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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated


When's DragonBall?
Welp...here goes the call,to anyone who believes that they can fulfill the Red Hood mod on Deathstroke to the utmost. Have at it! Best of luck to all you guys on ur respective mods tho,this is some kool shyt and I'm jealous I can't play with them


..its shame that Flaspoint costume for Deathstroke dont have helmet.. cause with him it could be lot a easier make red hood.. he dont have this ugly scales,reflections etc.


TYM White Knight
Bah, it doesn't look like I can do this in gimp...Gimp requires you to export the file and not save it directly...I keep getting tag errors :(


// G.I. Jane :D... no i try do something with her, propably justice league skin... hair can be longer.

EDITED: Unfortunately.. set hair lenght by alpha channels is very hard (holes always appear somewhere), so i try this its W.I.P. :)

EDITED 2: Oh i mistaken costumes again..i must do it for regime costume :(


She really need change skin color to white, but it cannot be changed by textures.. so i guess color picker will help and she has too much armor stuff.
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Welp...here goes the call,to anyone who believes that they can fulfill the Red Hood mod on Deathstroke to the utmost. Have at it! Best of luck to all you guys on ur respective mods tho,this is some kool shyt and I'm jealous I can't play with them
I'll try. I can't promise everything will work,because as folks are stating some things on the materials used to make these characters that control how glossy or matte they look cannot be changed even if you change the texture underneath it. Dont know whether its due to them using specific shader types like Blinn or something, but map changes wont fully correct the lighting things on the characters.

I'll try though. Duffman will take a backseat for now.


I'll upload my Raven file. Its as good as it gets without making her look like she's working a corner. I can't soften her more than this, but she looks passably female now save for when the game explodes light everywhere and the damned materials on the mesh washout my makeup and reveal that chin and manjaw.

I can't get the DLC maker process to work right...Im all thumbs at this. If you or someone else could set up this file as a DLC for folks so they dont have to replace the original Raven go for it. If not...well...I doubt anyone wants to keep the original anyhow and all this file is, is a face mod.


I'll try. I can't promise everything will work,because as folks are stating some things on the materials used to make these characters that control how glossy or matte they look cannot be changed even if you change the texture underneath it. Dont know whether its due to them using specific shader types like Blinn or something, but map changes wont fully correct the lighting things on the characters.

I'll try though. Duffman will take a backseat for now.


I'll upload my Raven file. Its as good as it gets without making her look like she's working a corner. I can't soften her more than this, but she looks passably female now save for when the game explodes light everywhere and the damned materials on the mesh washout my makeup and reveal that chin and manjaw.

I can't get the DLC maker process to work right...Im all thumbs at this. If you or someone else could set up this file as a DLC for folks so they dont have to replace the original Raven go for it. If not...well...I doubt anyone wants to keep the original anyhow and all this file is, is a face mod.


I would but you Can't make a Costume 01 Character as a DLC Costume for the Same Character. I can however Map all the Structures for her, write an ini, and send it to you so you can load it into MKKE Color Editor 3.6 and try and change the Reflection, Refraction, Tints, & Specs to however you want them :)

EDIT : One more quick note. I don't know if you guys already know this, but this game treats the Alpha Channel of the Diff Differently than in MKKE. It contriols Brightness/Contrast {Sorta} You can use it to select which parts in your Diff to Display what you have there or to Darken it {Thereby preventing it from showing your color} So it turns Black & it seems Like it also prevents light from reflecting off of it.

White = Bright {Show}
Black = Dark {Hide}
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I really tried but some textures allways rewrite my edited textures.. and i dont wanna release ugly reskin.. so i will yield for someone who is more experienced (i'm working with photoshop only 4 months so i dont know much tricks) or who find way how completly remove that reflections, scales. Red hood deserve flawless skin.. and im unable fulfil that goal :/
Send me your file. I'd like to work from your base and see if I can't get it going. Honestly if it wasn't for the damned gloves and shoulders I'd be doing this on his main outfit. I even went so far as to check all the other alts in the game. I can probably turn Nightwing or New 52 Nightwing into helmetless Jason Todd easily, but it wont feel right. Dude needs the guns and the helmet.

Send it along. I'll see if I can't make it work.


Send me your file. I'd like to work from your base and see if I can't get it going. Honestly if it wasn't for the damned gloves and shoulders I'd be doing this on his main outfit. I even went so far as to check all the other alts in the game. I can probably turn Nightwing or New 52 Nightwing into helmetless Jason Todd easily, but it wont feel right. Dude needs the guns and the helmet.

Send it along. I'll see if I can't make it work.
Man i have deleted whole package some hours ago ;( i thought that your raven reskin is for alternative costume "teen titans" but i never played as raven so im probably mistaken.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Digging the work going into red lantern there. Are you going to be painting blood coming down his chin?

Man i have deleted whole package some hours ago ;( i thought that your raven reskin is for alternative costume "teen titans" but i never played as raven so im probably mistaken.
Mine is from her main outfit so it just goes there. Sucks about the Redhood dump. If its still chillin in the recyclin bin I'll take it, but you likely emptied that given these files aint small and would warrant a click of the old empty command after deleting one.

Not gonna lie...Redhood looks tough and you will have to make little sacrifices no matter which way you go. If you use Nightwing he has mesh shaders that will likely mess with the coat design I paint or possibly even raised geometry that might add the Nightwing logo as a seam into the coat if I tried to paint the bodysuit into the coat. If I use Deathstroke's main its got the gloves, boots and shoulder pads looking wrong and if I use Teen Titans deathstroke its got tassles on the mask, goofy gloves, and goofy boots. If I go and do something else then there are far bigger issues too.

He'll be a close, kinda sorta character no matter what due to geometry. I can paint a mean little trick here and there and use a lot of layer tricks and style tools to create raised and embellished seams from nothing, but I cant remove geometery or mesh material shader features easily. I'll do what I can, but it'll be close at best.
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Digging the work going into red lantern there. Are you going to be painting blood coming down his chin?
Thanks :)

That's a really good Idea. I can extend a thin Blood Trail from his Cheeks/Mouth down his chin. I also added those Blood Splats to His norm {Using a Raised Hieght} So it looks kool whaen you do his Super Move {You can see it raised off his skin instead of flat} I'll try and do some thin ones for the trail.

I'm not very artistic tho. And I try and stay away from ever having to Hand Paint anything {I can't draw a straight line on a piece of paper to save my life ;)}

The only character I've ever done anything by hand on was my Zombie Sonya, I drew all her veins by hand in Photoshop with a 1px PaintBrush {Hard Tip}. It took me about 3 days to get her veins How I wanted them.

But this seems simple enough so imma try it and post a pic.


Injustice modder
UncleFestor I noticed something in the coalesced.ini that may be related to the thing I talked to you about before, the disabling of damage textures on certain characters. I found these lines on [PackageBudget.CHAR_Charname]



This is just a theory but could it be that if you change the values here it will disable the game from revealing the damage of a certain character?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Thanks :)

That's a really good Idea. I can extend a thin Blood Trail from his Cheeks/Mouth down his chin. I also added those Blood Splats to His norm {Using a Raised Hieght} So it looks kool whaen you do his Super Move {You can see it raised off his skin instead of flat} I'll try and do some thin ones for the trail.

I'm not very artistic tho. And I try and stay away from ever having to Hand Paint anything {I can't draw a straight line on a piece of paper to save my life ;)}

The only character I've ever done anything by hand on was my Zombie Sonya, I drew all her veins by hand in Photoshop with a 1px PaintBrush {Hard Tip}. It took me about 3 days to get her veins How I wanted them.

But this seems simple enough so imma try it and post a pic.
Enjoy some art tutorials :)

I made these to help some comic book artists a long time ago when I was still in animation school. Like 2 minutes and you can have fire or anything. Skip to the lighting vid for cool tricks using layers. In your case use some multiply and brush on low flow and opacity dark tones then use screen blend mode and do some light tones over your reds to get more depth and realism out of your blood.

Or just select some blood splatter stock images, make a layer set to multiply and resize it over your map ;)

Here you go.

STEP 1 How to clean up line work on a computer AKA why most people are TERRIBLE on computers at art.

5 minutes and I explain how to make proper strokes for the best results and how to set your brush settings properly to make the cleanest lines. You can also go to your brush styles and play with the stroke style too in order to adjust the tapering of your lines at the beginning and end of your strokes to simulate more organic lines like those made by pens in real life. Also you could use the pen tool if you want completely even line weight to create a more vectored looking set of lines. Personally, I pen it all in but if I'm gonna help then I'm not gonna omit options.


STEP 2: Flatting! How to layout your base tones and color quickly and in a manner that lets you make changes easily later if needed.

5 minutes. I break down flatting which is the process of putting down your base colors and tones on your image. This is how you color fast and like crazy really quickly. Most of your shading and other tone all happens later on other layers. To learn to color properly learn to flat properly and set these tones down on seperate layers first because if you need to change colors later you can simply go to each color's base tone layer (its flatted layer) and scroll along hue/saturation levels to change it to any tone you want without having to redo the whole image. This allows for a lot of quick tweaking along the way. Iron man not yellow enough? We can fix it. Hulk too bright? We cool.


STEP 3: Lighting and shadows! Only difference in how they are made is one uses multiply blend mode and the other uses Screen

This is how I did all my lighting effects. I think I oversimplified my explanation of the Multiply layer style here, but it was like 3 am when I did it. Point is Multiply stacks layers on each other. If you got a black and white image and you put it to multiply you can simply put a layer under it and brush in color to color in your work's flatting. I often put multiply over my stuff though and use it to paint my dark shadow tones because it'll add my top tones to my lower layers color and darken them up like real shadows. Plus by layering my lights and darks onto screen or multiply layers I can change lighting schemes like mad simply by changing the hue saturation of that layer. Instant changes baby! That laser looks out of place as green? Change it to blue and not bat an eye as all the lighting in the scene is handled at once without needing to start from scratch or do any tricky selecting or erasing.

5 minute vid. In it I show the look of a lighting layer set to screen placed above layers, below normal layers, and even below multiplied layers. I teach you to make fire and such too.

UncleFestor I noticed something in the coalesced.ini that may be related to the thing I talked to you about before, the disabling of damage textures on certain characters. I found these lines on [PackageBudget.CHAR_Charname]



This is just a theory but could it be that if you change the values here it will disable the game from revealing the damage of a certain character?
I'm not sure. But I think the ini you're referring to is the same one that lists all the sounds for the game. From what I understand, If you make any changes to that ini {Or just unpack it} then there will be no sounds in the game.


Injustice modder
I'm not sure. But I think the ini you're referring to is the same one that lists all the sounds for the game. From what I understand, If you make any changes to that ini {Or just unpack it} then there will be no sounds in the game.
I found those entries in the coalesced.ini
Enjoy some art tutorials :)

I made these to help some comic book artists a long time ago when I was still in animation school. Like 2 minutes and you can have fire or anything. Skip to the lighting vid for cool tricks using layers. In your case use some multiply and brush on low flow and opacity dark tones then use screen blend mode and do some light tones over your reds to get more depth and realism out of your blood.

Or just select some blood splatter stock images, make a layer set to multiply and resize it over your map ;)
Thanks for the Guides. I'll try and make good use of them :)
I found those entries in the coalesced.ini
The coalasced .ini is actually a bunch of different ini's Packed together. That's why after each section you'll see the following :

Some numbers here

And it's the reason we need to unpack the Coalesced, cause we need to Modify the ini's separately. I believe the ini your talking about is the PCG-DCFEditor.ini. If it is I don't think we can alter it, casue it'll corrupt all the game sounds
Also UncleFestor is there anyway to give NPC's movesets?

I tried to make Kilowog into a char package and surprisingly he worked. He does nothing though.

Yeah I already cloned every single NPC that has a Package. And the only ones that work are the one's I released. The rest don't do anything.
We can't give a character movesets. @ least not yet. The reason being is that there is nothing inside those packages that we can use. {Animations, Particles, Moves, Etc..} Maybe if @HowardC can get his File Appendor to work properly in MKKE then we can adapt it to this game and play around with swapping an mko in an NPC.

The mko is what contains all the scripting & info of a character. The big thing that most people keep forgetting is that none of that really means shit.

You can only make use of what's already in a Characters Package. We can't re-code a character to add custom animations, specials, combos, moves, Etc.. This is not SSIV A.E. or SFxT. The Engine & Packages are different. We have no way of opening them to create our own stuff.

The most we could hope for is to be able to swap existing stuff between characters or use stuff from one character on another. I highly doubt that this will be doable in neither MKKE or IGAU, but it's still worth trying. We'll just have to wait and keep our fingers crossed that @HowardC can get his tool to work error free. {It's almost there. I've already tested it in MKKE and it works for small changes Like adding strings to a package}


Injustice modder
Yeah I already cloned every single NPC that has a Package. And the only ones that work are the one's I released. The rest don't do anything.
We can't give a character movesets. @ least not yet. The reason being is that there is nothing inside those packages that we can use. {Animations, Particles, Moves, Etc..} Maybe if @HowardC can get his File Appendor to work properly in MKKE then we can adapt it to this game and play around with swapping an mko in an NPC.

The mko is what contains all the scripting & info of a character. The big thing that most people keep forgetting is that none of that really means shit.

You can only make use of what's already in a Characters Package. We can't re-code a character to add custom animations, specials, combos, moves, Etc.. This is not SSIV A.E. or SFxT. The Engine & Packages are different. We have no way of opening them to create our own stuff.

The most we could hope for is to be able to swap existing stuff between characters or use stuff from one character on another. I highly doubt that this will be doable in neither MKKE or IGAU, but it's still worth trying. We'll just have to wait and keep our fingers crossed that @HowardC can get his tool to work error free. {It's almost there. I've already tested it in MKKE and it works for small changes Like adding strings to a package}
Hmmm. Well that gives me hope that in the future we can do that. Best of luck to HowardC, I hope he will work on injustice too lol.

I mean some one found out how to extract the audio in the game and turn it into mp3s. Now the problem is just injecting them back in. hmmm looks like nrs really tried to prevent modders from modding injustice lol
One quick note. Even though we can swap moves, I can change variables inside a Characters Package to allow for more combos, longer Combo chains, Etc..

This is what I'm currently doing with my King Neptune & Red Lantern Mods & is what I've done with my Sub-Scorpion 2.0 Here's some vids of my Sub-Scorp showing some of the Tweaks I did :

I still need to go back into his package and change a couple of the vars, But I'll be releasing him soon.


Scorpion Scrub
Hey man if you change his combos or damage I won't be able to use him for my ultimate combo video :/
Hey man if you change his combos or damage I won't be able to use him for my ultimate combo video :/
Well I can't really create NEW combos {Different button presses ETC} What I do is adjust Timings, Delays, Animation Frames, Speed, & Gravity to allow chaining of multiple Combos together.

However I will NOT be doing that with Red Lantern It doesn't fit the Character. What I have done is Increase his Gimmick Multiplier slightly {Default is 1.1x I increased to 1.275x} I also Removed the Gimmick Activation Animation to allow you to Activate it during a combo And it gets rid of the Green Flash that normally occurs during Activation {I'm trying to get rid of as much Green as possible} So he won't have any new combos. He still has the same Speed & Strength.

I'm working on making his weapons slightly larger so they look more powerful, but the damage will still be the same. I also increased the duration of his Gimmick slightly {Longer enraged state}. I'll post a video shortly of the tweaks I've already done.


Scorpion Scrub
Well I can't really create NEW combos {Different button presses ETC} What I do is adjust Timings, Delays, Animation Frames, Speed, & Gravity to allow chaining of multiple Combos together.

However I will NOT be doing that with Red Lantern It doesn't fit the Character. What I have done is Increase his Gimmick Multiplier slightly {Default is 1.1x I increased to 1.275x} I also Removed the Gimmick Activation Animation to allow you to Activate it during a combo And it gets rid of the Green Flash that normally occurs during Activation {I'm trying to get rid of as much Green as possible} So he won't have any new combos. He still has the same Speed & Strength.

I'm working on making his weapons slightly larger so they look more powerful, but the damage will still be the same. I also increased the duration of his Gimmick slightly {Longer enraged state}. I'll post a video shortly of the tweaks I've already done.
Nice, looking forward to it man, larger constructs? Hell yeah.