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Trying to optimize some extra damage with corner combos AND keep them in the corner, here's what I got so far...

f4/b3/222 ball: scoot back a tad, jip, f21d2, njp, fjk, b321 (41/39/40% respectively)
b124, d1, 222 ball, scoot back (or backdash), jip, b321 (35% corner only)

opening with f21d2 seems to scale like shit in terms of the enemy falling down after, can't keep them in the corner AND break 40% damage, but I'll keep trying.


RIP Grundy
Trying to optimize some extra damage with corner combos AND keep them in the corner, here's what I got so far...

f4/b3/222 ball: scoot back a tad, jip, f21d2, njp, fjk, b321 (41/39/40% respectively)
b124, d1, 222 ball, scoot back (or backdash), jip, b321 (35% corner only)

opening with f21d2 seems to scale like shit in terms of the enemy falling down after, can't keep them in the corner AND break 40% damage, but I'll keep trying.
for the purposes of keeping them in the corner, could you not

f4 ball, jump back, jip, f21d2 njp b21 22 ex telehold run cancel uppercut (44%) and also, i'm theory fighting here but could you not possibly catch them with d1 soul ball afterwards? i know you can do another uppercut if you time right, so was just thinking.

also for f21d2 start just finish in the combo i posted (so basically no ball) and thats in the 40 range i think, or you could finish, after ex hold, throw a SB out and j1 b21 vortex...
Trying to optimize some extra damage with corner combos AND keep them in the corner, here's what I got so far...

f4/b3/222 ball: scoot back a tad, jip, f21d2, njp, fjk, b321 (41/39/40% respectively)
b124, d1, 222 ball, scoot back (or backdash), jip, b321 (35% corner only)

opening with f21d2 seems to scale like shit in terms of the enemy falling down after, can't keep them in the corner AND break 40% damage, but I'll keep trying.
Are you looking for meterless options. There are a multitude of ways with a bar.

For meterless in the corner with a f4/b3 soul ball starter. You can do soul release uppercut, and there is enough time to recover and land a njp, or a f21d2 after the uppercut. I messed around with this a little but couldn't come up with any more damage than other combos I do in the corner but I feel like something is there for more damage.

Maybe someone else can try and see what they can find.
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Reactions: zaf
This is in my post I updated on page 15. But I'll post it here. Best midscreen damage I've found so far for 1 bar.

Jip, f4 bf2, jip f21d2,small step foward, b12, b12, 4 (ex)db1 run cancel uppercut (44%)

In the corner a second uppercut nets 47%

(Corner)Jip, f4 bf2, jip f21d2, b12, b12, 4 (ex)db1 run cancel, uppercut, uppercut (47%)

Also max corner damage ive managed with 1 bar.

I also swear I've pulled off 48% in the corner doing

Jip, f4 soul ball, jip f21d2, njp, jik, b12, 222 (ex)db1, run cancel uppercut, uppercut

but I've only pulled this off once. Usually I miss the ex (db1) or the second uppercut to confirm if this is 47 or 48%. It was late and I gave up last night.
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well, as a matter of fact it kinda does. not so much though but it does.
b3/f4 followed by a teleport on block is -15 (or -16?) some people struggle punishing that, considering they are not expecting that fast recovery and have little MU exp. damn, in mk9 reptile had -14 on his rush and i swear to god even after 4 years i couldnt punish that stupid move consistently.
its just a human factor, nothing more.
but soul ball on the other hand has -22... that is absolutely guaranteed to be punished by everybody.
No it does not matter dude.
Just because people struggle with punishes this early in the game does not mean anything long term
Tele is what -16/-17 like you said and soul ball is -22.
That is still punishable. Don't let people's "lack of knowledge" suede you for going for soul ball. It is just as punishable.
If people are not punishing, then teach them. This way they can get better, then you can as well.
But if this in a tournament setting, then dont say anything to them obviously.

I just got hit by a thought about corner. For 1 bar we can end combo with mb throw and vortex :D
b3/f4~soul ball, back dash, j2, f21d2, njp,j3,b12~mb throw -35-37% and reset
222~up burst,222~soul ball, back dash, j2,f21d2, njp, mb throw - 40% and reset
In every scenario soul ball will be fully recharged.
Also I think we should add wall carry combos like:
f4/b3/222~soul ball, j2,f21d2, run(or walk), b12,b12,f43/b1d2 (hard knockdown) - 36-38%
if you end up close to the wall. to b12 twice and mb throw, run cancel for vortex.
f21d2, run (or walk), b12,b12,f4~soul ball, j2,b12 - 33% and reset
Yea I started using this too, the only problem is that the opponent can tech.
I mean you can not expect every player you play to know when to expect a throw and then to be able to tech it as well.
But with my training partners, I break everything down for them so that we can play at the highest possible level that we can.
As for wall carry combos, yea I been using them. A lot of his combos in general carry across stages so it is something that is implemented into his game without people even knowing.

for the purposes of keeping them in the corner, could you not

f4 ball, jump back, jip, f21d2 njp b21 22 ex telehold run cancel uppercut (44%) and also, i'm theory fighting here but could you not possibly catch them with d1 soul ball afterwards? i know you can do another uppercut if you time right, so was just thinking.

also for f21d2 start just finish in the combo i posted (so basically no ball) and thats in the 40 range i think, or you could finish, after ex hold, throw a SB out and j1 b21 vortex...
I believe you can land a d1~soul blast in place of the 2nd uppercut.
I recall being able to do this, but I do not remember the exact damage %'s.


Have a 44% midscreen 1Bar... not sure if it was already posted somewhere... lost track of the MoS stuff lol

jip, f4, SoulBall, jip, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, 22 ex lift, f4 burst (44%)
Maybe its possible to get this a bit higher... replacing 22 for f4/s4 and f4 burst for s4 burst. Still checking on this.

Also weirdly... replacing f3 teleport for jik teleport will net less damage... really strange... or its just me doing something wrong lol
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Have a 44% midscreen 1Bar... not sure if it was already posted somewhere... lost track of the MoS stuff lol

jip, f4, SoulBall, f21d2, f3 teleport, b12, 22 ex lift, f4 burst (44%)
Maybe its possible to get this a bit higher... replacing 22 for f4/s4 and f4 burst for s4 burst. Still checking on this.

Also weirdly... replacing f3 teleport for jik teleport will net less damage... really strange... or its just me doing something wrong lol
So you are not doing another JIP after the soul ball?
If you do, is the scaling the same or something?


Okay, can we stop putting up damage numbers in the OP with JiPs as a starter? Not the most reliable way of nailing a hit despite Ermac's great JiP


Okay, can we stop putting up damage numbers in the OP with JiPs as a starter? Not the most reliable way of nailing a hit despite Ermac's great JiP
yea ill try going through them all. I believe for the most part, the combos I entered do not contain jip.


Okay, can we stop putting up damage numbers in the OP with JiPs as a starter? Not the most reliable way of nailing a hit despite Ermac's great JiP
Really dont see the difference between writing them up with or without the jip.
The combos in the OP can all be done without the jip as far as i know. Without the jip its between 0 and 2% less damage. Cant really see a problem with how they are wrote down...



My Ermac (MOS) - BNB Combos

1,1,2>F+4~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 36%

2,2,2~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 36%

F+2,D+2>RC>2,2,2~B,F+2>ji.2>B+3,2,1 = 34%

F+2,1,D+2>juf.3~TP>F+4~B,F+2>ji.2>B+3,2,1 = 37%

3,4,~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 34%

B+3~TP>D+1~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 37%

F+3~TP>D+1~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 37%

F+4~TP>D+1~B,F+2>ji.2>F+2,1,D+2>RC>B+3,2,1 = 39%
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I also started to end combos with B321. It seems to add more damage then the normal enders most people have posted so far.
Yea - some combos that end in f4 lift or 22 lift end up the same or higher even if you only hit the b32.
Same goes for ending combos with b1d2 or b12, b1d2.


Trying to optimize some extra damage with corner combos AND keep them in the corner, here's what I got so far...

f4/b3/222 ball: scoot back a tad, jip, f21d2, njp, fjk, b321 (41/39/40% respectively)
b124, d1, 222 ball, scoot back (or backdash), jip, b321 (35% corner only)

opening with f21d2 seems to scale like shit in terms of the enemy falling down after, can't keep them in the corner AND break 40% damage, but I'll keep trying.
I got one for the f21d2 opening:

f21d2, b12, b12, s4 SoulBall, SoulRelease uppercut uppercut (42%).
Its 42% with jip as well. Wasnt able to add njp into it yet. Makes the timing somehow weird.
Maybe someone else is able to get it done.

Replacing s4 with f3 and adding an njp is 41% and easier timing-wise. Doing it this way will net 41% out of jip no matter if you add an NJP or not.
I got one for the f21d2 opening:

f21d2, b12, b12, s4 SoulBall, SoulRelease uppercut uppercut (42%).
Its 42% with jip as well. Wasnt able to add njp into it yet. Makes the timing somehow weird.
Maybe someone else is able to get it done.

Replacing s4 with f3 and adding an njp is 41% and easier timing-wise. Doing it this way will net 41% out of jip no matter if you add an NJP or not.
Also 42%. Easy as well.

(corner) jip, f21d2, b12, 4 soulball, bf1, njp, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (42%)

Landing the njp late in your combo like that I believe is possible but tough. However when it lands the second uppercut won't land.

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
QUestion, I am fairly new to Ermac, but I am confused as to why everyone seems to favor f21d2 as an opener over just 222? 222 seems faster and the distance is marginal that it loses to f21


Also 42%. Easy as well.

(corner) jip, f21d2, b12, 4 soulball, bf1, njp, run cancel uppercut, uppercut (42%)

Landing the njp late in your combo like that I believe is possible but tough. However when it lands the second uppercut won't land.
I dont like njps in general... the more i try stuff the more i dont like it & try to replace it with other stuff.
The combo you posted is basically the same as mine.:) Yours just has 1 b12 less.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
QUestion, I am fairly new to Ermac, but I am confused as to why everyone seems to favor f21d2 as an opener over just 222? 222 seems faster and the distance is marginal that it loses to f21
3 main reasons:

F21D2 is safe on block (0 frames)
F21D2 allows you to put a significant amount of damage before the reset
F21D2 allows for more variety is follow up (Soul Ball, Jump kick teleport, F4, run cancel into 222)
Maybe I'm doing these wrong, but the corner Uppercut, Uppercut combos throw them on the opposite side, thus YOU are in the corner now. I was trying to do max damage with no meter (seriously I honestly believe besides far screen punishing with ex Lift or his wackups [get it] you should save meter for breakers. You're going to be doing heavily punishable mixups so when you do, and you will, guess wrong you can fix your error), leaving me right next to the opponent, and having them stay in the corner.

Also, 222 is a punish type of combo, or if you're in a scramble. Any other time should be either f21whatever or a mixup f4/b3.
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Got it, b1d2 solved the puzzle!

f21d2, 3, 4 ball, dash, explode, delayed njp, jik, b1d2 (40% corner)

Edit: raw 3 and raw 4 scale better
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Maybe I'm doing these wrong, but the corner Uppercut, Uppercut combos throw them on the opposite side, thus YOU are in the corner now. I was trying to do max damage with no meter (seriously I honestly believe besides far screen punishing with ex Lift or his wackups [get it] you should save meter for breakers. You're going to be doing heavily punishable mixups so when you do, and you will, guess wrong you can fix your error), leaving me right next to the opponent, and having them stay in the corner.

Also, 222 is a punish type of combo, or if you're in a scramble. Any other time should be either f21whatever or a mixup f4/b3.
it depends on which combo - not all combos that end in uppercut, uppercut switch position. The 42% one opening with f21d2 i posted earlier for example does not switch side (is without meter as well). The 47% corner combo depends on how close you are when hiting the second uppercut. Its possible to do it without swtiching positions but not sure if it is possible to make sure it does. Also this combo is worth a BAR for me.
I agree though that in MoS on several other combos the BAR seems not worth it.


Huge shame that mystic/spectral is now essentially pointless. I have moved over to MoS variation as the combos just can't keep up damage wise by comparison.
If you aren't playing tournaments or super competetive I say just roll with Mystic if you like how it feels. Sure, it has less damage in comparison to Master of Souls, but it's still a good variation with good tools.

So you will miss out on 5 - 10% damage and standing stun... but a meterless hanging TK lift is still a pretty fucking awesome tool to have in your pocket (also easier to cancel into than soul ball IMO). Mystic plays smoother and easier at the expense of max damage. I still wish they didn't nerf the unscaled lift, but it's by no means a reason to completely ignore the variation.


zaf can you please update OP? i was looking for some damaging b3/f4 meterless combos of MoS but couldnt find any, although i remember i've seen someone post very cool ones i liked, but i cant go through 17 pages at the moment.

figured these out:
f4,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b321 - 39% - extreme pushback
f4,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b12, f212 - 37% - hard knockdown for pressure afterwards.
f4,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b12, 111 - 37% - hard knockdown for pressure afterwards. (much easier, same damage)
b3,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b321 - 37% - extreme pushback
b3,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b12, f212 - 35% - hard knockdown for pressure afterwards.
b3,tp,d1+bf1, jip, f21d2, RC, b12, 111 - 35% - hard knockdown for pressure afterwards. (much easier, same damage)
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Couple questions. By vortex you guys just mean the soul ball, b12 standing reset right?

Also what is an mb throw?