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God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
After the F21 before the 124 they can be at a certain height and if they are not at the right height the command grab will not work.
So i understand if they are too low, but does it also whiff if they are too high? Or will it always connect if I get it fast enough


You will incubate my young!
You could try this combo. starterxxbf2d ,11, d1, f212, 124 xx quad slam. Should be about 44%. If you feel the last 2 in f212 didn't hit them high enough you can always do d1d2xxquad slam as Ender.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
If they are too high the 124 could miss after the f212. Its weird.
Yeah, this is what I was finding yesterday while practicing it, just wanted you to confirm that it wasn't my imagination because I wasn't sure. It was definitely feeling like it was easier to connect 124 after F212 if I didn't juggle them too high, but has to be high enough to connect it. Damn strange, I'll work on it, have you got it consistent?

And whats the highest damage alternative to that?


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Yeah, this is what I was finding yesterday while practicing it, just wanted you to confirm that it wasn't my imagination because I wasn't sure. It was definitely feeling like it was easier to connect 124 after F212 if I didn't juggle them too high, but has to be high enough to connect it. Damn strange, I'll work on it, have you got it consistent?

And whats the highest damage alternative to that?
just end in Gotcha grab instead. Its better for characters with WU's that you can stuff. Since Gotcha is more plus on hit.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
If they are too high the 124 could miss after the f212. Its weird.
So I've wrapped my head around it, its all about making that F212 connect as low as possible for the last hit to go through. Really unituitive, but the trick I'm finding is after starter~DDP F21 juggle, you need to press the 11 to connect when they are about head height (maybe slightly later on faster monitors) and then pump out an F212 and you get a good juggle for 124 Quad Grap. I've got it semi-consistent now, getting it about half the time which is good enough for me at this stage (day 2 Jax) I'll get it more consistent with time. Good thing is you can end all midscreen combos with it too, its a nice 2-3% added so not turning that down!

Corner +52% or 51% on bar
Corner+40% no bar
Just pointing out, that first one is a lot easier if you just remove the D1 and it does the exact same damage.

Whats the best way to spend bar to increase the overhead? B2~DDP, F21, 11, B34~EX-Gotcha, 11, 11xxQuadGrap got me 52% but is really tight, any alternatives?


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
Jax received a huge damage nerf in the beta, just a heads up to all you Jax mains.


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
Exbf2d, f21, 11, f21~dbf1 does 31%

I haven't checked to see if f3 into grab connects on hit but I'll test that tomorrow.

Wrestlers combos do 4-5% less which may not seem large but it sure adds up. Also I tried doing 123~law cancel, 123~bf2(ex)d then do f21 but everytime it drops. I don't know if it's just me but I hit that all the time before.


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
On a side note. In the ggpo netkode, Jax's BNBs are a lot easier. But no more 50% 1 bar combos. Did they touch any pumped up specific stuff.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
Exbf2d, f21, 11, f21~dbf1 does 31%

I haven't checked to see if f3 into grab connects on hit but I'll test that tomorrow.

Wrestlers combos do 4-5% less which may not seem large but it sure adds up. Also I tried doing 123~law cancel, 123~bf2(ex)d then do f21 but everytime it drops. I don't know if it's just me but I hit that all the time before.
4%. That does hurt.
that law combo works/ I was doing it consistently.


Why isn't Jax's Farm a playable stage?
I think the nerf is too OH dash punch damage scaling.
Yeah and I think the command grab scales more in combos too because It felt like pumped up's combos only lost a couple percent. But I can't remember how much my combos did. So I could be wrong.