I'm so rusty. Recommended mileena mainers you'd recommend I should look ou for the youtube? Does saltface still play with the new patch around? This guy right here is your best bet @Akromaniac27 .. Combo vids, tech and tips and match videos all in one place.. great place to start if you wanna learn anything about Mileena. Check out his stream at'm so rusty. Recommended mileena mainers you'd recommend I should look ou for the youtube? Does saltface still play with the new patch around?
That would be appreciatedYo Gab, I'll take a look and if I feel like I have good advice to offer I'll do an analysis vid. I've been doing this for the Australian guys lately but no ones been sending me vids lately haha.
Looking to get on top of it tomorrow night man, just finishing giving the footage a watch for the first time now.That would be appreciated
Yeah, like I said, input readinglol I like how AI Kitana reflects sai "on reaction" at jump distance
Yeah been playing Ethereal ever since that ex fade got buffed and I love using it against Piercing. The fade is very versatile esp vs Mileena. Mileena's zoning and range gets rekt pretty hard in certain situations. Along with fading through f1 and b1 I also fade through her sais in the midscreen range and can whiff punish most of the time. As for mixups, I like to do F1,2,b4 into in place ex fade and whiff punish if they throw a button out, but if they don't I grab. F1,4 ex forward fade into grab, 2,1,u4, or 1,2 stagger is good too. I mostly like to use fade as a wake up tool though, especially if the piercing Mileena is really aggressive. Otherwise I'll try to use it for whiff punishing. A risky thing I like to do is if I'm in the midscreen range, I'll whiff a f1 or u3 then immediately ex fade if I see them go for a punish. Ethereal damage isn't piercing damage but it more than makes up for it in its versatility with the fades.I might be the only one going against the grains here, but does anyone think Ethereal is a counterpick for Piercing? Personally I didn't start playing Ethereal until the Beta patch, (Blood God Kotal main here) but then saw a lot of folks jump on the Piercing bandwagon . By no means am I great with her because I tend to play risky and borderline reckless, but Ethereal's stay away game from Piercings reach has been working for me.
For example, I stay out of range of piercings B12 then continue to build meter by fade away and in place at a safe distance. Occasionally throw sais, which in turn makes the piercing player throw low sais. At a certain distance, I can ex telekick on reaction for roughly 30% damage, then run in for meter building with F12B4 to prevent wake up attack or mix it up with F1 fade away, F12 fade away, F1 ex fade in place B22 fade away (unsafe i know), etc etc. Then when knocked down and read Piercing player attempts to do a B12 or F12B4 on me to prevent ex ball wake, I ex fade forward into combo of choice. I've noticed after hitting a 29-35% combo off an ex fade punish, most players in general will be more reluctant to try to pressure me when I get knocked down with meter. For that, I can't even begin to count how many times i've woken up with nothing more than a grab and caught players off guard.
For any of you who've been playing Ethereal since the September patch, give it a go with someone who's proficient with Piercing. I'm just curious what anyone else thinks of this...
Does F1,4 ex fade forward jail into 12, 123, or 21 since they all start with highs? I ask because I've noticed a few strings that i've ex fade forward the opponent has poked me out of. It could be execution or I may not have enough plus frames to continue pressure with it especially following F12B4 doesn't allow continued pressure other than after holding the forward fade and waiting for a button masher.
On a side note, the Ethereal page had a few twitch links with Salt Face vs Sonicfox that appear to be dead links or just problems with Twitch. I'd rather see some actual game play footage to add more tricks and gimmicks than what I already use. Searching YouTube for Ethereal matches haven't been very informative or entertaining other than a bunch of BnBs and impractical situations.
Better response to jumping, learn how to properly punish neutral jumps, crossovers, jump ins etc. Currently my problem too lol. Also try to be as optimal as you can with confirms. I saw that you missed the f1,2 confirm at 3:08 when it seemed like enough time to. Try to keep combos consistent and with a purpose. I saw you opted to cancel her b1,2 into tele-kick for oki, which is ok. However, going for 124 instead of 123 doesn't seem like a good idea in any situation. Also, occasionally doing tele-kick to fill the spot of zoning is really risky, but it seems free until people figure out how to properly punish the tele-kick ---> air sai block string lol.Pick my gameplay apart please. Good or bad, I'm all ears.