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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


The one guy hoping for Kai
K sorry.

Just Mulder and I have dealt with a lot of trolls. For a fanbase that is considered obscure we sure seem to get a lot of them.

I'll give you more in depth answers soon, give me a minute I'm gathering my stuff.
No problem.It'sjust that Mulder has been a dick to me(and everyone) since day one.Sure, I recognize Godzilla as an pop culture icon, I just never imagined him having such a fandom that would discuss such things as the level of "realism" the monster should have.


King of Heroes
Varan Bon Ziller is an idiot. He seems like a superiority fan. "HURR DURR GODZILLA IZ SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT COMIC BOOK CHARACTERZ! IF THEY GET REDESIGNED IT'Z OK BUT GODZILLER CAN'T!" Ugh. I agree that redesigns can and do suck but do we need to say that one redesign matters when another doesn't?


King of Heroes
No problem.It'sjust that Mulder has been a dick to me(and everyone) since day one.Sure, I recognize Godzilla as an pop culture icon, I just never imagined him having such a fandom that would discuss such things as the level of "realism" the monster should have.
Yep I'm a dick to everyone. K.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Since we already talking about fandoms.Here's a personal whovian tidbit:
-My belief is that The Doctor's real name is Herbert.

Q1: "Godzilla can shoot lasers out his mouth?"

A1: It's not really a laser but it is plasma based, at least in latter films. In the first movie Godzilla was symbolism for the horrors of atomic weapons. The film makers wanted to a visual cue to represent radiation poisoning, so they gave him a vapor or steam like breath in the first few films where it's super hot. It melts metal and causes explosions. Later they changed it to be more "firey/laser/plasma" to reperesent the explosion and fire wall from a nuclear bomb going off. We still call it nuclear fire as a slang.

He also can regenerate.

And has a nuclear pulse.

Q2: "What the hell is Zilla?"

A2: I let this video talk. Trust me, this is the shortest one of the bunch, the others are 20 minute long rants. Imagine the worst video game movie you ever saw. Now times that by 11.

Excuse my lazy response on this question but I've answered this question a million times. I'm sick of it.

Needless t0 say, we hope 2014 doesn't fuck it up.

Q3: " That actor.I've seen him before..."

A3: The guy who made Godzilla: Final Wars also made Virus, and several kung fu movies. You might have seen him in one of those.

Q4: "Godzilla has a fandom?"

After nearly 60 years and 28 films and a reboot film coming out next May I'd say yes.

He's fought King Kong, aliens, mutants, monsters, gods, clones and has had several continuities and incarnations with different powers and personality much like comic book characters.

For more information I suggest looking into James Rolf AKA The Angry Video Game Nerds Godzillathon videos.

Sorry for the late response I've had things to do.
1. 5star was in this thread like a few pages ago and was all like "yo guys lets play some games" and I didn't see one person say "aren't you that guy that called this thread stupid?". I didn't say anything because I figured you guys would have.

2. Blazblue is the best and I can't wait for Chrono Phantasma to release next month. I'm all over dat Tsubaki/Izayoi/Mu/Nu/Bullet.

3. Jojo's OST is godlike.

4. stay neutral.