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Magic: The Gathering thread.


Which format do they play? good thing about Goblins is that you can get the deck to the next level without too much cash.
From what you tell us, probably they play some kind of casual legacy, probably the best way to have fun. If you want to kick some ass or get Krenko really quick, maybe you would like to have 4 of this fuckers in your deck: http://magiccards.info/us/en/190.html

Other goblins that you may consider are:

Siege-Gang Commander (So rape when you sneak him in with the lackey)
Goblin Matron (Goblin Tutor)
Goblin Piledriver (A motherfucking beast)
Goblin Chieftain (Makes your goblins tougher)
Goblin Warchief (Makes them cheaper)
Goblin Granade (Excellent finisher)

But believe me, Goblin Lackey gives this deck turbospeed, therefore making it a Tier A in Legacy.
I don't really know much about the game like the different formats and stuff. I do know that two guys on my floor used to play in tournaments. When we do like 4 player FFA duels I'm usually the 1st one to get taken out lol. I don't think I'm going to be buying anymore cards though. I just bought a deck so I could play.


I miss you
I want to learn how to play this. Is there some sort of online tutorial? or video game thing that I can play on my own?

in other news, I got a couple decks of a Killer Instinct TCG. There used to be this awesome skateboarding themed one called Skateboarding Must Die.

This is actually a nice tutorial that Wizards of The Coast made:



There's a series of videos and a "demo" available on the website HERE.
There's also Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 available on Steam, XBLA, and PSN. I've never played it, but I'm sure it does more than a competent job at explaining the rules.
Also, there was apparently a Mortal Kombat card game released in 1994: link.

wow, probably going to get the video game for xbox.


I miss you
AHHH!!! I love this video. I love how these dudes are all cool and casual. That is hilariously awesome. And now I want to buy a bunch of Magic cards for no apparent reason.
I suggest you buy the 2013 starter kit. That will make you get familiarized with the game. I'm sure you will enjoy it!


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
i'll stick to yu-gi-oh thx, i tried magic once...it was meh, yu-gi-oh is more fast paced.


downloaded Magic 2013 demo for xbox, played the tutorial, seems cool.

total bummer: I don't have an HD tv so the text is reaaaaaly hard to read. I am playing it now at a friend's house with an HD tv.

kinda want to go to a FNM and see what it's all about. Wish I had some friends to go with, though!
I've been playing on and off for the past 15 years. I play mostly standard these days, since my local FNM is free entry with a free booster for everyone who enters and everyone is really chill.
I play limited when I can (and when I have the money). I won my store's Return to Ravnica prerelease this past weekend without dropping a single game and got a ton of stuff. It was a lot of fun.
i played standard for like a year and placed 1st 2nd and 3rd at a bunch of local tournies man. when jund and blue-white and planeswalkers were the decks to beat. i had a vicious blue white counter deck man. but the game got too expensive and i had to quit. before i quit though i made this deck that im rly proud of. im sure if i went through and made the deck a bit better with newer cards it would be a monster. it was blue white black with phylactery lich and sun titan and some beasty artifact creatures, artifact lands, like 2 godlike equipments and good removal and counters. if i had that deck fully prepared when m11 was out. that deck wouldve for sure gotten me plenty wins.
Hello greetings but game play Magic Modern Format even that PR is played mostly standard.I have the game on xbox if you are playing send me a message to add and play.


i think i'm going to just get a dual deck and play with friends. i like that it levels the playing field


Getting better with age
I'll be ready to sling some cardboard when we get the new Boros action in the next set.
Rakdos' unleash mechanic is pretty awesome, but all in all I think Rakdos is underpowered outside of maybe a control deck


I miss you
what's the best message board for MTG out there?

aka - where can I find the TYM of MTG? ;-)
mtgsalvation is the best. It's quite tidy and you will get lots of cool information. As bad news, I'll tell you that Magic is quite an expensive thing. Try standard first, it's the most cheap format to play competitevely. Casual Legacy is also cheap, although don't spect to win tourneys with a casual deck. Usually Legacy Format decks are around 1300-1800, standard about 300-400, Modern 600-800 (dat Tarmogoyfs and Confeti)


I miss you
I'll be ready to sling some cardboard when we get the new Boros action in the next set.
Rakdos' unleash mechanic is pretty awesome, but all in all I think Rakdos is underpowered outside of maybe a control deck
Club Boros isn't my favorite guild, and Ravnica is not my favorite block. But anyways, it gave standard some new flavor. Be sure to run some SB Talias to confront combo decks.

And Rakdos is by no way underpowered. Maybe in Draft, but in Standard I see some future for Rakdos Return and that Rakdos Guildmaster.