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Mortal Kombat (2011) Matchup Chart


no i knew it wasnt to be taken seriously. but it is a common problem among a lot of fighters.
i was just expressing how i felt towards tier lists in general.

D. R.

no i knew it wasnt to be taken seriously. but it is a common problem among a lot of fighters.
i was just expressing how i felt towards tier lists in general.
The one thing actually driving me to play MK competitively (I'd still play it regardless cause I grew up with it since MK1 Subz) is the fact that NRS is constantly working to keep the game balanced and not have unuseable characters at tournament level. Yes, some characters will be better than others by design, and matchup issues will occur, but it seems they're on top of it. Three months from now, I hope this turns out to be "the fighter" for other fighters to take note of when it comes to balance issues. That's why I've been wanting to push the match ups chart to get done asap so that character weaknesses can be shown, discussed and if need be, brought to NRS attention instead of just being exploited, creating a potentially useless character, like how Sheeva or Jax used to be.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
I don't see how Nightwolf is an inferior version of Scorpion. Nightwolf's game doesn't revolve around shoulder and lightning mix ups at mid range. The lightning is too unsafe to be used frequently. It's one of those moves that you use sparingly, but you always want your opponent to know that it's there. The shoulder can be used more often depending how your opponent responds to the move. Obviously, if you see somebody crouching without blocking at mid range, you wouldn't go for it. Aside from punishment, the shoulder is supposed to keep people in check. It's supposed to stop people from walking and dashing, so that Nightwolf can approach his opponent safely and apply pressure. Speaking of pressure, I wouldn't say that f+3,1~d,f+1 provides basic pressure. f+3,1~d,f+1 is definitely better than any string Scorpion has. It's actually one of the better strings in the game. Each hit after f+3 has "natural" delay and can fool people into attacking which results in a juggle. Once you train your opponent to block, you can do f+3 once and throw, for instance. f+3 is also one of the few attacks in the game that forces stand on grounded opponents. f+3 is useful after Nightwolf's throw because the throw disables rolling. It forces opponents to block f+3 or perform a wake up attack.

In my opinion, Nightwolf is the 3rd best character in the game at the moment. Kung Lao is 1st and Reptile is 2nd. I think the match up chart will eventually support these claims.
We're starting to get into the whole theory fighting thing here and I partially agree with you. Yes if Nightwolf sees someone just crouching blatantly he'll just walk up and pressure, but the point is you've taken away his best move and he's left with just the basics of the MK9 engine. If you see him starting to creep up in your grill you can just start d+4'ing him/jump away. This will cause him to do something even further and more obscure from his basic strategy. It'd be one thing if his charge did significant damage or provided some really good wake-ups, but I actually don't mind eating a charge or two so I can duck one to get a spear.

His 3 hit string is good but its the only avenue of offense you really gotta worry about. Its just chip damage and a throw is only 12%. Sure you can't roll after the throw but you have access to your wakeup attacks so its not like your stuck in a another 50/50 or something. Don't get me wrong, thats good and all, but I think Scorp is scarier up close. Scorp has the 111 string mixed with a throw with good wake-ups. A safe overhead, a launching overhead and a launching low. The damage potential is much scarier with Scorpion and there's more things to worry about. If he wants to play it safe he can use the 111 string for pokes/throws and safe overhead to condition his opponent's and see how they are reacting to his strings and go for the launchers when the time is needed. Or if he needs to make a big comeback he can do it in an instant with his high damage and vortex guessing game afterwards. Nightwolf's offense isn't nearly as scary.

If there's something more to Nightwolf I would love to be educated, but based on what I've seen and heard I'm not too impressed.



Bad Reputation
When all is said and done, the match up chart will be something like this depicting tiers:

1. Thunder Queer

2. Bung Load

3. Johnny Carson
4. Geico Gecko
5. Speed Poppin' Sandperson

6. Anti-Litter Crying Chief
7. Frosty the Snowman
8. Yummy Mummy
9. Cataracts
10. Cuntana

11-32. Does it even matter? Blah. Pick one of them to win up there^^^^^^^^

..... Til patch Ver. 1.03 that is. FYI, Noob's top tier in that version. Safer tackles and a damage buff. Oh yeah. :evil:

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! lol!!!! Cataracts and Anti-Litter Crying Chief made my soul giggle

And finally ... You are awesome ... that is all.


i think that it isn't so much about moves countering others or trading. they are pretty even in the zoning game, but up close NW's frames are just so much better. scorpion may have good options up close, but they don't really matter when he is at - on block after everything NW does and can't really use them.

The one thing actually driving me to play MK competitively (I'd still play it regardless cause I grew up with it since MK1 Subz) is the fact that NRS is constantly working to keep the game balanced and not have unuseable characters at tournament level. Yes, some characters will be better than others by design, and matchup issues will occur, but it seems they're on top of it. Three months from now, I hope this turns out to be "the fighter" for other fighters to take note of when it comes to balance issues. That's why I've been wanting to push the match ups chart to get done asap so that character weaknesses can be shown, discussed and if need be, brought to NRS attention instead of just being exploited, creating a potentially useless character, like how Sheeva or Jax used to be.
i disagree 100% with this entire mentality. first of all, it is too early to conclusively put ANY matchup worse than 7-3. second, the LAST thing we want is for NRS to look at a 3 month in matchup chart and start blindly flailing their nerf bat. it baffles me that people consider themselves good or competitive players and then support and encourage balance changes and nerfs on a whim, when nobody has shown anything to be actually broken at a high level. how do we even know that sheeva was 'useless'? we can't assume to have figured out a character and all his/her options in such a small amount of time.

hell, even if they do turn out to be grossly underpowered, that will only serve as motivation for people to work harder at them and still win. what happened to these dynamics? what happened to wabi-sabi balancing? i hope to god that if the NRS staff actually does read this thread, they do us all a favor and completely ignore it for at least another 6 months.


i agree lobo, 100%

i think these days with our new fighters, the majority of the people playing them are all just youngins without much competitive experience, or like you said people who claim to be good. Everyone just complains rather then get better and learn, instead they just want nerfs here and buffs there to completely undiscovered characters. I cant believe how many hot fixes and patches go out to characters deemed broken or shit like that. I support fixing glitches and bugs that would render a character banned, but to fix shit constantly is ridiculous.

"that's why I've been wanting to push the match ups chart to get done asap so that character weaknesses can be shown, discussed and if need be, brought to NRS attention"

aren't characters suppose to have weaknesses? and whats the point to make everyone balanced with everyone? I mean sure if you want to play chess. But this is a fighter where some characters have weaknesses that can be exploited, and the player with that weaker character is playing them for a reason. They will learn to overcome the weaknesses as well.. Thats true learning.


Bad Reputation
And you guys fail to see a problem when you look across a character match-up guide and see 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 5, for one character and 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3 for another?
Because, realistically, that's what it's gonna be to compare Raiden/Nightwolf/Kung Lao/Reptile to Sheeva/Baraka/Quan Chi/Jax ... =-/
Even the Prima Guide (which was "meh" at best, but whatevs) lists Sheeva or Baraka for almost every character's best match-up.

I definitely see both sides of the argument.
If we "balance everybody", then why not just always use random select? It'll become not so much about learning your characters strengths and weaknesses and playing to that, which I, personally, feel is an enjoyable part of the game.

Having said that, there's a pretty big leap between Baraka & Raiden. It looks like the higher end is gonna be ~155 and the lower ~105. There probably shouldn't be THAT much of a gap. Baraka should have a few good match-ups, not bad and neutral only. And the lower tier can have more bad than good, but dear God, give the guy at least one match-up where he has an advantage.

I'm not all about screaming buff & nerf though. We saw how well that went with Kano =-/


but even at this moment with this particular match up chart and given the amount of time the game has been out, who can say everything has been discovered yet ?

Most fighters will look like this at the beginning because some characters are easier to figure out then others, but by rushing to conclusions and not allowing the game to take its natural flow we wont be able to figure anything out if things are just being changed all the time.

I know somecubanguy is suppose to be a good baraka. but have we yet to see a baraka in major tournaments placing well with that character yet? ( excuse me if somecubanguy has done this ) No we haven't. Do this mean the character needs to be fixed right here right now? No, this just means, let people play the damn game and figure shit out.

i remember playing smash and so many people hated on specific characters for being OP. and everyone shifted over to the stronger characters.
now that time has passed no one complains anymore because people play the characters they want because they put a lot of time into them, figured shit out and learnt the game.


Zoning Master
Slips said:
We're starting to get into the whole theory fighting thing here and I partially agree with you. Yes if Nightwolf sees someone just crouching blatantly he'll just walk up and pressure, but the point is you've taken away his best move and he's left with just the basics of the MK9 engine. If you see him starting to creep up in your grill you can just start d+4'ing him/jump away. This will cause him to do something even further and more obscure from his basic strategy. It'd be one thing if his charge did significant damage or provided some really good wake-ups, but I actually don't mind eating a charge or two so I can duck one to get a spear.

His 3 hit string is good but its the only avenue of offense you really gotta worry about. Its just chip damage and a throw is only 12%. Sure you can't roll after the throw but you have access to your wakeup attacks so its not like your stuck in a another 50/50 or something. Don't get me wrong, thats good and all, but I think Scorp is scarier up close. Scorp has the 111 string mixed with a throw with good wake-ups. A safe overhead, a launching overhead and a launching low. The damage potential is much scarier with Scorpion and there's more things to worry about. If he wants to play it safe he can use the 111 string for pokes/throws and safe overhead to condition his opponent's and see how they are reacting to his strings and go for the launchers when the time is needed. Or if he needs to make a big comeback he can do it in an instant with his high damage and vortex guessing game afterwards. Nightwolf's offense isn't nearly as scary.

If there's something more to Nightwolf I would love to be educated, but based on what I've seen and heard I'm not too impressed.

You make valid points. I agree that the conversation is becoming rather theoretic, so I will make this post short.

You are right when you say that the shoulder is highly punishable when it whiffs. You are also right when you say that its damage is not particularly threatening. Nonetheless, the move is one of the best special moves in the game when used correctly and patiently. Players would not be crouching without blocking. The fact that they do tells the Nightwolf player that they do respect the shoulder. Based on the reaction and response, the Nightwolf player can formulate strategies, so nothing that you have described in your first paragraph is "obscure" to me. You take what the opponent gives you. Sometimes I wait about 10-15 seconds at mid range doing nothing but whiffing jabs to study what exactly my opponent is doing before I proceed to do shoulders or lightnings.

I have to disagree about f+3. f+3,1~d,f+1 does solid chip damage and builds meter well. It is also safe on block and you can follow up with a combo that does 37% of damage afterwards. The string has "natural" delay and forces stand on grounded opponents. It is also unparriable by Cyber Sub Zero and Liu Kang. There is almost no risk to doing f+3 strings. Scorpion, on the other hand, relies on laughably unsafe mix ups to do serious damage. I doubt Scorpion's strings are even the same league. Maybe if 1,1,1 actually hit mid.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
Scorpion vs. JC is 5:5…

Scorps vs. Cyrax I agree is 6:4…

People, do NOT underestimate the power of Scorpion's EN Hellfire after he lands a second spear in a combo. It's unblockable, inescapable, completely nullifies wake up attempts and is -1. That alone is great against wake up attack spam happy character's.
All I can say is the people are overestimating Scorpion’s rush down, mostly portraying it as a total lock down. It is not and it (rushdown) is not top tier level either: it can be countered in the most cases, generally by down poking and character specific tools.

Additionally Scorpion damage output is deceiving: yes he has 40% BnB however, if you want to actually continue the pressure (and you want that) you’d do reset combo which is mid ~30% which is not huge as many like to think. In turn his reset combos have extremely punishable starters, which even further diminish Scorp’s overall effectiveness.

Moreover, Scorpion zoning, or the lack of thereof: why people even mention zoning in Scorp evaluation? If the Hell fire/Spear can be considered semblance of a zoning, than it can be said that Sonya has a (decent) zoning game because she has 2 projectiles (obvious sarcasm).

To top it off Scorp is completely dependant on meter and with the lack of proper zoning can’t gain meter before melee, which defines a plethora of weaknesses like constant lack of the meter for the breaker etc. Don’t even think about wasting meter on :en Hellfire.

Let’s not even start on inexistent Scorp’s wake up and inability to confront heavy zoners (overnerfed painfully slow tele anyone?).

When game will progress further those weaknesses become apparent to everyone. As it’s now many things go through because not many people are actually know how to play the game to its fullest.


As for match-ups:
Scorpion vs Johnny Cage is 4:6 in favor of JC.

JC has much better rush down than Scorp – it’s completely safe and continuously resets itself, main poke is really fast, a mid and has advantage on BLOCK and forces people to stand (if finished string), has easy way to go in mid range with :en Force Ball. Let’s add tremendous meter gain, one of the best wake up and reversal move (Shadow flip), one of the best :x and wide forward dash to top it off – and we have a killer here.

What can Scorpion actually do? All his pressure which allows continuation starts either slow or high, thus can be interrupted either by fast normal/specials (Shadow flip) or anything which tech crouch you (generic down pokes and fast uppercut which JC do have). And what Scorp can do when pressured? He doesn’t have any get-of-me move, thus his only options:
If jedi enough – generic down pokes if saw that knee is not coming. Combine it with the fact that Scorp’s d.4 does NOT give uninterruptible offence like many others, which makes his escape option even more limited.
If Scorp at last got 1 meter you can try :en Spear reversal which often gets stuffed or, if lucky enough to hit, Breakered because JC already built 2 meter for sure. Moreover Scorpion doesn’t have anything to punish against JC, thus the big chunk of damage opportunity for Scorpion is inexistent in Scorp vs JC match up. But not the vice versa – JC as any other character always has many things to punish against Scorp.

All in all I’d give Scorp vs JC 4:6 in favor of JC. And I’m being generous here.


Scorpion vs Cyrax is 4:6 Cyrax advantage.

Cyrax Net negates Hell Fire/Spear completely, which means Scorp loses even those pitiful zoning tools in this match-up, which limits Scorp’s strategy even more. In turn it makes closing up on Cyrax even more painful than it already is for Scorp – mine fields and net traps everywhere.

When Scorp actually manages to start his offence, he still has the same problems as against JC: generic low pokes and fast uppercuts, which Cyrax do have. Moreover, Cyrax always will have more meter in this match up (remember all those mine field and net traps), which leads to Breakers when Scorp gets his combos going and :en tele as Cyrax’s get-off-me move which can lead to 30% damage or Bomb set ups on hit. Additionally Cyrax has his 212 which puts a foe off Cyrax on hit and on block, reverting situation to neutral which benefits Cyrax, because Scorps would need to cross those mine fields and net traps all over again.
Moreover Cyrax has a surprisingly decent pressure with repeated d.1 Ragdoll: it’s nothing to sneeze on. And please don’t dismiss the Command grab – it’s still a decent pressure tool. And of course, if a decent Cyrax touches you it’s 55%-60+% or Bomb setups for 1/3 of a life bar.

So I believe Scorpion vs Cyrax is 4:6 or hard for Scorpion 5:5.


In conclusion it doesn’t really matter how certain character fares against all off the cast: only against top tiers match-ups mater, because the chances are you will see those at every tourney winning top spots. As it’s now Scorpion and many others got murdered by current metagame top 4 (Lao, Raiden, Kabal, Reptile), thus their match-ups against anyone else don’t really mater.

We may just make match-up chart for every char just against top 4 or 8 and generally it will suffice.



Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
You make valid points. I agree that the conversation is becoming rather theoretic, so I will make this post short.

You are right when you say that the shoulder is highly punishable when it whiffs. You are also right when you say that its damage is not particularly threatening. Nonetheless, the move is one of the best special moves in the game when used correctly and patiently. Players would not be crouching without blocking. The fact that they do tells the Nightwolf player that they do respect the shoulder. Based on the reaction and response, the Nightwolf player can formulate strategies, so nothing that you have described in your first paragraph is "obscure" to me. You take what the opponent gives you. Sometimes I wait about 10-15 seconds at mid range doing nothing but whiffing jabs to study what exactly my opponent is doing before I proceed to do shoulders or lightnings.

I have to disagree about f+3. f+3,1~d,f+1 does solid chip damage and builds meter well. It is also safe on block and you can follow up with a combo that does 37% of damage afterwards. The string has "natural" delay and forces stand on grounded opponents. It is also unparriable by Cyber Sub Zero and Liu Kang. There is almost no risk to doing f+3 strings. Scorpion, on the other hand, relies on laughably unsafe mix ups to do serious damage. I doubt Scorpion's strings are even the same league. Maybe if 1,1,1 actually hit mid.
I guess in my eyes Scorpion is a higher risk/greater reward version of Nightwolf. I look at it like this.

Spear = Shoulder
Both moves get blown up if ducked, so they are equal in that regard. Shoulder is safe on block.(+1) Shoulder is safer on whiff. (+1) Spear does waaay more damage. (+1) Spear combo leads to wake-ups/vortex. (+1)

Hellfire = Lightning
Hellfire has faster start up. (+1) Hellfire has faster recovery on whiff. (+1) Lightning knocks down. (+1) EN Lightning better than EN Hellfire. (+1)

I like Scorpions pressure and 50/50 better than Nightwolf's I guess we'll just have to disagree on that. You knock Scorp for him taking a big risk to do big damage when his opponent is blocking but Nightwolf doesn't even have the option to do big damage if his opponent is blocking besides chip damage and throw. Scorp's 111 only the first is a high and it will connect if they are crouch blocking. But who is gonna duck without blocking when Scorp's 50/50 is intact with a safe overhead option? Scorp's gonna get the same chip damage and nearly the same meter build with 111 as Nightwolf's string in that regard, the only difference is Scorp's last hit doesn't launch like Nightwolf's which is really the only reason his string is better.

I think Scorp punishes much harder than Nightwolf as well which is a pretty big deal.

I know it seems like I'm trying to cram it down your throat but I really do fail to see why Nightwolf is considered to be so good in this game. People say he's top tier but with special moves that are super punishable and an offense that is nothing but just stale chip damage and throw I don't see how that could be. I've never seen any dominating Nightwolf player in casuals or in tourney. To me he's at the same tier as Scorpion until proven otherwise. He's safer than Scorpion but his damage isn't nearly as high. So take your pick, but NW being top 3 is what I think is laughable. ;)



Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Basically me being lazy again. I changed some match ups to what I think they are. If discussion is needed on them, then so be it. :scorpion:
Sorry dude I didn't see your post until now. :p The Quan Chi being 6-4 I can see but I honestly haven't played one to know the extent of it for sure so I just put it as 5-5 to be safe. The way I see it with Raiden is that he's a two move character with teleport and superman. Both moves Scorp can punish pretty hard by spearing teleport and simply blocking superman. If your unsure you can typically jump back to test the waters somewhat safely. Plus if your really on point Scorp can EX spear both of Raiden's main strings.

Liu Kang and Mileena I put as 4-6 mainly because they can turtle up Scorp pretty hard with the air fireballs making his zoning useless and him having to come to them. But any insight on why you think its even I'd be glad to hear. :)

EDIT: Oh and Noob was kinda the same thing, Scorp has to come to him because of his superior zoning, but any info otherwise please do tell.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
And you guys fail to see a problem when you look across a character match-up guide and see 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 5, for one character and 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 3 for another?
Because, realistically, that's what it's gonna be to compare Raiden/Nightwolf/Kung Lao/Reptile to Sheeva/Baraka/Quan Chi/Jax ... =-/
I kind of agree with you. Ideally, I would like to see every character having their tough matchups. I am not saying nerf Kung lao and Raiden right now! but it is disappointing on a personal level to see two characters winning so many of their matchups and losing so few, and then we have characters like Jax. I mean, why is anybody at a competitive level going to pioneer Jax? To show how much better than everybody else they are by winning with a character who's just bad?

Having said all of that, the game does change and I am hoping the bottom can get a bit closer to the top with time.
there are no useless characters in MK9. i see ppl bringing up baraka and sheeva as characters that should be buffed in the future to make the game more balanced yet baraka and sheeva are already good. half of the sheeva stuff in my living guide isnt even used yet ppl say she should be better lol...

i do feel like a character like jax or quan chi will never win a major but it doesnt make them bad, just that they run into more match up problems then others and jax has a bug that needs to be fixed which will help him. also, i could be totally wrong!!! lol, lets let the game play out and see!!

By the way, do you believe that Nightwolf has any losing match ups?

no, has no losing match ups.

dave, hit me up on aim for another skarlet talk


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
^^^That's what I've been saying for a while lol...especially since the 1.02 patch.

Yes, some of these characters don't have losing matchups and some don't have winning ones. For the characters with no losing matchups, take a look at where the 5-5s are.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
i do feel like a character like jax or quan chi will never win a major but it doesnt make them bad, just that they run into more match up problems then others
Yes, some of these characters don't have losing matchups and some don't have winning ones.
From my stand point (which I think can be called common sense) it’s a contradiction:

Being not able to win major or any other tourney and not having winning match-ups is exactly what makes characters bad.

From my stand point (which I think can be called common sense) it’s a contradiction:

Being not able to win major or any other tourney and not having winning match-ups is exactly what makes characters bad.
no game has it where any character is equally capable of winning a major tournament. i did not say these characters have no winning matches, they have a few winning ones and a lot of 5-5s and then they also lose several matches. they arent bad characters, they have tools, there are just better characters.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
no game has it where any character is equally capable of winning a major tournament. i did not say these characters have no winning matches, they have a few winning ones and a lot of 5-5s and then they also lose several matches. they arent bad characters, they have tools, there are just better characters.
I understand you can't have a completely level playing field all of the time in a game where you have so much variety, but I think overwhelming trends tend to make certain characters look bad relative to others, and that's really what the matchup charts show. It may be that a lot of these characters just have quite a few close losing matchups (4-6, for example), but when the scores are tallied up and you see one character has 108 points in the matchup chart and another has, 140+, you know which character is going to have to work so much harder to advance beyond multiple opponents in competitive matches. We all agree on this. Personally, I don't know how you'd address the disparity between the best and worst characters in the game because small changes to help with specific matchups can affect a lot of other matchups, too.

I do feel you have a great point in that tonnes of people just don't know some of the tools some of these lower tier characters have so we have no way of knowing how good they'll end up being. From what we know so far, though, (and this is always subject to change), certain characters appear to be far more effective in the right hands than others. It doesn't really change anything for me, as a Sub-Zero player, but how does this information affect the person who really digs Jax, Quan Chi, etc? Is it cool that they know they can't really use their favourite character in tournaments if they want to give themselves a reasonable chance of advancing?

For the characters with no losing matchups, take a look at where the 5-5s are.
Baraka, Jax, Quan Chi, etc, who have no winning matchups are just basically balanced against each other because the lower tier characters have lots of 5-5 matchups against one another. Wouldn't it be better if they had one or two of these 5-5's against the higher tier characters, because it's almost like you have a separate league of competition at the bottom of the tier list at the moment.


Tourney id: Gfc_alekS
no game has it where any character is equally capable of winning a major tournament. i did not say these characters have no winning matches, they have a few winning ones and a lot of 5-5s and then they also lose several matches. they arent bad characters, they have tools, there are just better characters.
Ok, Tom it’s understandable that you will advocate this game no matter what. However, defending the flawed game design by the fact that other games have the same flawed design is counterproductive.

And more importantly other games having the same design/balance flaws as MK9 do not change the fact that characters with bad match ups and crappy chances to win tourneys are actually bad by aforementioned fact.

I just started using Quan Chi, and I can already tell he isn't top tier, but can someone who is more familiar with him and his matchups breakdown why he's at such a disadvantage? I really don't want to put anymore work into him if he is unable to mix it up with most characters. I know he isn't top tier, but in my short time with him, he seems to have some ok options, mixups, etc.

Thanks in advance for any info.


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
I just started using Quan Chi, and I can already tell he isn't top tier, but can someone who is more familiar with him and his matchups breakdown why he's at such a disadvantage? I really don't want to put anymore work into him if he is unable to mix it up with most characters. I know he isn't top tier, but in my short time with him, he seems to have some ok options, mixups, etc.

Thanks in advance for any info.
I don't think he's that terrible. Remember, when we say certain characters look bad in comparison to others, we mean in light of the matchup chart and at the highest level of play. It's quite possible to become beastly with Quan Chi and do very well against people who have not put as much time into their character as you, regardless of who they play, so I wouldn't EVER say don't use a certain character. Use who you want to use. If it's Quan Chi, it's Quan Chi.

I've contemplated picking him up before. I didn't get around to it because I already had three characters and Kenshi has taken my interest, but it's not because I think he's bad that I didn't pick him up. He has a unique style and that can work in your favour.
if i had never taken sub-zero this far all of you would have him in mid tier, yet his scores have him in S tier and most agree. i have still not fully maximized on sub-zeros tools and yet i have shown a character that otherwise would be seen as mid tier to be in S tier.

many characters in this game have tools that can take them places if the players stop crying and actually try to maximize on the tools they have. realize that this takes more then 2 week or 2 months even lol. hell, ppl still think kitana is better then mileena and this is not true. do you know how i found out mileena is better? i put serious time into her at high level and she became one of my top 3 main characters and one of my favorites to use. when all the characters tools are maximized then you will see MK9 for what it is.
1 last thing on my comment on mileena being better then kitana..

if you look at any match up chart ppl will post, mileena will be under kitana in total scores which only goes to show that more ppl are taking kitana where she needs to be and no one is really maximizing on mileena.

match up charts can be wrong and no match up chart made right now will be even close to accurate, please dont ask NRS to buff/nerf around inaccurate match up numbers.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Honestly me and Krayzie have been in the lab with like every character, and there are SO MANY underrated characters.

I can't even imagine how many people will get beat at Evo by someone with a less used character because they don't know the matchup.