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Khaos Reigns Official Announcement Trailer


Same. no way I am preordering this DEI KP2 - why can't NRS admit the guest characters ARE OVERDONE, especially 6 of them..'COM ONN... but that's not what rubs me the wrong way, not as much as the blasphemous gender swaps, spider-man themed female Cyrax and Sektor - gosh dang it NRS just INTRODUCE A NEW FEMAL CYBORG FFS. error 404 no originality found

never have I ever thought I'd witness a franchise pissing all over itself one game only to sh*t all over itself the next.
Guests out-sell roster characters basically everytime.

Also, this post also reads like it was written by someone that doesn't shower.
I feel like this is the most random guest character picks they could possibly pull from the WB bag.
“Hm let’s see. we still got that likeness agreement with Arnold.
Ehh let’s use a character he’s played in the past to save money. The scream movie came out recently; so we could use some cross promotion by adding ghost face in.
Oh you’re wondering what he can do moveset wise? We’ll have him stab of course! People will buy that shit regardless”.
Maybe I’m just genuinely tired of having guest pulled from every medium but video games! Give us Doom Guy or something, NRS. Switch it up.
Idk, the Marvel influence is borderline plagiarism. The Ironman stuff was already apparent, but then Sektor busted these out

A shame, cause the cyborgs where inspired directly by Predator. Sektor in particular had that vibe going since MKA, with a (story mode only) invisibility in mka, mk9 and MKX (in the intros for triborg).
I think being upset at changing a beloved character is a perfectly valid opinion, but blaming it on some big bad "agenda" and being 100% serious about it is genuinely very funny. The entire gimmick of the game is its the MK universe but all wacky and weird. Sub Zero and Scorpion are literally brothers, i expected gender swaps before that.

I agree with everybody here saying NRS has a huge MCU boner somehow still despite the 2010s being 5+ years ago now. They should've just been cyborgs as always, big clunky robots dont have to differ depending on gender
@Vulgar your posts are nearly as bad as this trailer. Though your pathetic shilling does garner me a chuckle from time to time, which is more than what NRS could provide.

NRS are devoid of ideas. You cats finally get a "promising" patch right before they hit you with another $50 charge. 5 DLC chapters and 6 characters is almost the price of a full fledged title. Newsflash: THEY NEVER FINISHED THE FIRST TITLE.

Despite your "glorious" patch, half the roster feels incomplete outside of a Kameo equip. "Here's a new string or two peasants enjoy."

"Yaaaaaaas thank you master boon."

What a cash grabbing monster NRS has become. Chaos reigns not in the video game, but most certainly in their Chicago office. Fn hacks.

Sextor/Cypax with Wings=Abominable
What tf are they smoking in Chiraq?
We got to see 4 new Cyrax moves in the trailer and NONE for Sektor. I'm cautiously optimistic on the new moves but can't help to feel a bit annoyed honestly.
we saw a launcher and an air string into air dash into another air string. i guess she will work with rocket boosts.
And I think that as long as every single genderswap so far is favoring a particular gender, the big bad 'agenda' is a perfectly valid target to blame for this clusterfuck.
It literally just got leaked that Shang will be able to morph into male versions of Kitana and Mileena. The UMK3 male ninja Kitana looks pretty neat too. The irony of people making up a conspiracy theory of how video games are emasculating media while the most masculine actor of all time is sitting there portraying the most masculine character he ever played looking beefy as fuck is also very, very funny.

Again, no shade in disliking this, this specific reasoning is just genuinely funny to me in 2024. If Cyrax and Sektor got gender swapped in MKDA or something people would be screaming for the female versions to come back as skins or something for nostalgia reasons in every game after that
Not sure if this was said.. But being the new Era on the trailer before you see Bi-Han being changed you see Geras. Makes me wonder as he sounds like him. is it both Bi-Han and Geras? Friend @Fermbiz pointed this out and could be wrong but heres a picture from the trailer.


Noob has maybe the worst design for a ninja in the entire series. Just awful.

Saw the price and immediately LMAO'd. Hardest possible pass. $50 for a terrible story ripped off from the latest bad MCU slop, 6 characters (3 of which are guests and none of which are new), no kameos and some pre-order recolor skins?

Yeah no. Some people already paid $100+ for this unfinished mess and now after releasing the first barely competent patch of the game's life cycle you want another $50, NRS? Get bent.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that people actually care about the Sektor and Cyrax gender swap. People care about the dumbest shit. I would love to see female versions of my favorite MK characters like Smoke, Scorpion, and Nightwolf for instance.

That said, I DO understand Sektor and Cyrax fans being disappointed with the movesets. Considering their original selves haven’t really been in an NRS game since MK9, I can understand feeling a bit slighted. I don’t count TriBorg, even though TriBorg was a dope character.

However, Noob’s moveset looks great! I have never liked any modern day NRS Noob Saibot’s, but LOVE MKT Noob and it seems he has a lot of his MKT moveset, so definitely going to be trying him out.

As far as the guest characters, the T2 liquid robot aka T-1000 is cool as hell. T2 is by far my (and a lot of people’s) favorite Terminator movie. I’ve seen it soo many times. I bet he’s gonna be super cool.

Also, gonna be interesting seeing Ghost Face finally in an MK game. He’s one of those guest characters that have always been talked about being in an NRS MK game, glad to finally see him in.

Never watched Conan the Barbarian so no opinion

$50 price tag though? Hopefully you can buy the characters individually. After the botched story mode I don’t really care about the continuation of it. And since I’m not competing in this game, no reason to get all the KP2 characters if I don’t want all of them. But I DO want to try out Noob, T-1000 and Ghostface
It literally just got leaked that Shang will be able to morph into male versions of Kitana and Mileena. The UMK3 male ninja Kitana looks pretty neat too.
Sounds like I received the tedious 'ThE bOyS mAkEs FuN oF bOtH sIdEs' gatcha, but it's not like I have high hopes from people who wish to debate me on those things.

If you think that a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' special move of Shang morphing to a what-if-because-fucking-multiverse character while the actual characters are 'safe' in terms of design and canon is the same with an established character getting genderswapped for the next 5-10 years, then have I got a bridge to sell you. Might as well tell me that Reptile and Ermac were playable in MK11.

Again, no shade in disliking this, this specific reasoning is just genuinely funny to me in 2024.
Oh? Why 2024 in particular? Because in 2024, those kind of things are actively being pursued? Because race/genderswapping is now literally the flavor of the day? The goal? Some would say ... an agenda?

In the end, I would have respected your take a lot more if it amounted to "You know what? I SEE this for what it is; But I don't really mind it."
Sounds like I received the tedious 'ThE bOyS mAkEs FuN oF bOtH sIdEs' gatcha, but it's not like I have high hopes from people who wish to debate me on those things.

If you think that a 'blink-and-you'll-miss-it' special move of Shang morphing to a what-if-because-fucking-multiverse character while the actual characters are 'safe' in terms of design and canon is the same with an established character getting genderswapped for the next 5-10 years, then have I got a bridge to sell you. Might as well tell me that Reptile and Ermac were playable in MK11.

Oh? Why 2024 in particular? Because in 2024, those kind of things are actively being pursued? Because race/genderswapping is now literally the flavor of the day? The goal? Some would say ... an agenda?

In the end, I would have respected your take a lot more if it amounted to "You know what? I SEE this for what it is; But I don't really mind it."
Its the classic, push the agenda but when confrotend pretend like nothing happend and people are imgining things...
Making them Ironman clones removes one of the most important parts of what it meant to be a cyber ninja, that it was a horrifically grueling process. Their eyes are removed, their flesh is peeled. They aren't just people in suits, they're completely bonded with their armor. It was metal af and fit MK perfectly. Especially when you look at Sektor and remember that he willingly did that to himself.

It literally just got leaked that Shang will be able to morph into male versions of Kitana and Mileena. The UMK3 male ninja Kitana looks pretty neat too. The irony of people making up a conspiracy theory of how video games are emasculating media while the most masculine actor of all time is sitting there portraying the most masculine character he ever played looking beefy as fuck is also very, very funny.

Again, no shade in disliking this, this specific reasoning is just genuinely funny to me in 2024. If Cyrax and Sektor got gender swapped in MKDA or something people would be screaming for the female versions to come back as skins or something for nostalgia reasons in every game after that
Firstly,where did this leak my guy,do tell

Secondly, considering to which lengths the ultra left cult is willing to go and things they do to justify and push certain things in all sorts of areas,this would be used to present as if there is no specific agenda being pushed,after harsh criticism has been recieved on the subject.

So far the only characters to get gender swapped are male and the race to get race swapped is white,additionally an egyptian women was i guess having that white herratige too much so they decided tanya should be a wakanda foevah instead,egyptian was not divers enough...

So yeah even if the shang morphs thing is true,not only is it incredibly stupid but is also just there to cover their tracks.

Otherwise they would lean in to the whacky unviers as you say and actually gender swap kitant or make jax a white dude,but yeah youll never see that,and to clarify id be against that too but the important thing is that if that actually happend then the very same people that are now celebrating this brave and heroic change of cyrax and sektor would be out with their pitch forks screaming racism racism,the patriarchy dude etc

Hypocrites to their core.
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And I think that as long as every single genderswap so far is favoring a particular gender, the big bad 'agenda' is a perfectly valid target to blame for this clusterfuck.
What female characters would you even genderswap to male? Sheeva already has Goro, Female Ninjas already have Male Ninjas, Male Sonya is just Jax, a male Sindel would make zero sense, etc. So the only real options are a male Tanya, Lei Mei, Sareena and an actual cool one would be a male version of Nitara.

But aside from all that, the other reason the genderswaps have been going from male to female is because there’s not many female characters in MK games. Yeah, it’d obviously be better to create new female characters rather than genderswap existing ones, but I don’t get why it’s a big deal. Can someone explain why it’s such a bad thing?
Yeah, it’d obviously be better to create new female characters rather than genderswap existing ones, but I don’t get why it’s a big deal. Can someone explain why it’s such a bad thing?
It's cheap, lazy, and I don't like it. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too. Increase the male/female ratio without putting any real effort.

But aside from that, I don't like it because of consistency reasons. Cyrax and Sektor were male so they should stick with that. And frankly, I like them as male-based.

I want the characters to stick to the race and gender they started as. I don't want a male Sonya, I don't want a male D'Vorah, I don't want a male Kitana. I don't want a white Jax. Am I resistant to needless change? Yes, I am. Sue me.

But you're a person who wants to see all your favorite characters get genderswapped, so I literally can't imagine what's it like inside your head and expect the same from you in return.

But aside from all that, the other reason the genderswaps have been going from male to female is because there’s not many female characters in MK games.
No, no.

The reason the genderswaps happen IN THE FIRST PLACE is because the male characters are more than the female ones and now NRS are trying to be 'progressive', at the expense of established characters and lore.

Which is literally the goal. The 'big bad agenda' that doesn't exist, but at the same time, actually does, kinda, but we don't like to call it 'bad' because we don't want to be labelled as 'istophobes'.
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