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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated


unclefestor: Well, maybe u have right, but u can try that idea, i really like your red lantern but that symbol is important on that costume.. so if its possible somehow make that part with trasparency..it would be cool.. btw: when u look on this edited symbol .. its not perfect it was quick job, but it still look closer to RL symbol and i've edited only diff texture for now so if, i try more it could be ok :)
I really don't know why you keep showing me pics of Costume 01. As you can see in all the pics I've posted so far the 2 costumes are completely different. they have a totally different layout. And totally different Meshes. It would be one thing if you were showing me how to change the default symbol for his Regime Costume. Then I could compare and see what I'm doing different/wrong. But you just keep showing me an unrelated costume which doesn't help my current situation in any way.

I can't use his costume 01 to Create a DLC Costume with. So there's absolutely no point in me wasting any time on modding/skinning that costume. ;)

I appreciate your efforts but I can't put them to use with the costume I'm using.


well...if its possible do it on this 01 costume , i will bet that it will be possible on regime costume too or on new 52, i will check it later.
I haven't tried the new 52. But I think that Costume is kinda plain to be honest. If the diff is laid out like his costume 01 then yeah you might be able to paint around the GL symbol so it'll look like the one wyruzzah is doing for the Costume 01.

The Problem With the Regime & Yellow Lantern is that the Symbol takes up the entire space of the circle on his chest so there's no room to go anywhere with it. And the lantern on the Diff is located in the upper right hand corner of the diff so you can't add anything to it there cause there's no room. Which is why I can't do anything with the symbol cause not matter how I alter the diff it still shows up on the character.

I can't think of a way to get around it. So I'm leaving it with the Default GL Symbol. I'm not gonna mess with it anymore cause everything I try just makes it look like shit. I did change the Symbols used in the UI, I removed the Green Beam used during the Super & His Lanterns Might attack, And I removed the Ring Trail. There's still glowing green that I can't get rid of. They seem to be stored in an animation file there's also some Sparks & explosions that are still green which I can't get rid of {They're either part of an Animation or Particle Emission File} Neither of those 2 things can be altered outside a modeling Program and the latter would probably need the UDK that it was compiled in in order to uncook it and get to the files inside it to change the colors.

Edit : I'll start mapping out his TweakVars tomorrow. I want to increase his overall strength by 0.027% {It makes a difference} And I want to change some aspects of his specials.
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Is it possible to rig a character's model to a different character's moveset? Like Zatanna with GL moves or something crazy like that?
Curb the enthusiasm. Without a way to edit meshes I can't give her face a new sculpt to fix her properly in Zbrush like I had hoped to. I could use makeup techniques to shadow her cheeks and eye areas a bit to try and counteract some of her hard cheekbone problems, and try the whole trick my crossplaying friend uses to resculpt their jaw using darker tones to redraw their jaw, but honestly without mesh edits its gonna be reaaaaaaaaaaaaally unlikely I can fix this model's hard jaw line, wide chin, carved cheekbones and unpronounced lips.

If you want though I'll stop the Bane mod and try to just work on her face. Its gonna be a shit ride though...no joke. Its originally what I wanted PC for anyhow so I'll give it a shot, but its ALL going to have to be accomplished using makeup techniques.


Injustice modder


You can find other mods at the first post.
Now that my TDK Batsuit is released the next thing I'm gonna release is the GL Kyle Rayner skin. I'm basing the costume where he has the GL symbol on the middle of his chest, not the one where the GL symbol is at the upper left part of his chest. This is due to the GL symbol actually embedded in the model so it can't be relocated to his upper left part of his chest. I'm gonna edit this post showing progress pics when I get home.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Okay, Im studying some shots on Raven and the big shot I have to be able to pull off is both her Clash and her Super because they are closeups and any "tricks" will be visible there. This will take some time, but I'm going to try swelling the makeup on her lips on her texture map and then using the diffuse maps and spec maps to trick the texture into "redrawing" shadows and lights around that makeup when light passes over it. Thats pretty much what spec and diffuse do...they make things appear and disappear according to light hitting it and give it depth.

I can't push this too far though, but if I use the maps carefully and redraw the shadow under her lip lower and thinner it'll make her chin seem smaller and less pronounced and give her lips a fuller and more feminine shape...hopefully. After that begins the long task of touch and go map tweaks on her jawline, brows and cheekbones. Her raised brows are NOT helping her appear feminine at all right now. They are raised over her actual brow on the sides giving her a very "DBZ Piccolo" sort of aspect. In other words they are framing a bulge on her face and its creating more focus and hardness to her complexion than she needs.

God damn you Raven I will make you female.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
That's gonna take a hell of a lotta Work, Patience, & Skill.

Looking forward to it. :)
Okay I have my first dry run spec map and regular texture map, but for some reason the Injector is saying File Not Found when I try to inject either the DIFF or SPEC files.

Here are my save settings. Any ideas what could be the problem? If I can get this to inject I can see how the spec and diff worked out.



Injustice modder
Okay I have my first dry run spec map and regular texture map, but for some reason the Injector is saying File Not Found when I try to inject either the DIFF or SPEC files.

Here are my save settings. Any ideas what could be the problem? If I can get this to inject I can see how the spec and diff worked out.

check the filename again or the xxx got corrupted. Replace it with a new xxx package.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
check the filename again or the xxx got corrupted. Replace it with a new xxx package.
DAMN. I replaced it with my backup AND with the original and both still give me the same crap. File Not Found. I used BOTH the original 15mb file and the decompressed 29 mb one. BOTH give me that same file not found message during injection.

The evil of that model is deep.


Injustice modder
Make sure the texture.2d files are there along with dds files.

or if you want you can send me the diff and spec and I'll inject it for you.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.

Im taking it slow with these SPEC and DIFF maps. If I go too far it'll look like paint. The trick to make her lips fuller worked though as you can see in the middle. Also the shading on her jaw is definitely working to pull her features more to the front and make them seem less square. However as you can see in the Super animation the lighting is so severe it destroys what little I got there...well save for the better part of the much editted eyebrow line. I'll have to go harder with my dark tones on her. She's a REALLY strong figured face. The jaw line is literally nearly straight across with no curve on the UV which makes NO SENSE for a female what so ever. The shading I'm slowly building up on her chin though is working as you can see in the middle versus the right. Its narrowing the chin properly...she just needs more. MUCH MORE.

This girl is hell. Pure evil. Im trying to not resort to painting her like a clown with extreme loud splashes of color to hide her features here. I'll go a little at a time and try to finesse her into looking proper. Her poses though are still rough on the eyes.

I think the key will be removing the harsh sneer line around her nose. Mainly males show those and women do everything in their power NOT to get lines there. Should soften her features a lot to remove it.

She used to be this without any makeup to help contour her features.

CG Makeup art. Woo...shes pure hell man. Not ready yet but heres my in progress shot.

EDIT: Im still tweaking her makeup tricks but Im up to this now...

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When's DragonBall?
Now that my TDK Batsuit is released the next thing I'm gonna release is the GL Kyle Rayner skin. I'm basing the costume where he has the GL symbol on the middle of his chest, not the one where the GL symbol is at the upper left part of his chest. This is due to the GL symbol actually embedded in the model so it can't be relocated to his upper left part of his chest. I'm gonna edit this post showing progress pics when I get home.
Welp,I have no idea what base ur mentioning but all I know is u said the next thing ur gonna release is the GL Kyle Rayner skin and that's all I needed to hear. I am personally ready!


Injustice modder
Welp,I have no idea what base ur mentioning but all I know is u said the next thing ur gonna release is the GL Kyle Rayner skin and that's all I needed to hear. I am personally ready!

I'm torn between green or white as the colored part of the boots as I've seen green and white in various sources.

There are no details yet like the bumps on the arms and legs/different color of the GL logo but this is the basic layout.
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Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
God damnit...I dont think I can use makeup to soften how long her chin is anymore and the sneer line near Raven's nose is a crease in her mesh...they literally sculpted the angle that hard so it'd generate the shadow on its own. I'll try painting more light tones around it to remove the highlight that the engine's light creates when light passes by it, but it may wash out her cheeks and bring back some of her man face. Its like a friggin surgery doin this. Several times I already took tones and color to far and she looked painted instead of natural so there's only so far I can push it. Im going to try and deepen the colors on her lipstick and make her eyelashes fuller to pull the focus on her eyes and mouth more to lighten her complexion, but Im not going to lie...the chin is really long and slightly prominent on the mesh and her jaw is very firm. I can do a lot, but it might not be quite enough to fully feminize Raven. She's much better now than before, but she wont be comic book level.


I have tested making RL symbol on new 52, but logo cant be changed too much, there is no much place how alternate that logo.. and i wanna announce that i will be not able to complete red hood skin on deathstroke.. i really tried, but some materials (scales etc.) always rewrite my edited textures ... i've even tried change materialinstances...(scales to metal).. only if could change scales material to leather..but they have bigger file size so it cannot be injected by generic injector. I [URL='http://slovnik.seznam.cz/en-cz/?q=yield']yield that to someone who is more experienced.. i rather work on some another skin, than lose my time with skin where i cannot do much.. maybe i have lack of skill :([/URL]
God damnit...I dont think I can use makeup to soften how long her chin is anymore and the sneer line near Raven's nose is a crease in her mesh...they literally sculpted the angle that hard so it'd generate the shadow on its own. I'll try painting more light tones around it to remove the highlight that the engine's light creates when light passes by it, but it may wash out her cheeks and bring back some of her man face. Its like a friggin surgery doin this. Several times I already took tones and color to far and she looked painted instead of natural so there's only so far I can push it. Im going to try and deepen the colors on her lipstick and make her eyelashes fuller to pull the focus on her eyes and mouth more to lighten her complexion, but Im not going to lie...the chin is really long and slightly prominent on the mesh and her jaw is very firm. I can do a lot, but it might not be quite enough to fully feminize Raven. She's much better now than before, but she wont be comic book level.
You might be able to decrease Spec Power through Hex, which should tone down how much Light reflects when it hits her face. You might also be able to adjust Reflection & Refraction Values for her. You'll need MKKE Color Editor 3.6, & a Hex Editor to Find & Adjust some of the values.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I have tested making RL symbol on new 52, but logo cant be changed too much, there is no much place how alternate that logo.. and i wanna announce that i will be not able to complete red hood skin on deathstroke.. i really tried, but some materials (scales etc.) always rewrite my edited textures ... i've even tried change materialinstances...(scales to metal).. only if could change scales material to leather..but they have bigger file size so it cannot be injected by generic injector. I yield that to someone who is more experienced.. i rather work on some another skin, than lose my time with skin where i cannot do much.. maybe i have lack of skill :(
So the scales permanently stay high gloss like metal instead of a more muted gloss like leather? Couldn't you handle that with a nearly black and white spec map with a leather pattern overlay across it?


shaowebb: Reflection always stay ... no matter what textures i will change or edit.. so pants and jacket with too much reflection looks very weird.. im no pro in photoshop but i never have some problems with skins like with this one , so maybe u should try it..
I have tested making RL symbol on new 52, but logo cant be changed too much, there is no much place how alternate that logo.. and i wanna announce that i will be not able to complete red hood skin on deathstroke.. i really tried, but some materials (scales etc.) always rewrite my edited textures ... i've even tried change materialinstances...(scales to metal).. only if could change scales material to leather..but they have bigger file size so it cannot be injected by generic injector. I yield that to someone who is more experienced.. i rather work on some another skin, than lose my time with skin where i cannot do much.. maybe i have lack of skill :(
It's not lack of skill pimpin. NRS did a really good job of limiting how much we could mod with this game. Everything as far as Character/Costume manipulation is severely impacted. Most of what we want to do to a Costume as far as texturing needs to be done in 3DSMax/Maya & Zbrush. which we can't do. Even the Norm Files are done in a way to limit how much we can manipulate them because the Meshes have more Bone attachments and more parts that are weighted, so in those areas you can't get good Height or Depth through the Normal Map.

We'll just have to live with that fact. And do the best we can within the limits that we have to work with.