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General/Other - Mileena Mileena's True Tier Placement

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
For almost a year now you all have known me as the sole person that has represented Mileena & all her players at tournament level play. I have been adamant & headstrong on my beliefs in how Mileena should be played & a lot of times I've shot people down when others have said otherwise to me. All of this began with the release of the UK Tier List in which no longer placed Mileena as a bottom tier character as she was once believed to be.

While in the past I was correct recent patches have changed things in a dramatic way due not only to buffs she has received but also the nerfs the other characters have received as well which were mainly the Top Tier characters that gave her trouble.

So now the question became this...We all know Mileena is really good now but how good are we talking? Some say Mid Tier, others say Top Tier, & some even say she still sucks.

After watching @A F0xy Grampa do things with the character better than I can & even beat the people I couldn't beat in the past with her, a conversation with @SonicFox5000 regarding the character & as well as playing @Akromaniac27 in a long set I have arrived at a conclusion.

Mileena is now #1 in the game...THATS RIGHT I SAID IT...she is the best in the game & I will prove it right now. With the nerf hammer passed around in the last patch that not only nerfed her bad match ups but also nerfed pressure as a whole the game has become more neutral based which is where Mileena excels at. Her buffs improved her zoning & poke game tremendously so now she is no longer that character that has to take calculated risks anymore in order to gain the respect of your opponent. She has tools to deal with any situation in the game such as zoning, spacing, armor break, oki, anti zoning, safety, pressure, anti airs, restands, excellent damage, etc etc etc.

Basically what I'm getting at with this post is that I'm being a man & I'm coming forward right here right now & admitting to all of you I was wrong on how good this character is now. It takes someone intelligent to point out how & why something is really good but it takes a real man to admit when he's wrong & own up to it. Today I'm owning up to it.

P.S: Play Piercing only there is no point of learning the other two variations.


This is not a news, but nice post

She has no bad matchups...a character should not have everything in his arsenal.
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#1 is a very bold claim. No point in Ethereal holds a lot of weight in my mind coming from you of all people.

Thanks for sharing the opinion and admitting that you think you may have been wrong.

I think at this point, Mileena is an EXTREMELY good and solid character, but I also feel that a lot of the cast is. In the latest patch, NRS gave her life, breath, and freedom.

Always nice to hear from you. Tear up Final Round with the empress since I'm not gonna make it


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Yeah Mileena has really good space control(possibly best) and builds meter like a fucker, so when you actually get in it always feels like she has a breaker.

Which also means her come back factor is huge, as when shes on the verge of losing she can still play old classic 50/50 Mileena

I disagree with ethereal being useless though!
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Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best just yet with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up (like pre patch top tiers level of savagery) and almost no one is talking about them.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.

Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best right now with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up and almost no one is talking about them.
I'm a nobody and aren't really a tourney player yet but for a little while now I've had A-list Cage at #2.
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Most humble shit talker ever!!!

Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best just yet with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up and almost no one is talking about them.
Man have you not seen the JC Community non of those downplaying fuckers would ever admit that.

You should make it, and watch them fuckers get pissed off


welcome to the ButtSlam
good post.

I feel Mileena controls so much space where she can basically go ham with B12 shenanigans while you cant move for shit... you basically play her game everytime and when you get in she already built 300 bars for a breaker.

It's YOU who have to taake risks, not her, and that makes every option you have punishable and easly baitable...

for everybody who say Piercing is trash or at least not top 3, just play Foxy

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator

Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best just yet with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up (like pre patch top tiers level of savagery) and almost no one is talking about them.
I can agree there REO. I only used Ethereal for heavy pressure/vortex characters.

Also man Johnny is STUPID!!!


I still don't get why Piercing is better than Ethereal I mean ex fade is just awesome. I have always thought Mileena was good even before the awesome D1 and D3 buffs.


welcome to the ButtSlam

Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best just yet with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up (like pre patch top tiers level of savagery) and almost no one is talking about them.
F3 is a fair normal :DOGE

ex SK is punishable if you bait it :DOGE:DOGE

johnny doesnt have a true 50/50 :DOGE:DOGE:DOGE


Mileena is very good I put her no worse than top ten but I don't know. When you think about it, Mileena doesn't have ANYTHING that is "broken". I guess her EX fade would be considered something insanely good for just a one bar special move but still, I think Mileena is more of a character that has just about any tool you can ask for in a character and is extremely versatile. She can handle any situation and that's what makes her insanely good.

The thing is some of the other top five contenders have things that many would consider broken or extremely ridiculous like Johnny Cage, Alien, Sonya, Cyrax, etc.

I think a top Alien could give Mileena trouble. The anti-footsies play style with unreactable half screen 50/50s could mean trouble for the evil sister.



Btw, Mileena is the only character in the game that can 100% safely escape the most messed up setplay and 50/50 hard to blockable situations including Cyrax hard to blockable vortex, CSZ corner blender, etc. etc. with just one bar. I don't know if I'd say Ethereal isn't worth learning for at least a few match ups.

When is someone going to make a thread saying Johnny Cage is top five, though?

I don't know if I'd call Mileena the best just yet with some of the DLC but all I know is Alien, Johnny Cage, Sonya are REALLY messed up (like pre patch top tiers level of savagery) and almost no one is talking about them.
All the characters you listed have bad matchups, that doesn't happen with Mileena.
A true top tier is one without bad numbers or two, three 4-6 at most. A character like piercing can carry the player though a tournament without ever risk a counterpick...simply because there isn't one.

Ronin, Mileena, CSZ, Liu Kang, Tempest don't really suffer anything


B12 > ex fade

like seriously, that string wins you the entire game along with sai and low sai

ex fade for few MUs like reo said
Not sure B12 is a better move than ex fade. The move was nerfed and I know its still really good but its the same kind of move as Kanos B13 was before the patch and I simply don't think its that hard to deal with.


The anticipation is killing me
Is she really good? Yeah for sure. Best in the game.......I am not sure on that claim as we are still in very early days in breaking down DLC and any new crazy things that can be found with all the changes to the roster. However I think the point from day 1 regarding Mileena still stands in that if you don't possess the fundamentals, she doesn't really help/carry you to win.

Well maybe the 50/50s but you get what I mean

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
She's a sick character but won't kill you using any sort of stupidity.

There's still plenty of dumb shit in this game, wait for the dust to settle first, for all we know this could just be a phase again.

Remember when people thought tempest was the best? And it actually wasn't.
Maybe man but the way I see it when I look at the roster...I only see Ailen, Johnny, & GM Sub giving her issues. Besides that everything else feels even or in her favor imo.