Oh dear sweet jesus, I dont even like Kaiju movies usually but that makes my brain hurt from trying to figure what train of logic he's trying to establish.
I know right.
Hell the guys who made Pacific Rim said that even though the monsters are gonna be CGI they went out of their way to make most of them stand up right like how a man in a rubber suit would cause it's a tradmark of the genera, a tradation if you will. It's what makes these strange beasts, well, strange.
A giant shark? Meh.
A giant shark that has legs and arms and walks like a human? Strange.
Aaaaaaaaand people still bitched about it cause it's "not realistic" for an animal to walk like that. Um, they're alien creatures from another dimension. How the fuck would you know how animals not from our own REALITY develop and function?

If they moved or acted like ours than that defeats the purpose of making them "alien".