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MKXL Balance Patch Confirmed (UPDATED)

Apex Kano

Kano Commando main MKX
Cyber Kano does need an OH. Everyone just blocks low, and while it's fun opening up opponents with skill rather than a 50/50 guess, an overhead would make him funner.
I was waiting for grammer Nazis to pour in on you. But yes, giving Cyber Kano a splat OH will not make him broken. It would actaully balance out the variation weakness.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Sonya is fine dude. Stamina lost on Ronin or any canceling fighterts is cool.
Sonya is fine? Sonya has been one of the most broken, if not THE most broken character since the game came out. It just took someone like Scar to show it to the masses, but i was fully aware of it from the beginning because of MrAquary.


Official Loop Kang Main
Ronin cancels need to cost stamina, that shit is ridiculous. Everything in this game that's more than +5 on block needs to go away. Sonya needs to die and preferably get buried inside Alien's rotting corpse. Oh and here's to hoping Liu Kang DF and Flamefist get butchered ;)!
People still bitch about liu kang while dvorah and johnny are around? Guess some things never change


"I still got it...but not much of it"
People still bitch about liu kang while dvorah and johnny are around? Guess some things never change
I couldn't bother to name all the characters, but i still addressed the Dvorah and Johnny issue with the + on block statement.


Special Forces is already like Demolition jr, just nobody plays it because of Demolition is more BS. Her worst variation being Covert Ops is still better than half the cast's best variation and is still super solid.
Special Forces and Demolition both let Sonya break for "free" if she's got a grenade out or the stun shot from the drone. They need to make that shit go away on hit with this patch coming up.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I just want them to fix Balanced.

Possessed is fine.
Kenjutsu is fine.
I don't care if Kenshi isn't the best of the best as long as he can still put up a fight, but he can't do that right now in Balanced. He just can't. I'm a medium quality at best player, but I've been doing this long enough to know a three legged horse when I see one, and Balanced needs a fourth leg. You could leave the other two just as they are now and I would be 150% okay with it. If you tweak him and make him viable across all 3 boards, I guarantee you'll see a Kenshi influx rise as time goes on.


The Power of Lame Compels You
Oh god I didn't think the shit show would get worse did someone actually ask for Liu Kang nerfs? Sonya is fine? Please halp.


There it is...
Bo only needs tiny tiny things, a slight alteration to the DM drink mechanic, make f1 true mid for DB and DM, make f2 a mid so he can actually punish stuff and (I'm ready to get blown up for this) some way to meterlessly launch off bartitsu's specific strings like f11 or b14.

edit: oh yeah also fix the whiffing monkey flips on D'vorah, Mileena, Sonya, Lao and whoever else and also fix people being able to block after they are caught in the fart.

BO DOES NOT NEED A PROJECTILE OR MASSIVE MOVEMENTS INCREASES (despite how salty I get when I am zoned out)
You really think he needs to vomit. Why cant he just loose access to the moves, he already works hard to get drunk and the moves he gets are hardly insane.

Also vs relentless jason if he revives you can get full punished as the drink timer goes off after he gets up. Really stupid.

Bart needs armoured ex bf4 move and f1 should have a slightly higher hitbox so u can catch people jumping away all day. Kitana is a fucking nightmare


The Power of Lame Compels You
You really think he needs to vomit. Why cant he just loose access to the moves, he already works hard to get drunk and the moves he gets are hardly insane.

Also vs relentless jason if he revives you can get full punished as the drink timer goes off after he gets up. Really stupid.

Bart needs armoured ex bf4 move and f1 should have a slightly higher hitbox so u can catch people jumping away all day. Kitana is a fucking nightmare
I agree 100% on the Bartitsu thought. BF4 not having an EX version for some safe armor is preeetty dumb and F1 being as slow as it is makes it pretty much mostly inferior to F1 in the other two variations.


Tanya ~ October Patch Wishlist (Nothing Major)
Air Split Kick is now -4 on block, down from something stupid that's embarrassing to say
Overhead Flip Kick is now 9% up from 8%
EX Drill now does 8% up from 7%
F4 can now be special canceled.
Kobu Jutsu
2nd String of rekka now does 3% up from 2%
Air Fireballs now do the same as ground ones.
32% EX Air Fireball Bug Removed
New Pyromancer String with fireball ender.
Dragon Naginata
F4 2 is now -7
For Pyro I want 5% damage added to her combos.


Official Sonya simp
Special Forces and Demolition both let Sonya break for "free" if she's got a grenade out or the stun shot from the drone. They need to make that shit go away on hit with this patch coming up.
I'm actually fine with stun grenade going away on hit, but homile missile? I'm sorry, there are bunch of things in this game that do NOT go away on hit. They're not as effective as stun grenade trades, but in some cases the character can get a combo even after getting hit. This shit isn't exclusive to Demo or SF. If they make homing missile go away when she's hit, then please, get rid of all these scenarios with other characters too.


Soul Caliber, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, and SF.
How about nerfing the full roster and buff nobody? Then People will stop complaining.



Erron Black


F132 -10 on block
F3 +11 on hit (currently +1)
Ex-sand grenade pushback removed but is now +5 instead of +6
B1 is removed and replaced by a decent mid
Old tick throws restored
11B3~ex-sand jails but everything else cancelled stays the same
F2 startup reduced (buff for outlaw)


DB4 startup reduced and ex is -8 on block and re-stands air borne opponents.
F3 2+4 scaling reduced in combos and does DoT. Does more ticks of damage than tark. stab but this move already pushes your opponent very far and has A LOT less oki than the stab.
F3 2+4 is now a brutality (opponents head blows up)
You can tick throw in F222
B211 B2 is removed for Outlaw and goes straight into the anti-air stabs

Marksman? IDK

Wishful thinking

2 is a mid or 1 is a mid