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Mileena General Discussion


Your mind tricks won't harm me!!!
Baraka hated her in the old timeline didn't he? Both of their Deception endings ended with one killing the other
kill each other?
i remember (as a kid )Mileena's ending as them "mating" and her ruling.

its interesting finally seeing the difference/ similarities between a female tarkatan and Mileena

anyway I am disappointed in NRS moving away from Mileena and Kitana growing up as siblings but c'est la vie- at least they finally look like twins again.
kill each other?
i remember (as a kid )Mileena's ending as them "mating" and her ruling.
In Mortal Kombat II, Mileena's non-canonical ending has her ruling with Baraka. In Mortal Kombat: Deception, since Baraka new Mileena was masquarading as Kitana, she kills him. Non-canon, of course. I can't recall his ending.
In Mortal Kombat II, Mileena's non-canonical ending has her ruling with Baraka. In Mortal Kombat: Deception, since Baraka new Mileena was masquarading as Kitana, she kills him. Non-canon, of course. I can't recall his ending.
In His ending he knows Mileena was going to betray/kill him so he uses a Tarkatan to stand in for him at their designated meeting
Then he kills her later.


Bomb Setups & Ball Rolls(Mileena/Cyrax)
For the lore fans...Does Baraka view Mileena as a tarkatan? Or does he view her like everyone else as a Shang Tsung monstrosity?

also before mk9. is there any documented info on her relationship with anyone in her family outside of Kitana?
I don't remember her past with Sindel at all.
Baraka views her as the most beautiful queen of the tarkatan's and the rightful ruler of outworld :D

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
I can wish too right?
Although I know her MKX look isn't even a possibility at this point, I really wish she had more wild/savage-looking hair in one of her outfits. Even her sidecut looks really neat and clean. I really want her to have a more messy, feral look.

Although I know her MKX look isn't even a possibility at this point, I really wish she had more wild/savage-looking hair in one of her outfits. Even her sidecut looks really neat and clean. I really want her to have a more messy, feral look.

View attachment 17776
Agreed, but I think this is a lot harder to do than it seems. MK11 is very clean in general, I think they’re working with a system of modelling and coding that doesn’t leave a lot of room for excesses or outliers if you know what I mean.


Ask me about my Mileena agenda.
On the bright side, probably for the best we don't have her better looking brutalities spoiled for ourselves. Just 3 more days, lads & lasses. Set your alarms.