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Match-up Discussion Joker Matchup Discussion


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I played a pretty good batman very frequently pre patch and I believe it's pretty solidly 7-3. The gun whiffing on his batarang animation drives me crazy and he can pressure so much more efficiently than Joker. The b23 nerf may have changed this slightly by making him a bit less safe though... but I doubt it.
Not sure I agree on Sinestro and GL though. I play a good GL pretty often and we tend to go more or less even these days. Joker actually can zone him out somewhat since he can't get you from full screen and the gun is faster than his bullet. GL is much better up close with his b1 and f3 shenanigans, but if you're patient you can generally find a spot to catch him. I also think the gun is relatively effective to counterzone Sinestro and let us close some ground. Need to respect the stinger thing on wakeup because you don't want to be put back at full screen. Once we're in, though, I think he's pretty managable, albeit getting in is tough. I'd put both of these at 6-4.
Was struggling with the flash matchup a bit this weekend. Not much at all for us to do against him full screen because he gets around gun easily and can punish pretty much any of the canisters on reaction. Once he's in your face he is ridiculous at stuffing wakeups and has those 50/50s that eat up over half a life bar. What are your thoughts there?


Joker here~
I played a pretty good batman very frequently pre patch and I believe it's pretty solidly 7-3. The gun whiffing on his batarang animation drives me crazy and he can pressure so much more efficiently than Joker. The b23 nerf may have changed this slightly by making him a bit less safe though... but I doubt it.
Not sure I agree on Sinestro and GL though. I play a good GL pretty often and we tend to go more or less even these days. Joker actually can zone him out somewhat since he can't get you from full screen and the gun is faster than his bullet. GL is much better up close with his b1 and f3 shenanigans, but if you're patient you can generally find a spot to catch him. I also think the gun is relatively effective to counterzone Sinestro and let us close some ground. Need to respect the stinger thing on wakeup because you don't want to be put back at full screen. Once we're in, though, I think he's pretty managable, albeit getting in is tough. I'd put both of these at 6-4.
Was struggling with the flash matchup a bit this weekend. Not much at all for us to do against him full screen because he gets around gun easily and can punish pretty much any of the canisters on reaction. Once he's in your face he is ridiculous at stuffing wakeups and has those 50/50s that eat up over half a life bar. What are your thoughts there?
Wow for the me. I find batman much easier than GL.
For me, yes batman's zoning is annoying but one touch is all it takes. If my timings are on, he cannot wake up. He's forced to guess on the tech roll every time, and every time he guesses wrong i'm taking 30%+. And when i want the full damage i can take the rest of the combo for over 40%.
Yes i won't randomly catch a j2 with a good batman, but I don't gameplan around that. One sweep, one crowbar, and we slowly get closer to the corner where it becomes hell for him. His inability to wake up hurts him a tonne in this match.
I think at worst it would be 4-6. He outzones, but up close, if we get a successful d1, thats a guaranteed 2,1,2 in to teeth set up. The mix up midscreen isnt the greatest, but he won't be pushing forward after this in fear of the push block set up. So he just corners himself faster.
Once we hit the corner, things just go to shit. b2,3 is better here since he recovers faster (well at least pre patch), but he still cannot wake up. 2,1,2 teeth on block or hit leads to legitimate damage and set ups now.

As for GL. I find it hard to zone him out. GL's walk speed is far superior to jokers, so he can stay within his air rocket range and force us to take chip. Only if the GL mis-spaces his air rocket do we get the gun shot. Once he corners you, he can just bully you with b1,3 and we can no longer back dash it to punish with b1,3 in the corner.
Straight rocket is also the same speed as jokers gun shot. It has the same start up but the projectile travels slightly slower. Regardless though it trades evenly most of the time. Which isnt the best for us cuz we will most likely be down due to chip damage. If we try to gunshot, the GL can duck it and then get a free air rocket off. Based on spacing (close to full screen), we can jump back to avoid this. But this just resets to neutral. We aren't catching up on life through zoning unless the GL gets impatient and tries to dash in.
From the onset of the match we are already down on life since he basically gets the free b1,3 minigun at the start of the match. Unless we neutral jump to blow this up, we are going to be down on life. Jumping against a lantern at the start of the match is no good idea in general due to threat of reactionary lifts. This is even worse on stages on with closeby interactables (im trying to develop my reactions to insta j3 the jump back on reaction though)
But yes if the lantern holds full full screen we can go toe to toe with his zoning, otherwise no we will not be catching up on life unless he tries to dash in or mispaces an air rocket. And even if you just dodge each others straight projectiles he will build as much meter as us and then chip us using the mid hitting mb straight rocket.
We are forced to go in, but even when we go in he can bully us with b1,3. We have to give up the b1,3 to initiate any pressure cuz insta j2 following b1,3 minigun beats out d2 and lift attempts (it does lose to insta j1's though). We have to play defensively and move after blocking b1,3's. With the parry buff now this is better, and we can still back dash and punish with b1,3 midscreen. The match is still horrible though.
The main saving grace though is lantern is free on wake up. One touch like batman and he cannot get up safely if you know your knockdowns properly.

Idk im probably missing something for this match up. I'd love to be enlightened, but from my experience GL Joker is minimum 3.5-6.5 and imo is much worse than Batman. We can at least play the footsie game with batman cuz we can outrange his normals. GL just controls the screen outside of full full screen, and even there I believe we go even. For this match up everything is reactionary. Everything comes after blocking a b1,3 or air rocket. After blocking air rocket at some ranges, dashes will be caught by lift. We can bait and punish this though.
Regardless this match up feels super up hill.
You need to muscle memory the b1,3 back dash and the b1,3 parry. You need to capitalise on all punishes and sit on that lifelead at full screen if you want to trade rockets with guns.

In regards to sinestro and flash. Havent played the matches enough, but only advice i can offer is. If flash is using the f3 timing to blow up wake up flower. You can dash under him. This is a ballsy read, but it stops him from getting free pressure on wake up.
I've been using dashing to great effect against people who try to blow up wake up acid flower.


I write too much.
Pretty sure the new counter buff allows us to counter GL after B1. Could be wrong though.

Also, is Batman zoning as impenetrable post-patch?


Gil, if they're at the range where gunshot can't punish air rocket, then you can jump 3 to avoid the rocket and punish.


Joker here~
Pretty sure the new counter buff allows us to counter GL after B1. Could be wrong though.

Also, is Batman zoning as impenetrable post-patch?


Gil, if they're at the range where gunshot can't punish air rocket, then you can jump 3 to avoid the rocket and punish.
Yeah i've slowly started adding the b1,3 parry to my game. Can hit it fairly consistently now.

No clue, haven't really played much post patch. Been busy with uni crap.

Also air rocket is punishable on block? I've always been under the impression it was safe lol.
Interesting with the j3 stuff. I'll try it out properly this week.
I know you can punish it with j2 at closer ranges if you dash under the rocket, but havent had much luck punishing the air rocket otherwise.
Always been under the impression it was safe.
Thanks for that
Back to the lab! (soon lol)

Edit: Just checked. Hmm -24. Wonder what range thats from though.
Gonna test this all out properly when I can.


for green lantern i parry that b1,3. they all have a pattern for ground rocket and air rocket. read that air rocket then dash under and punish. once i knock him down i give him hell. i know this doesnt sound like a solid strat but ive beaten some very good GLs with joker.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Maybe I just have better reads in the GL matchup than Batman. On paper, I get what you're saying, but I just always find myself on the defensive against Batman. Outzones Joker easily, and his trait lets him have complete control over the pace of the match if managed properly. I agree that if we can down him, we have options, but he can wakeup with parry if we pressure him the wrong way, or throw in a slide (though punishable) to escape some midscreen setups if he reads it right. Maybe I just have a mental block against Batman, but I struggle more with that matchup than any other.
The 1f parry buff match parrying b1,3 easier, but it was always possible before that, just VERY difficult to time. I still wish he got an active frame buff instead :oops:


I know what you mean stevo. A zoning batman makes me feel like im in hell. the next time i run into one im gonna see if hell do a set wit me. maybe ill learn something i can share.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Another important parry tool is against flash. When he does a lightning charge and MB's it (does that little uppercut thing after), it leaves him at +3. This gives him free pressure with d1 into his big combo if you don't block it, and even if you do you're taking some chip (obviously). Joker is (I think) the only character in the game that can do something about this by throwing down a low parry following the MB lightning charge. You'll counter that d1 attempt and get the pressure off you. On thing I took away from this weekends sets, though I almost always forget to do it.... XD


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I know what you mean stevo. A zoning batman makes me feel like im in hell. the next time i run into one im gonna see if hell do a set wit me. maybe ill learn something i can share.
Word. That's the one thing his trait nerf will effect- less bats to incorporate between batarangs. So it's possible the matchup is better now based on that alone.


Joker waiting room
I'm almost sold on Batman being 6-4 his favour only, I have played UFG and Crathen ( who has footage to upload ).

I just believe you have to play this very patiently. A Batman rushing you at any point with so many holes in his strings is not a problem, you want him to waste bats during pressure in which he has no mixusp rather than use them to keep you out. Once you corner him its game over.

Also, Doomsday is turning out to be 7-3 but I still very strongly believe it 6-4, he cannot do any damage as long as you can block a 21f overhead on reaction, can block shake and tech throws.

Also, teeth are one hell of a footsie tool.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Agreed. I'm finding alot of matchups are drastically improved by using teeth at a distance (DD included) just to present the threat at any given time if they try to close the gap. Doesn't work on flash though usually :( he can just MB the lightning charge and push past the teeth. I know this isn't anything new, but for some reason I stopped doing it... definitely limits the opponents options in some matchups.


Joker waiting room
Another important parry tool is against flash. When he does a lightning charge and MB's it (does that little uppercut thing after), it leaves him at +3. This gives him free pressure with d1 into his big combo if you don't block it, and even if you do you're taking some chip (obviously). Joker is (I think) the only character in the game that can do something about this by throwing down a low parry following the MB lightning charge. You'll counter that d1 attempt and get the pressure off you. On thing I took away from this weekends sets, though I almost always forget to do it.... XD
And if he goes for the overhead you will die.

I had some time to play Zyphox, the most stupid thing is us not having a good enough punish for lightning charge and his flying uppercut as well as the fact you can MB charge teeth on reactions.

Flash in theory wins 8-2 when someone grinds the matchup, from what we already know it's 7-3.


Joker waiting room
One more thing, we no longer have any resets vs doomsday due to venom having 2 hits of armour.

The only thing remotely close is MB crowbar teeth B1DF3 which is a 45% unblockable for 3 bars and builds back half.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
And if he goes for the overhead you will die.

I had some time to play Zyphox, the most stupid thing is us not having a good enough punish for lightning charge and his flying uppercut as well as the fact you can MB charge teeth on reactions.

Flash in theory wins 8-2 when someone grinds the matchup, from what we already know it's 7-3.
You can punish rising uppercut with standing 32 into a full combo. That is crazy punishable. Flash will *usually* start with the low option following MB lightning charge because it's safe in this situation and completely free on most of the cast. Once they know it isn't on Joker, it becomes a 50/50, but the overhead isn't fast enough to be safe, so you can punish him for trying to link into that with 21 -> combo. Basically creates a guessing game, but they will favor low since it's safe against everyone else. Comes down to the right read, like always.


Joker waiting room
You can punish rising uppercut with standing 32 into a full combo. That is crazy punishable. Flash will *usually* start with the low option following MB lightning charge because it's safe in this situation and completely free on most of the cast. Once they know it isn't on Joker, it becomes a 50/50, but the overhead isn't fast enough to be safe, so you can punish him for trying to link into that with 21 -> combo. Basically creates a guessing game, but they will favor low since it's safe against everyone else. Comes down to the right read, like always.
Lightning charge, not uppercut. The most you get is a D2 into mb rlg.

mb lightning charge gives nothing for free, everything is backdashable and he has to make a read to punish you.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
Lightning charge, not uppercut. The most you get is a D2 into mb rlg.

mb lightning charge gives nothing for free, everything is backdashable and he has to make a read to punish you.
I'm confused. Are you saying we can't punish flying uppercut? Because I did it 97 times this weekend. It's -17 and he's general left right next to you. And LC is -21 if they don't MB (spacing might prevent the punish though, so yeah maybe d2 or sweep is the best we can do).


I just found a reset for hawk girl. if you end any combo with 3,2,3 far teeth then do 2 or b1 into flower. if she does a wake up mace charge the normal will hit her invincibility frames and flower will stuff the wake up. the teeth are blockable after flower hits but if they dont block you get a b3.


Joker waiting room
I'm confused. Are you saying we can't punish flying uppercut? Because I did it 97 times this weekend. It's -17 and he's general left right next to you. And LC is -21 if they don't MB (spacing might prevent the punish though, so yeah maybe d2 or sweep is the best we can do).

was thinking something else with the uppercut


i didnt know flashes moves were that negative. now i can get good damage when i block these moves. just tested works at all ranges.

lightning charge = punish with forward jumping instant 2 then 2,3 into rlg

mb LC = block low and punish with standing 3


Joker waiting room
i didnt know flashes moves were that negative. now i can get good damage when i block these moves. just tested works at all ranges.

lightning charge = punish with forward jumping instant 2

mb LC = block low and punish with standing 3
instant J2 only connects at almost point blank range, if flash does it from the range hes supposed to then J2 will not hit.


Joker waiting room
i did try it days ago, go lc from outside of sweep distance and it wont connect due to pushback


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
We'll you'll at least be able to get a d2/d3. Don't suppose f23 will connect across the gap that's created, right?


im doing it after blocking full screen. i got flash set to reversal lc and always block. hit him with gunshot at the right range block the lc then forward jump 2 then 2,3.