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Match-up Discussion Mileena Matchup Discussion Thread


Well I mean, you have to move forward to at least within roll punish range. You can't really fuzzy guard them after a dash, so you end up having to guess between telekicking on anticipation (risky) or rolling when you see upkicks.


I'm a literal Sloth
Very true, I find alot of noob players have a pattern of upshadow overhead shadow over and over.

If you can read the way people play, then the MU isn't that big of a problem


Honestly i think its a horrible match for noob. Noob has to be wary about spamming shadows because mileena can teleport kick on reaction. Noob can only try and do upknee to time the teleport kick but very risky. Also, once Mileena is in its hard for noob to get her off. I strongly believe its 6-4 in mileenas favor.


Noob has to be wary about spamming shadows because mileena can teleport kick on reaction. Noob can only try and do upknee to time the teleport kick but very risky. Also, once Mileena is in its hard for noob to get her off. I strongly believe its 6-4 in mileenas favor.
I think people are getting the wrong idea about telekicking on reaction to things...

Mileena's telekick is not that fast. If she's about 3/4 o full screen away she can tele on reaction. any closer than that and she has to gamble it. The shadows are insanely quick, too fast for anyone to telekick on reaction closer than that distance.

Now that that's been said, Noob doesn't have to come to Mil, she has to get in on him. If he's at the range where she can react to his shadows, he can just spam upknee or walk backwards. What can she do? pray she times roll correctly? Or walk forward with dash block? Most Mileena's will use the latter. This plays into Noob's hands since her dash blocking will force her into constant mixups at range. Also realize that any blocked roll/telekick results in this gauntlet restarting.

The only times Noob is at disadvantage is when Mil has him in the corner, or when she's standing within roll punish range of shadow tackle. If she can get there and stay there she's golden, but therein lies the problem. She won't be there for long. Upknee is a great get off me move against her because her frame traps involve jumping moves. D4 will do her some good, but it won't win the match for her on it's own.

Basically, Mil's biggest advantage over noob is the fear of her counterzoning. But once Noob realizes the risk/reward is in his favor and not hers, he can dictate the pace, and Mileena has to guess around him, instead of the other way around.

EDIT: Also, this was easier pre patch because you could dash crouch block twice to get in the desired range. with overhead shadow this is impossible now.


Bad Reputation
I strongly agree with everything Zero is saying regarding the Noob match-up.

I find myself constantly fishing for a Roll opportunity at close range to "blow him up". The problem is that I need 3 of these to take the round and missing one has me eating full combo punish.

Another tactic I use is to try and lock him down with 42 shenanigans (42 vs 42 xxTele with some D4s thrown in up close). If I guess correctly on when to use the Teleport, I get a safe jump and if the 42 hit, he eats ~30%, but if he Upknees or blocks the Tele and punishes with Upknee, I'm back to square one and he starts zoning. Obviously, this is a horribly unsafe option. There's also no jumping at him at that range.

IMO, Mileena has to play VERY high risk against Noob. and he has to take very little against her.


Sex Kick
Jax is certainly harder now that you can't check him as easily with D4 which he gets up.
Armored Elbow is a pain. Used to be a huge advantage in the match up.


Sex Kick
I'm starting to think the second hit of EX Telekick should be an overhead so people have to stand block it.
Mileena is a lot harder to win with now that everyone knows the match up.

6% air projectile that people can jump over while Kabal has 9% that people can't jump over and he can perform his easier than she can hers...
It's not much of an advantage for Mileena to have IMHO, she's designed around the idea that she keeps people out well with her air sais. I was glad they kept her designed in that way from MK2, but she seems a bit crap now after most characters got buffed.

I mean, she beats characters who can't get around zoning, but those characters lose even worse to better zoners.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
so guys, the mileena vs kabal matchup...thoughts?

both good zoners with kabal having the edge(bein best zoner in game)
kabal has armor while mimi doesnt besides xray
I'm starting to think the second hit of EX Telekick should be an overhead so people have to stand block it.
Mileena is a lot harder to win with now that everyone knows the match up.

6% air projectile that people can jump over while Kabal has 9% that people can't jump over and he can perform his easier than she can hers...
It's not much of an advantage for Mileena to have IMHO, she's designed around the idea that she keeps people out well with her air sais. I was glad they kept her designed in that way from MK2, but she seems a bit crap now after most characters got buffed.

I mean, she beats characters who can't get around zoning, but those characters lose even worse to better zoners.

hitting overhead would be nice.... but realistically... I've been trying to change the way I use ex telekick. I always used it as an easy (but dumb) way to get in and pressure.... more and more people started blowing me up when i used it. i try not to use it as much, which leaves me more meter for breakers... i've also been trying to get the AA roll on reaction down as that really fucks people up ... they can't jump & if they stand they get zoned out. not using ex telekick as much is actually making me a better player & less predictable


Sex Kick
so guys, the mileena vs kabal matchup...thoughts?

both good zoners with kabal having the edge(bein best zoner in game)
kabal has armor while mimi doesnt besides xray
IMHO it's a 5-5 match up. Whoever plays smartest wins as long as you can get out of his block strings.
Mileena counters zoning better than Kabal.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
IMHO it's a 5-5 match up. Whoever plays smartest wins as long as you can get out of his block strings.
Mileena counters zoning better than Kabal.
i argee,d3ing the block string pressure is key and to bait out those ex dashes

would u mind breaking the match down in some more detail??
i love your mileena guide so id love your input for my mileena game


Sex Kick
There's not much specific about the match up other than trying to bait the EX dash, and punishing it with 42~Telekick combos.

Everything else is standard Mileena play.
Zone with IAS, counter zone with telekicks (roll fails vs saw blades), abuse the safe jump, frame trap, and every once in a while go for your low mixups.
If he gets air fireball happy, do the 27% AA telekick combo, but be aware he might try to bait it.

This is one of the only matchups where EX Sai is helpful since he can't EX dash through them.
Be aware EX dash has full invulnerability on wakeup for the entire duration of the move.
Not super armor, not partial invulnerability, but full invulnerability.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
There's not much specific about the match up other than trying to bait the EX dash, and punishing it with 42~Telekick combos.

Everything else is standard Mileena play.
Zone with IAS, counter zone with telekicks (roll fails vs saw blades), abuse the safe jump, frame trap, and every once in a while go for your low mixups.
If he gets air fireball happy, do the 27% AA telekick combo, but be aware he might try to bait it.

This is one of the only matchups where EX Sai is helpful since he can't EX dash through them.
Be aware EX dash has full invulnerability on wakeup for the entire duration of the move.
Not super armor, not partial invulnerability, but full invulnerability.
thanks for your input, very helpfull

i knew the importance of ex sai in this matchup and found out recently has bad saws cut own roll :rant3:
but when u say punish fireball happy kabals with tele combo, if kabal is machine gunin those iafb could it knock mileena out of tele?


Sex Kick
Despite playing against Teef a ton...I can't comment on that match up as he won't even pick Reptile against me.
He always goes Kenshi, or complains that I don't have Freddy. : (

I actually have difficulty with his Reptile the rare times he does pick him, and I think it's due to my inexperience with that match.
I play Reptile, but I've never fought a Mileena player with him, so I haven't learned how she should play in that match.

I believe only Roll and throw can punish a blocked elbow dash, and it's very tight with the roll so I just throw.
I could use some advice on that match up. lol

Teef gets pissed at the frame traps into 42 though.
Either blocked point blank air sai, or U4.
Sometimes his dash wins, but if I feel like I won't beat his dash, I can block since he always dashes. lol


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Despite playing against Teef a ton...I can't comment on that match up as he won't even pick Reptile against me.
He always goes Kenshi, or complains that I don't have Freddy. : (

I actually have difficulty with his Reptile the rare times he does pick him, and I think it's due to my inexperience with that match.
I play Reptile, but I've never fought a Mileena player with him, so I haven't learned how she should play in that match.

I believe only Roll and throw can punish a blocked elbow dash, and it's very tight with the roll so I just throw.
I could use some advice on that match up. lol

Teef gets pissed at the frame traps into 42 though.
Either blocked point blank air sai, or U4.
Sometimes his dash wins, but if I feel like I won't beat his dash, I can block since he always dashes. lol
yea im in the same boat as use then,used to play reptile..still do a bit but the rep vs mimi matchup makes me nervous at times because im also not sure of the way it meant to be played,im lookin at rep vs mimi tourny vids at the min on youtube to try get some pointers on it

tourny i have on the 19th has reptile player goin and i know and really dont like the reptile vs baraka matchup but i dont know the reptile vs mileena match so i have2 download reptile vs mileena quick fast and in a hurry!


Kabal doesn't have any bad matchups but if he did it would be Mileena. However that matchup is still 5-5.


Despite playing against Teef a ton...I can't comment on that match up as he won't even pick Reptile against me.
He always goes Kenshi, or complains that I don't have Freddy. : (

I actually have difficulty with his Reptile the rare times he does pick him, and I think it's due to my inexperience with that match.
I play Reptile, but I've never fought a Mileena player with him, so I haven't learned how she should play in that match.

I believe only Roll and throw can punish a blocked elbow dash, and it's very tight with the roll so I just throw.
I could use some advice on that match up. lol

Teef gets pissed at the frame traps into 42 though.
Either blocked point blank air sai, or U4.
Sometimes his dash wins, but if I feel like I won't beat his dash, I can block since he always dashes. lol
Yeah online throw or use her 10 frame uppercut. Blocked elbow dash online is too safe and sometimes a roll can punish but sometimes not.

Offline however you can punish a blocked elbow dash everytime. Offline either roll or 11~roll.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
[MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION] [MENTION=4672]ZeroEffect[/MENTION] @byran

in the vs kano matchup...

what are u doing after a blocked upball?
ive had varying results with different things, gettin d2 on kanos way down or using b3~roll or just d3 and get the hell outta there lol
but im searching for the best/most reilable method


[MENTION=3429]PimpUigi[/MENTION] [MENTION=4672]ZeroEffect[/MENTION] @byran

in the vs kano matchup...

what are u doing after a blocked upball?
ive had varying results with different things, gettin d2 on kanos way down or using b3~roll or just d3 and get the hell outta there lol
but im searching for the best/most reilable method
AA roll combo works best. But against Kano is so easy. You can out zone Kano and when he spams knife telekick then keep up close pressure. Get life lead and turtle full screen. The Kano player will have to rushdown or be dumb and kano ball then block punish repeat.