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General/Other - Mileena Mileena's True Tier Placement


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
I wouldn't say best in the game, but she is top ten and not a bad character at all. Very solid. I had an interest in her and planned on picking her up, but then Leatherface was announced and that was the end of that.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Maybe Sub Zero
Maybe Cage
Defiantly Kung Jin
And Shinnok

Basically, anyone in the cast with 10-11 frame advancing mid should stand a chance, without those, there really is no hope of getting past that dead zone.
havn't got to play the alien mu yet, which variation you talking about or you mean alien just in general?
kinda think vs gm sub is 5-5, unsure vs other variations.
think she beats cage but alist does best by just trying bullshit her out lol
kung jin was always annoying, was funny when they patched mileenas pushback issue so she could punish mb bow spin, then all the jins went to shaolin lol
vs shinnok i find it harder vs imposter than boneshaper but agree with ya on that aswell

really wanna run the liu kang df/ff mu to see how that changed with the patch, always to go ethereal for that to avoid armor crushes but maybe piercing changes might do better now


Mileena #1 when you got KP2, Sonya, Takeda , predator and Lao? Yeah, no. B12 getting needed also places her lower than the top tier and until we see the others, this is a bold but asinine statement to make. Good luck reasoning with the majority though.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Thing is tho if I lose to a mileena player I don't think "oh that's mileena for you broke as fuck". Like she is just really solid and she he flaws but they aren't super exploitable. Kind of like the old Temp Lao syndrome, not broken in any particular way but just extremely solid without any super big holes in their game. I lose to a mileena player it's more like "mileena is really good and I hung myself because she is really tough" if that makes sense. That's kinda my take on her.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I hidden thing about Mileena that most people don't notice is her wake up normal roll. If they made that move invincible to mids nobody would notice. For most chars when you knock her down you either have to go for a poke and she's goes under some D1s like JCs and Jax.
It's probably the best meterless wake up in the game because of it

That also means she can throw out like an armour move when under pressure when in doubt


You think you bad? You aint bad.
After the beta I knew she would be high tier for sure.
What makes her super good now is her zoning and her pokes. They gave her the only thing she needed which was her fast poke. The fact that some characters that were bad MUs for her got nerfed was a huge buff to her as well (i.e. Cassie Cage).
I think she is definitely top 10 atm but I kinda feel like she will be the Skarlet of MKX, some people will say top 5, others top 10 and others just outside of top 10. Her placement is whatever IMO, she is a very good character now and can hold her own against everyone FINALLY, even tho I still think she has bad MUs I don't think they are relevant enough to keep her from becoming great.
Every character has bad matchups though. Unless youre Yun from streetfighter.
Anyways. Anyone here know why the hell J.C. is cheap all of the sudden?
Ive been gone away for sometime


"Strength isn't everything"
havn't got to play the alien mu yet, which variation you talking about or you mean alien just in general?
The characters that deal with Mileena in some form have these tools:

10-11 frame advancing true mid.
A decent mid screen normal. (Predator F4, B3, Kotal F1, Cage F3, Smoke's B2 etc)
Fast enough projectile that can't be teleported on reaction.
A design that doesn't require you to leave the ground and jump around.
Armour options that launch, so she has something to respect.
A corner game that is strong enough to make up for her controlling the mid screen.

If your character has most of these options, you will stand a chance, for example the characters that lack these tools are Erron Black and Raiden, although they have great corner games.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Number 1 is a stretch.

Why make sweeping statements 2 weeks after the new patch has been released? I mean I can understand having a debate about S Tier, but this is taking it way too far. How many times in the past have we had people make statements about characters being broken or #1 in the past which has proven to be wrong (and vice versa)? I remember people getting overexcited about Kenshi in his first major buff patch and saying he was high tier - look where he ended up a month or so later. I think people jump to conclusions with her as you have to play her game and it takes time to adapt.

Personally, I think she will be high in the tier list (A= or S), but not a definite #1.


RIP Ex Smash
He is still pretty fucked up, nothing about the character actually changed except him having less options after MbBicycleKick, which was only the icing on the cake in the first place.
Universal nerf to chip.
Universal nerf to meter building.
All FBRCs have 3 frames less advantage on block
Breakers take both players stamina away.
Flying Kick MB is 0 on block
Everyone now has a move less than 8 frame.

IMO you can't compare him to characters like Cage, Mileena, or Kano now.


@YOMI RM SaltFace I apologize for ever calling you a downplayer.

Imo A List Cage, Alien, some other characters that have been mentioned, are in the discussion as well. Cool to see that the Mileena has her at #1.


Couldn't agree more. Glad finally someone came out and said it.
To be fair I was saying it back in the old thread, before Reo said it. I know i'm a nobody, obviously, but I was still saying it BRUH.

I played Foxy the other night and he beat me like 42-10. I was contemplating trying out Shinnok vs her after that. Cool to see that Foxy thinks it could be a harder match up for her.


AUS FGC represent!
Incredibly good yes.

Top 10 definitely.

Top 5 probably.

Number 1, not sold.

She's not as oppressive as Alien, Leatherface or Smoke. I don't know her matchups, but I feel that smoke and alien don't lose any either and probably do a whole heap better against some of the characters.

This is also coming from a Jaqcui main. I absolutely hate the mileena matchup (think she wins 6-4 if not 7-3).


Maybe Sub Zero
Maybe Cage
Defiantly Kung Jin
And Shinnok

Basically, anyone in the cast with 10-11 frame advancing mid should stand a chance, without those, there really is no hope of getting past that dead zone.
Alien F1 (11f mid) is hot garbage laos is better
The characters that deal with Mileena in some form have these tools:

10-11 frame advancing true mid.
A decent mid screen normal. (Predator F4, B3, Kotal F1, Cage F3, Smoke's B2 etc)
Fast enough projectile that can't be teleported on reaction.
A design that doesn't require you to leave the ground and jump around.
Armour options that launch, so she has something to respect.
A corner game that is strong enough to make up for her controlling the mid screen.

If your character has most of these options, you will stand a chance, for example the characters that lack these tools are Erron Black and Raiden, although they have great corner games.
Alien only has 2-3 of those options... While erron has 4-5 and raiden has 5-6 of them...


Ready to lose your head?
I've made the comparison before, but she feels like a Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn hybrid. She has the "jailing without actually jailing" factor that Harley had with her fullscreen presence of zoning but now add in a teleport. Mind you though, that there's no way to make it safe on block unlike pretty much EVERY other teleport in the game that still gets a combo after and gains armor. That, and in the neutral, corner and OKI game, she shares the threat Wonder Woman instilled along with her mobility and AA game.

I don't think she #1 much like how I never thought WW to be #1 or the Kabal of IGAU simply because a) the claims made were never proven and b) the characters still had to play against fluid playstyles very cautiously as well. However, I do find her easily in top 10. Top 5 is up for debate because even if characters like JC, Shinnok, Sonya and so on aren't as versatile as Mileena, their core game such as Cage's rush down is so retarded, that it more than makes up for their lack in other tools (though there is hardly even a lack in there anyways).

What makes Mileena such a huge threat now more than before, is that NRS FINALLY fixed her bugs and glitches. Her pokes were necessary and nothing special ultimately since the entire roster now also has a 6-7f poke(s) which are either lows and/or safer than hers and with better range. That aside, her zoning being fixed and f4 not having ridiculous frame data were needed. The reason I've even mentioning any of this is that you can't Nerf her from this point without turning her into the mush they turned Tanya. Or without intentionally bugging her tools with inactive frames like how they were before. Mileena is a character with layers on top of layers of meta and add in her natural counter style, add that's pretty much why she can hold her own or win her MUs with very select few aside.


Ready to lose your head?
To touch base of KP2 since its being mentioned a lot, I only see Alien as "possibly" giving her a hard time, specifically Tarkatan. Cuz hey, Nerf some bs to the ground and bring in an improved version right after -_____- Him and maybe Drunken Master, mainly because the possibility AND viability of him getting in and 50/50ing you is there. The other variations and characters, she either wins or goes even. Yes, its very early on, but here's the thing. The game has been out for nearly a year, and at this point, everyone more or less understands the meta of the game and how already existing characters play and work (at least I would HOPE so....). KP2 is incredibly dumbed down that it really isn't rocket science to pick it apart and get a general idea of their strengths and weaknesses.