You might be dyslexic friend you wrote your post backwards.Probably because Baraka is hype and Kano and D'Vorah are anti-hype.
You might be dyslexic friend you wrote your post backwards.Probably because Baraka is hype and Kano and D'Vorah are anti-hype.
I actually do have slight dyslexia thanks. lolYou might be dyslexic friend you wrote your post backwards.
Kano is the lord of all hypeI actually do have slight dyslexia thanks. lol
But in this case, I meant it how I posted it. Kano and D'Vorah are boring.
Can't really argue with personal taste, one likes character x, one y. At least Kano and D'vorah would be something we haven't seen yet. Baraka has already been broken down in more detail than they are likely to show:But in this case, I meant it how I posted it. Kano and D'Vorah are boring.
Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t have a gameplay reveal until 2 months before release. And look how that one turned out (amazing).Can we just get a damn pre release road map of reveals?
Whwn will single player stuff be shown?
When will online stuff be shown?
When are the actual kombat kasts?
They are only giving off the impression that stuff is not being shown because its not ready to be shown... 2 months from release... with only 10 characters and zero additional content actually confirmed. How does NRS call this building hype? Silence is an absolute hype killer
I heard somewhere that osu likes sindel after kitana'fan favorite' could be a Kitana pun but my money is still on Jade.
If it's my empress I will actually cry w/joy.
It's just entertainment I think. Not too much to talk about until new stuff is released.Are people still arguing over characters being boring and not deserving a post on the roster? You can't argue someone's favorite, and yes if you say a character doesn't deserve a spot on the main roster just because YOU personally don't like them you are acting like an entitled child. You have the right to not like them, but whining because they're in the roster is a selfish reaction.
That would be ballsy. I'd be down for that - a Shokan would be fun, and if it's not Kintaro then it may as well be Sheeva.Imagine they would reveal Sheeva lol
Unbunch those panties, my friend. Everything is going to be okay. We will see the entire roster before launch. And even a glimpse of the first DLC pack.And this week only one. And they said that they will skip some of their "weekly" Kombat Kasts and reveals.
And excuse me but these reveals were anti-hype. One reveal with just Ed Boon that says "Yes Kano is in the game with a pirate skin, but only available in Brazil of course" and the other was "D'Vorah is in the game, here's her picture".
4 days for a paying beta ? What is this ? Fallout 76 ? It must be a joke...
The Tekunin ship had a big fan. SHE-BORG CONFIRMED!!!
Honestly what the hell are they smoking up there? So they called a meeting to decide who they were going to showcase during this weeks Kombat Kast and they decided on Baraka? Let that sink in for a minute. Not Kano or D'vorah (characters we havent seen yet) or their pre-order character Shao Kahn but freaking Baraka. Cause nothing creates more hype for your game then showcasing a character your playerbase has already seen in a dozen or so videos.NRS really letting us down with these shitty Kombat Kast. Baraka gameplay really???? No thanks I'm good lol.
I'm beginning to wonder if MK11 actually will be ready to launch in two months. I can't imagine Tyler, Boon, or anyone at NRS thought, "Hey, we just plowed a bunch of our marketing dollars into a massive launch event featuring a small cross section of our roster. Now let's spend our limited remaining time and marketing resources showcasing these same characters over and over again." That doesn't seem likely; it feels more probable that new characters aren't in good enough shape to showcase yet.Honestly what the hell are they smoking up there? So they called a meeting to decide who they were going to showcase during this weeks Kombat Kast and they decided on Baraka? Let that sink in for a minute. Not Kano or D'vorah (characters we havent seen yet) or their pre-order character Shao Kahn but freaking Baraka. Cause nothing creates more hype for your game then showcasing a character your playerbase has already seen in a dozen or so videos.
So are we getting Skarlet in the next one? maybe Sub-zero after that? Sonya? I am not sure they realize the game is releasing in two months lol.
I think people are forgetting just how little we saw of MKX before like... two weeks out from launch. They literally kept half of the roster under wraps with a month to go.I'm beginning to wonder if MK11 actually will be ready to launch in two months. I can't imagine Tyler, Boon, or anyone at NRS thought, "Hey, we just plowed a bunch of our marketing dollars into a massive launch event featuring a small cross section of our roster. Now let's spend our limited remaining time and marketing resources showcasing these same characters over and over again." That doesn't seem likely; it feels more probable that new characters aren't in good enough shape to showcase yet.
As for D'vorah and Kano, all that's been shown are promo renders. Forget about a game play breakdown, NRS hasn't even produced an in-game screenshot of these characters or shown them in motion. It wouldn't be shocking if MK11 sees a small launch delay similar to DOA6.
Hopefully I'm wrong and I eat these words...
GreenAf and a Fanfav? Could this be Jade perhaps?
Khameleon.GreenAf and a Fanfav? Could this be Jade perhaps?or maybe its a green Baraka skin LMAO
I don't trust the grandmaster troll.