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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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Revenant Jade
Oh, and shadow kick is great but man it hurts when they duck it on a read...
Would it be alright for Shadow Kick to be a mid hitting spacing pressure tool and EX Shadow Kick hit mid with second hit an overhead? Buff please hehe

This variation has a very interesting design, I don't get why she has so much air whiff recovery while throwing glaives rangs maybe faster recovery would help this unique Mournful variation of Kitana. This variation seems like a zoning type but opponents get in way too fast because of her whiff recovery..

NRS should just give us a Jade skin for this variation MKII to be exact XD



"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
Yeah, for sure bro. I like the move, I just need to find the appropriate space and time for when to use it.

Although I do think u2,4 is the wonkiest combo string Ive ever seen, lol.
I know what you mean, the combo does less damage if you start it with that string...
So, lately I've been in the lab playing around with U+2 and it's actually.... a fairly interesting move. I put together a video to go over my main points (Please, mother of god, bare with me. It's my first video like ever lol), so you guys will have to let me know what you think. I didn't go over this in the vid, but this tech.... erm.... situational attack will also beat out most, if not all, unarmored special attacks. From there, you can go into all of the float gimmicks and mix-ups we know and love: Land into b3, throw, b14, etc.

Wow this was really helpful O.O


Nothing is guaranteed pressure after EX Glaive. They block the first hit and backdash through the return, it's useless on block.
Can't you act before the return? Thus you can chase them down for trying to backdash the Glaive Return? Still pretty new to Mournful.


How to do f43x2, after the first string my dummy just falls down, and i can't do it 2nd time, what's the secret ?
thanks @xWildx, yeah since they changed the jump attacks i replaced jk~air fan with u2~air fan. it would be a really good anti air if it was a bit faster. previous to the patch i never used the move though.

thanks for the video.

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
I feel so dumb, because Ive been using U2~float exclusively as a setup to bait anything in order to pull off my Ass Brutalities.
Thanks @xWildx, something is better than nothing. hopefully there's something to find here.
It's easy to get complacent with Kitana - since our gameplan ratios of things we do are essentially >50% gimmicks <50% solidarity lol

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
I am not convinced Mournful is her best. I still think it might be Royal Storm. At least in a lot of match ups. The air control of Air Fan stops getting you converts when they stop jumping and play a ground game BUT the fear of it it lets you jump more without worrying about their air to air. Them focusing more on your jumps leads to her ground game being more open. Plus some stuff like Shadow Kick isn't actually safe. I thought Mournful might be the best when I first started using it too but my strong training partners are doing a really good job low profiling Shadow Kick and getting through the zoning.

I also think b+3~RS lift in footsies might be a big deal. I think b+3 as a footsies tool and low profiling tool might be better than as a low launcher and the longer range lift makes this more valuable. RS lift in general might be an underrated footsies tool.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
IMO Kitana variation tier list:
1. Royal Storm - Ranged Lift is too strong at max range when opponents are ducking fans, plus b3~Lift max range is only possible in this variation.
2. Mournful - Unduckable Glaives, pseudo safe blockstrings due to Glaives and Shadow Kick in certain matchups
3. Assassin - Assassin Strike = hard knockdown unlike Throat Slice and Ass which can be techrolled which gives you time to set up her new "50/50" mixup lol ... and Sharpen = more damage on fans, so zoning becomes more scary but if they duck.... yeah


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
IMO Kitana variation tier list:
1. Royal Storm - Ranged Lift is too strong at max range when opponents are ducking fans, plus b3~Lift max range is only possible in this variation.
2. Mournful - Unduckable Glaives, pseudo safe blockstrings due to Glaives and Shadow Kick in certain matchups
3. Assassin - Assassin Strike = hard knockdown unlike Throat Slice and Ass which can be techrolled which gives you time to set up her new "50/50" mixup lol ... and Sharpen = more damage on fans, so zoning becomes more scary but if they duck.... yeah
I agree on this completely. I just don't see a point in sharpen when it only increases fan attacks. Most of her main combo starts like F43, B14, or 1,1, don't even involve fans. Also again, fans are duckable so it doesn't help zoning. Well, unless your opponent is a complete fucking idiot who screams "spamming!". LMAO.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Fans shouldn't really be seen as zoning. At least not in the traditional sense of killing them slowly. They should be seen as a conditioning tool and for pace control. Like you make them duck then run in.


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
Unless it really just doesn't fit your playstyle, Mournful has pretty unanimously been regarded as her best variation overall.
Thats what i wanted to hear.
I still think it might be Royal Storm. b+3~RS lift in footsies might be a big deal. I think b+3 as a footsies tool and low profiling tool might be better than as a low launcher and the longer range lift makes this more valuable. RS lift in general might be an underrated footsies tool.
The only reason i pick RS over MOR. the ranged lift off b3.
IMO Kitana variation tier list:
1. Royal Storm - Ranged Lift is too strong at max range when opponents are ducking fans, plus b3~Lift max range is only possible in this variation.
2. Mournful - Unduckable Glaives, pseudo safe blockstrings due to Glaives and Shadow Kick in certain matchups
3. Assassin - Assassin Strike = hard knockdown unlike Throat Slice and Ass which can be techrolled which gives you time to set up her new "50/50" mixup lol ... and Sharpen = more damage on fans, so zoning becomes more scary but if they duck.... yeah
I really like the ex AS. but looks like its MOR is the way to go. RS for backup. The only thing i miss is AS in ASSN. Thanks @GGA 16 Bit @Konqrr @xWildx
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The Ignore Button Is Free
I've always thought RS was her best. Although she doesn't have gdlk tools, her best tools are in that variation imo. B3 is best in that variation too


I'm a lover, not a fighter
I do wish that she had the mask on in the RS variation though lol. I just think she's cooler looking with it on. :p
It is weird - I am a total Kitana purist and I was thinking the same thing, but now I really like to play her without her mask! It would be great to have a choice though.
Reactions: JDE


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
Eh. It's whatever though. I just want to play her. I also agree that RS has the best weapons. I still need to play around more with the variation in all honesty. Along with the b3 that she got. I'm not comfortable with her. Need to play her more in the variation. The variations that I've been using were AS & Mournful.
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"You play weird" It's called being unorthodox ;)
I do wish that she had the mask on in the RS variation though lol. I just think she's cooler looking with it on. :p
When I play with her, I complain after every single win I get cause damn, she looks like a guy in women's clothes :/


I like Fan-Nado in neutral against a downbacking Vicious Ferra/Torr. Dude can be a brickhouse, trying to stay out of d1, and NJP range.

Doesn't have to be max range, obviously not close. He can't punish it, and you avoid the god which is their d1.

I'm thinking it's a better matchup for Mournful though.


Meow Hoes
Yeah people are starting to du k SK. But then I mix you with f22. Its a pretty crap mix up but it works.

B3 lift is a real big deal.

I'm using both equally now since the patch.

At least we all agree assassin is pretty meh. But Strike is so pretty
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