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Question Is scorpion REALLY that low tier?

There are a handful of players that play scorp well enough to answer you're question. Other people who don't understand him just spew generic crap they heard other people say.

Here are a few of my thoughts.

Scorp is tournament viable
He's mid tier
When used properly he has massive comeback potential
He punishes HARD
His footsies are ok though most don't lead to massive damage
His d1 is one of the best in MK
his spear is great as a whiff punisher and AA
His teleport (like most) is useful but is insanely risky
When scorpion has meter he's dangerous as shit (EX spear)
You have to STUDY HIS MATCHUPS!! There is no scorpion autopilot mode, put in the work or play a different char.
I agree he has lots of potential if u know how to use him
i totally agree. eating hellfires at the beginning of a match isnt too big a deal. and i do agree that it a liability.... but it is still very useful. best used at full screen and maybe once or twice up close lol
Do u know what is the frame data on block/hit for scorpions hellfire?


kung lao swag walker
I say if you wanna learn this character and really play him you have to know how to punish hard every chance you get. You have to be able to do the damage cause to be honest you don't get a lot of opportunities to do so. Learn when to take that risk. Scorpion is by far the most read based character. You have to constantly judge and guess your opponents next move, and sometimes pray and hope you hit. Watch vids of slips, and some of the tutorials on the site. those will really help you. That and learn I guess have fun. Cause if you're having fun with him you will be more engaged in learning hin, and it wont be such a hard process