I got that one, too. Don't know where I got it from, though. I think it's called Soul Control.I got the similar one to that from 3k chest
I got that one, too. Don't know where I got it from, though. I think it's called Soul Control.I got the similar one to that from 3k chest
wow you must have grinded hard if you got everything in the krypt already? lol shit, nice is there a way on our stats kard that tells us how much of the krypt we've completed? I got the achievement for 200 chests opened so far but that was a few days ago so I have at least a few hundred chests opened. Supposedly there's 600? Or just 600 things unlockable in the krypt. HmmmmYeah I’ve been wanting Jade’s “Inner Circle” skin since Day One... opened every single chest in the Krypt, including all hidden chests... restocked... reopened all the soul chests... dumped tons and tons of coins into the shrine... still no luck. I have a thousands of time crystals... just let me buy it, damnit!
From the krypt ? 3k soul 250k chestI got that one, too. Don't know where I got it from, though. I think it's called Soul Control.
I got everything in the krypt wasn’t hardwow you must have grinded hard if you got everything in the krypt already? lol shit, nice is there a way on our stats kard that tells us how much of the krypt we've completed? I got the achievement for 200 chests opened so far but that was a few days ago so I have at least a few hundred chests opened. Supposedly there's 600? Or just 600 things unlockable in the krypt. Hmmmm
Could be. Don't remember.From the krypt ? 3k soul 250k chest
Seems like the way to go and charcter towersI got everything from the Krypt 3 times already! No more skins for meguess I'll have to hit the shrine.
A lot of times I’ll just have my AI characters do some Towers of Time while I do other stuff. I work from home a lot, so I can leave the game on in the background and just hit X every now and then to continue, you must have grinded hard if you got everything in the krypt already? lol shit, nice is there a way on our stats kard that tells us how much of the krypt we've completed? I got the achievement for 200 chests opened so far but that was a few days ago so I have at least a few hundred chests opened. Supposedly there's 600? Or just 600 things unlockable in the krypt. Hmmmm
Nice, I need a job like that working from home. lol. Lucky you! On your breaks got play MK haha. Nice chest amount, yeah the augments I don't even care for if they give me that's power up stuff etc right? I just want the fear/outfits lol. hehe.A lot of times I’ll just have my AI characters do some Towers of Time while I do other stuff. I work from home a lot, so I can leave the game on in the background and just hit X every now and then to continue, haha.
My Kombat Kard only shows 535 Krypt chests though. Not sure how I’m missing some. It must be a bunch of the character art junk ones from replenishing them I guess. Everything I’ve tried to open since has just given my consumables and augments, no matter the price. That’s why I stuck with the soul chests since I was still getting skins from those. But now those are down to augments and consumables too. The whole thing is just frustrating.
My bad.This guy is lying I just tried this and didnt get shit. Wasted 4 of those red ash too
That seems like a fair trade. I do like subs.It says tot for sub
But it’s not I charcter towers boo!!!That seems like a fair trade. I do like subs.