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Khaos Reigns Official Announcement Trailer


We got to see 4 new Cyrax moves in the trailer and NONE for Sektor. I'm cautiously optimistic on the new moves but can't help to feel a bit annoyed honestly.
Credit where it’s due, we got a good patch and an awesome trailer.

Love the new noob and am so glad we’re getting portals back.

I’m normally hesitant on gender swaps and the like because they’re often low effort pandering. In this case I’m fine with it? It’s not like either bot has ever gotten a shit ton of character, and fuck at least you’re using the multiverse nonsense for something.

I mean plot wise I expect literally nothing ambitious for them but their animations and moves look fucking awesome.

The guests are good guests but this nonsense comes up every time. You’ve got to have them and these are some interesting ones. You don’t fund dlc like by putting in fucking hsu hao or whoever you’ve been dying for.

plot wise I expect a trash fire but that was the first game as well. If it clears the low bar then great. Fuck maybe we’ll finally have a mortal kombat game with single player content where characters actually fucking die. Hell give out bonus points for fatal and brutal for once.

The animalities look fucking AMAZING. excellent job. God I hope they can do one major patch and really make this game shine. Feels like they’re firing on all cylinders again finally.
The genderswap kills a bit of the hype for me. Totally pointless. Especially if the'ye just in Ironman armor.

While I haven't really liked Lui's timeline (aside from jobber's getting to shine) this story expansion looks pretty good. And although he has some corny lines in the game, Havik's voice actor absolutely kills it, he sounds awesome. Biggest gripe is the fight choreography in the cutscene's sucks, it looks super stiff and generic. A far cry from Shang obliterating NPC's and revenant Nightwolf in mk11 with style.

Noob looks awesome but his triangle head does not. I will take it over toes and pony tail Noob however.
So the expanison is 50€ but in the trailer it shows that with the expansion comes the new story, kp2(3 chars at launch 3 later) and kp1.

Below that is stated that kp 2 characters may be purchased only in this expansion bundle.

Soo i cant get noob only?

Also do people that already have kp1/mk1 premium edition then get a discount or what?

3 guests, though million times better then 3 dumbass fake superman, dont really interest me,gender swapped cyrax and sektor are a waste of space and the story seems to be inspired by marvels infinty war where havik uses the kamidogu as infinity stones(but who knows it might actually turn out to be decent)

Hopefully they reconsider the removal of a standalone purchase as awell as clarifying if people who got kp1 get a discount or not.
Cyborg change is terrible. Badass killer cyborgs to D league superheroes with trite lines. Genderswap to long established characters instead of making something new.

Not a fan of the green in Noobs repotoire.

Conan was actually a surprise and got me hype at least. Havik looks cool. I could rock ghostface. Animalities
+1 for me as well against the gender swap garbage. I didn't like the sound of it and hated it in the trailer as much as I thought I would. Hard pass for me there. Give me alpha black dude MK9 Cyrax who gets turned robot, not some chick under the suit bootleg Ironman, or Ironwoman i should say. Nah lol 1/10.

Noob looks GOAT. Love his design and moveset, nothing else to add about how epic he looks.

No kameos, I actually have no problem with that at all.

I guess the rest of the buffs are coming, Havik about to body everyone soon Nitara-style.

Animalities look hype and are long awaited.

T-1000 incoming 10/10.
Ghostface eh some people are happy good for them.
Conan hard pass.
Figured I would point out a couple details while I rewatch this trailer:

-Sektor's Throw animation is a throwback to the MK3 Throw where an arm would jut out of the Cyborgs and toss them to the other side
-Animalities aren't just completely generic looking animals, they retain a part of the fighters identity or look
Havik is the Hyena, He has a scarred jaw and bony nose
Geras is the Hippo, He has the glowing eyes and lines on his body
Kenshi is the Wolf who has his own Sento Wolf
Quan Chi is the Fossil and you'll notice there's Quan Chi style markings on its head
Scoprion obviously Scorpion
Rain is a big purple pufferfish
Mileena is a pink maneating Preying Mantis

I dunno who the Gorilla is, Could be Reptile as a reference to his MK3 Animality but there's something else to consider:
Just like MK11 and their Friendships, Guest Characters might also have Animalities.
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Do you think that they are wearing iron man suits or are they cyborgs?

Legit excited for Conan... really the first guest since MKx that has excited me. In fact I think he is my most want to play character in the reveal.

lol... your not special : ) eveyone likes them! Just read a comment chain on the trailer to see, almost ever single post is happy about them being back.
Yeah they're wearing iron man suits made after sektor and Cyrax. I think that's sick. Lol you can see the skin in between the armor
Not feeling Sektor having Dvorah moves. I was right to worry their movesets would be butchered. Atleast Cyrax still has bombs, ish. Designs are great, gameplay is disappointing.

Noob is the exact opposite, the design is trash but the Gameplay looks like actual Noob and not the MK11 style edgy boy, which I love.

Where's the new Kameos? Not getting any?
I didn't see any of her moves. Which part you see Holmes? Only thing I've seen remotely close was sektors old grab but that was way back from mk3. Maybe I missed them
I'll see as more details and footage come out, but this trailer didn't really do it for me personally.

The gender swap stuff doesn't bother me at all, but I don't care for Havik in the slightest, and even though I'm a big fan of the arcade era, I never liked Animalities either (though everyone's getting them again). It's cool to see Noob back, no issue with Cyrax and Sektor in general (though agreed, having them be in armour is... different), and I'm not digging the guest characters in this game at all. Well, T-1000 is alright, and I guess Khrome finally gets something along the lines of what they wanted.

The $65.99 + tax (CA) price tag is also a major turn off.

Right now, I'm thinking I'll probably wait 3-6 months and buy it on sale. Since I'm playing this game full casual and no MP at all, it's not like waiting will be a bit geal.

Who knows, maybe I'll change my mind.
The robots designes look awful lol Noob also looks bad. This is the only pack I'm torn about ever. Really don't want to spend on the three mk chars. Ugh...
Anyone know who the little, waifu sounding chick in the trailer is. Cyrax and Sektor don’t sound like that, and that voice honestly doesn’t fit MK at all.
My personal ratings for each character...

Conan - rush down zealot/10
Cyrax - woke/10
Ghostface - potential zoning master/10
Noob Saibot - zoning master/10
Sektor - woke/10
T-1000 - probably rush down zealot, but I approve/10

No kameos for the second season? Even NRS knows that the system is ass.

Overall, I am excited for Ghostface, Noob Saibot, and T-1000.
I love the cyborgs new looks, even though the helmets are a bit... weird. Noob is all around weird design-wise.

Cyborgs movesets are just briefly shown, so I can't say much except that I hope Cyrax has her net move instead of that horrible gunk, and that Sektor gets to keep her telepunch. Noob's few specials that were showcased are definitely a nice throwback, I'm just not feeling the green in his vfx and palette, even though it kinda seems to be there to evoke the Chaosrrealm aesthetic now that it's his origin.

Guests are, well... choices lol it doesn't even care following a theme anymore, it just feels like a mess of whatever option is available at this point.

I like the animalities, even though I do wish more morphing was involved in the transformations, from the 2 Mileena and Rain examples it seems like they'll be relying a lot on light effects for the transitions, but I guess it would be a lot of work to truly think pronounced morphing animations that look good, so it's fine the way it is.

Expected some better skins to come bundled, and not the UMK3 tired ass crap we already got on the shop for all other ninjas, but oh well.

Story seems like a parody almost, which is very in line with base game ending, and that's very fitting for Havik as a main villain, which can't be said for the former main villains lol If anything they have the chance to retcon and course correct the tone of the first ending by introducing the idea that Havik was behind all of that parody Armageddon circus we had.

VERY excited that we're getting all MK characters in one go, but concerned for the fact that for a while all we'll see arriving through updates are guests, so hopefully there will be more to it later down the line, specially Kameos that were not even mentioned, wish we could get more Kameos like Mavado, his combo extensions are very fun to use with multiple characters.
If someone told me

that I would get Havik as the big bad in story DLC, alongside Noob, Sektor and Cyrax as DLC characters

and I would react with 'meh'

I would call you crazy. Yet here we are.

This game, from the beginning to the end, was the literal definition of a monkey's paw.

Not pre-ordering.

Will buy only if it drops to 5 bucks.

Rejoice, MCU fans. You got two Ironheart copycats, and Quantumania homages.

Seriously, Dom seems incapable of not doing anything that doesn't rip off the already rotting carcass of the MSheU.
If someone told me

that I would get Havik as the big bad in story DLC, alongside Noob, Sektor and Cyrax as DLC characters

and I would react with 'meh'

I would call you crazy. Yet here we are.

This game, from the beginning to the end, was the literal definition of a monkey's paw.

Not pre-ordering.

Will buy only if it drops to 5 bucks.

Rejoice, MCU fans. You got two Ironheart copycats, and Quantumania homages.

Seriously, Dom seems incapable of not doing anything that doesn't rip off the already rotting carcass of the MSheU.
Same. no way I am preordering this DEI KP2 - why can't NRS admit the guest characters ARE OVERDONE, especially 6 of them..'COM ONN... but that's not what rubs me the wrong way, not as much as the blasphemous gender swaps, spider-man themed female Cyrax and Sektor - gosh dang it NRS just INTRODUCE A NEW FEMALE CYBORG FFS. error 404 no originality found

never have I ever thought I'd witness a franchise pissing all over itself one game only to sh*t all over itself the next.
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My boy Noob's back and he's not a jobber! And he has a shadow toss and his portals!! Holy shit!!!

Noob teamed up with Havik all the way back in his MK9 ending I can't believe they're going through with that alliance.

This was a very exciting trailer to me.
My main, my original MK9 First Ever Main, is going to be a playable standalone non-Triborg character for the first time in three MK games, and her Net looks like ammo from the Gloo Cannon in Prey.
And most of all, twenty years later, I hope and pray, we are FINALLY GOING TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE TEMPEST IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOSREALM.