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So...I'm doing the TA combo J3, 22~MB Freeze, U3x10....does this really connect? Every time I activate the trait and begin the U3's, the combo counter restarts...


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Wait how are you doing this off of a MB Ice berg? They hit the ground while I'm activating this thing...

You have FOREVER to activate and do u3 after this. Don't hit the j3 at head level, make sure it is a crossup and you do 2~MB Iceberg asap


Shoot them. Shoot them all.

You have FOREVER to activate and do u3 after this. Don't hit the j3 at head level, make sure it is a crossup and you do 2~MB Iceberg asap
I'll work on it...but just as the trait "activates", they are hitting the ground...


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I'll work on it...but just as the trait "activates", they are hitting the ground...
I'll make a video tomorrow I guess. This is one of her easiest TA combos and I can't believe I didn't find it earlier. It was the MMH crossup teleport punish that got me thinking of this setup.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I'll make a video tomorrow I guess. This is one of her easiest TA combos and I can't believe I didn't find it earlier. It was the MMH crossup teleport punish that got me thinking of this setup.
Yeah make a video...I haven't landed it once...lol


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
real men do 11 iceberg at the end for 41% meterless
That 0.69% means everything!

UPDATE: Ok... so after some testing lol ... so far, it only works on FEMALE characters (not WW) and Flash. For some reason, they take longer to be hit with the second hit of the MB Iceberg which means they are higher in the air and you recover sooner to activate trait. Perhaps this is because of their height or something specifically in their hitboxes... Also, why does it work on Flash? He must be a diva ^_^

EDIT: Here's a video...


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
That 0.69% means everything!

UPDATE: Ok... so after some testing lol ... so far, it only works on FEMALE characters (not WW) and Flash. For some reason, they take longer to be hit with the second hit of the MB Iceberg which means they are higher in the air and you recover sooner to activate trait. Perhaps this is because of their height or something specifically in their hitboxes... Also, why does it work on Flash? He must be a diva ^_^
First off, according the official DC wiki page, The Flash and Nightwing both had relationships with other men....so yeah...they are [ban incoming]y bottom bitches, I know.

Secondly, I knew something was off with your completely false information. ;) It doesn't normally take me too long to learn something and I was like...hmmm ok. Can you please call up Ed and co. and get this fixed, IMMEDIATELY.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
First off, according the official DC wiki page, The Flash and Nightwing both had relationships with other men....so yeah...they are [ban incoming]y bottom bitches, I know.

Secondly, I knew something was off with your completely false information. ;) It doesn't normally take me too long to learn something and I was like...hmmm ok. Can you please call up Ed and co. and get this fixed, IMMEDIATELY.
Get it fixed so you can do the combo? ;)


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Well...to be fair, if it ONLY works on females and The Flash, that seems to be more of NRS's issue than mine...BAM!
There are combos in every fighting game that are character/hitbox specific, it's ok and kind of cool... because on the other characters, you get the 11b2 variation and 53%.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
There are combos in every fighting game that are character/hitbox specific, it's ok and kind of cool... because on the other characters, you get the 11b2 variation and 53%.
Kinda cool? Lol, it wreaks of programming incompetence to me. Stance specific and hitbox specific combos and such should all be equal...at least in my dictatorship. ;)


xbl-OBS trustinme
This is very strange while doing mb freeze combos if I try to connect 2,2 mb freeze it feels like 22 has this huge lag after it despite me inputting the freeze nothing comes out. Unlike 2, freeze which at the very least the move always comes out even if I miss. Ideas. ? Suggestions I'm extremely inconsistent with any of her mb combos presently I am doing pretty good with her meterless stuff.
try not to look at the input for the grab as one motion that u have to do as a whole thing,this is where I went wrong at first. break it down into two separate inputs,first you do down,back then press forward and 2 at the same time,that's how I got it to work anyway.as for why your missing the grab,that's proberly more to do with u not hitting the u3's fast enough so there not high enough in the air.at first just try and work on hitting the grab after a single u3 rather than two,that way your opponent will be in the air longer and it'll give u more time to perfect the grab input.anyway hopes this kinda makes sense,if not hit me up on Xbox live or something.just try this for now f113,slide,u3,22,down back,forward 2.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Kinda cool? Lol, it wreaks of programming incompetence to me. Stance specific and hitbox specific combos and such should all be equal...at least in my dictatorship. ;)
Stance specific in MK9/Injustice is NOT cool... I mean character specific stuff. Stances in these games are completely useless and shouldn't exist as a way to go between them. And for those who would read this and misunderstand, I don't mean things like Nightwing Staff stance you morons... the left/right foot forward stance bs.

Like in UMK3, you had to adjust your combos on characters like Shang and Sheeva or you would whiff. That was cool.
Kinda cool? Lol, it wreaks of programming incompetence to me. Stance specific and hitbox specific combos and such should all be equal...at least in my dictatorship. ;)
It's not programming, it's design. And it's basically impossible to avoid to some degree. NRS games seem much better than Capcom games about them, where in Capcom games char-specific combos and setups can be vital to matchups and lead to things like unblockables.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
It's not programming, it's design. And it's basically impossible to avoid to some degree. NRS games seem much better than Capcom games about them, where in Capcom games char-specific combos and setups can be vital to matchups and lead to things like unblockables.
Please don't take my statement literal or even remotely analyze it as if I was being serious...I wasn't. ;)