If they are too high the 124 could miss after the f212. Its weird.
So I've wrapped my head around it, its all about making that F212 connect as low as possible for the last hit to go through. Really unituitive, but the trick I'm finding is after starter~DDP F21 juggle, you need to press the 11 to connect when they are about head height (maybe slightly later on faster monitors) and then pump out an F212 and you get a good juggle for 124 Quad Grap. I've got it semi-consistent now, getting it about half the time which is good enough for me at this stage (day 2 Jax) I'll get it more consistent with time. Good thing is you can end all midscreen combos with it too, its a nice 2-3% added so not turning that down!
Corner +52% or 51% on bar
Corner+40% no bar
Just pointing out, that first one is a lot easier if you just remove the D1 and it does the exact same damage.
Whats the best way to spend bar to increase the overhead? B2~DDP, F21, 11, B34~EX-Gotcha, 11, 11xxQuadGrap got me 52% but is really tight, any alternatives?