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Mortal Kombat (2011) Matchup Chart


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
4 vs Scorpion (5- I shake his projectile, and punish his teleports at the very least it's a even 5-5)
4 vs Subzero ( 5- 5 Subs zones, Smoke anti zone, Smoke forces sub to come to him, on his terms Smoke is hard to keep in the corner, which is subs main purpose all he's going to do at distance is snow ball, he HAS to come to me, and using slide can cost him a pretty penny if I block. He'll eat 40%)
When Scorpion has meter, he completely shuts down your Smoke Bomb with EX Spear. That is a big part of Smoke's game and why I put it at 4. Also, everyone punishes Scorpion's teleport, that is not a Smoke exclusive.

Sub is not going to hide behind clones or throw even one iceball at Smoke. He is going to rush him down. Sub punishes all smoke bombs with slide on reaction, the smoke bomb goes where sub was and Smoke gets hit by the slide. Smoke can't deal with Sub's 22 pressure. Also, tell me how Smoke gets out of the corner? Teleport? lol He would have to burn meter with an ex smoke teleport to avoid a 22~freeze punish of a normal smoke teleport. You can't base the matchup as something simple like "smoke is anti-zone and sub is zone, so it's even or bad for the zoner". It's not so cut and dry.

Let's get started on Scorpion, as I feel his potential is seriously overlooked. Scorpion has no glaring bad match ups. He has all the tools. His 1,1,1 string is fantastic for pressure as each hit can be cancelled individually. A fast overhead in his f+3 keeps the opponent standing and open for his f+4 xx spear. You turtle, he hellfires. He's high risk, high reward at times though. Take into consideration how bad some characters can punish f+4 xx spear, b+2, teleport, and a missed helfire, then match that against Scorpion's damage output if he does make a correct read, 30%-40% no meter, 45%+ with meter. He's actually a very solid character.
If Scorpion's mixup was not so extremely unsafe he would be S-Tier. He is still a really viable character in the right hands.

Hell, I use him on occasion. One time, online, I picked him just for the hell of it and I guess the guys in the King of the Hill room haven't seen Scorpion being used right before (damn online Scorpion scrubs everywhere lol)... They were yelling in the mic about what I was doing and all gave me 10's after I won haha... I'm not even that good with him, I just played him right.

D. R.

If Scorpion's mixup was not so extremely unsafe he would be S-Tier. He is still a really viable character in the right hands.

Hell, I use him on occasion. One time, online, I picked him just for the hell of it and I guess the guys in the King of the Hill room haven't seen Scorpion being used right before (damn online Scorpion scrubs everywhere lol)... They were yelling in the mic about what I was doing and all gave me 10's after I won haha... I'm not even that good with him, I just played him right.
I use him as well and it seems if I keep guessing right with his braindead 50/50, the fight's over extremely fast, not to mention chip damage and the ease of how he builds meter. In a game based so heavily on "reads," i.e. lucky guesses, two reads and a throw from Scorps and it's toasty time. He's become my third favorite character behind Noob and Subz. The trifecta of MK: Zoning, Lame and Rushdown. lol


Zoning Master
I am familiar with some of Nightwolf's match ups. Of course, the numbers represent match ups in a best of ten series. Unknown match ups are represented by question marks.


? vs Baraka
5 vs Cyber Sub Zero
5 vs Cyrax
7 vs Ermac
? vs Jade
? vs Jax
5 vs Johnny Cage
5 vs Kabal
6 vs Kano
5 vs Kenshi
? vs Kitana
4 vs Kung Lao
4 vs Liu Kang
? vs Mileena
5 vs Nightwolf
? vs Noob
7 vs Quan Chi
5 vs Raiden
? vs Reptile
6 vs Scorpion
? vs Sektor
6 vs Shang Tsung
6 vs Sheeva
6 vs Sindel
? vs Skarlet
? vs Smoke
? vs Sonya
? vs Stryker
5 vs Subzero

Nightwolf is just a solid charater in this game. He can handle almost any situation. He may not have any mismatches. Maybe Kung Lao and Johnny Cage. I am not sure.
Updated mine in alphabetical order:


vs Baraka: 6-4
vs Cyber Sub: 5-5
vs Cyrax: 5-5
vs Ermac: 4-6
vs Jade: 4-6
vs Jax: 6-4
vs Johnny Cage: 5-5
vs Kabal: 4-6
vs Kano: 6-4
vs Kitana: 6-4
vs Kung Lao: 4-6
vs Liu Kang: 4-6
vs Mileena: 5-5
vs Noob Saibot: 4-6
vs Nightwolf: 5-5
vs Quan Chi: 5-5
vs Raiden: 4-6
vs Reptile:4-6
vs Scorpion: 5-5
vs Skarlet: 4-6
vs Sektor: 6-4
vs Shang Tsung: 6-4
vs Sheeva: 6-4
vs Sindel: 5-5
vs Smoke: 4-6
vs Sonya: 6-4
vs Sub-Zero: 6-4

Sektor and Skarlet are complete mistery to me though. I haven't played very good players using them so it's really hard to know how bad it really is.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I use him as well and it seems if I keep guessing right with his braindead 50/50, the fight's over extremely fast, not to mention chip damage and the ease of how he builds meter. In a game based so heavily on "reads," i.e. lucky guesses, two reads and a throw from Scorps and it's toasty time. He's become my third favorite character behind Noob and Subz. The trifecta of MK: Zoning, Lame and Rushdown. lol
Whenever I play a good Scorpion, I have to low poke out of crossups all the time. His pressure is actually really good it's just that there are so many weird scorpions online. A lot of them simply run away from me and try to hellfire, or randomly teleport.


ok well i apologize for ragging on the chart earlier...especially in this fledgling stage. now it really seems to be coming along nicely.


Cock Master!!
checked put the chart last night the sindel part it has it listed as 4-6 vs reptile in his favor. that match up is not that close. I want to know who says it's a 4-6 match up and why?

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It is accurate. You have to remember though that different wakeup attacks have different startup times. How much each wake up move benefits from those 8 frames of invincibility depends largely on how long the startup is for that move. Reptile's elbow dash is the fastest move in the game. Its like 5 or 6 frames, so the entire move is invincible on wakeup.
Kung Lao's spin will also benefit greatly from it.
Subzero's slide...ehhh not so much.
Take Strykers wake up roll/trip move. The startup on it is actually so long that the invincibiity wears off before the startup is over. If you time it right you can hit him right out of it.
I think it's time to do Reptile's frame data next. I'm thinking Reptile, Scorpion and Sub-Zero for tomorrow.


Bad Reputation
My Thoughts:
Stryker v Sub-Zero 4:6
-Stryker's superior zoning makes all the difference here. Sub-Zero's rushdown is so much better, obviously, but he'll rarely get the chance to use it. I'm thinking more like 5:5, possibly 6:4 in Stryker's favor.
Stryker vs Raiden 4:6
-Honestly, this feels a Hell of a lot more like 3:7. Stryker cannot zone at all in this match-up. And at close range he doesn't stand a chance.
Stryker vs Nightwolf 5:5
-Nighwolf's Reflect takes away Stryker's zoning game. He can still use the gun, because it's hard to react to and he can hesitate to mix it up, but I really feel like this one is Nightwolf's match to lose. Definitely 4:6, possibly 3:7.
Sonya vs Ermac 5:5
-Sonya is one of my Go-To picks against a good Ermac. She's so good at rushdown and counter-style of play that he has a hard time doing much of anything against her. He does prevent her from utilizing Air Drop because of TKP, but her EN Kartwheel has armor and that seems to make all the difference in this match. I propose 6:4
Ermac vs Kitana 4:6
-I really feel like Ermac has the advantage here. To the point that it should be 6:4 instead of 4:6. No doubt about the fact that Kitana is beastly and really doesn't have too many bad match-ups at all, but I really strongly feel like this is one of them.
Ermac v Kano 4:6
-This was a tough match-up, but now Up Ball is punishable by a full combo if you hit Forcelift after it. I really think that's enough to make it an even 5:5 match-up at worse. Possibly a 6:4 in Ermac's favor now. Definitely not any more than that though. Still far from an easy match.
Sub-Zero v Jax 6:4
-Definitely a 7:3. What can Jax do in this match-up? Ice Clone dominates him. He has ground pound. Sure, but that will only do so much. I even think SZ has better rushdown with that crazy reach on 2,2. Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems like this one should be more lopsided that a 6:4.
New things to add:
Sheeva v Mileena 2:8
-Mileena's just too fast for Sheeva. Her mix-up game make her able to rushdown the shokan and rip her apart quickly. Sheeva can utilize EN command throws to get armor and create some space, but Mileena's Sai is quick enough to knock Sheeva out of her Fireball animation and Mileena's tele > Jump Stomp. There's not much Sheeva can do. I really think this is one of the most one-sided fights in the game.

Proposed Changes:
-Stryker v Sub-Zero 5:5
-Stryker v Raiden 3:7
-Stryker v Nightwolf 4:6
-Sonya v Ermac 4:6
-Ermac v Kitana 6:4
-Ermac v Kano 5:5
-Sub-Zero v Jax 7:3
-Sheeva v Mileena 2:8


Why is stryker vs cyrax a 5:5? I would definitely say this is in cyrax's favor and here is why:
1. Net trades with gun very easily which is heavily in cyrax's favor
2. Roll toss is basically useless unless it's EN
3. One of cyrax's biggest flaws is not being able to handle being rushed down and stryker does not have a scary rush down
4. Cyrax can take advantage of stryker's terrible wakeup in the corner to the point where he must use meter or he will be looped in combos till he is dead
5. Because stryker cannot zone in this matchup he looses in the meter game too

I’d have to say this is a 6:4 in cyrax's favors because cyrax can shut down allot of stryker's best tools and take advantage of his weaknesses.
To be honest, I just haven't played any amazing Cyrax player so far. You're probably right about him having some type of advantage over Stryker though.

5. Because stryker cannot zone in this matchup.
This is false however. Styker can outzone anynone with proper frame advantage except Noob and Kabal. Those are the only 2 exceptions in the entire game.

Cyrax loses to Kano zoning wise. It's the same here.

And btw no need to burn meter to go through nets. That would be a waste of meter imo. You can block or jump over nets too.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
checked put the chart last night the sindel part it has it listed as 4-6 vs reptile in his favor. that match up is not that close. I want to know who says it's a 4-6 match up and why?
THTB put in the Reptile data and when Sindel was added, that matchup was kept from THTB's list. Maybe you guys can discuss it here ^_^

@Cyrax vs Stryker: Net has a cooldown time too so, once you avoid one you can start zoning with gun/grenade until Cyrax can throw another. It's not too bad for Stryker. Can't he roll to punish bomb throws from 3/4 screen or are they too safe?
lol DanCock. Sure he can. If you think those low projectiles are going to tough for me to get around you are mistaken. :)

Sindel is going to be way more scary up close because she has dangerous mixups with overheads, lows and safe on block strings. But zoning wise I would say they're about equally good. I can keep up with her and she can keep up with me. In the end it's going to be a matter of who makes better reads and who manages his meter better.

Can't he roll to punish bomb throws from 3/4 screen or are they too safe?
Not sure about 3/4 of the screen, maybe Cyrax recovers fast enough to block.. I'll have to test that.

Problem about using EN roll toss vs Net is the same than vs Reptile's force balls: Armor on EN roll toss is only active during the early start up frames. This is a bitch because it means I can't make educated guesses or react too early. So basically I have to time my EN rolls just before the projectile is about to hit. Which makes it practically useless vs Reptile.

NRS is planning to give Stryker longer armor though (according to Paulo Garcia). This is going to help a lot.


Cock Master!!
sindel isn't scaring anyone upclose lol just do lots of low pokes upclose. her IAF comes out faster then His guns and her low fireball. she kinda makes him come to her.

but maybe we should just have some stryker vs sindel fights.

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Bad Reputation
If Sindel and Stryker are equally good at zoning, but Sindel is better close range, with neither having a teleport, Shouldn't she come out on top? Or is Roll Toss good enough of a "Get Off Bitch!" that it evens out?


Zoning Master
Vulcan Hades said:
Styker can outzone anynone with proper frame advantage except Noob and Kabal. Those are the only 2 exceptions in the entire game.
You continue putting too much emphasis on zoning. Zoning is a part of this game, but it has no significance unless your character can defend and/or apply pressure. With a few exceptions here and there, the better characters in the game can zone, rush, and defend. The weaker characters are one dimensional because they can only be effective when played one way. Besides, with the exception of Skarlet, blocked strings build a lot more meter than projectiles do, and I am not talking about blocked projectiles. No one should be blocking projectiles excessively in this game when you can crouch more than 80% of them and then proceed to advance.

I also see that you have Stryker vs. Nightwolf listed as 5:5. I do not see how that can be the case. Nightwolf is difficult to zone because of Reflect and EX Shoulder. Besides, should Nightwolf approach Stryker, Stryker has to be prepared to deal with f+3,1~Hatchet shenanigans. If the Stryker player mashes d+1 and d+3, Nightwolf is at the perfect distance to cross up and repeat the f+3,1~Hatchet shenanigans.
m2dave said:
You continue putting too much emphasis on zoning.
And you continue assuming I only take zoning in consideration. Stryker has great footsies, resets, mixups, counters, mindfucks and all the tools to deal with and get around 90% of what you can throw at him.

I also see that you have Stryker vs. Nightwolf listed as 5:5. I do not see how that can be the case. Nightwolf is difficult to zone because of Reflect and EX Shoulder.
1. Roll Toss alone beast 100% of Nightwolf's specials (well except axe I think).

2. I can hold my gun shot, wait for Reflect's active frames to die out and shoot. I'm telling you, Stryker is one of the only characters in the game that can actually zone Nightwolf with ease and do it safely too.

3. I can use gun cancels into crouch techs or jumps to bait/avoid/counter EN Shoulders.

He's only scary up close and personal. Which is why I said it's 5-5.


Zoning Master
Vulcan Hades said:
And you continue assuming I only take zoning in consideration. Stryker has great footsies, resets, mixups, counters, mindfucks and all the tools to deal with and get around 90% of what you can throw at him.

1. Roll Toss alone beast 100% of Nightwolf's options.

2. I can hold my gun shot, wait for Reflect's active frames to die out and shoot. I'm telling you, Stryker is one of the only characters in the game that can actually zone Nightwolf with ease and do it safely too.

3. I can use gun cancels into crouch techs or jumps to bait/avoid/counter EN Shoulders.

He's only scary up close and personal. Which is why I said it's 5-5.
Are you on the east coast and do you own a PS3? If so, I would like to play you. Granted it is online, I would like to see your Stryker. I will be using Nightwolf. I just do not see how Stryker can "get around 90% of what you can throw at him".


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Dan, I don't believe for a second Reptile beats Sindel that bad. XD

What makes a huge difference is Sindel's fireballs. They startup fast and travel fast. It makes it somewhat hard for Reptile to get his projectiles out...thus making it a bit difficult for him to get in. When he does get in, that's where he wins.

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
When Scorpion has meter, he completely shuts down your Smoke Bomb with EX Spear. That is a big part of Smoke's game and why I put it at 4. Also, everyone punishes Scorpion's teleport, that is not a Smoke exclusive.

Sub is not going to hide behind clones or throw even one iceball at Smoke. He is going to rush him down. Sub punishes all smoke bombs with slide on reaction, the smoke bomb goes where sub was and Smoke gets hit by the slide. Smoke can't deal with Sub's 22 pressure. Also, tell me how Smoke gets out of the corner? Teleport? lol He would have to burn meter with an ex smoke teleport to avoid a 22~freeze punish of a normal smoke teleport. You can't base the matchup as something simple like "smoke is anti-zone and sub is zone, so it's even or bad for the zoner". It's not so cut and dry.

If Scorpion's mixup was not so extremely unsafe he would be S-Tier. He is still a really viable character in the right hands.

Hell, I use him on occasion. One time, online, I picked him just for the hell of it and I guess the guys in the King of the Hill room haven't seen Scorpion being used right before (damn online Scorpion scrubs everywhere lol)... They were yelling in the mic about what I was doing and all gave me 10's after I won haha... I'm not even that good with him, I just played him right.
I agree scorpion is good but really risky sometimes. I played him a lot before I picked up reptile and didn't like all the guessing I had to do but I just started playing him more again recently and do some things differently (a lot less b+2). Your chances of landing a f4 xx spear increas dramatically after pressuring with 11 and f+3 overhead. Still gotta take risks but it's just how he plays. Still really fun to play though.
Everyone in MK9 seems to have an anti-air move, a projectile, and do about the same amount of damage. That right there should eliminate most of the match-up dependent fights. I doubt you'll see any horrible match-ups like Sagat vs Gief in vanilla SF4. Where it was practically 9-1 in Sagat's favor.
How about sagat v rufus in vanilla? lol Most good rufus players just learned a new character. Spam standing roundhouse = win

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Can anyone break down the Johnny Cage vs Reptile matchup for me? It's listed as 7 - 3 in reptiles favor but Cage now has the armor on his ex shadow kick that travels full screen really fast. It's a good tool to close the distance so he can start his pressure. I can see the match being in reptiles favor but 7 - 3? Is it because of a low hitbox when crouching combined with d+4?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
EX shadow kick only makes a difference if Cage pushes him close enough to the wall. Cage cannot close distance fast enough after EX shadow kick for it to mean anything.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
I play Scorp pretty extensively I think I can throw in some input on the matchups.


vs Baraka: 6-4
vs Cyber Sub: 5-5
vs Cyrax: 6-4
vs Ermac: 5-5
vs Jade: 6-4
vs Jax: 6-4
vs Johnny Cage: 5-5
vs Kabal: 4-6
vs Kano: 5-5
vs Kitana: 4-6
vs Kung Lao: 4-6
vs Liu Kang: 4-6
vs Mileena: 4-6
vs Noob Saibot: 4-6
vs Nightwolf: 6-4
vs Quan Chi: 5-5
vs Raiden: 5-5
vs Reptile:4-6
vs Stryker: 6-4
vs Skarlet: 4-6
vs Sektor: 4-6
vs Shang Tsung: 6-4
vs Sheeva: 6-4
vs Sindel: 5-5
vs Smoke: 5-5
vs Sonya: 5-5
vs Sub-Zero: 5-5

Let me know what you guys think.