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Kabal Guide Feedback

another :x combo:

jump in :fp/:bp, :l +:fp:bp:fp :r+:bk~ :x

9 hits 42% dmg can be done mid and corner.

I'm more of a less hits max dmg kind of guy :)
Found something pretty easy to do. You just need to time it properly. Sorry the quality is shit. They only way I can record is from my blackberry and of course the video recorder is a piece of shit.

16hit 40% (no meter) wall combo.
Jump in :fp/:bp, :l+:fp:bp:fp, nJP~:l+:fp:bp:fp~:l+:fp:bp:fp,~:l+:fp:bp:fp, Spin :d+:bp

The game pretty much scales it so much that you really just need :fp/:bp at the end of that string and youll get 15 hits 40% dmg spin is unnecessary plus it keeps them in corner for potential corner setups.

edit: Ive also gone as far as 17 hits and its still sitting at 40% dmg.


I'm having trouble doing the first X-Ray combo, I can't get the X-Ray to hit after :r :fk, :bp. I'm still proper noob at this game so it's probably something I'm doing, also, does ~ mean something?

Thanks or any help.
:x combo corner only

jump in :fp/:bp :l +:fp:bp:fp~ nJP :r+:bk ~ :x

10 hits 44% Dmg.

just added one more hit corner only variation to my previous combo.


Awesome guide tom! I wasn't thinking of using kabal till i tried some of his stuff out based on the guide. I just might pick him up! He has alot more going on than I thought he did, especially in the mixup department. The only thing is his execution is a bit tough to do on reaction.

I was messing around in practice mode and realized you can negative edge some of the stuff. For example from his dash, if you press back immediately, you can do all the special cancels easier on reaction (simply back 3 for low saw, b1 for fireball, qcb 2 for tornado overhead.). Also, if you're up close and you do the dash, you won't actually need the extra back command, since the back from the dash command acts as a negative edge. So up close you can make your dash pretty safe by immediately cancelling it to a overhead tornado (although this is kinda hard to do on reaction, but if you can it's really good!)

Hope this helps someone out!
Messing around in practice I found out that you can cancel the dash into any of his specials. Fireball, slam, buzzsaw, only thing you can't do is cancel into another dash or ex dash. Though u could block cancel then ex dash. This leads to good mind games.
You can also make a dash cancel loop by using the back and block from the first cancel into the same back motion for your next dash

Also i was wondering about buffering for the back 121 jump in fk fireball combo, im having trouble on the timing with doing the up-forward quickly followed by back back, the window to do this seems very small, do you have to hit with an immediate jump kick in order for it to work?
after the normal jump in, launcher combo you can dash and bp, bp, dash fw+bk (stuns near ground) canceled into his nomad dash...
jump over normal jump in combo launch, fw+fk bp canceled into tornado slam = easy 44% damage (no wall, or ex)

right now I am working on canceling fw+bk into canceled nomad dash while they are in air for the 2nd part of combo for bigger damage. ending with fw+bk allows you to maintain pressure with jump in combo or throw attempt. (someone please test this)


Sex Kick
after the normal jump in, launcher combo you can dash and bp, bp, dash fw+bk (stuns near ground) canceled into his nomad dash...
jump over normal jump in combo launch, fw+fk bp canceled into tornado slam = easy 44% damage (no wall, or ex)

right now I am working on canceling fw+bk into canceled nomad dash while they are in air for the 2nd part of combo for bigger damage. ending with fw+bk allows you to maintain pressure with jump in combo or throw attempt. (someone please test this)
Odd...I can only get 42% off of this.
Wait, PSN just kicked in. Now I can only get 39% off of this.

To be specific...
Ji. BP, B+FP, BP, FP, dash, BP, FP, dash, F+BK, Nomad spin, Ji. BP, B+FP, BP, FP, dash, F+FK, BP, Tornado
42%, now nerfed to 39%

Further testing reveals an extremely hard...
Ji. BP, B+FP, BP, FP, dash, BP, dash, BP, dash, F+BK, Nomad spin, Ji. BP, B+FP, BP, FP, dash, F+FK, BP, Tornado
40% damage after this odd damage nerf.
I could see it doing the 44% pre nerf though, but it's extremely hard to do without the corner to remove the dashes.
Even in the corner, it's extremely hard.

I can land the 39% combo nearly every try though, so I see that as 100% viable and his new BNB jump in combo.

This damage nerf is totally lame.

Ji. BP, B+FP, BP, FP, dash, F+BK~X-ray
42% damage - down from 46% damage

His spin combo isn't changed much, 25% damage down from 26%...both are way too low damage for that anyway. He should be getting around the same damage Sub Zero gets off of his freeze.

It's so lame.
My bread and butter combo is also now 34% down from 36%...doesn't matter much I guess, but my new BNB was going to be that 42% combo, and it's not the easiest combo ever, and now it only does 39%

Talk about lame.
Forget Kabal. Back to Kitana.
Ending the combos with f4 (F + BK) leaves the opponent standing and open to F+3,2 strings. Probably better then finishing with tornado in most cases. Kabal is pretty strong atm, don't think the dmg nerfs will affect him that much.


I cant ex-dash through Kano-s projectiles. Is there something special about his knife throwing ability. I know it goes through other projectiles but why not his? I mean it goes through kitana's fan blades but not his.?
I cant ex-dash through Kano-s projectiles. Is there something special about his knife throwing ability. I know it goes through other projectiles but why not his? I mean it goes through kitana's fan blades but not his.?
it may be caused by you doing ex dash too early. keep in mind kano has if not the fastest but one of the fastest projectiles in the game. ex dash has armor on start up meaning you would have to time your ex dash as soon as you think the knife is gonna touch. if you are trying to react to this online....GOODLUCK my friend


the special effects
You can also make a dash cancel loop by using the back and block from the first cancel into the same back motion for your next dash

Also i was wondering about buffering for the back 121 jump in fk fireball combo, im having trouble on the timing with doing the up-forward quickly followed by back back, the window to do this seems very small, do you have to hit with an immediate jump kick in order for it to work?
You have to start buffering the fireball as soon as you leave the round for the jk for it to come out.


ex dash has armor on start up meaning you would have to time your ex dash as soon as you think the knife is gonna touch
So it only has armor on start up and not full screen?blah gay

Does Kabal have a block infinite? His f+3~2 dash cancel repeat? I know its a mix up but how is that a block infinite?


the special effects
They can do nothing but block it or eat a combo as Kabal's advantage is so great.


According to the guide Kabal can cancel his regular dash by pressing back back but I can only seem to cancel it with back and block. How do you execute Nomad Dash cancel with tapping back back?
So it only has armor on start up and not full screen?blah gay

Does Kabal have a block infinite? His f+3~2 dash cancel repeat? I know its a mix up but how is that a block infinite?
I found out last night that her fan toss is two hits meaning two projectiles and you only go through the first one
Just want to throw in, for those of you that might still be having problems with Jump Kick--Air Fireball. I myself have an extremely hard time hitting this 100% of the time (hell, on bad days, even 50%), so I would recommend instead of doing the Jump Kick, to sub in the extremely reliable Jump Punch. Not only is it much, much easier to land every time, but if you use FP (1), you can use the "buffer" and just hit B, B, and both the punch, AND the fireball will come out quickly, leaving you plently of time to catch them with a spin as they land. Its no answer to helping you land your kick-fireball, but if dropping combos because of it is an issue to you, theres a easy solution


uh i heard that in this next patch when the block string infinite is removed that they will be giving him a buff is there any truth to this and if so what is this buff. Also about kitana's ground fans not be EX nomad dashable this is untrue i have tested it and you can go staight through them both kinda makes me think that EX dash has super armor.