Living Corpse
It's the fandom divided. I think they dropped the ball since this was Godzilla's 50th anniversary movie and he only had 20 minutes of screen time and 99% of the monster fights only lasts SECONDS(!) while the human fights go on for 10-20 minutes. Cause god forbid the monster fights be minutes long in a monster movie, nope gotta rush through them and get back to an all so important plot about humans, mutants and aliens.That movie looks awesome.

But you know what, at least I can call it a bad Godzilla movie cause it actually has Godzilla. So Zilla is in there? No biggie, Godzilla is still here unlike the other movie with Zilla in it.

Fun fact the 2014 movie is just 6 months before Godzilla's 60th anniversary.