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Discussion MKXL Character Learning Curve Rating System


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Everyone's giving their 2 cents anyway but I was getting that vibe when you said "Sektor was easy to use" typically when people say this they think the character is OP or easy to win with but I see what you're saying now.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
Everyone's giving their 2 cents anyway but I was getting that vibe when you said "Sektor was easy to use" typically when people say this they think the character is OP or easy to win with but I see what you're saying now.
Nah. Easy to use doesn't usually equate to OP to me. OP has to have something blatantly broken or an unfair advantage. Example: Chun is teetering on the edge of OP.

In street fighter, I would say Alex is "easy to use" but hard to win with. His ease of use doesn't make him better or worse.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
First was like "who the hell is this" then realizes who is is, *sighs in not being surprised*

Nah. Easy to use doesn't usually equate to OP to me. OP has to have something blatantly broken or an unfair advantage. Example: Chun is teetering on the edge of OP.

In street fighter, I would say Alex is "easy to use" but hard to win with. His ease of use doesn't make him better or worse.
I understand I'm just saying some others have told me that, and/or meant that but once you explained yourself I know that now. Like for example back in MK 9 with KL and Kabal, most were like "oh they're easy to use, OP" which wasn't far from the truth lol but thankfully MK X has more diversity and balance.

I haven't played much SF in a while, lost interest after SFV when the put out the incomplete game and all that drama lol. But I hear what you're saying.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
Yeah I'm a sf fan so, despite the lack of trimmings on sfv at launch, the meat of it was still pretty good.

And I'm glad I was able to make myself clear on the subject.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
One of my favorite parts of this post is how he says 'just because a famous player says so' to bash an argument that never mentioned a famous player and I assume try to belittle the Op by saying he's just parroting 3rd party rhetoric, then in his own defense says 'as do many others'.

Yes yes. Use the opinions of others (mysterious others no one but you has seen, listened to or heard from) to back up your opinion but if someone else does it, it's irrelevant.

Also, I dunno what famous player your talking.about, but based on your logic and decision making in these arguments, I'm betting that players opinion is WAY more relevant than yours.

Additionally, you do know that zoning isn't about just sitting across the screen and throwing projectiles right? You do seem to think so, saying it's not valid because someone can get next to you quickly like that ability is the final, dead, nail in zoning's coffin.. because that shows you literally have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

The simple fact is, and whine and bitch all you want that it's to the contrary, but Sektor is easy to learn. If he easy to win with at the highest levels? Shit no he's not, NO ONE IS. That's the reason we aren't all at the highest levels of play. You cant use 'er mer gerd he's herd ter wern werth vs terp plerers' as some magic argument for him being a) hard to play b) as hard as Cyrax.

It took me an hour of research and about two hours in the lab to learn, from an execution standpoint, every relevant combo and tool that Sektor needs to be successful from a purely mechanical standpoint. Cyrax? Just trying to make the list of what I needed to learn took longer and once I got him in the lab, after a couple days I just said fuck it. Too much going on.

Cyrax is a WHOLE LOT HARDER to learn. To play. To win with, than Sektor..I literally cannot countenance an argument to that.

Honestly, I know you want to be a part of the big ole' goings on at TYM, but MAYBE just MAYBE try to pay some attention to what you're saying, cause your arguments just don't make sense.
Savage lol


Life is a block string with no gaps.
"its irrelevant that a bunch of top players agree with you, that means absolutely nothing. On the other hand, here's why I'm right, and guess what a bunch of nameless people agree with me so that proves it"

its mkf30 dude. the guy who was voted first place on Mkservertrash. None of his arguments ever make sense, and his list of topics stretch from shitting on Capcom, dickriding NRS, and downplaying his mains. Guess which one this thread is about. Also, prepare for the wall of text he is furiously typing your way right now, and he will never stop until he gets the last word.

I am a Triborg only player and I've learned all 4 variations. Sektor is not just the easiest borg but also one of the easiest characters in the game to learn. The peak of his difficulty execution wise is learning the cancel window on F212
I had no pre-exposure to that lol. But I was pretty confident of my understanding of things. Had to be sure I wasn't being trolled.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
LMAO @ False God Confirmed
lol all I will say is if someone is still believing lies, tooting that shitty site who trashes everyone here in 2016 they are a moron. I bet he's the tool who runs it hiding under a different name.

@Kroaken to be honest you seem reasonable unlike these other trolls, don't listen to False he's a troll and puppet for MKST who is run by a lunatic loser who hates everyone on this site, don't believe me ask @Tim Static, @STORMS etc he's just making a poor attempt at promoting a shitty site nobody gives a damn about and has no place here.

One of my favorite parts of this post is how he says 'just because a famous player says so' to bash an argument that never mentioned a famous player and I assume try to belittle the Op by saying he's just parroting 3rd party rhetoric, then in his own defense says 'as do many others'.

Yes yes. Use the opinions of others (mysterious others no one but you has seen, listened to or heard from) to back up your opinion but if someone else does it, it's irrelevant.

Also, I dunno what famous player your talking.about, but based on your logic and decision making in these arguments, I'm betting that players opinion is WAY more relevant than yours.

Additionally, you do know that zoning isn't about just sitting across the screen and throwing projectiles right? You do seem to think so, saying it's not valid because someone can get next to you quickly like that ability is the final, dead, nail in zoning's coffin.. because that shows you literally have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

The simple fact is, and whine and bitch all you want that it's to the contrary, but Sektor is easy to learn. If he easy to win with at the highest levels? Shit no he's not, NO ONE IS. That's the reason we aren't all at the highest levels of play. You cant use 'er mer gerd he's herd ter wern werth vs terp plerers' as some magic argument for him being a) hard to play b) as hard as Cyrax.

It took me an hour of research and about two hours in the lab to learn, from an execution standpoint, every relevant combo and tool that Sektor needs to be successful from a purely mechanical standpoint. Cyrax? Just trying to make the list of what I needed to learn took longer and once I got him in the lab, after a couple days I just said fuck it. Too much going on.

Cyrax is a WHOLE LOT HARDER to learn. To play. To win with, than Sektor..I literally cannot countenance an argument to that.

Honestly, I know you want to be a part of the big ole' goings on at TYM, but MAYBE just MAYBE try to pay some attention to what you're saying, cause your arguments just don't make sense.
You must have no read Crazy's post because I'm pretty sure he mentioned Sonic a few times...so I'd say please re-read.

It's not rhetoric it's fact, have you seen the tier threads, this thread? lol no diversity at all with opinions...nah..

Again read those thread please, I don't have to list anyone when the threads speak for themselves. If you actually think everyone is in 100% agreement regarding this game with "zoning being great", "tiers being all the same and learning curve equal" among players perspectives, you need to re-read bigtime.

Again, did you actually READ my posts? I'm pretty sure I mentioned Sonic after crazyfingers mentioned him, and Sonic's new threat raving about Sektor? You must be new or something...or have selective reading.

Wrong you're the one who has no fucking idea, you obviously have no idea who I am....I've been playing MK since day one, play a ton online and known to zone and am aware of it "not being away and just shooting fireballs" when the fuck did I say this? I didn't stop assuming bs and don't speak about how I play wil you've played me please, cause you clearly are showing your ignorance.

That's YOU, not everyone you don't rep the entire community so please stop and get over yourself. Sektor isn't that easy otherwise everyone would be using him, clearly not the case Cyrax is more used. Fact get over it. If Cyrax is so hard when answer this why do I see more Cyrax players at tournaments/streams? Why do I see Cyrax used WAY more online than Sektor?

No Cyrax is NOT a lot harder to learn and play than Sektor. So what, if it took you longer than most that's your problem it doesn't mean "everyone feels the same way you do" now does it?

Actually my arguments make lots of sense assuming you understood the concept of zoning and how majority of zoning players feel the same way I do, stop riding the dicks of others players in an attempt to go where the wind blows, I personally don't give a shit who agrees and who doesn't. Everyone has an opinion and viewpoint, and til I see Sektor's dominating then talk to me of "how easy he is to use" again, ever hear the phrase "Easy to play, hard to master" Yeah, look into that kid.

I'll be as nice as I can about this Sektor/Cyrax debate, let's agree to disagree because I'm not changing my viewpoint, I don't care if a few of you disagree with me or agree. I wouldn't even listen to False user, he's a troll who likes to jump on the bandwagon whenever I disagree with anyone on this site promoting his shitty site nobody cares about. Everyone is welcomed to share their perspective, don't like it that's your problem.
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Life is a block string with no gaps.
LMAO @ False God Confirmed
lol all I will say is if someone is still believing lies, tooting that shitty site who trashes everyone here in 2016 they are a moron. I bet he's the tool who runs it hiding under a different name.

@Kroaken to be honest you seem reasonable unlike these other trolls, don't listen to False he's a troll and puppet for MKST who is run by a lunatic loser who hates everyone on this site, don't believe me ask @Tim Static, @STORMS etc he's just making a poor attempt at promoting a shitty site nobody gives a damn about and has no place here.

You must have no read Crazy's post because I'm pretty sure he mentioned Sonic a few times...so I'd say please re-read.

It's not rhetoric it's fact, have you seen the tier threads, this thread? lol no diversity at all with opinions...nah..

Again read those thread please, I don't have to list anyone when the threads speak for themselves. If you actually think everyone is in 100% agreement regarding this game with "zoning being great", "tiers being all the same and learning curve equal" among players perspectives, you need to re-read bigtime.

Again, did you actually READ my posts? I'm pretty sure I mentioned Sonic after crazyfingers mentioned him, and Sonic's new threat raving about Sektor? You must be new or something...or have selective reading.

Wrong you're the one who has no fucking idea, you obviously have no idea who I am....I've been playing MK since day one, play a ton online and known to zone and am aware of it "not being away and just shooting fireballs" when the fuck did I say this? I didn't stop assuming bs and don't speak about how I play wil you've played me please, cause you clearly are showing your ignorance.

That's YOU, not everyone you don't rep the entire community so please stop and get over yourself. Sektor isn't that easy otherwise everyone would be using him, clearly not the case Cyrax is more used. Fact get over it.

No Cyrax is NOT a lot harder to learn and play than Sektor. So what, if it took you longer than most that's your problem it doesn't mean "everyone feels the same way you do" now does it?

Actually my arguments make lots of sense assuming you understood the concept of zoning and how majority of zoning players feel the same way I do, stop riding the dicks of others players in an attempt to go where the wind blows, I personally don't give a shit who agrees and who doesn't. Everyone has an opinion and viewpoint, and til I see Sektor's dominating then talk to me of "how easy he is to use" again, ever hear the phrase "Easy to play, hard to master" Yeah, look into that kid.
Again, man, sektor is easier than cyrax to use. In all aspects that I can think of. Just because he's easy to use does not mean everyone would play him. Maybe he's just not all that likeable, idk.

1.) If given 2 hours to learn rax and 2 hours to learn sektor, which do you think you would show more progress with after said 2 hours? I would argue sektor. And thus, he is by definition easier to pickup for a beginner and play.

2.) After aforementioned 2 hours, which do you think you would fare better with vs the average opponent? Again, I would think Sektor the obvious answer.

What I feel you're missing is that the above questions and answers are the point of this thread. And not "is Sektor good or bad". That, to my knowledge, is irrelevant to this thread.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
I'm not promoting MKST or I would have linked it lol, I first saw it the other day when someone posted it on TYM discord, so all I did is mention now that that (to nobody's surprise) you were voted the worst poster in this community. That's facts. But as to why you gotta immediately get all snivelly bout it and immediately tag admins like since u been here since like 2007, well, one can only speculate

@EntropicByDesign i see you got that wall of text :DOGE


Life is a block string with no gaps.
I'm not promoting MKST or I would have linked it lol, I first saw it the other day when someone posted it on TYM discord, so all I did is mention now that that (to nobody's surprise) you were voted the worst poster in this community. That's facts. But as to why you gotta immediately get all snivelly bout it and immediately tag admins like since u been here since like 2007, well, one can only speculate

@EntropicByDesign i see you got that wall of text :DOGE
To be fair, you did call it.

How mad you gotta make someone to earn your own biography online.

This. Is glorious and ridiculous.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
everyone has an opinion and viewpoint, and til I see Sektor's dominating then talk to me of "how easy he is to use" again, ever hear the phrase "Easy to play, hard to master" Yeah, look into that kid.

I'll be as nice as I can about this Sektor/Cyrax debate, let's agree to disagree because I'm not changing my viewpoint

alright for starters I understand that no amount of facts or just logic will ever changed your idiotic opinion on anything, but dude this convo was never about power level, was about how easy to play the character is, but since you've made your true intentions absolutely clear and keep making this post about saying Sektor isn't strong, lets ask something:

so let me get this straight, you see Sonic playing Sektor, him putting him at #2 in his top 5, with most players on this site having Sektor somewhere in their top 5 if not top 10.
While on the flip side of the coin Cyrax is NOWHERE

and you use this as your logic that "until I see Sektor dominating then talk to me how easy he is to use"? where the fuck is cyrax dude? loool

by your own shitty logic, that still puts Cyrax at harder to play than Sektor
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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
To be fair, you did call it.

How mad you gotta make someone to earn your own biography online.

This. Is glorious and ridiculous.
i think ridiculous is right, honestly imo that site is pretty lame its got good people listed up there like Juggs and THTB the people making it do seem pretty salty, I also think its pretty lame to hunt and post personal info of people up like that

but, doesn't change the fact that it's not the site owner who voted in the polls its the community, none of those good posters got any votes for worst offender, while MKF30 took home the gold :REO his profile on there is also A+
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Life is a block string with no gaps.
alright for starters I understand that no amount of facts or just logic will ever changed your idiotic opinion on anything, but dude this convo was never about power level, was about how easy to play the character is, but since you've made your true intentions absolutely clear and keep making this post about saying Sektor isn't strong, lets ask something:

so let me get this straight, you see Sonic playing Sektor, him putting him at #2 in his top 5, with most players on this site having Sektor somewhere in their top 5 if not top 10.
While on the flip side of the coin Cyrax is NOWHERE

and you use this as your logic that "until I see Sektor dominating then talk to me how easy he is to use"? where the fuck is cyrax dude? loool
This is most of my issues with this debate. It seems totally unwarranted in this thread. I think we should probably let it go. This thread can serve as a useful tool for newcomers or ppl looking to maybe find a new character and I'd hate to see it ruined by pointless drabble. Probably should have seen that I wasn't getting anywhere with it sooner. Hopefully my input on learning cyrax has helped the OP at least. But it was probably common knowledge to begin with.


The Power of Lame Compels You
LMAO @ False God Confirmed
lol all I will say is if someone is still believing lies, tooting that shitty site who trashes everyone here in 2016 they are a moron. I bet he's the tool who runs it hiding under a different name.

@Kroaken to be honest you seem reasonable unlike these other trolls, don't listen to False he's a troll and puppet for MKST who is run by a lunatic loser who hates everyone on this site, don't believe me ask @Tim Static, @STORMS etc he's just making a poor attempt at promoting a shitty site nobody gives a damn about and has no place here.

You must have no read Crazy's post because I'm pretty sure he mentioned Sonic a few times...so I'd say please re-read.

It's not rhetoric it's fact, have you seen the tier threads, this thread? lol no diversity at all with opinions...nah..

Again read those thread please, I don't have to list anyone when the threads speak for themselves. If you actually think everyone is in 100% agreement regarding this game with "zoning being great", "tiers being all the same and learning curve equal" among players perspectives, you need to re-read bigtime.

Again, did you actually READ my posts? I'm pretty sure I mentioned Sonic after crazyfingers mentioned him, and Sonic's new threat raving about Sektor? You must be new or something...or have selective reading.

Wrong you're the one who has no fucking idea, you obviously have no idea who I am....I've been playing MK since day one, play a ton online and known to zone and am aware of it "not being away and just shooting fireballs" when the fuck did I say this? I didn't stop assuming bs and don't speak about how I play wil you've played me please, cause you clearly are showing your ignorance.

That's YOU, not everyone you don't rep the entire community so please stop and get over yourself. Sektor isn't that easy otherwise everyone would be using him, clearly not the case Cyrax is more used. Fact get over it. If Cyrax is so hard when answer this why do I see more Cyrax players at tournaments/streams? Why do I see Cyrax used WAY more online than Sektor?

No Cyrax is NOT a lot harder to learn and play than Sektor. So what, if it took you longer than most that's your problem it doesn't mean "everyone feels the same way you do" now does it?

Actually my arguments make lots of sense assuming you understood the concept of zoning and how majority of zoning players feel the same way I do, stop riding the dicks of others players in an attempt to go where the wind blows, I personally don't give a shit who agrees and who doesn't. Everyone has an opinion and viewpoint, and til I see Sektor's dominating then talk to me of "how easy he is to use" again, ever hear the phrase "Easy to play, hard to master" Yeah, look into that kid.

I'll be as nice as I can about this Sektor/Cyrax debate, let's agree to disagree because I'm not changing my viewpoint, I don't care if a few of you disagree with me or agree. I wouldn't even listen to False user, he's a troll who likes to jump on the bandwagon whenever I disagree with anyone on this site promoting his shitty site nobody cares about. Everyone is welcomed to share their perspective, don't like it that's your problem.
I mentioned him once. literally once.


The Power of Lame Compels You
LMAO @ False God Confirmed(btw real original name change HA)
lol another idiot tooting a shitty site who trashes everyone here, the fact that you're using that as a source of an argument is rather pathetic. You're probably the dumbass creep who runs it hiding under a different name.

Again, I must respectfully disagree if that were the case we'd see more Sektor players in general not just in tourneys but casually online if he were that easy. I'll explain. He may be easier in terms of fundamentals, moves etc but definitely harder to win with than Cyrax, reason why are vids like this...

Now what unblockable, really hard to escape or crazy damaging 64%+ one one bar combos, set ups does Sektor have that Cyrax has? Just asking.

Now I know the timing take some practice but it's really not that hard, I can easily get those combos down in a matter of hours as oppose to say Hellfire run cancels(aside from the fact that those literally make my hands cramp after a while) and I was a big Cyrax player in MK3 practicing his 60-100% damage set ups, combos, he was literally my second favorite after Sektor in that game. This game now they made his ground bombs blockable but they gave him freaking air bombs lol so now can he not only set up on the ground but in the air on TOP of giving him back his other moves, net, teleports, saws, AA command throw etc. Sektor has straight missiles, rising missiles, a seeking missile(when exed/meter burned), flame throwers, teleport uppercut and a new air shoulder dash. That's 5 moves for Sektor vs. Cyrax's 5 moves as well....

I've played both characters in every game they've both been in, honestly I'd say Cyrax would be easier because his combos have unblockable set ups and/or very hard to get out of, unlike Sektor. If someone does a rising missile they can run or jump escape it, if he gets someone in the corner he can apply more pressure but that can be said about a good majority of characters. Cyrax has ground bombs, air bombs, teleports, nets etc combined with tactical thinking has some dangerous set ups, resets etc. Sektor's aren't as easy, sure his move set is less complex and he doesn't have bombs he has missiles so no worry about set ups. He can zone better than Cyrax, sure but again with the run this limits zoning options and so I'm clear and nobody else makes false assumptions as to what I mean. I don't mean just staying back spamming projectiles, but spacing, defense, footsies etc MK 9 and Injustice this can be done because there's no "run" and when you backdash in those games there's also no "meter penalty" like there is in MKX. So this automatically hinders zoning tactics. As for being likable? That's just a preference I know some who love every character, some like Sektor over Cyrax, others Cyrax over Sektor. Others Smoke over both etc, etc

Well, depends on the player I mean I have friends who are casual gamers picked up Sektor, Cyrax, Smoke and had a rough time with all 3 equally so...that would disagree with those saying "Sektor is by far the easiest" now wouldn't it? That's why in my initial post I said it makes a big difference as to who is playing, just because one person can do such with said character doesn't mean everyone else can or will or wants to. This is what some people don't seem to understand. It's also why I hardly post anymore, every time i post I get the one same troll who I won't name starting shit with me which is sad but I won't even get into that.
that setup is not guaranteed what so ever. get the fuck out of here.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
For what it's worth, his armor breaking setups got harder because armor got 2 hits. But that's beside the point.

@Boss Savage
I think quan (summoner and spec at least) are normal in difficulty in that he has some simple run cancels and his zoning is easy to understand. But he's probably hard to master. Probably better educated opinions out there though.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
To be fair, you did call it.

How mad you gotta make someone to earn your own biography online.

This. Is glorious and ridiculous.
Yeah fake, bullshit bios not just about me but others on this site. Let's put it this way, once I heard from friends "I apparently want to fuck animals and dead people" I took it as seriously as people defending Hillary saying "she never lied" HA! So yeah....what i find hilarious is you have to seriously have no life to make up a whole site dedicated to people you don't like for calling you out on your bs, the guy also blasts mods on here that says it all.
I mentioned him once. literally once.
Yes, that's why I mentioned that you brought him up. Someone thought I mentioned him but wanted to confirm that you had mentioned him before I had. not blaming you or anything just a fact of the topic, I have no issues with any known, famous players but one thing I do hate on here is when some people use "famous player insert here" name as a factoid crutch. You know the whole "well binky boo(who's a high level Reptile player for example let's say) says it so therefore must be true, so I'll just use this guy's name in an argument!" Now, not saying you but I'm saying in general people do this shit and it irritates me because it's like saying well this guys famous, tourney player etc what he says goes and anyone elses opinions mean shit.

when did I ever say it was "guaranteed" it's still a trap set up that Sektor does NOT have, so no I will not GTFO. I accept the facts, those who don't should GTFO. Talk to me when Sektor has worse, more annoying set ups on par with that please.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
So a few small paragraphs are college papers now? Shit, I wish they were that small when I went lol...


Psn, Xbox, Twitter: TheGangstaFace
Kotal - (Blood God) is definitely not Beginner lol. I'd put him and Lao (Buzzsaw) as hard.

Lao (Tempest) - Easy

Kenshi (Possessed) - Easy

Kenshi (Balanced) - Beginner

Jax (all 3) - Medium

Kotal (Sun God) - Easy


The Power of Lame Compels You
Yeah fake, bullshit bios not just about me but others on this site. Let's put it this way, once I heard from friends "I apparently want to fuck animals and dead people" I took it as seriously as people defending Hillary saying "she never lied" HA! So yeah....what i find hilarious is you have to seriously have no life to make up a whole site dedicated to people you don't like for calling you out on your bs, the guy also blasts mods on here that says it all.

Yes, that's why I mentioned that you brought him up. Someone thought I mentioned him but wanted to confirm that you had mentioned him before I had. not blaming you or anything just a fact of the topic, I have no issues with any known, famous players but one thing I do hate on here is when some people use "famous player insert here" name as a factoid crutch. You know the whole "well binky boo(who's a high level Reptile player for example let's say) says it so therefore must be true, so I'll just use this guy's name in an argument!" Now, not saying you but I'm saying in general people do this shit and it irritates me because it's like saying well this guys famous, tourney player etc what he says goes and anyone elses opinions mean shit.

when did I ever say it was "guaranteed" it's still a trap set up that Sektor does NOT have, so no I will not GTFO. I accept the facts, those who don't should GTFO. Talk to me when Sektor has worse, more annoying set ups on par with that please.
Sektor not having that setups means jack and shit. Sektor is not a setup heavy character so he doesn't need that to play his game. I fail to see how a setup that if you lab it for about 5 minutes is absurdly easy to escape makes Cyrax easier to win with. He is 100% based upon making the correct read and literally nothing is guaranteed. Your opponent is basically making the decision on whether or not your setups work (whether they know it or now) And the 64% setup you show us here in the video is not only escapable but it also just isn't good. In theory yea it'll hit em and boom you get tons of damage and everyone's happy yay. But in reality you try that shit against someone who has played the Cyrax matchup they will get out of it every time. I'm pretty much done with this conversation about Cyrax and Sektor because it's clear you aren't getting this shit through your head.