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Mortal Kombat to possibly be sold?

Scott Naylor


See, this is exactly what I’m talking about with MK1 sales being much lower than MK11’s. Regardless of how you feel about MK1, the sales should have been at least close or comparable to MK11’s. Like, if it was available on all platforms and they advertised/marketed it for at least a year before it released, I strongly believe that it would’ve gotten very close to MK11 sales if not surpassed it.
This could have impact but realistically speaking i dont think the platform chocies cause this.

The game has major problems with singleplayer content and progression,awfull microtransactions and the casuals are not too fond of kameos.Add to this the unfinished state and bugs and its no suprise the word of mouth for this game is very bad.

To put things into perspective,mk11 sold 12 million copies by the end of year 2.
As well as it did sell, people were not exactly happy with mk11,which puts additional pressure on mk1 as its coming after it.

So basically, mk1 would have to sell 8 million within the next year to reach the time frame and sales of mk11.
How likely is that when you considsr the state of the game and how slow the changes roll out? Probably not very likely,especially not if the expansion content is the final pack the game gets.
MK1 is going to be "The Last Jedi" of the MK series and the next game (barring huge visual course-correction before its release) will suffer the wrath and be the Solo: A Star Wars story of the franchise.

All my casual friends really liked MK9-11. Every single one disliked or outright despised MK1 because they felt the single player stuff was really bad and none of them liked the kameo system. Invasions is probably the number one misstep I can clearly point to as something that casuals REALLY disliked along with the general feeling of a lack of content (no krypt, for instance).

MK has spent its entire lifetime courting casual, regular fans. Just people that want to sit down, have some fun, mash some buttons and do fatalities. They released games starting with the 3d era that focused heavily on single-player stuff, often leading the industry for fighters in that regard whether it was things like konquest or cinematic story modes or even towers of time.

Decades of single-player focus.

Then they released a game that has worse single player content than its clear and obvious rival Street Fighter with SF6 pushing out the best single player mode in a fighter of all time (and its not even close). After MK11 this is a huge misstep because between the story, krypt, rotating towers and collectible stuff to customize characters, MK11 felt like it had a crazy amount of stuff to do. Now, casuals go from that to the content of MK1? It's like going from a warm shower to an ice cold lake. The difference is shocking. Would it be that way if it was MKX to MK1? No. Not at all...but what came before it with MK11 makes the content of MK1 feel totally jarring. People feel robbed.

My wife put 500 hours into MK11 just setting up AIs and having them do towers to collect the skins and items she wanted so she could dress up the characters how she wanted. She doesn't play other fighters (though she likes watching me play them). MK11 was the only fighter she put time into even letting me teach her some basic stuff so she could beat enemies that the AI got stuck against. She was a total casual looking forward to MK1...it had nothing for her. As I said, every single casual I know essentially feels the same to varying extents. It's launch was a step down in every single way as far as content and that is inarguable. Was the gameplay better? Subjectively? Sure. Objectively? Yeah maybe.

Guess what? MK has a 3 decade history of giving the finger to 'better gameplay', having always traded on spectacle and style with their substance later coming from casual single player support...NOT gameplay quality.

They spit in that fanbases face whether they realize it or not.

People can keep touting sales all they want...but there are other numbers to talk too.

Mortal Kombat 11 has 1400 people playing on steam right now.

Mortal Kombat 1 isn't even breaking 1k active players. 923.

Why? There's just not much for casuals to do and I strongly feel this abandoning of the casual/singleplayer fanbase is going to bite MK in the ass when the next game drops.
See, this is exactly what I’m talking about with MK1 sales being much lower than MK11’s. Regardless of how you feel about MK1, the sales should have been at least close or comparable to MK11’s. Like, if it was available on all platforms and they advertised/marketed it for at least a year before it released, I strongly believe that it would’ve gotten very close to MK11 sales if not surpassed it.
Adding the fact that the game was terrible at launch
clunky controls
unplayable on an entire continent and ignored even today, despite the numerous requests that were sent to any NRS twitter, support or website to freaking fix their game
The buggs that made anyone question if the game was ever tested, and baiting ppl into pre-order to buy this and then, not issue refunds to ppl they baited into buying the game, also ignoring the requests to fix it.
NRS decisions are going to byte them in the ass, it's a matter of time
This could have impact but realistically speaking i dont think the platform chocies cause this.

The game has major problems with singleplayer content and progression,awfull microtransactions and the casuals are not too fond of kameos.Add to this the unfinished state and bugs and its no suprise the word of mouth for this game is very bad.

To put things into perspective,mk11 sold 12 million copies by the end of year 2.
As well as it did sell, people were not exactly happy with mk11,which puts additional pressure on mk1 as its coming after it.

So basically, mk1 would have to sell 8 million within the next year to reach the time frame and sales of mk11.
How likely is that when you considsr the state of the game and how slow the changes roll out? Probably not very likely,especially not if the expansion content is the final pack the game gets.
Not “could”, has. It undeniably has had a massive impact. Like I said, if MK1 was promoted for as long as the other NRS games, and was available on all platforms, the sales numbers would be a lot closer to MK11’s. There’s about 180 million units of PS4’s + XB1’s sold, and only around 80 million of PS5’s + XBSX’s sold. Then you factor in all the other things I mentioned. To be clear, I’m not suggesting that these are the only causes for MK1 sales not being on par with MK11’s, but they’re huge factors.
Yup Street fighter

1. Didn’t reboot their whole fucking universe

2. Diidn’t introduce a kameo system to what has ALWAYS been a 1 v 1 fighting game

3. Added a mode which some have called modern day Konquest. Imagine a different company taking what you did in 2004 and doing it modern day. I wonder if the MK fanbase has asked for something similar to konquest in the past? Hmmm

I’m glad another fighting game franchise is competing in numbers with MK. Maybe it will light a fire under NRS ass to make a better game.