Well he's always had it."
The difference between MK9 and MKX Sub's klone, is that with his klone in MK9, the reason I loved playing the character anyway, is because of the different clone boxes you could make, that way, yes, the opponent had to respect some shit but there were so many interesting and unique ways to set it up, that there were also unique ways to get out.
In MKX? Klone... Is there as a standing state, does not change for hitboxes in strings, and mainly just throws it, shatters it, or does B2 or B33. So, you can kinda say Sub got actually MORE boring this game, but his tools and damage are great. Things they should of never nerfed in MK9.
I still think Sub players will be fine if Klone just doesn't get fixed or whatever and that looks hard to do, you'd have to adjust more than just the clone. I mean fuck, it eats projectiles still. I mean you can get poked out of it, but shouldn't it be your job to figure out a way around it?
I mean that's what I did for the longest time with Necro Shinnok. He still might be the weakest variation of the three, actually might is downplaying, let me stop there.