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Guide KILLER FROST - Living Combo Archive/Discussion (Archived)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
What is everyone's favorite or most reliable meterless combo they use on a normal basis? I like to do j2 f113 db2 11b2 slide u3 11 db2, then it leaves you at the proper spacing for a jump in or air dash cross up if you think they aren't going to wake up. On punishes I will change to 111 or 22 starter.


xbl-OBS trustinme
What is everyone's favorite or most reliable meterless combo they use on a normal basis? I like to do j2 f113 db2 11b2 slide u3 11 db2, then it leaves you at the proper spacing for a jump in or air dash cross up if you think they aren't going to wake up. On punishes I will change to 111 or 22 starter.
ribbz is it possible to change the 11b2 for
111? I hate the input of 11b2.another thing I wanted to ask (you'll proberly piss urself laughing) is iceberg a hard knockdown? I honestly have no idea as I've barely played lol. I'd say my go to meter less combo if I'm not going for vortex would be jump In 2 f113 slide u3 u3 22 iceberg. Keeping it simple for my lazy ass.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
ribbz is it possible to change the 11b2 for
111? I hate the input of 11b2.another thing I wanted to ask (you'll proberly piss urself laughing) is iceberg a hard knockdown? I honestly have no idea as I've barely played lol. I'd say my go to meter less combo if I'm not going for vortex would be jump In 2 f113 slide u3 u3 22 iceberg. Keeping it simple for my lazy ass.
11b2 is not bad at all once you get used to it. Just practice it a bunch of times in a row in training. Damage will scale a lot more because of the slide. I am thinking that the 111 side might not work because the slide would go under, but someone correct me if I am wrong because I am not at my setup right now. Also, iceberg is not a hard knockdown you can tech roll it.


All in a day's work
11b2 is not bad at all once you get used to it. Just practice it a bunch of times in a row in training. Damage will scale a lot more because of the slide. I am thinking that the 111 side might not work because the slide would go under, but someone correct me if I am wrong because I am not at my setup right now. Also, iceberg is not a hard knockdown you can tech roll it.
11 slide will work also instead of 11b2


xbl-OBS trustinme
11b2 is not bad at all once you get used to it. Just practice it a bunch of times in a row in training. Damage will scale a lot more because of the slide. I am thinking that the 111 side might not work because the slide would go under, but someone correct me if I am wrong because I am not at my setup right now. Also, iceberg is not a hard knockdown you can tech roll it.
ok man thanks.ill give 11b2 more of a chance.as for the iceberg thanks for clearing that up,I was just wondering what the advantage of it was over ending with meterless grab instead?Personally I end in iceberg sometimes just to see what someone will do.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
ok man thanks.ill give 11b2 more of a chance.as for the iceberg thanks for clearing that up,I was just wondering what the advantage of it was over ending with meterless grab instead?Personally I end in iceberg sometimes just to see what someone will do.
the juggle is too low at the end of that meterless combo for the grab to land. Sometimes I will cut the combo off after the u3 and go for the meterless vortex rather than finishing the combo with 11 iceberg or 2 iceberg.


xbl-OBS trustinme
the juggle is too low at the end of that meterless combo for the grab to land. Sometimes I will cut the combo off after the u3 and go for the meterless vortex rather than finishing the combo with 11 iceberg or 2 iceberg.
oh ok,I kinda meant more on a general basis though.as is in what's the point in finishing any combo in iceberg rather than meterless grab? I mean I know why I do it sometimes,just wondered what everyone else thinks.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
oh ok,I kinda meant more on a general basis though.as is in what's the point in finishing any combo in iceberg rather than meterless grab? I mean I know why I do it sometimes,just wondered what everyone else thinks.
I just don't really use any setups off a meterless grab, and just in general iceberg is the better ender because you can still hit it during a low juggle which means you can do more up-front.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
What is everyone's favorite or most reliable meterless combo they use on a normal basis? I like to do j2 f113 db2 11b2 slide u3 11 db2, then it leaves you at the proper spacing for a jump in or air dash cross up if you think they aren't going to wake up. On punishes I will change to 111 or 22 starter.
This combo is both very damaging and also passes on the OmegaK seal of swag approval.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
This combo is both very damaging and also passes on the OmegaK seal of swag approval.
You're welcome.

I only use j2~f113 if I know it is going to land for sure, I like using 111 better and it's only 1% less.


xbl-OBS trustinme
This combo is both very damaging and also passes on the OmegaK seal of swag approval.
so how u finding frost so far omega?for some reason I couldn't join urs and karnage koth today and u can bollocks if u think I'm fighting u in a frost mirror,fuck that! I don't want to deal with my own bullshit lol.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
so how u finding frost so far omega?for some reason I couldn't join urs and karnage koth today and u can bollocks if u think I'm fighting u in a frost mirror,fuck that! I don't want to deal with my own bullshit lol.
She's really good, it's nice being able to play footsies again. hopefully I'll be able to represent her well at i49 on saturday. Yeah I saw you joining, tried abusing you but you kept leaving. :(


xbl-OBS trustinme
She's really good, it's nice being able to play footsies again. hopefully I'll be able to represent her well at i49 on saturday. Yeah I saw you joining, tried abusing you but you kept leaving. :(
kept leaving? What the party? Yeah I couldn't be doing with the randoms in there there was like three different conversations going on at once,I was like ''wtf is talking now?' I tried going the koth about 3 times but kept getting the infamous 'game session is no longer available' bollocks.


xbl-OBS trustinme
What is everyone's favorite or most reliable meterless combo they use on a normal basis? I like to do j2 f113 db2 11b2 slide u3 11 db2, then it leaves you at the proper spacing for a jump in or air dash cross up if you think they aren't going to wake up. On punishes I will change to 111 or 22 starter.
whats the damage on that combo ribbz? I'm finding it a pain to land everytime tbh,just wondering if its worth it when I can get 36% with something I can land everytime.36% without ji2 anyway.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
whats the damage on that combo ribbz? I'm finding it a pain to land everytime tbh,just wondering if its worth it when I can get 36% with something I can land everytime.36% without ji2 anyway.
I think it is like 41 or 42% maybe? It isn't bad once you do it enough. Just wait until the opponent is falling down after the iceberg to start the 11b2 part.

Edit:: Without a jump in f113 starter gets u 39% and 111 starter gets you 38%
has anyone updated the OP?

Or can someone just post the 3 BnB's I should be using .... thx
The easiest bnbs that preserve her 3-touch kills:

(f3 or b1u3) u3, u3, 2~slide:
- Meterless damage: 22~iceberg
- Meterless vortex: u3, dash
- Meter damage: 2~MB freeze, j2, f113~daggers
- Meter vortex: 2~MB freeze, j2, 2

(d1~slide or raw slide) u3, (u3 - can leave out the second u3 if too hard for you):
- Meterless damage: 22~iceberg
- Meterless vortex: u3, dash
- Meter damage: 22~MB freeze, j2, f113~daggers
- Meter vortex: 22~MB freeze, j2, 2

You can probably improvise any other hit confirm from these.


I love Kitana
First let me start off I'm new to injustice I have never played anyone and I've had it for barley a day. That being said. I'm having alot of problems preforming freeze combos/rest anything with the meter burn freeze I am not landing it. I am looking for some tips/help. I play on stick if that helps.


I love Kitana
The easiest bnbs that preserve her 3-touch kills:

(f3 or b1u3) u3, u3, 2~slide:
- Meterless damage: 22~iceberg
- Meterless vortex: u3, dash
- Meter damage: 2~MB freeze, j2, f113~daggers
- Meter vortex: 2~MB freeze, j2, 2

(d1~slide or raw slide) u3, (u3 - can leave out the second u3 if too hard for you):
- Meterless damage: 22~iceberg
- Meterless vortex: u3, dash
- Meter damage: 22~MB freeze, j2, f113~daggers
- Meter vortex: 22~MB freeze, j2, 2

You can probably improvise any other hit confirm from these.
Also this was really helpful in red I have highlighted the things I can do.


I love Kitana
If you're on XBL I'd be happy to show you what her bnbs look like. Just post your gamertag.
Ahh I'm on PSN :/ the struggle I'm really considering getting a xbox I'm always in a position where I'm on a forum and everyone is on xbox until I go to a tournament then suddenly everyone plays PSN. Learning wise the xbox community is really growing. I was hoping for maybe some execution tips in preforming done of the freeze combos.


The Ignore Button Is Free
The meterless vortex combo is outdated.

You guys should be doing f3/b1u3, u3x3, 2 slide, u3, dash. If that's too tough, leave out an u3 and do f112 slide, then u3 dash.

U3x3 -> dash should only be used after a slide launcher.