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Johnny Cage Trailer Revealed for Mortal Kombat 11


Mortal Kombat-phile
Are you physically able to post ANYTHING without being a negative, joyless shit? Good god. If there was a worst new member award, you'd take it in a landslide.
Aw, come on, don't be so harsh. Her post was fine imo. She has a few negatives to say about Johnny's moves, which is fair. She's allowed to have an opinion, if given in a reasonable way that doesn't conflict with the forum's rules, even if the opinion isn't entirely positive.

Let's be nice to one another, we're all here for the love of MK. :)

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Are you physically able to post ANYTHING without being a negative, joyless shit? Good god. If there was a worst new member award, you'd take it in a landslide.
Are you able to be nonbiased because most of your herd-members hate me? Please, I find you to be a lot more negative. Ignore. (so don't comment on this, I won't read it anymore. Can you also ignore moderators on this site? The herd-leader must be ignored as well to make me more peaceful.

Also, that was just my opinion, nothing evil or vile or negative in there at all, I even gave Johnny a huge compliment.

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Some of these recent posts from you I can't tell if it's Heavy Norse or Cassie Cyrus.
1: Because she/he has a different opinion than you?
2: Because I'm the only person on this planet who has negative opinions?
3: I love Johnny cage for the last FREAKING time, stop making me appear like a Johnny hater! Cassandra = NOT Johnny ok. One more time and you will go on ignore as well so the beast within me can finally be tamed. :-D


Mr. Righteous
Are you able to be nonbiased because most of your herd-members hate me? Please, I find you to be a lot more negative. Ignore. (so don't comment on this, I won't read it anymore. Can you also ignore moderators on this site? The herd-leader must be ignored as well to make me more peaceful.

Also, that was just my opinion, nothing evil or vile or negative in there at all, I even gave Johnny a huge compliment.
Imma keep it all the way live with you....You have been nothing but negative on this site and it irks everybody the wrong way. You can of course have an opinion, but your energy is always combative that you initiate conflict in the first place. You can't come into a thread dedicated to said character and talk shit about that character. Also, you even disrespect the mods on here. Like, girl, you just got here and you're about to be on your way out with that attitude. This place is accepting of everybody, but what's not tolerated is a negative little brat who sucks the fun out of every thread. Re-evaluate your attitude and show people respect.
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John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Are you able to be nonbiased because most of your herd-members hate me? Please, I find you to be a lot more negative. Ignore. (so don't comment on this, I won't read it anymore. Can you also ignore moderators on this site? The herd-leader must be ignored as well to make me more peaceful.

Also, that was just my opinion, nothing evil or vile or negative in there at all, I even gave Johnny a huge compliment.
Even what you call positive is negative. It's just so tiring to see over and over. It's clear you'll lend nothing constructive or interesting to this forum.

Aw, come on, don't be so harsh. Her post was fine imo. She has a few negatives to say about Johnny's moves, which is fair. She's allowed to have an opinion, if given in a reasonable way that doesn't conflict with the forum's rules, even if the opinion isn't entirely positive.

Let's be nice to one another, we're all here for the love of MK. :)
Zero shot that's a female.

This is an MK forum and that member appears to hate just about everything related to MK, so I don't think I'm being that harsh at all. When a member has less likes than posts, that's the mark of an absolute shit poster that just clogs up threads with nonsense.
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Mortal Kombat-phile
Fellas, come on, if you don't like what she has to say, you can simply ignore her. I know you guys are aware of it, but I think it's important to repeat that there's a person behind these screen names, and it doesn't do anyone any good to demean each other.

Cassie Cyrus has already stated that she likes Johnny, just not Cassie. And yes, maybe she let's that infect a lot of her posts, but again, you can just ignore her.

@Cassie Cyrus I'm new here too, and in my experience it's better to stay on the polite side even if you feel attacked or whatnot, or you're particularly passionate about your dislike for a character. Some people like Cassie Cage, so there's no reason to call her a "selfie slut" or the like. Folks are passionate about their favorite characters; we can all respect that, right?


Filthy Casual
@Poto2222 Thanks for the clarification on the nut punch. Don't know how I missed it. Maybe because I was expecting it to be flashy and over the top but it was pretty straight forward.

His animations look so fluid too. Really great design here. Can't wait for the live stream!


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I turned off xvideos to read this thread thinking there'd be a bunch of crying about Johnny over x character getting in.

I'm disappointed in all of you.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I'm late to the party. I'm also like that in irl too lol.

The trailer is dope. Take serious notes here NRS. The. Trailer. Is. DOPE!
So we want more!!!

I've never seen Johnny look this wicked & amazing with such life and animation, in his moves and strings. EVER! His fatality is the best I've seen in YEARS!!! Maybe ever in the history of Mortal Kombat!

So much homage and lore in a minute plus trailer that I watched it 10 times already. They jam packed so much raw history and lore that I can't believe they've never thought of doing this before.

He looks so ill & screams come play me. NRS has absolutely out done themselves.

The dude is legit I've never been more excited to try Johnny Cage now in the history of Mortal Kombat!


Part-Time Kano Hostage
I'm honestly getting really tired of every single thread being hijacked by @Cassie Cyrus side discussions about negativity, Cassie Cage, and "oh you guys must only not like me because of what other people think".

@Cassie Cyrus at times you're funny, but damn, do you not realize that every conversation ends up being about you?

Other people have differing opinions. It's literally just you that is making it so extra to the point that people have to call it out constantly.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
Fellas, come on, if you don't like what she has to say, you can simply ignore her. I know you guys are aware of it, but I think it's important to repeat that there's a person behind these screen names, and it doesn't do anyone any good to demean each other.

Cassie Cyrus has already stated that she likes Johnny, just not Cassie. And yes, maybe she let's that infect a lot of her posts, but again, you can just ignore her.

@Cassie Cyrus I'm new here too, and in my experience it's better to stay on the polite side even if you feel attacked or whatnot, or you're particularly passionate about your dislike for a character. Some people like Cassie Cage, so there's no reason to call her a "selfie slut" or the like. Folks are passionate about their favorite characters; we can all respect that, right?
Right, because telling other members to "go fuck themselves" is the behavior of someone to be respected.

I'm not sure why there are people defending this dude, but whatever floats your boat.

There are plenty of new members like yourself that handle themselves really well on here.

Lastly, I'd bet money on that being a dude pretending to be a girl.


Just because there are characters I don't like and aren't excited for, it doesn't mean I'm pissing people up and down their necks because of it.
I'm just surprised I guess, I obviously don't know you as a person but you bring a ton of positives to this site, which is awesome. It just doesn't seem like you to low key troll like you have been. IDGAF about Jade but you don't see me trolling the Jade threads because nobody there wants to hear it. Is what it is I guess.

Cassie Cyrus

Have you ever seen the Rain?
Other people have differing opinions. It's literally just you that is making it so extra to the point that people have to call it out constantly.
Yeah, right, tell that to ONLY me, not to all the people from your gang that call people that hate Johnny Cage pathetic, those opinions from outside your little gang don't matter of course. I know I'm bad at many points, but I can't stand hypocritical bullshit like this.

Also I can't help they keep mentioning my name in here, they can simply just IGNORE as a decent person would do, seems they like to lure me out of the closet for fun as they know I will respond to them.