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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Let's fighting love
Ah ok so I was right 2 in 1's...that's another term for cancelling string into a special ie a poke or string into TK Slam, or a chain into freeze ball etc
I've never heard the term "2 in 1's". I've never really played any MK-games before but I have been playing competitive fighters for a lot of years and in every fighter I've played xx has been a common way to mean cancelling from one move to another in notations.


I've never heard the term "2 in 1's". I've never really played any MK-games before but I have been playing competitive fighters for a lot of years and in every fighter I've played xx has been a common way to mean cancelling from one move to another in notations.
yea 2 in 1 in an MK term if I am not mistaken.


Mexican street vendor
thats really nice i like it. btw couldnt you catch with d1 after second uppercut? dont think so but worth a try.
guyz we need more vids like this, please.
i hate decyphering combo text inputs. even more i hate to memorize them, whereas a video i can save or download <3 and put in my mkx ermac folder <3

psssss. also, im thinking of a way to decrease chances (very slightingly) of vortex being punished.
will post my finds.
I'll keep making videos so, I was afraid people would get annoyed with me spamming the thread with my videos.


Makes women fap
One thing u guys gotta realise is that all shit cant be safe, your opponent WILL NOT read exactly everything you sre doing and cant always react to shit you are doing. DoNt teleport all over the place and shit, im not saying that, but definitely use your tools. If an opponent guesses your 50/50 good for them. At sweep range you are damn near in 50 50 range and thats pretty good for mind games. But, as i said, if your opponent reacts correctly to EVERY SINGLE 50 50 you are either doing it wrong or they need to hit vegas asap cuz they are lucky as shit. Mac is unsafe, but he has great options.


One thing u guys gotta realise is that all shit cant be safe, your opponent WILL NOT read exactly everything you sre doing and cant always react to shit you are doing. DoNt teleport all over the place and shit, im not saying that, but definitely use your tools. If an opponent guesses your 50/50 good for them. At sweep range you are damn near in 50 50 range and thats pretty good for mind games. But, as i said, if your opponent reacts correctly to EVERY SINGLE 50 50 you are either doing it wrong or they need to hit vegas asap cuz they are lucky as shit. Mac is unsafe, but he has great options.
There are tons of ways to know how your opponent likes to block. Taking advantage of this is key.

For example, a lot of players like to crouch block after a string they use. Especially if it is - frames but not punishable.
You can snag them with an overhead after their string for example.

But yea you are right. Just need to use his tools and not teleport all over.


I updatd the damage values of the Mystic combos for several combos. Even though the majority of peoples here are just into MoS atm i still post them for the few that are still using Mystic as well.

Some Notes on these combos
- most of the time i only mentioned the longest possible combo (for me, at least). This can be tweak down by replacing or removing stuff.
- combos that i wrote up with d4 do 1% less damage if done with d1
- The ender "Uppercut > push" out of a lift is a tricky thing. Mostly cuz of a tiny weird spot that makes you whiff the uppercut :-/ . But its the ender that gives always the most damage so its the one i wrote up. You can replace this ender for one of the following, giving you between 1 and 3% less damage.
***njp, run cancel uppercut (second best)
***njp, run cancel, throw
***njp, b12 push
Note: Depending on the combo several of these alternative enders will do the same amount of damage. (meaning uppercut will do same damage as njp, b12, push etc.)

F21D2 Starter

jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 lift, uppercut, push (37%)
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 lift, uppercut push (35%)
1 Bar
jip, f21d2, jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex-lift, 22 lift, uppercut, push (40%)
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, 222 exlift, 22 lift, uppercut, push (39%)
jip, f21d2, run cancel b12, b12xxteleport, d1 ex lift, 22 lift, uppercut, push (38%)

222 Starter (222 teleport whiffs on small hitbox characters)

jip, 222 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 2 push (32%) ---- just push after f21d2 is 31%
jip, 222 lift, NJP, jik, teleport, f4 push (29%)
jip, 222 lift, NJP, f21d2, f4 push (26%)
1 Bar
jip, 222 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift, uppercut, push (37%)
jip, 222 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift, uppercut, push (37%)

114 Starter

jip, 114, f4, teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21) run cancel uppercut, push (33%)
jip, 114, f4, teleport, d1 lift, f21d2 push (32%)
jip, 114, f4, teleport, d1 lift, uppercut, push (31%)
1 Bar
jip, 114, f4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 22 lift, uppercut, push (38%)
jip, 114, f4 exlift, f21d2, runcancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (36%)

34 Starter

jip, 34 lift, njp, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, njp, f21d2, runcancel f4 push (29%)
jip, 34 lift, njp, jik, teleport, f4 push (28%)
1 Bar
jip, 34 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift, uppercut, push (35%)

F4 Starter

jip, f4 teleport, d4 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (34%)
jip, f4 teleport, d1 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (33%) ---- 22 push can be replaced by uppercut for (33%)
1 Bar
jip, f4 teleport, d4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (40%)
jip, f4 teleport, d4 ex lift, b12 f4 lift, uppercut, push (37%)

B3 Starter

jip, b3 teleport, d4 lift, NJP, f21d2, run cancel 22 push (32%)
jip, b3 teleport, d4 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (32%)
1 Bar
jip, b3 teleport, d4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (38%)
jip, b3 teleport, d4 ex lift, b12 f4 lift, uppercut, push (35%)

JIK Starter

jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 222 lift, uppercut, push, (34%)
jik, teleport, b12 222 lift, uppercut, push (31%)
1 Bar
jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
jik, teleport, f4 ex lift, f21d2, f4 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
jik, teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (33%)
jik, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)

Standing Teleport

teleport, d4 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (26%)
teleport, d4 lift, njp, f21d2,run cancel 22 push (26%)
1 Bar
teleport, d4 ex lift, f21d2, runcancel f4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)

Air Teleport (work out of hover)

air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12, f4 lift, uppercut, push (31%)
air teleport, f21d2, run cancel 222 lift, uppercut, push (30%)
air teleport, b12 222 lift, f21d2 (whiff f21), run cancel uppercut, push (29%)
air teleport, b12 222 lift, uppercut, push (26%)
air teleport, d4 lift, njp, f21d2, run cancel 4, push (25%)
1 Bar
air teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)
air teleport, b12, 222 ex lift, f21d2 lift, uppercut, push (32%)
air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12 f4 ex lift, 4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)
air teleport, f21d2, run cancel, 222 ex lift, 22 lift, uppercut push (32%)
air teleport, d4 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (30%)

Standing EX Teleport

ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 4 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
ex teleport, run cancel b12 f4 lift, uppercut, push (30%)
2 Bars
ex teleport, run cancel f21d2, 4 ex lift, 22 lift, uppercut, push (37%)

Air EX Teleport

ex teleport, b12, f21d2, run cancel, 4 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)
2 Bars
ex teleport, b12, f21d2 ex lift, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
ex teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12, f4 ex lift, 22 lift, uppercut, push (36%)

Naked Lift

lift, njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 4 push (24%)
lift, njp, b12, f21d2, run cancel, f4 push (24%)
lift, njp, f21d2, 222 push (23%)
lift, njp, jik, b12 f4 push (22%)
1 Bar
lift, njp, b12, f21d2, run cancel, f4 ex lift, 22 push (27%)
lift, njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, runcancel 4 exlift, 22 push (26%)

Neutral Jump Punch

njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12 f4 lift, uppercut, push (32%)
njp, jik, teleport, b12, f21d2, run cancel f4 lift, uppercut, push (32%)
njp, b12, b12 222 lift, uppercut, push (30%)
1 Bar
njp, b12, f21d2, runcancel b12 f4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
njp, jik, teleport, f21d2, run cancel, b12 f4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
njp, jik, teleport, b12, f21d2, run cancel f4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
njp, b12, b12, 222 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (33%)


Uppercut, lift, njp f21d2, run cancel f4 push (29%)
Uppercut, lift, njp, jik, teleport, b12 push (27%)
4 teleport, d1 lift, njp, f21d2 push (29%)
d4, b12, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (34%)
1/d1, b12, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (33%)
1/d1, f21d2, runcancel b12, f4 lift, uppercut, push (32%)
1/d1 f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 lift, uppercut, push (32%)
1 Bar
Uppercut, ex lift, f21d2, run cancel, 222 lift, njp, b12 push (33%)
4 teleport, d1 ex lift, f21d2, run cancel 4 lift, uppercut, push (38%)
d4, b12, f21d2, run cancel 4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (37%)
1/d1, b12, f21d2, run cancel 4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
1/d1, f21d2, runcancel b12, f4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (36%)
1/d1 f21d2, jik, teleport, b12 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (34%)


jip, f21d2, b12, b12, 4, lift, uppercut, uppercut, (38%)
jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut b12 222 lift, f3 push (38%)
jip, 114, b12, f21d2, njp, 4 lift, uppercut, uppercut (37%)
jip, 222 Soul Burst up, d1 lift, uppercut, uppercut (33%)
1 Bar
jip 222, Soul Burst up, d1 ex lift, f21d2, njp 22 lift, uppercut, uppercut (41%)
jip, f21d2, njp, teleport, b12, f4 ex lift, b12 lift, uppercut, push (38%)
When you are in the corner
ex teleport, f21d2, njp, s4 lift, uppercut, uppercut (36%) - you will end up in the corner again
ex teleport, f21d2, njo, s4 lift, uppercut, 2 push (36%) - opponent in corner


Mexican street vendor
What combo/setup are you guys using from a full screen Soul Ball stun? I can get 33% with Soul Ball, Run, JIP, F21D2, JKxxTeleport, B12, 22xxForce Blast. Is it better to just run up and start the vortex?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I've never heard the term "2 in 1's". I've never really played any MK-games before but I have been playing competitive fighters for a lot of years and in every fighter I've played xx has been a common way to mean cancelling from one move to another in notations.

That makes sense why ypu wouldn't hear that then since you said you're newer to mk, but yeah like zaf said its mostly a mk thing. @mastermalone taught me that term way back like 10 years,ago during the 3d mk era. Hes a cool guy and seasoned fighting game vet in general.

Im sure there are some other fighting game terms out there from other series ive never heard of as well I admit.


What combo/setup are you guys using from a full screen Soul Ball stun? I can get 33% with Soul Ball, Run, JIP, F21D2, JKxxTeleport, B12, 22xxForce Blast. Is it better to just run up and start the vortex?
Pretty much that. Get your highest damage off it. No point to start the vortex IMO... Roughly 14% into a vortex or 33% . I'd take the damage but really depends on the situation.

If you don't feel like you'd run to them in time you can use this:

Soul ball full screen, release it popping them up. Teleport d1~ lift.


Mexican street vendor
Pretty much that. Get your highest damage off it. No point to start the vortex IMO... Roughly 14% into a vortex or 33% . I'd take the damage but really depends on the situation.

If you don't feel like you'd run to them in time you can use this:

Soul ball full screen, release it popping them up. Teleport d1~ lift.
Yeah thats what I thought. Was wondering if anyone had any more damage off of it. Yeah I've been using the pop up teleport too.



(corner) f4, bf2, jip f21d2, B12, 222 (ex)db1, run cancel uppercut, uppercut 46%

If you miss second uppercut its still 42%
Nice combo :)
If you replace 222 with b12 s4 you end up with 47%
(43% if you miss 2nd uppercut)

Maybe adding a njp after f21d2 will raise it by another %... it does at least if you miss the last uppercut.

EDIT: Adding NJP wont push it to 48% but will raise the damage for missing the second uppercut (44%)
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Yea the scaling for Ermac is totally weird... its not just with the NJP. Doing extra stuff at times yields nothing which is odd.


What combo/setup are you guys using from a full screen Soul Ball stun? I can get 33% with Soul Ball, Run, JIP, F21D2, JKxxTeleport, B12, 22xxForce Blast. Is it better to just run up and start the vortex?
You can do f4 lift after b12 for 34%.
Nice combo :)
If you replace 222 with b12 s4 you end up with 47%
(43% if you miss 2nd uppercut)

Maybe adding a njp after f21d2 will raise it by another %... it does at least if you miss the last uppercut.

EDIT: Adding NJP wont push it to 48% but will raise the damage for missing the second uppercut (44%)
47% very nice!! I've tried everything I could think of but it always tops at 46% except standing 4 apparently.

Still searching for more. I need to mess around with the standing 4
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Yep standing 4 does net more damage in a lot of cases.

F4 soul ball, jip, f21d2, small step foward, b12, s4, xray (52%) starting this with a jip still does 52%

Another Midscreen 1 Bar I found

Jip f4, soul ball, jip f21d2, small step, b12, b12, f4 (ex)db1, run cancel uppercut (43%)

(Corner) no meter
Jip f4 soul ball, jip f21d2, njp, b12,b12, uppercut (42%)
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Yep standing 4 does net more damage in a lot of cases.

F4 soul ball, jip, f21d2, small step foward, b12, s4, xray (52%) starting this with a jip still does 52%

Another Midscreen 1 Bar I found

Jip f4, soul ball, jip f21d2, small step, b12, b12, f4 (ex)db1, run cancel uppercut (43%)

(Corner) no meter
Jip f4 soul ball, jip f21d2, njp, b12,b12, uppercut (42%)
Yep - I mentioned it yesterday that it does scale better than f4. :) Replacing f4´s for s4´s mid-combo can tip of that extra %.

Your midscreen combo should yield you 44% if you replace f4 with s4. Uppercut scales around half a percent worse with f4 compared to s4 late in the combo. (cant try it myself right now to confirm it though)

EDIT: Can confirm that its 44% with s4: Jip f4, soul ball, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, b12, s4 ex db1, run cancel uppercut. run cancels are not needed, small step forwards will do it as well although i find it easier with run cancel.
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Whenever you are using F4 or B3, you are playing the go big or go home game anyways. Does it really matter what special is being cancelled into ?
well, as a matter of fact it kinda does. not so much though but it does.
b3/f4 followed by a teleport on block is -15 (or -16?) some people struggle punishing that, considering they are not expecting that fast recovery and have little MU exp. damn, in mk9 reptile had -14 on his rush and i swear to god even after 4 years i couldnt punish that stupid move consistently.
its just a human factor, nothing more.
but soul ball on the other hand has -22... that is absolutely guaranteed to be punished by everybody.


well, as a matter of fact it kinda does. not so much though but it does.
b3/f4 followed by a teleport on block is -15 (or -16?) some people struggle punishing that, considering they are not expecting that fast recovery and have little MU exp. damn, in mk9 reptile had -14 on his rush and i swear to god even after 4 years i couldnt punish that stupid move consistently.
its just a human factor, nothing more.
but soul ball on the other hand has -22... that is absolutely guaranteed to be punished by everybody.
I agree on the MK9 Reptile thing but that had also something to do with the animation of it i think. In my oppinion you cant compare it to Ermac teleport.
Dont get me wrong - i really want to see it as positive as you do but i get punished for the teleport almost every time. There is a party inside me everytime they dont... buts rare-ish. If people know Ermac, and be it just half-way, they will punish you for it.


I just got hit by a thought about corner. For 1 bar we can end combo with mb throw and vortex :D

b3/f4~soul ball, back dash, j2, f21d2, njp,j3,b12~mb throw -35-37% and reset
222~up burst,222~soul ball, back dash, j2,f21d2, njp, mb throw - 40% and reset

In every scenario soul ball will be fully recharged.

Also I think we should add wall carry combos like:
f4/b3/222~soul ball, j2,f21d2, run(or walk), b12,b12,f43/b1d2 (hard knockdown) - 36-38%
if you end up close to the wall. to b12 twice and mb throw, run cancel for vortex.

f21d2, run (or walk), b12,b12,f4~soul ball, j2,b12 - 33% and reset
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Makes women fap
I just got hit by a thought about corner. For 1 bar we can end combo with mb throw and vortex :D

b3/f4~soul ball, back dash, j2, f21d2, njp,j3,b12~mb throw -35-37% and reset
222~up burst,222~soul ball, back dash, j2,f21d2, njp, mb throw - 40% and reset

In every scenario soul ball will be fully recharged.

Also I think we should add wall carry combos like:
f4/b3/222~soul ball, j2,f21d2, run(or walk), b12,b12,f43/b1d2 (hard knockdown) - 36-38%
if you end up close to the wall. to b12 twice and mb throw, run cancel for vortex.

f21d2, run (or walk), b12,b12,f4~soul ball, j2,b12 - 33% and reset
Thats for sure?? That could be really powerful!
Im pretty sure the same can be done with mystics telehold, right??
End combo with telehold, mb throw jip to whatever combo u want. U can even hit two instant air force bursts before the throw i think!


Thats for sure?? That could be really powerful!
Im pretty sure the same can be done with mystics telehold, right??
End combo with telehold, mb throw jip to whatever combo u want. U can even hit two instant air force bursts before the throw i think!
Frame advantage isn't enough for jump in. Near the wall mb throw will reset opponent right in your face like after b12.
On mid screen mb throw pushes a little, but you still can run cancel for vortex or f4 (it's range is enough)

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
42% 1 Bar BnB with Master of Souls.

F4/B3 xx BF2, JiP2 F21D2, F4 xx EX Lift, Jumping 4 xx teleport F4 lift.

Even with a JiP starter it still nets the same damage, and is easy to do online.

Edit: Sorry, a B3 starter nets 40% and with JiP B3 its 41%.