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Kombat Kast #2 Tomorrow Will Include...


Plus on block.
That is an incredibly cynical view of the gaming industry. Yes, a lot of producers feel that they're merely "creating a product," and yes the financial side of things obviously has some impact on the gameplay and even the story.

But a lot of the people working on games love what they're creating, and they personally have a vision for how the games they're working on should look, feel, and play, and if your vision doesn't align with theirs, then to some degree that is just your problem. It'll become their problem if and only if their decisions financially bite them in the ass. If as you predict MK11 is incredibly successful, then you can expect them to keep making decisions based on what they personally like or don't like.

No no no, once you have fans you can’t have any more creative freedom to make what you enjoy, you are their mindslave and you must pump out the same regurgitated slop to appease their egos and nostalgia.



Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
I'm always hungry for more too, but keep in mind the beta is out in March and we're halfway through February. Even if the beta is at the very end of the month, that's still not too far off.

This means two things. 1) we don't have to wait long to play the game ourselves. 2) as the beta draws near, you can expect more and more hype as they try and drive those preorders. Wouldn't be surprised if shit ramped up quick by the beginning of March.


I'm always hungry for more too, but keep in mind the beta is out in March and we're halfway through February. Even if the beta is at the very end of the month, that's still not too far off.

This means two things. 1) we don't have to wait long to play the game ourselves. 2) as the beta draws near, you can expect more and more hype as they try and drive those preorders. Wouldn't be surprised if shit ramped up quick by the beginning of March.

Amazon store page says the beta is from March 28th-31st, so a 4 day beta at the end of the month. I remember seeing this info somewhere else also. I think Tyler might have mentioned it when he was on stage at the Reveal Event.
One character per week? Didn’t we have 3 reveals last week?
And this week only one. And they said that they will skip some of their "weekly" Kombat Kasts and reveals.

And excuse me but these reveals were anti-hype. One reveal with just Ed Boon that says "Yes Kano is in the game with a pirate skin, but only available in Brazil of course" and the other was "D'Vorah is in the game, here's her picture".

Amazon store page says the beta is from March 28th-31st, so a 4 day beta at the end of the month. I remember seeing this info somewhere else also. I think Tyler might have mentioned it when he was on stage at the Reveal Event.
4 days for a paying beta ? What is this ? Fallout 76 ? It must be a joke...


'ello baby, did you miss me?
I’m a cynical person. It is what it is.
I don't begrudge you your cynicism, but I do wonder why you would hold on to it in this particular instance. Here you have a situation where you yourself admit your cynicism fails to explain NRS's behavior. Your options seem to be 1) come up with a cynical explanation for all of NRS's roster decisions, 2) accept that sometimes game devs really are artists who prioritize their own artistic vision, or 3) ...remain confused?


What a day. What a lovely day.
I don't begrudge you your cynicism, but I do wonder why you would hold on to it in this particular instance. Here you have a situation where you yourself admit your cynicism fails to explain NRS's behavior. Your options seem to be 1) come up with a cynical explanation for all of NRS's roster decisions, 2) accept that sometimes game devs really are artists who prioritize their own artistic vision, or 3) ...remain confused?
I’m not confused by anything, and I’m aware games are predominately defined by the whims of their creators. However, we’re talking about a big budget project with a million different opinions coming in from all angles, not a “for the love of it all” art project of an indie game.

And after the debacle that was MKX’s roster in a lot of people’s eyes, I expect NRS to be a bit more open with their decision making this go-about.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
I’m not confused by anything, and I’m aware games are predominately defined by the whims of their creators. However, we’re talking about a big budget project with a million different opinions coming in from all angles, not a “for the love of it all” art project of an indie game.
So because it's a AAA title, that means every single decision puts financial interests first and foremost? Obviously not.

Either Jacqui's inclusion has been deemed a financially sound decision (for whatever reason), or her inclusion fell into that category of non-financially based decisions. Not seeing a third option here.

And after the debacle that was MKX’s roster in a lot of people’s eyes, I expect NRS to be a bit more open with their decision making this go-about.
I wouldn't expect that at all, because for every person for whom the MKX roster was a "debacle," there are probably 50 who quietly thought it was great. NRS has absolutely no reason to change their roster-deciding philosophy unless they feel their sales are not where they should be as a direct result of their roster. Did that happen with MKX? No. Will it happen with MK11? I have my doubts.


What a day. What a lovely day.
So because it's a AAA title, that means every single decision puts financial interests first and foremost? Obviously not.

Either Jacqui's inclusion has been deemed a financially sound decision (for whatever reason), or her inclusion fell into that category of non-financially based decisions. Not seeing a third option here.

I wouldn't expect that at all, because for every person for whom the MKX roster was a "debacle," there are probably 50 who quietly thought it was great. NRS has absolutely no reason to change their roster-deciding philosophy unless they feel their sales are not where they should be as a direct result of their roster. Did that happen with MKX? No. Will it happen with MK11? I have my doubts.
NRS is funded and owned by WB. If you think MK games aren’t primarily generated to be a cash cow I don’t know what to tell you.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
NRS is funded and owned by WB. If you think MK games aren’t primarily generated to be a cash cow I don’t know what to tell you.
There is a gulf of difference between "the purpose of creating an MK game is to generate revenue" and "literally every single decision that goes into the development of an MK game prioritizes SHORT-TERM revenue gains over everything else."


What a day. What a lovely day.
There is a gulf of difference between "the purpose of creating an MK game is to generate revenue" and "literally every single decision that goes into the development of an MK game prioritizes SHORT-TERM revenue gains over everything else."
Literally never said EVERY single decision... know what... lol
...Only the beta isn’t paid?
You have to pre-order the game to have access to the beta, so yes, it's a paid beta. If you make a paying beta (which is dumb in the first place), at least you should allow the players to have access to the beta for like 10 days.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
Literally never said EVERY single decision... know what... lol
Well then you should have no trouble at all accepting that many of the decisions that went into deciding MKX's and MK11's roster prioritized other things than short-term revenue gain.


What a day. What a lovely day.
Well then you should have no trouble at all accepting that many of the decisions that went into deciding MKX's and MK11's roster prioritized other things than short-term revenue gain.
My original statement, was I found it questionable that Jacqui was being prioritized over many, many other highly requested characters, and that yes, while I understand it’s NRS decision in the end, people spending money on their product have the right to be critical of their choices.

How you’ve managed to take it so far off the original point is impressive.


Ermac ftw
You have to pre-order the game to have access to the beta, so yes, it's a paid beta. If you make a paying beta (which is dumb in the first place), at least you should allow the players to have access to the beta for like 10 days.
Technically u are paying for the game, not the beta itself haha


I mean I don't want to complain and I'm glad we get to see more of the game, but yeah, these streams aren't really turning out how I expected. Or just the way they are handling thing leading up to release.
  • E3 for past games showed around 6-8 characters and that was around a year from each game's release. Since the Reveal Event was much closer to release for MK11, I thought there would be around 10 characters in the build. Just 7, so pretty much the same as E3. Oddly enough they revealed characters like Liu Kang (who actually was in gameplay for a couple seconds) and other characters like Kung Lao, Cassie Cage, Kitana, etc, but they weren't actually show off?
  • Despite being so close to release and they are able to open the floodgates of information, they decide to reveal Kano and D'Vorah using png renders versus gameplay, for some reason. Second livestream and said characters are still not getting shown.
  • Still no information about competitive variations, online netcode/modes, etc. Even though they have already stated that kustom variations are for casual players and won't interest competitive players, they still haven't explained how competitive variations work or even how you customize them. Like the skins/gear are tied to variations, but for competitive we have to use pre-set variations... so how do we use our skins and gear for them when we can't customize them? Why should competitive players be excited for these Ability Move combinations that they won't be able to use, and/or cosmetics that may not be usable as well?
  • A Kombat Kast isn't going to happen every week like we thought, Tyler last stream mentioned how sometimes they will skip a week.
  • There are still single player modes we don't know, and Towers of Time still hasn't been fully explained. What exactly are Tower Keys?
  • Website isn't being updated with characters renders and bios like they did for Injustice 2. They are also not doing the countdowns to reveals like they did for that game.
  • Global launch on all platforms but still no gameplay for the Switch and PC versions, and said platforms won't be getting a Beta.
  • No comic series or dedicated mobile game (MKX mobile will get updates for a few MK11 characters). Not a big deal to me, but I know some people look forward to this stuff and it did add something to pre-release.
I just want to add to this and say that while pre-release so far isn't what I expected (and somewhat disappointing so far), I don't think it's BAD or the streams are bad.

I've seen some people say that they want to turn off the stream after the announcement is done, and I respect everyone's opinions on this, but I can't say I agree. There are still things I look forward to in the stream:
  • Character announcement (duh)
  • Character breakdown
  • Washed Up Warriors
  • Questions and Answers
  • Belt Battle
  • Potential teases. Example: 16bit confirming the next character to be shown is a female. Or way back during MKX when the stream cut for a Predator tease.
Yes, I think they could cut back on the amount of unnecessary content. Sometimes they ramble on too long, the Reveal Event breakdowns aren't need with Ketchup/Mustard already having them done, etc, but I still look forward to the Kombat Kast.

Aside from streams, the main thing on my list that I posted that I find truly disappointing is the lack of info on competitive variations, online modes/netcode, and characters being revealed by using renders. I could care less about mobile games, comics, or even info on single player modes and whatnot (I like single player content, but I can't wait until I get the game to see that. The main thing that I want to see in pre-release is competitive multiplayer stuff that we need to know).

But with that being said, as pointed out before, a beta will be happening in late March so we know for sure we will get hands on the online component then and will hopefully be able to try the competitive variations ourselves. In the end, I just wish that since we are only 2 months away that we would have seen more by now. I love MK and I wanted to see this game for so long, but so far we've only seen 8 characters and that's the amount MK9 had in it's E3 demonstration which took place like a year before the game was out. It just feels like NRS is being TOO hush hush about what's in the game, and admittedly that's starting to get kinda annoying to me personally.

I just don't want to make it sound like I have something against Tyler and the devs over at NRS. Yes, I wish we could see more, but I don't think what we've seen so far is bad.


'ello baby, did you miss me?
My original statement, was I found it questionable that Jacqui was being prioritized over many, many other highly requested characters, and that yes, while I understand it’s NRS decision in the end, people spending money on their product have the right to be critical of their choices.

How you’ve managed to take it so far off the original point is impressive.
I "took it so far off the original point" because every post you made subsequent to that one showed that you believe NRS is wrong to disregard fan opinion about Jacqui and other "flaws" in the MKX roster.

They are not wrong. Fans have the right to be critical of NRS's decisions, and NRS has the right to completely disregard fan criticism and do whatever they want to do.