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Guide Lex Luthor Combo Thread


My Lex Takes You to Paradise
Wanted to post some background bounce combos as well as a couple meterless. Lex really has no damage without meter which is a shame. Most of his meterless combos are simply starters ending with Corp Charge or Grav Pull which I'm not entirely sure are worth mentioning, so I don't have many to add unfortunately (I also want to mention that some of these are just variations on the combos BDMao88 posted, so I want to give credit where it's due). This is why I really think Lex needs a stage with a background bounce to maximize his meterless damage. I'm hitting the lab pretty hard today and I think by the end of the day I'm going to try to make a thread that attempts to analyze Lex via stage so we can try to find the stages that really suit him. Anyway:

Meterless Combos:
-22d1~Corp Charge (19% with untechable knockdown) Note: There seems to be a window where you can hit them with the Corp Charge that will either put them slightly in front of you or right in front of you depending on timing

Off a Mine (These are kind of dependent on reaction, but I tried every distance of mine and if you dash up to them if they are hit with a medium/far mine it still gives enough time to connect)
-B3, ji3, 22 x close mine/probe (30%)
-B3, ji3, 21 x medium mine/probe (30%)
-B3, ji3, u3 x far mine/probe (31%)

-B3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (36%)
-B3, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull (37%)

-22d1, 11, 11, u3 x Grav Pull (29%)
-22d1, 11, 11, u3 x Probe/Orbit Strike/Trait Backdash (23%)

-Ji3, 11, 11, u3 x Grav Pull (32%)
-Ji3, 11, 11, u3 x Probe/Orbit Strike/Trait Backdash (25%)

F3 (Note: These probably could be optimized with ji3 instead of ji2 but I never get that to connect)
-F3, ji2, 11, 11, u3 x Grav Pull (32%)
-F3, ji2, 11, 11, u3 x Probe/Orbit Strike/Trait Backdash (27%)

-B3, ji2, 22 x close mine/probe (22%)
-B3, ji2, 21 x medium mine/probe (22%)
-B3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (23%)

-B3, ji2, f2 x Corp Charge (28%)
-B3, ji2, f2 x Grav Pull (29%)

Background Bounce Combos (BGB):

One of: 112, 22, f2*, b13
-Standing starter x BGB, b3, ji3, 22 x close mine/probe (30-34%, least damaging b13 most damaging f2)
-Standing starter x BGB, b3, ji3, 21 x medium mine/probe (30-34%, ")
-Standing starter x BGB, b3, ji3, u3 x far mine/probe (31-35%, ")

-Standing starter x BGB, b3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (35%-39%, least damaging 112/b13 most damaging f2)

F3 (These are very young and can probably be better optimized)
-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, 22 x close mine/probe (30%)
-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, 21 x medium mine/probe (30%)
-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, u3 x far mine/probe (31%)

-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, f2 x Corp Charge (35%, slight space between you and opponent)
-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, ji3, Corp Charge (36%, right in front of opponent)
-F3, ji2, 22 x BGB, f2 x Grav Pull (35%)

B3 (These are very young and can probably be better optimized)
-B3, ji3, 2 x BGB, 22 x close mine/probe (31%)
-B3, ji3, 2 x BGB, 21 x medium mine/probe (31%)
-B3, ji3, 2 x BGB, u3 x far mine/probe (32%)

-B3, ji3, 2 x BGB, f2 x Corp Charge (36%)
-B3, ji3, 2 x BGB, ji3, Corp Charge (38%)

1 bar:
One of: 112, 22, f2*, b13, 21
-Standing starter x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji3, 22 x close mine/probe (37-41%, least damaging 112/b13 most damaging f2)
-Standing starter x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji3, 21 x medium mine/probe (37-41%, ")
-Standing starter x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji3, u3 x far mine/probe (38-42%, ")

-Standing starter x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (41-45%, ")

F3 (These are very young and can probably be better optimized)
-F3, ji2, 22 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, 22 x close mine/probe (36%)
-F3, ji2, 22 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, 21 x medium mine/probe (36%)
-F3, ji2, 22 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, u3 x far mine/probe (37%)

-F3, ji2, 22 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, f2 x Corp Charge (40%)

B3 (These are very young and can probably be better optimized)
-B3, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, 22 x close mine/probe (39%)
-B3, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, 21 x medium mine/probe (39%)
-B3, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, u3 x far mine/probe (40%)

-B3, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, f2 x Corp Charge (44%)

-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, 22 x close mine/probe (41%)
-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, 21 x medium mine/probe (41%)
-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (42%)

-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, f2 x Corp Charge (45%)

Off a Mine
-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (47%)
-Ji2, 22 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (47%)
-Ji3, d1 x Grav Pull MB, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, Corp Charge (47%, may be able to f2 before Corp Charge but I havent been able to get it out yet)

Left Corner of Fortress of Soilitude Lab Combos (These can definitely yield higher damage I'm pretty sure, was just me messing around haha)

-Leftmost Interactable, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (39%)
-Leftmost Interactable, 22 x BGB, b3, ji2, Corp Charge (39%)

1 bar:

-Leftmost Interactable, 22 x BGB, 2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji2, u3 x far mine/probe (44%)
-Leftmost Interactable, 22 x BGB, 2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji2, Corp Charge (44%)



Switching f2 for 113 in the BnB combos does the same damage and builds slightly more meter. On the combo I posted for doing a direct b3 off of a mine, it does one percent more (45%) if you do 21 instead of just 2. It is also worth noting that if you land starter, MB GP, b3, dash, u3 x med mine while your back is directly against the wall, the mine will land right at your opponents feet with them in the corner.


My Lex Takes You to Paradise
Oh also of note on my BGB combos with meter: You could do starter x BGB, then 22 x Grav Pull MB, b3, etc. Shouldn't have any bearing on damage, but may make combos work differently. Ill play around with that later.


Filthy Casual
Just for reference, in corner combos you can get a little more damage with 3 11's or a b2

for example

112 b2 11 11 u3~vacuum
112 11 11 11 u3~vacuum

GGA pimpimjim where are your lex corner combos. i never copied and pasted dat stuff
combo 1 - 21~ex vacuum, jump 2, f2, b2, u3~meter cancel f3, 11, u3~vacuum - 50%
combo 2 - f2, b2, u3~meter cancel f3, u3~ex vacuum, jump 2, b2u3d3 -49%
I've been messing with this set up a bit. It sacrifices damage, but leads to a 50/50. 112 mb gravity pull crossover ji2. The ji2 leaves you at enough advantage to b13, 22d1, f2. Not sure if its worth the lessened damaged.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Not combo related, but I need help with an execution issue and didn't want to start a new thread -

How exactly are you guys doing instant air corps charge? I can't seem to do it very low to the ground, I get at least half way through the jump before it comes out and even then I often accidentally get a j.2 instead.

I'd love to be able to use the IA CC as a safer mid-screen punish/advancing move but I'm can't seem do it. Anyone have any execution tips? If anyone could upload a video showing how low to the ground you can do it I'd appreciate it.


Not combo related, but I need help with an execution issue and didn't want to start a new thread -

How exactly are you guys doing instant air corps charge? I can't seem to do it very low to the ground, I get at least half way through the jump before it comes out and even then I often accidentally get a j.2 instead.

I'd love to be able to use the IA CC as a safer mid-screen punish/advancing move but I'm can't seem do it. Anyone have any execution tips? If anyone could upload a video showing how low to the ground you can do it I'd appreciate it.

4 6

i guess you are using pad, its kinda straight forward on stick. i hate that they removed diagonal inputs for instant air attacks in IGAU. in MK to instant air you can 77 Punch or 76 Punch. with igau seems you have to 8 4 6 Punch


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
4 6

i guess you are using pad, its kinda straight forward on stick. i hate that they removed diagonal inputs for instant air attacks in IGAU. in MK to instant air you can 77 Punch or 76 Punch. with igau seems you have to 8 4 6 Punch
Yeah I'm using a pad. I tried Tiger kneeing the input with 786 and 489 but it didn't seem to come out.


Yeah I'm using a pad. I tried Tiger kneeing the input with 786 and 489 but it didn't seem to come out.

yes, seems like you must not use diagonal inputs, probably for the whole motion, but at least for the final input of forward+2


My Lex Takes You to Paradise

Yo do you guys have any good non-b3 combos? Not corner combos, just combos without b3 so if you are close to the transtition corner you dont get the transition. The highest damage I've found is starter x Grav Pull MB, cross-up ji2, f2 x Corp Charge/Grav Pull. As far as same side I found starter x Grav Pull MB, ji3, Corp Charge. Neither of these options are more than MB into b3 into transition as far as damage goes (tested on Gotham Rooftop, 35/36 compared with 38 w/ f2 starter; 29 compared to 35(?) w/ f2 starter), so I'm wondering if anyone has anything better. Honestly even if the damage isnt greater, these can be useful to know so you don't accidentally send people to a bad stage for yourself.

Anyway, lemme know.


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Just for reference, in corner combos you can get a little more damage with 3 11's or a b2

for example

112 b2 11 11 u3~vacuum
112 11 11 11 u3~vacuum

GGA pimpimjim where are your lex corner combos. i never copied and pasted dat stuff
dont do those three meter combos on my youtube channel dey just for swaqq

do you remember the one I posted on tym chat? its:

corner deep jump 3, f2, d1, u3~ex vacuum, f3, b2, 11, u3~vacuum for like 50% one meter



Yo do you guys have any good non-b3 combos? Not corner combos, just combos without b3 so if you are close to the transtition corner you dont get the transition. The highest damage I've found is starter x Grav Pull MB, cross-up ji2, f2 x Corp Charge/Grav Pull. As far as same side I found starter x Grav Pull MB, ji3, Corp Charge. Neither of these options are more than MB into b3 into transition as far as damage goes (tested on Gotham Rooftop, 35/36 compared with 38 w/ f2 starter; 29 compared to 35(?) w/ f2 starter), so I'm wondering if anyone has anything better. Honestly even if the damage isnt greater, these can be useful to know so you don't accidentally send people to a bad stage for yourself.

Anyway, lemme know.
Well optimal non-b3 damage is b13, MB Gravity Pull, f3, ji2, b2, f2 x Corp Charge

But that is pretty strict and only works off of the b13 starter. Generally any f3 combo variations will do the trick. Starter, MB GP, ji2, 113 x Corp Charge is a pretty safe option. Mess around with it alittle bit.


On first page it says that after a GPMB,B2 in a combo ,you can do a "free" throw or a b13 or another b2....but I don't see that trap because b2 it's only +5 on hit....


On first page it says that after a GPMB,B2 in a combo ,you can do a "free" throw or a b13 or another b2....but I don't see that trap because b2 it's only +5 on hit....
Its not worth it anyway. It will cost another bar to get any good damage out of that setup, and you are better off finishing the combo then trying to get a throw. It is guaranteed and will do more damage.


Its not worth it anyway. It will cost another bar to get any good damage out of that setup, and you are better off finishing the combo then trying to get a throw. It is guaranteed and will do more damage.
Guaranteed? B2 is +5 on hit and throw has 10 frames of startup...


My Lex Takes You to Paradise
Well optimal non-b3 damage is b13, MB Gravity Pull, f3, ji2, b2, f2 x Corp Charge

But that is pretty strict and only works off of the b13 starter. Generally any f3 combo variations will do the trick. Starter, MB GP, ji2, 113 x Corp Charge is a pretty safe option. Mess around with it alittle bit.

Wow the timing on that one is very strict. F3 variations with just starter x MB Grav, f3, ji2, f2 x Corp Charge on average does do more than the 34%, however it looks starter specific. Havent tested with every starter but doesnt work with 112, have to go straight into Corp Charge. Idk, generally could be useful in situations where you dont wanna transition the opponent either to avoid a stage or push your opponent into the corner.


Wow the timing on that one is very strict. F3 variations with just starter x MB Grav, f3, ji2, f2 x Corp Charge on average does do more than the 34%, however it looks starter specific. Havent tested with every starter but doesnt work with 112, have to go straight into Corp Charge. Idk, generally could be useful in situations where you dont wanna transition the opponent either to avoid a stage or push your opponent into the corner.
There are a lot of situations where I find these useful. 90% of the time, I do not want to transition. There is rarely a time where I need to use a f3 combo where it doesnt allow me to carry my opponent to the wall and finish with a wall combo.


Perhaps it´s silly but sometimes ONLINE when you plant a close mine (for example after Ji3) and it hits, you haven´t enough time/or lag to do a ji2,22,or 2...GPMB off a mine combo, and you loose that situation. Usually I do after a mine B3,ji2,22,GPMB,B2U3D3 for 38% and a good situation for trait dash afterwards. Perhaps it´s not the most damaging combo off a mine but it begins with a simple B3 and needs NO timming at all


My Lex Takes You to Paradise
Here's some anti-air stuff. Now personally I think Corp Charge is honestly Lex's best anti-air option in most situations, but these are good to have in some cases (also I just went ahead and did the most damaging ender because it's pretty much what I use most of the time, but any ender works obvi):

-d2, f2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (1 bar, 28%)

-air-to-air ji1/ji2/ji3 (at the right range), f2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (1 bar, 40%/42%/46%)

-u3 x up/regular lance blast (meterless, 12%); u3 x probe/mine/orbital (meterless, 10%, probably didnt need to put this here but there it is anyway); u3 x Corp Charge (meterless, 10%, depending on the height you hit them at you either charge under them putting you on the opposite side of them when they hit the ground or charge with them putting you in front of them)

-up lance blast charge 2, f2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji3, f2 x Corp Charge (1 bar, 39%, this is not practical at all but it is an option)

-anti-air probe hit, ji3, f2 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji3, Corp Charge (1 bar, 42%, very situational but plausible; 2 bar 44% if MB probes); anti-air probe hit ~ Air/Ground Corp Charge (meterless, 11%)

-1, 22 x Grav Pull MB, b3, ji3, 1 x Corp Charge (1 bar, 39%)

Final note is some standing normals can be pretty good anti-airs as well, but those combos are already posted (f2 or standing 22 can be reliable anti-airs, for example).


The King
Do you players have any 100+ % combo videos to share? If so I will post it in my thread. Traits/Transitions/Interactables/Guaranteed Resets are allowed.