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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


"Cheap Grubber"
'Ey Don, how your day been.
Hey Jim.
Well I've only been awake for a bit less then an hour, so just average at the moment. About to watch Fight Club on bluray though, so that might be alright.

1. 5star was in this thread like a few pages ago and was all like "yo guys lets play some games" and I didn't see one person say "aren't you that guy that called this thread stupid?". I didn't say anything because I figured you guys would have.

2. Blazblue is the best and I can't wait for Chrono Phantasma to release next month. I'm all over dat Tsubaki/Izayoi/Mu/Nu/Bullet.

3. Jojo's OST is godlike.

4. stay neutral.

None of us cared to say anything or remembered. I didn't remember that he was the one saying that stuff.
Fair enough.
I'm the kind that prefers to think. Oftentimes I stray so far into thought, I become oblivious to my surroundings.
Hey Jim.
Well I've only been awake for a bit less then an hour, so just average at the moment. About to watch Fight Club on bluray though, so that might be alright.
I also asked you the question: "What about you?".

Now that I know about your day only starting, I say "Good morning!"


"Cheap Grubber"
I'm the kind that prefers to think. Oftentimes I stray so far into thought, I become oblivious to my surroundings.

I also asked you the question: "What about you?".

Now that I know about your day only starting, I say "Good morning!"
Oh, sorry about that, I must've missed that last bit.
Thanks. :)


One of many Bat-Breakers.
Oh right,
Cage Redfield Manage to get your copy of ASB yet, didnt wanna stick this in the topic for the game, because it would be a waste of a bump... and Im lazy as fuck right now.
1. 5star was in this thread like a few pages ago and was all like "yo guys lets play some games" and I didn't see one person say "aren't you that guy that called this thread stupid?". I didn't say anything because I figured you guys would have.

2. Blazblue is the best and I can't wait for Chrono Phantasma to release next month. I'm all over dat Tsubaki/Izayoi/Mu/Nu/Bullet.

3. Jojo's OST is godlike.

4. stay neutral.
Is blazblue hard to pick up? I love fighting games but don't do well with the harder ones.
The inFamous series. Or Arkham series, whatever works best for your point.
K .

Living Corpse: Hey guys I've always been a fan of Infamous and I'm hear to tell you that I've been hired to make a live adaptation movie!

Fans: Hooray!

Living Corpse: We've played every game and treated them like the bibal to make sure this is as loyal and faithful to the series as much as possible. We're gonna make our version even better!

Fans: Hooray!

Infamous movie Title screen

Fans: Hooray!

Several minutes later......

Fan 1: Wait, why can't Cole shoot lighting? Why does he have to touch people to do it?

Fan 2: Why does it only stun them for a second and not , you know, paralyze them or knock them out or kill them.

Fan 3: Why is he running away from the gangs? He has a grenades!

Fan 4: That's not a lightning rod! That's just a rusty pipe he broke off from a dirty bathroom!

Fan 5: Why does he need an electronic defibrillator to bring that guy back? Just shock him with your bare hands you idiot!

Fan 6: Why are the cops after him? He's the good guy!

Fan 7: Where the hell are the other Conduits? I WANT TO SEE SOME FIGHTS!

Movie ends


Living Corpse: "I never played Infamous." <<<<<Telling the truth. For once....

Fans: :mad:

Living Corpse: " I don't care you think I ripped you off, I made a lot of money cause you're like mindless sheep, going to see it just cause it's called Infamous. Now I'm laughing all the way to the bank.

Fans: :mad:

Living Corpse: "Oh and be sure to watch the Batman movie I'm making next year, he's just gonna be a bum dressed in Halloween costume and run around drunk and get his ass kicked by hookers and pimps and be on drugs and die of AIDS. It's gonna be great!"

Oh right,
Cage Redfield Manage to get your copy of ASB yet, didnt wanna stick this in the topic for the game, because it would be a waste of a bump... and Im lazy as fuck right now.

Sadly, I haven't yet. I'm broke as all fucks right now. And with AA5/BBCP coming up REALLY SOON, I don't know how I'm going to be able to get this >_>.


"Cheap Grubber"
K .

Living Corpse: Hey guys I've always been a fan of Infamous and I'm hear to tell you that I've been hired to make a live adaptation movie!

Fans: Hooray!

Living Corpse: We've played every game and treated them like the bibal to make sure this is as loyal and faithful to the series as much as possible. We're gonna make our version even better!

Fans: Hooray!

Infamous movie Title screen

Fans: Hooray!

Several minutes later......

Fan 1: Wait, why can't Cole shoot lighting? Why does he have to touch people to do it?

Fan 2: Why does it only stun them for a second and not , you know, paralyze them or knock them out or kill them.

Fan 3: Why is he running away from the gangs? He has a grenades!

Fan 4: That's not a lightning rod! That's just a rusty pipe he broke off from a dirty bathroom!

Fan 5: Why does he need an electronic defibrillator to bring that guy back? Just shock him with your bare hands you idiot!

Fan 6: Why are the cops after him? He's the good guy!

Fan 7: Where the hell are the other Conduits? I WANT TO SEE SOME FIGHTS!

Movie ends


Living Corpse: "I never played Infamous." <<<<<Telling the truth. For once....

Fans: :mad:

Living Corpse: " I don't care you think I ripped you off, I made a lot of money cause you're like mindless sheep, going to see it just cause it's called Infamous. Now I'm laughing all the way to the bank.

Fans: :mad:

Living Corpse: "Oh and be sure to watch the Batman movie I'm making next year, he's just gonna be a bum dressed in Halloween costume and run around drunk and get his ass kicked by hookers and pimps and be on drugs and die of AIDS. It's gonna be great!"

Oh I see.
Completely screwed over the fans.

I get the hate now.
If they ever actually did that to Infamous I'd be pissed.