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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Let's fighting love
I think my keyboard failed to type the 8 before 'frame punish'. Also, soul blast pushes the enemy away enough distance to where you can meaty a soul ball on their wake up and still be out of range of -most- reversals as well as putting out just out of the lift. The 5% damage doesn't seem worth it when you can get a lot of mileage on keeping your opponent a safe distance away from you without needing to move back or even backdash for stamina..
Lift can be replaced by soul blast in most combos. With blast you get 37% easy combo 222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 jik xx teleport f4 xx soul blast


Lift can be replaced by soul blast in most combos. With blast you get 37% easy combo 222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 jik xx teleport f4 xx soul blast
I think you also get better scaling if you b12,22 instead of F4 after the teleport.
And a soul ball does more damage than ending with a lift.


Let's fighting love
I think you also get better scaling if you b12,22 instead of F4 after the teleport.
And a soul ball does more damage than ending with a lift.
22 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > b12,22 xx soul ball = 37% - Easy
222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > b12,22 xx soul ball = 39% - This one was really hard.
222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx soul burst = 38% and MUCH easier to hit.


22 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > b12,22 xx soul ball = 37% - Easy
222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > b12,22 xx soul ball = 39% - This one was really hard.
222 xx soul ball > jip f21d2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx soul burst = 38% and MUCH easier to hit.
You meant Soul Burst at the end for all of them right?
On the hard one you can just do 222 at the end & net the same damage. It made it work better for me for no real reason lol

Also if you just need a little more damage for whatever reason... doing f4 Soulball does the same as doing b12 22 Soulball.


Mexican street vendor
It's hard to land the b321.
Sometimes it whiffs if your ji after the f21d2 is too fast or too slow.
The timing is in that ji which makes the combo tricky.
You can do a run cancel uppercut instead of the b321 which does 38%. I find that much easier to land


Let's fighting love
No I meant soul ball because Heartwire mentioned it. I would never end a combo with soul ball and yes I would do F4. I even posted that combo earlier...


I'll have to play around with it a bit more.
A lot of people have different ways of ending things I see, I guess it's more a thing of whatever works best for you.
The damage appears to end up about the same in the end.

I'll give it a shot incorperating soul burst.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
It is still too early to know that spectral never had much going for it. Most people spent time on mystic and MoS since release.
It wasn't really a nerf for the meter gaining but more of a bug. Stop looking at that meter build as if it was an actual tool. Because it is not. It was just a bug.
So in reality he was never really nerfed. It just should not of been in the game to begin with.
Oh I know it was a bug but it was a hell of a helpful one lol Kinda like Cyrax resets in MK9
So far I think I have the highest DMG combo with

Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,x-ray this was 52% pre 1.02 patch. Now does 50%
Holy shit the damage scaling on this is whack. You can do f4,bf2,dash,f21d2,f4,xray which is 28% before the xray and ends up at 50%. Conversely you can do jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,jik,db4,f4,xray which is 38% before the xray and only 49% total.

Btw if you do the first one in the corner and replace the last f4 with a standing 4 it does 51%
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Can someone explain to me a few of these acronyms? I can read everything fine, except for "xx" and "jip/jik" could someone explain these? I have a basic idea, I just need confirmation.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'll post some combos soon, already did them just been so busy with the game. I don't mind doing 35-40% spending one bar of meter for 40%, the original 40%'s won't land for shit online but tend to settle for 35-39% no meter anyway most of the time.

@AlveuSolus xx=RUN CANCEL, since a newer player may not know what just cancel means. :) Hope that helps, I don't know why or who made up the "XX" factor, it's confusing. I just prefer (run cancel) to be more specific if I'm writing down a combo.
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I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I'm seeing you guys talk about lift in Mystic getting nerfed, but mine is still doing the unscaled 10% when they fall regardless of the situation. Am I misunderstanding the change or did my system not get the patch for some reason?


Makes women fap
I'm seeing you guys talk about lift in Mystic getting nerfed, but mine is still doing the unscaled 10% when they fall regardless of the situation. Am I misunderstanding the change or did my system not get the patch for some reason?
U def aint got the patch yet... The highest itll do is 8.5%


RIP Grundy
The entire mystic variation combos on here are pretty much void now, we should start re-writing them, i'm going to get into the lab tonight and work on some stuff


The entire mystic variation combos on here are pretty much void now, we should start re-writing them, i'm going to get into the lab tonight and work on some stuff
I am currently doing this - at least for the combos i know of. Not quite done yet as i was busy playing the game itself^^ It also didnt seem to be that much of an urgency as most ppls here prefer to play MoS atm anyways.


Let's fighting love
@AlveuSolus xx=RUN CANCEL, since a newer player may not know what just cancel means. :) Hope that helps, I don't know why or who made up the "XX" factor, it's confusing. I just prefer (run cancel) to be more specific if I'm writing down a combo.
xx does not mean run-cancel, it means cancel as when you cancel something into a different move, usually specials.

For run cancels I personally just write RC.


RIP Grundy
I am currently doing this - at least for the combos i know of. Not quite done yet as i was busy playing the game itself^^ It also didnt seem to be that much of an urgency as most ppls here prefer to play MoS atm anyways.
yeh i'm getting that vibe but i still think mystic is relevant, it's quite fun to play. I'll do some and see what we come up with


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Question; what's the highest damage you can do after this scenario:

JiP > B3 > teleport > d1 > Soul Ball > dash Forward > Soul Release > NjP > F21D2 > EX-TKL > .....


Question; what's the highest damage you can do after this scenario:

JiP > B3 > teleport > d1 > Soul Ball > dash Forward > Soul Release > NjP > F21D2 > EX-TKL > .....
i got 39% if you do it like this:
JIP > B3 > teleport > d1 > Soul Ball > dash > Soul Release > NJP > F21d2 > run cancel 4 > EX TKL > 22 lift

Maybe one can make it a few % higher with uppercut or 22 Burst ender. Replacing d1 with d4 might yield something as well.
No time left to test it myself right now though.


Found a 1 meter - 38-41% (MoS)
And it's relatively easy to pull off too, no teleport involved.
F4, (EX)DB1, F21D2, F4, BF2, Ji2, B321 ~40%
38% if you start with B3
41% with Ji2 F4, and 39% with Ji2 B3 for starter.
You can also remove the F4 after F21D2 if you are having trouble landing it and go for soul ball right away, it's a bout a 2-3% dmg decrease so not a big loss at all.
It also pushes your opponent halfway across the map, so at mid map you'll have them stuck in a corner at the end.

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MoS Ermac
Holy shit the damage scaling on this is whack. You can do f4,bf2,dash,f21d2,f4,xray which is 28% before the xray and ends up at 50%. Conversely you can do jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,jik,db4,f4,xray which is 38% before the xray and only 49% total.

Btw if you do the first one in the corner and replace the last f4 with a standing 4 it does 51%
Good combo find! TY

From my experience with ermac the best combos r the simple ones with less hits. Adding a teleport,22....... Just lowers the DMG per hit and adds difficulty to something that can be done with less hits and more success rate.