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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread

Here are some combos I have saved in a notepad file.

Master of Souls

Teleport, D1, Ex Force Lift, Soul Ball, JP, F21D2, Force Lift (27%) *

F4,soul Ball,jip,f21d2,f34 = (36%) *

F4,soul Ball,jip,f21d2, J3 Teleport, D1, Ex Force Lift, F21D2 (39%)

F4,Teleport, D1, Ex Force Lift, F4, Soul Ball, JP, F21D2, J3 EX Teleport (40%)

F4,Teleport, D1, Ex Force Lift, F4, Soul Ball, JP, F21D2, NJP, D2 (42%) (Leads Into Corner)

F4,EX Teleport, Soul Ball, JP, F21D2, Force Lift (34%)

B321 (17%) *

F4, Soul Ball, Soul Release, F21D2, J3 Teleport, D1, Ex Force Lift (37%)

B3, Soul Ball, F21D2, J3 Teleport, F4, Soul Ball (38%)

(Corner) B3, Soul Ball, NJP, D2, Ex Force Lift, F21D2, Soul Ball (36%)

(Corner) F4, Soul Ball, F21D2, NJP, D2, Ex Force Lift, F21D2 (40%) *
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Reactions: zaf


As i just got the patch i tested a few Mystic combos to see how big the change is. Here an example for one of them:

jip, f21d2, jik teleport, b12, 222 lift

Prepatch it did 40% - now it does 33%.
Which is lame as you get the same amount if you replace 222 lift with f4 push.

Continueing after the lift nets you
35% if you end with njp, 12 push
35% if you end with uppercut
35% if you end with njp, runcancel throw
36% if you end with njp, run cancel uppercut
37% if you end with uppercut, push

These enders probably work on most, if not all, other combos that ended in lift. Dont hold me on that though as i havent checked it yet.

If they really had to change it they should at least made it a 2hit move (like the push) & the damage split between the grab and the fall so it would at least be a bit comparable with Soul Ball. Or just replace it with the MK9 version.
Reactions: zaf


@Afumba I think MK9 Lift might be too good in this game.
Why do you think it would? Just curious

I mean it could be... but honestly i dont think it would really - ofc i am talking to just have it for Mystic.
In my oppinion even with the old TKL Mystic would need a bit more help/tuning... meaning the push made a good chunk saver... but it would be a start.


So really mystic and spectral really got neutered. Tbf, spectral never had much going because the Nerf was inevitable for his meter but damn.. Why would anyone use mystic at this point....
i have just ONE reason and it is very subjective, i have given much thought to it.
the only time im going to use mystic is because i tend to land d1 lift after teleport 9 out of 10, whereas in MoS d1 back forward (!!!) 2 i land just just 5 out of 10, so technically speaking, for me it is easier to go for mystic combos then MoS. but man, MoS has so much potential compared to Mystic that i dont even...
i have just ONE reason and it is very subjective, i have given much thought to it.
the only time im going to use mystic is because i tend to land d1 lift after teleport 9 out of 10, whereas in MoS d1 back forward (!!!) 2 i land just just 5 out of 10, so technically speaking, for me it is easier to go for mystic combos then MoS. but man, MoS has so much potential compared to Mystic that i dont even...
you can still do EX lift after the D1 in MoS, I had to make the same adjustment, because I was planning on going full Mystic pre-release, but MoS won me over after a couple of days.
That sucks, I jumped to MoS ship just in time. I honestly believe Mystic should have a -15ish push, or keep it -20 and increase the range. As for spectral, I'm at a loss. They need to scrap it completely or give him new interesting moves out of the fly, like make the superman dash safe. MoS is literally the only competitive variant now. (I knew it was going to be like that, but damnit it hurts to see)


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
So far I think I have the highest DMG combo with

Jip,f4,bf2,jip,f21d2,f4,x-ray this was 52% pre 1.02 patch. Now does 50%
I've been using this Xray combo online. Super easy, super effect and here's the best part, it does 50% without the JiP too :D
In matches I usually open them up with d3 then when they block low, i hit the f4 and this combo is just magnificent.
Kudos for the great find Macin


One of the thousand souls.
Here's a simple frame punish in MOS I found, proving once more Ermac doesn't need meter for help in the damage department.

22, bf2, dash in, bf1, nj.2, f21d2, ji.3, db4 b12 db2. 13 Hits 33%


So really mystic and spectral really got neutered. Tbf, spectral never had much going because the Nerf was inevitable for his meter but damn.. Why would anyone use mystic at this point....
It is still too early to know that spectral never had much going for it. Most people spent time on mystic and MoS since release.
It wasn't really a nerf for the meter gaining but more of a bug. Stop looking at that meter build as if it was an actual tool. Because it is not. It was just a bug.
So in reality he was never really nerfed. It just should not of been in the game to begin with.

Why do you think it would? Just curious
I mean it could be... but honestly i dont think it would really - ofc i am talking to just have it for Mystic.
In my oppinion even with the old TKL Mystic would need a bit more help/tuning... meaning the push made a good chunk saver... but it would be a start.
Yea just in mystic to have the old push would be too good of a tool. It already has really good range and with it only being anywhere from -12 to -17 It would be abused heavily. It would be too much of a one trick pony.


Let's fighting love
Here's a simple frame punish in MOS I found, proving once more Ermac doesn't need meter for help in the damage department.

22, bf2, dash in, bf1, nj.2, f21d2, ji.3, db4 b12 db2. 13 Hits 33%

Is there a reason to do this instead of:

222 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx lift for 38%?

And what do you mean by frame punish? I've never heard that term before after playing fighters for 5+ years.


One of the thousand souls.

Is there a reason to do this instead of:

222 xx soul ball > jip > F21D2 > jik xx teleport > 222 xx lift for 38%?

And what do you mean by frame punish? I've never heard that term before after playing fighters for 5+ years.
I think my keyboard failed to type the 8 before 'frame punish'. Also, soul blast pushes the enemy away enough distance to where you can meaty a soul ball on their wake up and still be out of range of -most- reversals as well as putting out just out of the lift. The 5% damage doesn't seem worth it when you can get a lot of mileage on keeping your opponent a safe distance away from you without needing to move back or even backdash for stamina..


It is still too early to know that spectral never had much going for it. Most people spent time on mystic and MoS since release.
It wasn't really a nerf for the meter gaining but more of a bug. Stop looking at that meter build as if it was an actual tool. Because it is not. It was just a bug.
So in reality he was never really nerfed. It just should not of been in the game to begin with.

Yea just in mystic to have the old push would be too good of a tool. It already has really good range and with it only being anywhere from -12 to -17 It would be abused heavily. It would be too much of a one trick pony.
@zaf I think you missunderstood me :) I was talking about the lift not the push. Meaning they should make the hang a 2 hit move and split the damage 5% for the grab and 3,5% for the fall or replace the hang with MK9s lift. Making the hang a 2 hit move would be preferable though.

About the push... i see your point.
But i still think Ermac should be allowed to zone properly with it. -12 might be too good but as it is right now its way too bad. Making it save at 80% to full range is probably not to much to ask for. Its fine if certain moves can punish it... but that almost everything can punish it is just ridiculously dumb.
I am not asking for Jacquis Handgun... just for a usable tool.

Ofc it could get abused but on the other hand rush-down/pressure tools are getting abused all the time as well. Dont see a difference here.
If Scorpion hits you, you get vortexed. If Sub gets you into the corner you have to deal with Ice Clone setups nonstop. Mystic Ermac would try to get an advantage with his push - somehow doubt it would make him a one trick pony. Could be wrong though.

Anyways - thanks for your thoughts on this.


The wizard of Zod
Why bother with any other variation? MoS is life.
Hi master Ermac player Viking 305 here just want to let you all know mystic as it is right now is still solid. It should mainly be used if the opponent has some sort of special that the is a staple to that variation and is only punishable by lift or push. Like a blocked string into Ice Clone, while MoS can also punish with lift if you want a full combo punish it will cost a bar in MoS. With mystic you get slightly less damage but still decent 30%+ damage without having to burn the bar.