113 is not really viable as a starter. It's extremely unsafe, and the gap before the 3 is pretty huge. Lex also doesn't have any safe specials he can cancel it into.Doesn't 113, as a starter, provide the same options as in 112/b13? I mean 113 xx MB Grav Pull ...
It would be nice to list the possible enders what kind of setups we can get after. I can make that if you guys want.
1,1,3 is completely outclassed by 1,1,2. Unsafe by itself, scales damage more than 1,1,2, and I don't want any part of it.Doesn't 113, as a starter, provide the same options as in 112/b13? I mean 113 xx MB Grav Pull ...
It would be nice to list the possible enders what kind of setups we can get after. I can make that if you guys want.
LtLuthor rev0lver Doombawkz Galactic Geek BDMao88
it's like -25 on block or something like that while 112 is -1 and an overhead which can also be hit confirnd after the 2 in 112, 113 I use as more of a gimmick, where at the right distance they see me whiff a 11 and think the close 2 is coming, they let their guard down and get hit by the huge fucking axe that is 113 lolDoesn't 113, as a starter, provide the same options as in 112/b13? I mean 113 xx MB Grav Pull ...
It would be nice to list the possible enders what kind of setups we can get after. I can make that if you guys want.
LtLuthor rev0lver Doombawkz Galactic Geek BDMao88
rev0lver forgetting a B3 in some of these combos?REPAIRS IN PROGRESS —rev0lver
Ji2, 22 [ender] is listed as more damage optimal than ji3, 22 [ender] since the latter is unsafe ending with a probe against certain other characters, where as the former is universally safe if you wish to end with probe.
F2 starter:
Max damage combos:
40%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, f2 xx Corp Charge
41%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, f2 xx Grav Pull
Setup combos:
* = optimal BnB (different optimal combos leave the enemy at different distances)
*32%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, 22 [ender]
*33%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, b2 [ender]
*36%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, u3 [ender]
*32%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, 11 [ender]
34%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, 22 [ender]
30%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, b2 [ender]
30%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, 11 [ender]
33%: f2 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, u3 [ender]
B13 starter:
Max damage combos:
36%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, f2 xx Corp Charge
37%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, f2 xx Grav Pull
Setup combos:
* = optimal BnB (different optimal combos leave the enemy at different distances)
*28%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, 11 [ender]
*28%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, 22 [ender]
*29%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, b2 [ender]
*32%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, u3 [ender]
26%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, b2 [ender]
26%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, 11 [ender]
29%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji2, u3 [ender]
30%: b13 xx MB Grav Pull, ji3, 22 [ender]
Corner combos (Corp Charge ender):
28% 22d1, d+1, 11, u3 xx Corp Charge
30% f2, d+1, 11, 11, u3 xx Corp Charge
35% b13 xx MB Grav Pull, f3, b2, 11, 11, u3 xx Corp Charge
he has special eyes!Also, i dont think you need to tag Revolver when you're here anyway.
He's the moderator of this sub forum and thus HE SEES ALL
Yes someone hacked my account.I have an idea who...Lmao wait what's happening here. BDMao88 did you account get hacked or something? I don't even have the powers to change your avatar if I wanted to.
Maaaaan I was already trying that stuff and you made it better lol. I was using regular bg bounce though. I think it was mb probe, 2~mid mine, corp charge, mb mine, b2~bg bounce, b3, dash, u3~mb vacuum, j2, b2u3d3My new totally-practical BnB combo:
Ran out of memory last time I tried recording it, and it's ridiculously hard to do. I'll post a video once I manage to get it again, but here's the inputs:
MB probes, d2 xx Mine (MB Probes hit) Lex Probe, (Opponent lands in mine), MB mine detonate, forward-dash, (regular probe hits enemy in air after MB mine detonates), 1 xx MB Grav Pull, j2, 113 xx Corp Charge.
(ok, I haven't actually done this yet, I keep dropping it, but I've gotten pretty close and I'm quite sure its possible!)
MB probes, d2 xx Mine (MB Probes hit) Lex Probe, (Opponent lands in mine), MB mine detonate, forward-dash, (regular probe hits enemy in air after MB mine detonates), 1 xx MB Grav Pull, j2, 112 xx Teleporter Interactible, Mine, (opponent lands in mine) Level 2 Upward Lance Blast, Corp Charge..
idgaf ima hit that at the break tomorrow or something just watchYeah, the issue is you have to detonate the mine at the PERFECT time, or the probe won't hit.
Too early and the probe misses, to late and the mine will dissappear and you can't detonate it.
Also, after the forward-dash 1 is the only attack that will reach and can be cancel into MB grav pull, the second hit of 11 whiffs so you have to do an extremely fast cancel after 1 (which waaay too often leads to a upward lance blast instead of a Grav Pull coming out)
After 100 tries I finally got it.... only to discover my camera had run out of memory....