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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2

That movie looks awesome.
It's actually....got the fandom divided. I think they dropped the ball since this was Godzilla's 50th anniversary movie and he only had 20 minutes of screen time and 99% of the monster fights only lasts SECONDS(!) while the human fights go on for 10-20 minutes. Cause god forbid the monster fights be minutes long in a monster movie, nope gotta rush through them and get back to an all so important plot about humans, mutants and aliens.:rolleyes:

But you know what, at least I can call it a bad Godzilla movie cause it actually has Godzilla. So Zilla is in there? No biggie, Godzilla is still here unlike the other movie with Zilla in it.:REO

Fun fact the 2014 movie is just 6 months before Godzilla's 60th anniversary.


King of Heroes
It's actually....got the fandom divided. I think they dropped the ball since this was Godzilla's 50th anniversary movie and he only had 20 minutes of screen time and 99% of the monster fights only lasts SECONDS(!) while the human fights go on for 10-20 minutes. Cause god forbid the monster fights be minutes long in a monster movie, nope gotta rush through them and get back to an all so important plot about humans, mutants and aliens.:rolleyes:

But you know what, at least I can call it a bad Godzilla movie cause it actually has Godzilla. So Zilla is in there? No biggie, Godzilla is still here unlike the other movie with Zilla in it.:REO

Fun fact the 2014 movie is just 6 months before Godzilla's 60th anniversary.
Long live the Big G. :)
Mulder you know what really pissed me off about that topic? The title.

"My thoughts on the whole "realistic" debate!"


What fucking debate? There was no debate. You joined the fourm one day saying you liked GINO. We said we didn't, you asked why. We said it didn't "get" Godzilla. You made excuses saying it was trying to be realistic. We said that defeats the purpose of giant monsters. End of story? Nope you kept going on and on about it instead of letting it go.

Literally everyone except for two people (you and some other idiots) agreed that giant monsters are meant to be believable, not realistic. Literally no one disagreed except for you and Gojiro. Literally the only one doing any debating is you two cause you won't drop it!


The one guy hoping for Kai
I skipped out on the comic for that exact reason. We already did that back in 2004's Godzilla: Final Wars.

Why do it again? Leave the hatchet buried and move on. Fuck I really hope Godzilla 2014 gets it right and makes the general populace forget about that 1998 fuck up so we never have to hear about it ever again except for the once in a blue moon idiot GINO fanboy.
wait....WAIT<WAIT>WAIT!......What the fuck?


The one guy hoping for Kai
1............Are you fucking with us

2. The American "Godzilla"

3. Yeah it's whats-his-face

4. Yes
#3 Nice touch,asshat.
No I'm not fucking you I didnt know Godzilla can shoot lasers out his mouth.Jesus I'm just a kid I dont know this shit!