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Combo List - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui 'Bae' Briggs Combo Science Thread

TOM BRADY'S JACQUI meter less vortex. Jacqui's low shotgun is finally looking good.
God dammit i've been doing this for a couple days now, trying to keep it lowkey

edit: nevermind he's doing it wrong ;)

you literally don't even need a vortex. You can carry 3/4th screen to corner in 1 combo. Then finish them in corner in 1/2 mixups.


In Zoning We Trust
@karaokelove i know I wasn't buggin out lol. On naked low rocket you run cancel into 121~bf4 for 24 as long as it isn't near max range. That's what I was thinking of.

At max range you're right. I don't think you can do anything besides fire shots.
So, I've been tinkering around with shotgun variation and trying to find a way to restand from overhead at all ranges with male and I've something interesting/annoying. Only on Raiden, Quan Chi, and Goro you can get a B2 BF2 into dust. So it seems that these 3 have slightly different hurtboxes in comparison to the rest of the men.


Miley Cyrax®
So, I've been tinkering around with shotgun variation and trying to find a way to restand from overhead at all ranges with male and I've something interesting/annoying. Only on Raiden, Quan Chi, and Goro you can get a B2 BF2 into dust. So it seems that these 3 have slightly different hurtboxes in comparison to the rest of the men.
Not entirely accurate. I think it depends on the opponent's fall after BF2. I do the low shot gun right as they reach the peak of the ascent from BF2. Seems to work ok for me. I've been using Sub Zero as my test dummy.


Not entirely accurate. I think it depends on the opponent's fall after BF2. I do the low shot gun right as they reach the peak of the ascent from BF2. Seems to work ok for me. I've been using Sub Zero as my test dummy.
I honestly believe that each male character might have a slightly different hurt box.
Here's another test:

At the corner, do b2~bf2, 33~bf4 against sub and then a couple of other male characters and tell me your results. I've actually had the 33 whiff consistently on some male characters and I had to switch up the timing greatly for it to connect.

Im sure the b2~dust is the same. With jacqui im noticing, you have to try all your setups with literally every character in the game.


I found the run combos hard to execute on Full Auto Jacqui so I experimented a bit and found a two combos without the running.

Full Auto
0 Bars, 29% - F12 x DF2 ~ F2 x BF4
1 Bar, 37% - B33 x EXDF2 ~ F4 x B2 x BF4

F4 x B2 x BF4 is the running gut kick that you can interrupt into either her overhead smash or the toe stomp. This combo cancels it into the overhead and then the overhead into BF4. Its entire input can be done as F4, short pause, B2, F4.
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Not entirely accurate. I think it depends on the opponent's fall after BF2. I do the low shot gun right as they reach the peak of the ascent from BF2. Seems to work ok for me. I've been using Sub Zero as my test dummy.
Interesting, thanks. I'll try and look into it with other characters.

EDIT: Are you doing B2 into BF2 or just BF2? I can not get it to work starting with the overhead, because it groundbounces there is slightly different juggle for the BF2.
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Scrub God Lord
here my full auto bnb,s (online approved lol)
overhead starter:
b2~ex db2, run, f1~bf4 33%
b2~db2, 114~bf4 31% (corner)
b2~db2, 1,1,1,1,1, 11~xray 47% (corner)

mid starter:
f2~ex db2, jip1, f1~bf1 28%
f2~db2, 114~df2 24% (corner)
f2~db2, 114~xray 43% (corner)
f2~db2, 11, 11, 11, 1~bf1 29% (corner)

low starter:
b33~bf4 23%
b33~ex db2, jip1, f1~bf1 33%
b33~ex db2, 11, 11, 11, 11~df2 34% (corner)

footsie string starter:
f12~db2, f1~bf1 25%
f12~db2, run, 11~bf4 30%
f12~db2, run, 11~xray 45%
f12~db2, 1,1,1,1,1, 11~xray 46 (corner)

punish string starter:
114~bf1 16%
114~xray 36%
114~db2, 1,1, 11~bf4 29% (corner)

have fun with this shit guys and dont forget to "ratatata" them lmao
thanks dude this gave me some ideas.
I just can't do run combos, not yet
I hate having to use meter but my execution doesn't give me a choice.
btw b33~ ex db2~dash~21~bf4 gives you 35%
still looking for a brain dead overhead BnB that does decent damage


The rose that grew from concrete
Not sure if this will help, but combos definitely require a bit of ingenuity - I think a lot defends on stance, but you need to get a feel for what will work. In the corner, you should end EVERY combo with S4~BF4 which seems to be the only 100% reliable high damage ender. Originally I was using 33, but it just isn't worth it!

Also, looks like I'll be spending a lot of time in HT now lol will explain in more detail later
Not sure if this will help, but combos definitely require a bit of ingenuity - I think a lot defends on stance, but you need to get a feel for what will work. In the corner, you should end EVERY combo with S4~BF4 which seems to be the only 100% reliable high damage ender. Originally I was using 33, but it just isn't worth it!

Also, looks like I'll be spending a lot of time in HT now lol will explain in more detail later
what is S4? ending corner combos with bf4 is fine, but damage is not everything. sometimes is good to end a corner combo with df2 (unbreakable damage)
i am trying to find out setups as well: df2 combo ender then ex db3 or something like that lol
BTW full auto stuff


I found another full auto combo without the run for those who are interested.

0 bars 27% - 12 x db3 ~ F4 x B2 x BF4

This does not work when you start the combo with 121 because the extra push back puts it out of range for the F4 x B2.
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Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Been messing around with HT to make it seem more appealing. It has a lot of potential. It does the most damage out of the three variations as well...for no meter. They use a lot of stamina, so you have to find a way to open your opponent up without running straight in. The second combo also requires lvl2 boost. Despite these requirements, I think the combos are still practical.

Midscreen HT combos:
B33~QCRC, 33~BF2, Run, 12~BF4 34% Meterless
B33~QCRC, F2U22+4, Run, 121~BF4 38% Meterless. That's 38% off a meterless low...


The rose that grew from concrete
what is S4? ending corner combos with bf4 is fine, but damage is not everything. sometimes is good to end a corner combo with df2 (unbreakable damage)
i am trying to find out setups as well: df2 combo ender then ex db3 or something like that lol
BTW full auto stuff
S4 = Standing 4. It's her 10frame knee hits mid and does the same damage as multiple 12's or the S33 ender. I use it to replace everything I can now. Also, nobody with any sense should be breaking on the last hit of a combo - and BF4 seems to lead to the optimal knockdown in most situations? For your setups, have you tried ending combos early with BF2? That seems to work best for me if I just need to buy time - they can tech but it doesn't get them so far and you usually end up with plenty of time to run a gimmick.

Been messing around with HT to make it seem more appealing. It has a lot of potential. It does the most damage out of the three variations as well...for no meter. They use a lot of stamina, so you have to find a way to open your opponent up without running straight in. The second combo also requires lvl2 boost. Despite these requirements, I think the combos are still practical.

Midscreen HT combos:
B33~QCRC, 33~BF2, Run, 12~BF4 34% Meterless
B33~QCRC, F2U22+4, Run, 121~BF4 38% Meterless. That's 38% off a meterless low...
HT is so sick! QBRC allows for all sorts of stuff, but the thing that has me excited is that it provides her with a safer and somewhat sustainable mix-up that works way more effectively than the SG stuff. 1212~QB leaves you at +14 on hit with them standing - enough time for a free high low (and a free jump against most of the cast). If they block, you're still at plus frames - if you expect armor, you can QBRC~block...better still and it continues to work in the corner.

SG gives you 30% plus a janky reset using an unsafe low and ending your pressure on block. The fun and games end in the corner and you have to think about the opponent hitbox, stamina preservation, meter spend and all sorts.

HT gives you 20% plus a totally legit reset that's all safe and works anywhere on screen and you can forgo it for damage or a charge at absolutely any point. Further more, I genuinely think BF1 is going to become her go-to punish for most of the situations you end up with as her mids are slow and short ranged compared to most of the cast...if you block a D2 against most of the cast, it's all you're getting and it leaves you at terrible positioning in SG. In HT it usually means a free charge - and all that blocking starts to hurt real quickly!

For zoners, QBrelease/QBRC~block/QBRC~D3 deals with a ton of stuff thats just too hard to react to with DB1 alone. (DB1 is a great tool, but you have to be sure when you use it because it will lose you games when you miss it!)

Still seeing a major argument for the use of all 3 (FA just straight counters certain players/playstyles) - fighting against Sub/Kungs can be unbelievably boring without being able to circumvent clones, and punish spins for 40% in easy mode, and Shotgun dust/footsies and double lows allow you to punish mid-range BS for high damage (against the likes of Kenshi and Ermac), but we're going to see these variations as equals very soon and HT may end up being the most dangerous!


Kuff Bano
Ok so I'm looking in to all variations atm and I'm wondering some things. What are your thoughts on standing shotgun in the corner? It looks like it could be good for pressure and according to in game data it's -1 on block and +11 on hit granting you free mix-up/pressure/throw on hit and continued pressure on block. Of course this can only be used after a string that keeps them standing such as 1212 (which coupled with shotgun adds up to 5% chip).

Furthermore, does anyone have a mid-combo enhanced gloves setup for High Tech? Seems so clunky to use it otherwise.


Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Ok so I'm looking in to all variations atm and I'm wondering some things. What are your thoughts on standing shotgun in the corner? It looks like it could be good for pressure and according to in game data it's -1 on block and +11 on hit granting you free mix-up/pressure/throw on hit and continued pressure on block. Of course this can only be used after a string that keeps them standing such as 1212 (which coupled with shotgun adds up to 5% chip).

Furthermore, does anyone have a mid-combo enhanced gloves setup for High Tech? Seems so clunky to use it otherwise.
End anything in BF1. Also, maybe bf4? Not sure.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Not sure if it's useful but in the corner in Full Auto you can do 4~DB2 and it'll connect and launch.