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Logical Suggested Balance MK9

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Teef, you're being very aggressive in your view points, but who, if anybody has actually agreed with these?

Just went through this whole list with Usedforglue and it just seems like you wanna make the game easy. Why would you want things like Scorps vortex to be fuzzyable?


LoL Didn't expect such a long reply :) First of all I respect the work you put into this thread and I'm sincerely telling you that I did read almost all solutions (suggestions and fixes, as you say) you posted for almost all characters before I posted. Of course my opinion is biased, I love Jade... uh... as a character LoL
About Jade's Glow: I made a thread about Glow glitch and you added some more and I definitely know about what you talk about. Here I was talking only about breaking when Jade Glows, I think it's cool, just like Shang Tsung's soulsteal bug (which Paulo Garcia said he left it in the game himself just for fun). Breaker Should not hit her while Glowing.

I cannot speak of any technical issues, I don't know anything about them, so I'll just say about gameplay, be it general or character specific. If you are interested I'll do it.


Due to how Mk works with the combo system and as it is much less reliant on execution like the SF series, negative edge is absolutely not fucking nessesary and just causes issue's.

Remove it...


Sex Kick
Due to how Mk works with the combo system and as it is much less reliant on execution like the SF series, negative edge is absolutely not fucking nessesary and just causes issue's.

Remove it...
You do realize that removing Negative Edge would completely screw up the way JK~Teleport punch works for Scorpion/Ermac, right?
Not to mention it would also screw up half the way Mileena/Kitana/Kabal/Liu Kang air fireballs work as well.


I must say I was interested in this thread until I read the Quan and Scorpion nerfs LOL

At this point, if Scorpion is giving you problems you need to drop your copy of the game off at gamestop...

I admit that his iaT is a bug but taking it out and not replacing it with some way to get in on the opponent is a joke.

Same go's for Quan. There's a reason they are leaving some bugs in the game. If you're going to castrate a character you need to give them something to replace the void unless they are god tier.

Add some buffs to Scorpion's grocery list and get rid of the fuzzy guard nerf. Maybe give Quan some instances where his skeleton boost is free and make his mix up not punishable by reaction.


Jax's corner reset and smoke's resets are the only broke things in the game. I would say Cyrax is broken too but the fact remains that even with 70 percent reset combos he has not one a major tournament. The game only needs bug fixes. When i read the first post and the first character mentioned was Shang Tsung i immidiatly taught, you have to be shitting me. One tournament and now shang tsung needs a nerf. Please. The fun thing about this game is every character is broken!! Buffing and nerfing good characters just results bad. The perfect example is Jax and wesker in umvc3.

Jax is an interesting character. Imo all he need it was the armor on the bionic arm and his ground and pound to be cancelable. His overhead has armor and his projectile recovers pretty fast. when you mix his cancelable ground and pound with his fast recovering projectile you get a character that can zone! when you add armor to his overhead, the retarded corner reset, his frame traps and the fast recovering projectile jax becomes S tier. Only reason I say nerf jax is because giving him so many buffs was a mistake. With Tyrant, CD jr., and Detrotballin playing jax the way he is now, we will see Jax win many other major tournaments. Aside from that no character should be nerfed. I love how the members of the community just love to hate on their own game. That being said there is some things that can be improved.
oh thats right

S*his damage really bothers me. they should make it so his resets work like a combo, that way his damage will be scaled. He needs high damage cause his normals are slow But over 60% with one bar is to much. Nobody can justify that ridiculous damage output.

S*remove armor from his overhead
S*higher recovery on his projectile
S*remove corner reset, or make it escapable by other means. Not just breaker
S*put Jax on neutral advantage after his low combo starter string.

S*remove reset

S3 when you do a second ground saw too fast, the game should not allow you to do it. Just like raidens teleport. i hate when that happens. This small changes will make the game more enjoyable.

Hahaha i messed around with her when the game came out and i remember being able to combo after the opponent breaks. If you think about it, it makes sense. Jade is invulnerable to hits. When your opponent breaks his hitting you out of it therefore it makes perfect sense for this to happen. At least to me. That surprises a lot of people that don't know jade.

S*return to pre patch dashing or just make dashing slightly better.


Kenshi Moderator
Jax isnt S tier man... 10 chararacters in this game can full combo punish him for pressing f4, where all of his other moves other than 2 1 will just whiff on crouch block. The only reason players like the CD bros and Brady think this is because they play CD JR all the time, who just so happens to be good.

All of this stuff thats recently been shown about Jax isnt anything 'new'. Its just that a player that is watched very carefully has started to do it.

We just look at it and figure out ways to beat it, in the corner it doesnt matter against them 10 characters because if you unblock at the right time you can still poke out of the string, but nobody seems to be acknowledging that.

No version of an auto corrected dive kick in this game is safe, they can only be made SAFER but not safe. On top of that its quite obvious that each characters divekick has a different purpose. CSZ is to punish long range grounded projectiles and act as a counter poke, Sonyas is a punisher and to counter close projectiles / pokes, to counter a poke you kinda need it to be autocorrected.

Raidens teleport cant be nerfed anymore considering his ENTIRE gameplan revolves around it, both the use and threat of use. Imagine being able to punish his teleport on reaction, wtf do you have to fear from him? F24? Na.

Even if he had near instant recovery on his teleport you could still punish it based on a read, which is what it should be.

Would post more but really cba.
hey there

Hmmm, it's funny, when i said "when that game came out", that jax is AMAZING! everybody gave me shit (the same style of responses on this thread). and now after showing how good jax can be, people are defending back. at some point in here man, it proves that just PEOPLE LIKE to argue haha.

the same Problem Brady face around public forums and players! and that's the same mistake i am doing! like for godsake i even told him once before about this trick, and still i fell into the same pet.

anyways, i am Enjoying answering here...because REALLY i can prove that a lot of my mentioned suggestions, are actually very logical, and CAN BE VERY LOGICAL as well as not a bad solution at all. hearing/reading those comments, actually gives me idea on the future run. so dont get me wrong, i never get angry or frustrated unless it's lag issues! lot of people know me in here, so they know that i really dont EVER get mad or angry. so i am telling u, please dont get the vibe from me that am either angry or mad....not just to u, but everyone as well :)

now lets talk business (cracking hands).

-Jax isnt S tier man... 10 chararacters in this game can full combo punish him for pressing f4, where all of his other moves other than 2 1 will just whiff on crouch block. The only reason players like the CD bros and Brady think this is because they play CD JR all the time, who just so happens to be good.

10 characters? where did u get that from ? they are only 9! lol ...... where did u get extra 1 char?
9 Character in the game,can fully punish f+4,1,3 ....and not f+4~ EX over head, Not f+4,1,4.not footsie, NOT f+3 before inputting f+4,1,3 in corner ..... they cannot even a standing Standing attack due to the HORRID block system where it adds frames on releasing block! by means, ur only solution of answering is a VERY fast 6 framer moves (whether special or normal or armored).
THAT IF JAX DID MIX IT UP!! by means if u tried to poke f+4,1,4, u will just poke him.....to counter the other miss up with FULL COMBOS! you have to use armored fast active frame moves. For example Kabal cant EX dash in between cause he will get stuffed by the last low hit from F+4,1,4
so ur basing an escape chance, OFF OF a mix up :S

though what about the rest of the roaster? where they cannot crouch block f+4 series due to their hitbox?
in that case, if your saying 10 others characters, what about the other 22 characters in the game?

let me explain in details here for others as well to read:the characters that can duck blocking from jax's f+4,1,3 are:
-Kung Lao
-Jhonny Cage

There are 4 types of hurtboxes in the game while crouching. Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large and above.
Small: Reptile, Sonya, Cage, Kung,Kabal,sektor,Quachi,Skarlett,Jax
Medium: Kitana,Mileena, Jade,Cyrax,sindell,Kano
Large: Baraka, Shang, Subzero,Ermac,Smoke,Noob,Night wolf,Raiden, Cyber Sub,Rain,Kratos,Kenshi,Krugur,Stryker, Raiden,scorpion
Extra large and above: Sheeva

now these hurtboxes are for Blocking Crouch hurtbox and crouching in general only! no normals on action.

Against Small Char:
You can Jump in with a punch (blocked), do f+4,1,3 . the 1 and 3 from the combo will whiff on those characters. happens in corner as well.
to get opponent OFF this escaping neutral with crouch blocking, jax can do a Mix up first of f+3. if it hit opponent, opponent can no longer duck from the f+4,1,3 while blocking...this happens in corner only

Against medium char:
f+4,1,3 in close will NEVER WHIFF ANYWHERE! in corner no need for f+3 med attack to get them off as well.
though, any distance further than cr+3 on block or hit, f+4,1,3 will whiff (NOT IN CORNER! only med screen)
by means, against those characters in med screen, u half to Kara f+4 series, or simply DASH if u want it to connect after footsies of cr+3 or 1 (or even cr+4)
please note, f+4 is a 9 framer start up!

Against Large Char:
Footsies or not, f+4,1,3 is not escapable or punishable at all! period! corner or not as well. in corner, u can do infinite loops of F+4,1,3 without a single footsie input before the f+4. just simply f+4,1,3 over and over
add to that, the random advantage f+4,1,3 has depending on the distance (too close will mostly result in an advantage on f+4,1,3 frame recovery)
so by means , ur first f+4,1,3 is completely advantages! pure form of frame trap. so u will have to block the first one no matter wut.

for god sake , i saw it with my own eyes where it ATE UP AN XRAY!! not a meter drain bug with an armor move!! NO!! an X ray! lol.....and it happened to me as well!
like what more than that?

Extra large and above chars:
Same deal like above mentioned example on Large

please be aware, the f+4,1,3 hitbox , is the same to any of his 2 starting target combos series!!. they have the same Exact advantage. by means, jax REALLY doesnt need the 1,2 series unless used aganist standing blockers .
not only that, i excluded the FACT! that you can mix up after f+4.....like really, jax can mind fuck with solely with only f+4! dont under estimate that

-All of this stuff thats recently been shown about Jax isnt anything 'new'. Its just that a player that is watched very carefully has started to do it.
i completely agree with that. i wonder if u also dis agreed with me back then when i said Jax is REALLY GOOD! lol.

-We just look at it and figure out ways to beat it, in the corner it doesnt matter against them 10 characters because if you unblock at the right time you can still poke out of the string, but nobody seems to be acknowledging that.

Am sorry , i dont mean to be rude. but this is funny and nonsense. Unblock??
really unblock? i would like to see that!!
do u know how many frames it's to un block? also, what about the other chars in the roaster? the other 23 chars?

-No version of an auto corrected dive kick in this game is safe, they can only be made SAFER but not safe. On top of that its quite obvious that each characters divekick has a different purpose. CSZ is to punish long range grounded projectiles and act as a counter poke, Sonyas is a punisher and to counter close projectiles / pokes, to counter a poke you kinda need it to be autocorrected.

hmm lets bring morty and Riu48 in here and ask about the Auto correct dive kick with sonya against me. because to be honest, just because of THIS! sonya has WAAAAAAAAAAAAY better chance against kenshi, as well as her military stance combo in corner

let me bring [MENTION=278]Riu48[/MENTION] and @morty sienfeld in here and let them say what they think :)

do u know whats the problem with Dive kicks? 2 things

1- It starts as early as 3 or 4 frames from a 11 framer neutral jump. which DOesnt require notations to execute but d+4 (or d+3 with cyber).
by means, u can do it as early as active frames of 3 from the jump! completely instant! NOT A SINGLE POKE IN THE GAME, NOR MOVE, NOR ARMOR, NOR X RAY can counter that!
PS: can be used as a wake up as well!! go nuts!

2- Auto correct divekick Changes sides! ...... and it's completely safe on opponents if done with the right/correct hieght EVEN WHEN THEY ARE STANDING! due to the ability it will change sides (Auto correct back to the opponents position), by means a reverse dive kick, it will completely add frames to THE OTHER PLAYERS!!
THIS IS WHERE INPUT BUG OCCURS THE MOST ^_^ ....another go nuts!
ohh yea, side change like that adds more frames to ur opponent, THAT IF UR NOT AWARE OF SUCH ISSUE! and yes, MK9 is FULL OF CRAP!! FULL of it man :S

wanna see it? simply have raiden using EX teleport and try to Special move counter it.

also, a VERY VERY! important note.
MK9 IS BASED ON CRT TV'S PROGRAMING! ANY OTHER TV'S ADDS FRAME LAG!! ...this is just an FYI. so if anyone wanna see a complete different game, play MK9 on a CRT TV
i cannot stress this fact more than enough!

to get back to the subject, all dive kick are safe when used correctly, UNLESS U ANTICIPATED THE AUTO CORRECT DIVE KICK....ya right! magician much?
also, the only un safe dive kick in most of the situation is KUNG LAO's! because it require opponent to be ducking.

-Raidens teleport cant be nerfed anymore considering his ENTIRE gameplan revolves around it, both the use and threat of use. Imagine being able to punish his teleport on reaction, wtf do you have to fear from him? F24? Na.

even when elbow dash is also nerfed to compensate ? hmm...i have a video that is coming up soon , dedicated to MK9 system. i think it might change ur mind about raidens teleport. or maybe not

though to be honest, i would agree raidens teleport doesnt need to be played with to be honest. though in that case, elbow dash will stay the same!

-Even if he had near instant recovery on his teleport you could still punish it based on a read, which is what it should be.

Would post more but really cba.

alright, lets say i would agree on the raiden teleport for now . just because of this line u kind of convinced me. in return , i will remove the nerf for elbow dash.
please also note, i will tag u when i release the video me and check are making.....it might change ur opinion
also, whats CBA? lol :p

ty for posting foxy, nice chating with u. please reply more when u can! i enjoyed replying to u to be honest


Kenshi Moderator
Completely disagree with you on Scorpion. The un-fuzzyable vortex is his best tool. It's balanced too, because it's risky as hell. I just don't see how you could take that from a character that's all about the 50/50 gamble.
are u aware of the Mk9 system bug , at fuzzy guarding where u cannot block low or high?
by means , u block and u still get hit!!
this is because of the block stun system! ....are u aware of this?

are u aware that SCORPIONS VORTEX IS DEADLY in such case because it's a 100% chance , no need for mix ups?

i shall release a video soon about this, thnx to [MENTION=25]Check[/MENTION] , he showed me How broken Mk9 is!!

also, this is not scorpion thing too! THIS HAPPENS TO EVERY CHARACTER IN THE GAME!! ..... thus making vortex's especially after stun gaurd with JP completely advantages

the way to fix this? fuzzy gaurd! not just scorpion....every one. how to fix the fuzzy gaurd?? ....this is the funny part, REMOVAL OF THE BLOCK SYSTEM AND USE ANOTHER BLOCK SYSTEM!!

now fix me this.....lol
cause the only way to do it, is completely re designing the game...for the block system or new block system to work.

not cool huh? >_>

also the reason why i mentioned the fuzzy gaurd, is because I AND OTHERS KNOW! NRS wont be able to fix the block system. in that case, instead of eating guarenteed fast active move damage, EVEN ON BLOCK (f+4) we will have the ability to fuzzy gaurd both.

PLEASE NOTE: only way to fuzzy gaurd both f+4 and b+2 from scorpions, is when they are done plain without any stun damage. by means, not followed up by a Jump in punch


Sex Kick
[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] You're very right though, I'm guilty of the same thing I was chastising Teef for: Painting a negative image of something which should really be appreciated for how great it really is. It was unintentional and not thought out. I'll go ahead and delete my post.


Kenshi Moderator
[MENTION=5334]mcpeanuts[/MENTION] Well, generally women will ignore issues instead of dealing with them.
Some men do this as well, and certainly no where near all women do this. But it sure is a common stereotype.

You're very right though, I'm guilty of the same thing I was chastising Teef for: Painting a negative image of something which should really be appreciated for how great it really is. I'll go ahead and delete that part of my post. (and the beginning of this one once you've read it.)
I respect people who deal with their karma.
I disrespect people who ignore it or don't deal with it.

Anyway, I'm putting this issue behind me. I realize if Teef were to come over and play with my Kabal friend, I would hear nothing but complaining, whining of balance, and over analyzing of bugs that aren't even there, just like always. It's not like any of us play Cyrax, so there's absolutely no reason for it.
I can level up with someone who actually doesn't get scared for their reputation the second they're seen at the Fellowship, or next to a guy carrying a ghetto blaster.

no no no ...now u took it to another level. wtf nonsense are you saying? your talking as if ur even GOOD! you BARELY beat me ! and dont drag ben into this cause he NEVER EVER BEAT ME IN ANY SET or even matches.... not only that, he's a good guy...so dont drag him into this

whining? who whines? is it me or you?.....as if you or BEN Wins against me O_O.....just please stop cause it's SO SO EASY to hurt you and make u look VERY small.

whine...did u read your posts? ur so angry that i am being respectful and ignoring you because i dont wanna hurt your feeling? and this is the outcome when i do so?

please stop contacting me, and stop bothering me. your done!

we never been friends and we wont.....i am sorry. and please stop posting anything envolving me if possible.

dont ever dis respect me infront the public cause i never DID!! ....EVER! ....so just....dont. it's easy to make u look like shit, so please just ignore me from now on.


Sex Kick
I never claimed to beat you Teef, I only claimed people say we're good, and that I say we should play more and get better.
Not make whine topics about balance or "bugs" (many of which aren't even bugs).
Plus, I like how I deleted my post before you replied. I hope you'll do the same, otherwise what was the point of the PM you sent me?


Kenshi Moderator
Teef, you're being very aggressive in your view points, but who, if anybody has actually agreed with these?

Just went through this whole list with Usedforglue and it just seems like you wanna make the game easy. Why would you want things like Scorps vortex to be fuzzyable?

hey foxy. not aggressive, but some posts in here bothered me to be honest. and some where just completely OFF where they didnt have any clue about anything.

i know my english is aint that great and that lots of grammer mistakes as well as "!" and txt of walls, give some people the impression that i am angry. i am really not! it's just the way i type to show emphasis lol.

so, am sorry if i showed that...really , not agrressive or angry at all. simply talking trying to let people realize the situation Mk9 is at.

as for who agrees with these? a LOT ! most of them also are the NJ/Philly/NYC scene players! example, DC brothers....as simple as that!
stuff that me, maxter and check where talkin about....robbin..... A LOT OF PEOPLE u dont imagine how.
boards are something, and real life attending is something else. i know u know that....but not everyone does.

every player i meet now, is on the turf of...i am stoping this game soon! or when this game comes out, i am quiting Mk9...etc
really depressing. i am a part of the Philly/NJ/NYC and east coast scene me....it hurts when MK community is SO dis respected to be honest. like JEEZ! the last NEC, stuff happened there that wasnt even fair to the MK community. sadly, MK community is not as strong as others.....thats why they take it as a joke!

very sad upsetting truth.....

but anyways, this is another topic, we can discuss on another thread, in person, or later.

as for the fuzzy gaurd:

you can actually fuzzy gaurd anything neutral. though the reason why fuzzy gaurd might work, because it can fix the bug where u BLOCK and still get hit!
how? is that if u input Block neutralizing motion ( up down fuzzy gaurd, and not the other way around) u will still get hit! even if ur holding down...it's a stupid bug resulting form the block system adding frames on movements and stun damage in general.

thnx to the block system :S ......

also, something i forgot to mention. block system being a part of the EX move initiation, simply resulted in Meter drain Option select bug.....not good man!

all of these issues, related to the block system.

now , NRS cannot fix the block system...and if they can, i wonder how beside COmpletely re designing the game! the game is using the previous MK 3d engine with the EXACT SAME SYSTEM as if it's 3d.

thats the basic reason.

thats it foxy :S .... kinda lame right?

as for making the game easier...i am not. i am really tryin to make the game more challenging and not easier at all. dont forget that the CORE problem, wont be ever solved. this weird Negative edge system, Input bugs, damage scaling....etc

i see that when cyrax becomes THAT tough for example, it doesnt make the game harder...it makes it broken and favored Cyrax.

now from all the tournament scenes you saw, who are the characters that are mainly being used a lot? who are the chars that always reaches top 8?

basically those are the list currently:

-Kabal, Kit, Cyrax, jax, mil, sonya

ofcourse there are other chars that comes in and out whether alts, or even main....but they dont fully sustain tell the end

-Reptile, Kenshi,Kung...etc

funny part, is that a LOT of characters are still not yet discovered. like i was crying on the early game release that Shang and JAX are GOOD! and NOW! they are being discovered

when krugur was released, i said this Char is REALLY GOOD! and trust me....u saw nothing yet! all i can say is be prepared soon.

what goin on here? is that the game not gettin the full attention due to a lot of stuff. major part of it, is a lot of bugs in the game as well VERY REWARDING characters. this blinded a lot of stuff in the MK9 scene..... :(

so, me as well as others, simply tryin to look for gaps! ..... maybe others can help us. that is the whole point of this thread foxy.

anyways, thnx for replying man. and keep up the posts please


Sex Kick
Jax had to get armor on Lunch Punch and cancellable ground pound before he was good.
He sucked before those buffs, and the only reason he's S tier is because of the projectile buff, and EX armor buff which he didn't need.

You pointed out what you perceive to be a sad truth about the MK community.
Well here's an uplifting truth. MK has the best community when compared to SF4, ST, MvC3, T6, and even Smash.
All these communities blow away the RTS and FPS community as well. And if there's even such a thing as an MMO community (haha) then it will blow that one away too.

Most everyone is very nice and accommodating. Everyone is ready and willing to help everyone else get better.
There may be slight hiccups here and there, but MK9 and its community are a shining beacon of epic awesomeness over the crap most of us dealt with for years in other communities.

Sure we're disrespected, but we just need to be more aggressive for getting stream time, and community priority.
We made sure we got top 8 streamed at least.
MK shouldn't be put in its own room, while that sounds like a good thing, we should be intertwined with SSF4.


Kenshi Moderator

i would like to hear/read ur inputs if u have any by the way, or would like to share.

also , we never actually talked ...nor played but like, twice i guess? i would like to have this chance though :). also, maybe u can join us in the coming gathering in january? i might find u a ride that's for sure. tell me if ur interested


Sex Kick
Also, Negative Edge is the only reason Scorpion's D1~Spear and Ermac's D1~TKP work so well.
You're taking tech out of the game if you take away Negative Edge.


Kenshi Moderator
PS to everyone: something i didnt notice , or completely forgot about!!
actually, negative edge doesnt need removal at all...it needs fixing! period.

Negative edge works on buffer timing system. which is the addition of active frame input on top of another. by means, u can have multiple outcomes in a short bracket window, where this window is active to take response depending on the notation player will input.

in that case, simply strict the window a little bit more. NRS did this in previous patches, they should work more on this i guess?

it's really annoying that the SImplest like, dash in cr+4~ qcb will result in qcb+4 move...etc.

so yes, just play with this window by adding stricter active bracket i guess? not sure of the correction and how it's done, i have to look the ACTUAL frame terms and analysis for this * getting out my book while i am typing actually*
cause it's really stupid at times , when u simply press poke into a directional notation which will instead activate the special move instead of gettin out the poke first....it's like the poke has no priority as well as the read is so fast that it neglected the actual content
so ya, this will fix the problems so everyone is happy, while negative edge still in the game.

dammit, i hate not knowing


Kenshi Moderator
another thing i wanted to say, if shang soul steal was intended....then wtf?
do u know that shang can do 50% with meter for UNBREAKABLE combo damage? ....like really? so imagine giving shang a powerup without shape shift...not a gimmick at all. sounds to me like a bug and NRS just saying that.

shang gains the ability to have boost damage while still as shang tsung form :S....not logic at all


I'm sorry but whoever put on that list that RAIDEN , a character who has never won a major and was almost never used, should get another teleport nerf is dumn. That's why my cousin quit the fucking game. He realized that this company was going to listen to people that played online, and that's exactly what happened. A teleport nerf lol. he was at frame disadvantage when he the teleport in the first place. So everytime he teleports your opponent should get a free combo


another thing i wanted to say, if shang soul steal was intended....then wtf?
do u know that shang can do 50% with meter for UNBREAKABLE combo damage? ....like really? so imagine giving shang a powerup without shape shift...not a gimmick at all. sounds to me like a bug and NRS just saying that.

shang gains the ability to have boost damage while still as shang tsung form :S....not logic at all
The damage boost lasts for 6-8 seconds, 12-15 if EX. Part of fighting shang now is to not make a mistake within the first 8 seconds of the second round. It's not that game changing. Plus, if he is fishing for a combo that early on, if you block his upskull, punish accordingly.


Kenshi Moderator
I'm sorry but whoever put on that list that RAIDEN , a character who has never won a major and was almost never used, should get another teleport nerf is dumn. That's why my cousin quit the fucking game. He realized that this company was going to listen to people that played online, and that's exactly what happened. A teleport nerf lol. he was at frame disadvantage when he the teleport in the first place. So everytime he teleports your opponent should get a free combo
hey josh. ty for replying. apparently people left everything in the list, and focused on some tiny issues. and then cry the the whole list is DUm, and that the buffs and nerf are dum.

and THAT AS IF THOSE BALANCES WILL COME OUT lol....not noticing this is JUST TALK . as well as SUGGESTIONS! serious talk, as will as for fun or for the heck of it , and SUGGESTIONS....3 in 1

like come on guys, tone down..i am beat already from answering lol. what if i told you guys i have MORE!

a character getting tweeked, nerfed or buffed, doesnt make him a Tournament/major winner period! a character that is average, can be nerfed! a character that is top tier, can be tweeked! nerfs and buffs has nothing to do with making the character win majors, or that they require it to win majors! at all!

IF people are angry at the raidens teleport, then am sorry...this is my opinion. if u dis agree, u guys have the right to dis agree. just simply no need to write up curses and accusing stuff like this list is stupid or or...etc just because u dont like something

dont argue because u guys wanna argue! if u want to argue about something, state your facts.

the sole reason why i mentioned Raidens teleport is because of 2 main issues:

1- his EX teleport is TOO DAM GOOD! too much! u can escape kung lao EX teleport with the correct moves/manuever, but u can never escape raidens ex teleport.

now punish EX raiden teleport! ...a simply thing like raising karma and SC can punish any of raidens teleport with kenshi. do that against EX teleport.
ex teleport changes sides twice, making the opposite player having an extra frame to input...this is where input bug occur. so reversing with a special move on a spot, is not always guarenteed period! why? it put input bug to ur command (extra frame)

that is beside, if u didnt punish on the spot! u can eat Torpedos regular or EX, Target combos, or in general, mix ups...etc

how is that related to raiden teleport? i have a video i am working on , other people will help as well, showing some weird stuff. one of them is, if u tried to punish raidens teleport FAST! or on the spot, it can lead that opponent will move in a different direction.

For example: Kenshi VS raiden.
Raiden use REGULAR TELEPORT. kenshi try to punish with f+2,2,b+1 or even 1,1,1. when kenshi do the move, he will do the target combo the reverse side! just because the CPU didnt yet read or showed which direction raiden is AT!
by means, while i was facing raiden at the right moment, and kenshi TURNED! he still executed f+2,2,b+1 the OTHER WAY AROUND!
leaving raiden completely safe

now that's dum....

2- the second issue is. i am considering balancing all the characters. i dont look at one side only. reptile has the same exact issue but on a different scheme. which is his elbow dash push back. if i am nerfing this because people are crying, i have to tweek some other attributes in the game. like raiden teleport

also, i was only thinking of like adding 1 frame to teleport or something....like this 1 frame will help with fixing the problem that occur on the first example :S. this 1 frame will FIX IT.

i understand that raidens main role is his TP mind game,....but hey! u guys are acting as if these stuff will happen. they WONT! i dont think so. this is a pure fanatic discussion on WHAT IF! read my first post guys lol...come on

if it's really bothering people, i will remove it for now...though u will see it coming up again just because of the issue i mentioned up there.

also i actually didnt want to mention this at all! as i said before, it was a mistake releasing this thread Early!! check is like , pissed i did that....but i always look at the fun side, which is: We are based on many, and not one.....sharing i mean*


haha i luv it man! u dont know how much i luv Ed boon!


duuude....really lol.
the same thing as cyrax. which is "DEAL WITH IT!" attitude
your like saying:
" i went to Starbucks to buy some coffee....when i was ordering, the cashier Employer got a gun out and pointed it at my face and said, how can i help u today sir"

and then instead of tryin to fix the solution of "HOW THE FUCK" or "WHY THE FUCK", did this guy point a gun at you...your simply trying to negotiate on how to get around him!! JUST to get ur cup of coffee :S
not right in the first place, and not logical at all.