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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
It's a mediocre zoning tool, but yeah its recovery isn't great. However, unlike lift, soul ball is an actual projectile so it's only punishable if you're close. At some range characters can't punish it even with teleport moves. On hit, meterless 33% out of nothing.
Also the good thing about it, which not many do, is use it in the air. Which can shut down jumpers. Also when it comes to trading full screen, nobody wants to trade with the soul ball (b/c of the 33% you just mentioned)


『T R I G G E R E D』
New 1 Bar MoS Combo into mix-up:
Jip, f21d2, JIK xx Teleport, 222, Ex Lift, Dash, NJP, B1 xx Soulball, JIP, B12 38%
The timing on this combo is really tight in multiple places


Mexican street vendor
Are any of you guys on PS4 though? It seemed like the patch mentioned PS4 only fixes, so the change could have been sneaked through a PS4 only patch only to happen to the other versions later. My game is definitely different though, the Lift falloff counts as a hit, and scales according to the combo. (the falloff did 4.03% on F21D2 JiKxxDB4 222xxdb1). I can post a video if you guys want.


Here's the video of it in the meterless and by itself:

And here's a link to a screenshot of the notes for the patch that came out today (which doesn't mention changes to any characters, but there were changes to balance last patch and it didn't mention neither, so it doesn't matter):

Damn that fucking sucks, its not like Mystic Ermac gets loads of damage anyways. There isn't much reason to playing Mystic at all now.


Yea I dont find myself enhancing moves really. I'm saving it for breakers, wake ups or sexy brutalities :D
With MoS, EX lift is necessary for unconventional confirms, such as air-to-air jp, AA uppercut, etc. Pivotal if you want to maximise your damage off of everything possible. EX lift also gets you a full loop of the vortex.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
With MoS, EX lift is necessary for unconventional confirms, such as air-to-air jp, AA uppercut, etc. Pivotal if you want to maximise your damage off of everything possible. EX lift also gets you a full loop of the vortex.
Oh absolutely but you see, the issue with all of those is that I suck to much to confirm any of them lol I still have difficulty with jump in kick teleport :(
Eventually though, when I get more comfortable with the character, I'll start to do this for sure.


Oh absolutely but you see, the issue with all of those is that I suck to much to confirm any of them lol I still have difficulty with jump in kick teleport :(
Eventually though, when I get more comfortable with the character, I'll start to do this for sure.
Yeah me too. What's up with the new jk teleport cancel inputs? I used to be able to just jump and slide 3 to 4 while inputting d, b. Now there is this weird delay that almost isn't even a cancel. I was having trouble with accidentally going into vanish instead of tp but that shouldn't be an issue now that I turned off release check.

One thing I dislike about MKX is definitely the air game, at least in comparison to MK9.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
Yeah me too. What's up with the new jk teleport cancel inputs? I used to be able to just jump and slide 3 to 4 while inputting d, b. Now there is this weird delay that almost isn't even a cancel. I was having trouble with accidentally going into vanish instead of tp but that shouldn't be an issue now that I turned off release check.

One thing I dislike about MKX is definitely the air game, at least in comparison to MK9.
Ok so it's not just me. Like I can barely ever get it to work especially after a f21d2.
And when I do get the JiK > Tp....I'm so surprised that I drop the rest
What is this "release check" you speak of? Does it help land the move?


Let's fighting love
With MoS, EX lift is necessary for unconventional confirms, such as air-to-air jp, AA uppercut, etc. Pivotal if you want to maximise your damage off of everything possible. EX lift also gets you a full loop of the vortex.
You can always confirm a A2A jip into teleport > F4 xx soul ball meterless.

What is this "release check" you speak of? Does it help land the move?
Release check is what NRS calls negative edge. It's a feature that registers attack-buttons when pressed AND released, meaning you can store inputs and release them later. Like, 222 xx soul ball, you can do that by pressing 22, then press and hold the last 2, press bf then release 2.

A lot of people find that it messes up their inputs instead. Like if you want to do D1 xx DB3 it might register as D1 xx DB1 depending on how you input the move. Most people I know turned it off immediately and it's highly recommended to play without in this game.


Btw is this strongest from ex teleport so far?


EX Teleport > F4 xx BF2 > jip F21D2 > jik xx teleport > F4 xx lift = 38%
Nice one :)

Tested this a bit and changing the first f4 to b12 22 made me either whiff the end of the combo or i had to settle for just 2 lift.

If you wouldnt mind using another Soul Ball then you could end up with 39%.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
You can always confirm a A2A jip into teleport > F4 xx soul ball meterless.
Is it like MK9 where JiP into tp does less damage than JiK into tp? (My gut says yes)

Release check is what NRS calls negative edge. It's a feature that registers attack-buttons when pressed AND released, meaning you can store inputs and release them later. Like, 222 xx soul ball, you can do that by pressing 22, then press and hold the last 2, press bf then release 2.

A lot of people find that it messes up their inputs instead. Like if you want to do D1 xx DB3 it might register as D1 xx DB1 depending on how you input the move. Most people I know turned it off immediately and it's highly recommended to play without in this game.
OMG Negative edge would fuck me up in MK9 so much. And I can turn it off now?! Halleluya!


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
So I just turned off release check and while my Jk>tp isnt 100% consistent, it is noticeably easier to do. Thanks! :D


You will BOW to me!
So whats the deal with the Ermac nerfs i keep hearing? Cant dl the patch atm home atm, internet is trolling my PS4.

EDIT: Nvm, i just read the above posts. They go and nerf the dmg from the lift and increase the block adv at lift as well, but they wont nerf Raiden's 5f mid safe combo starter with a fucked up range, shitload of dmg and wall carry and Sonya's repeatable otg's. Smh...
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MoS Ermac
So far I think I have the highest DMG combo with

Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,x-ray this was 52% pre 1.02 patch. Now does 50%

Can anyone beat this? Or am I the khampion!!!

Thank you @zaf for telling me to post here

My 1 meter jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,db1mb,b321 42% DMG is the highest meter kombo also I think....
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Let's fighting love
I like challenges!

My 1 meter jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,db1mb,b321 42% DMG is the highest meter kombo also I think....
jip > F4 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx ex lift > RC F43 = 43% 1 meter
jip > F4 xx ex teleport > F4 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 22 xx lift = 43% 1 meter


MoS Ermac
I like challenges!

jip > F4 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx ex lift > RC F43 = 43% 1 meter
jip > F4 xx ex teleport > F4 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 22 xx lift = 43% 1 meter
New 50% combo
Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,jik,db4,222,x-ray 50%


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Damn that fucking sucks, its not like Mystic Ermac gets loads of damage anyways. There isn't much reason to playing Mystic at all now.
exactly!!! what they were thinking, mystic ermac needs that freakin damage! just got turned off by this, as i was making tech out of that suspended lift these past few days, pffftttt, this sucks really, now what do you have to do with mystic??? could they have at least buffed the telepush?? make the recovery a little faster since most if not all can punish it using run, teleport, slide, ex, or advancing specials anyway, so much for mystic's zoning :(


MK Philippines / Injustice Philippines
Yeah me too. What's up with the new jk teleport cancel inputs? I used to be able to just jump and slide 3 to 4 while inputting d, b. Now there is this weird delay that almost isn't even a cancel. I was having trouble with accidentally going into vanish instead of tp but that shouldn't be an issue now that I turned off release check.

One thing I dislike about MKX is definitely the air game, at least in comparison to MK9.

me too, im really having a hard time executing jk to tele cancels, im dropping 4 out of 5 times i do it, so much that i gave up and replaced it with jp to teleport, and its much easier, i really find it weird to have to delay the input, as the bounce from the body is about to fall, i wish theyd fix it to feel like mk9 jk tele cancel again so i can use it as a really viable anti air
I found a meterless corner combo using f21d2 as the starter that does 39%. Not as much damage as the ones in the OP, but it's always nice to have options depending on which starter you land. Notation is...

jip, f21d2, njp, db2u, 22xxbf2, bf1, d2, d1, db1.