What me and p2w discussed really and what he said about Darkseid and why his opinion of him was bad was because he plays deadshot there is really no other character that can zone darkseid like deadshot can, for example against fate who has the second best zoning atm darkseid can mix him, punish zoning and trade cant do that against deadshot, same against other zoners, the only other bad mus usually are beacause darkseid simply cant keep a character out long enough for trait stalls etc such as flash and wowo who get in very easily against Darkseid, or like supergirl. Personally i think hes in the lower part of the top 10 and will stay about the same next patch so hes like high mid. Also Dave you are a great player obvi, but when i watch you play darkseid you dont really use the mix, or enforce it enough when you play him, you zone way too much like you are playing zod or something but darkseid needs to mix to be effective his zoning just isnt scary without the mix.