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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated

So the scales permanently stay high gloss like metal instead of a more muted gloss like leather? Couldn't you handle that with a nearly black and white spec map with a leather pattern overlay across it?
That really depends on whether or not there is any Vector or Scalar value attatched to it that forces it to be a certain Value/Strength/Power/Color.

shaowebb: Reflection always stay ... no matter what textures i will change or edit.. so pants and jacket with too much reflection looks very weird.. im no pro in photoshop but i never have some problems with skins like with this one , so maybe u should try it..
You could probably circumvent the problem by adjusting the structure Values Via Hex.


..or i will make some new skin.. i lost so much time with that red hood.. and nothing of it.. i literally hate that model :D ...im thinking about Dark Archer skin fo Green Arrow.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
That really depends on whether or not there is any Vector or Scalar value attatched to it that forces it to be a certain Value/Strength/Power/Color.
Yeah, I think I might have ran into that on some of the skins already. Sinestro comes to mind. You can get so far on the map, but if the model has any color values setup on it (like as an animation) it wont matter. Its going to get overwhelmed by the stuff coded to happen to that texture.

Guess its off to work for now for me. I'll get back to Raven's make over later tonight. Wacom Intuos 4 keep my pimp hand strong.

..or i will make some new skin.. i lost so much time with that red hood.. and nothing of it.. i literally hate that model :D ...im thinking about Dark Archer skin fo Green Arrow.
I may pickup Red Hood after I finish my Duffman and Raven. That or I'll go stupid ambitious and see how much I can get someone to look like The Ray.


Injustice modder
I am also having problems changing the white light in the new 52 GL skin. Dang. I just can't find it in the coloreditor.
unclefestor: First i need teach how work with color picker,.. i will find your tutorial... and maybe i try it.
Once you get the hang of it it'll be easier to find Structures Via hex. You'll start to see patterns in the strings that let you know if it's a color, float, or boolean property.

You'll need to get an understanding of how each one functions to make use of the values. For the most part you never want to change a bool prop. You'll want to focus on Floats and Colors. With color Picker 3.6 it should place any Floats it finds in the Alpha box. You can change the Values Directly through that box using the numbers instead of the Color Wheel. I believe UDK uses a Structure Float Range of 3 to -3 so you'll need to stay within that range.

When adjusting Floats of a Scalar Parameter I would adjust it by the 1/100th decimal point Example :

Float : 1.26733241 {Start by increasing or decreasing the # 6 (100th decimal point) and work backwards towards whole integer (1/10 Dec, 1 Whole #, then back to 1/100th Dec)


Once you get the hang of it it'll be easier to find Structures Via hex. You'll start to see patterns in the strings that let you know if it's a color, float, or boolean property.

You'll need to get an understanding of how each one functions to make use of the values. For the most part you never want to change a bool prop. You'll want to focus on Floats and Colors. With color Picker 3.6 it should place any Floats it finds in the Alpha box. You can change the Values Directly through that box using the numbers instead of the Color Wheel. I believe UDK uses a Structure Float Range of 3 to -3 so you'll need to stay within that range.

When adjusting Floats of a Scalar Parameter I would adjust it by the 1/100th decimal point Example :

Float : 1.26733241 {Start by increasing or decreasing the # 6 (100th decimal point) and work backwards towards whole integer (1/10 Dec, 1 Whole #, then back to 1/100th Dec)
For now i dont understand that too much.. :)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Before I head out the door, I'd just like to bring up something...anyone else notice the spec maps seem different in this game? Usually when I make those in Zbrush and such they are purely black and white takes on the regular map with some speckles and stuff and all that normal jazz. In this game very few have a purely black and white color theme to them. Raven's is a darker purple, Flash's is like faded reddish pink trucker hat colors and only his face gets the normal black/white specular color palette. I understand that this should could create a much more muted and faded looking set of shadows that aren't off putting, but why not just generate these the normal way? Its almost like they ran a filter over their initial map once it was loaded in photoshop and then played with the levels rather than do it the easy and crisp way in zbrush of just hitting the friggin' spec button.

Thats all really. What they have works, but its really subtle lighting and it sort of seems like it may have taken more work than to just do it the normal way and get tighter shadows and highlighting. Is it just me being too tied to my normal workflow here or do these spec maps look distinctly different than normal to anyone else here who also has some experience with the things?

Once you get the hang of it it'll be easier to find Structures Via hex. You'll start to see patterns in the strings that let you know if it's a color, float, or boolean property.

You'll need to get an understanding of how each one functions to make use of the values. For the most part you never want to change a bool prop. You'll want to focus on Floats and Colors. With color Picker 3.6 it should place any Floats it finds in the Alpha box. You can change the Values Directly through that box using the numbers instead of the Color Wheel. I believe UDK uses a Structure Float Range of 3 to -3 so you'll need to stay within that range.

When adjusting Floats of a Scalar Parameter I would adjust it by the 1/100th decimal point Example :

Float : 1.26733241 {Start by increasing or decreasing the # 6 (100th decimal point) and work backwards towards whole integer (1/10 Dec, 1 Whole #, then back to 1/100th Dec)
Oh baby talk decimals to me...
Before I head out the door, I'd just like to bring up something...anyone else notice the spec maps seem different in this game? Usually when I make those in Zbrush and such they are purely black and white takes on the regular map with some speckles and stuff and all that normal jazz. In this game very few have a purely black and white color theme to them. Raven's is a darker purple, Flash's is like faded reddish pink trucker hat colors and only his face gets the normal black/white specular color palette. I understand that this should could create a much more muted and faded looking set of shadows that aren't off putting, but why not just generate these the normal way? Its almost like they ran a filter over their initial map once it was loaded in photoshop and then played with the levels rather than do it the easy and crisp way in zbrush of just hitting the friggin' spec button.

Thats all really. What they have works, but its really subtle lighting and it sort of seems like it may have taken more work than to just do it the normal way and get tighter shadows and highlighting. Is it just me being too tied to my normal workflow here or do these spec maps look distinctly different than normal to anyone else here who also has some experience with the things?

Oh baby talk decimals to me...

Yeah the Specular Maps in Both MKKE and IGAU are made with color in order to force that color during Light reflection. The game engine actually makes poor use of white specular for Brightness. Instead it'll just reflect the white color rather than making it look wet when you make the spec Bright White. There are several ways around this but they all involve manipulating structures through hex {@ least that's how I do it. But then again I'm a modder not a skinner, so I have limited Knowledge on how to work with a spec map in Photoshop}

Here's an example of Structures used to control the Specular of a character :

SpecularMap {I haven't messed with this one b4}


TYM White Knight
Alright, snowday, lots of time. I am going to look into this today. I plan on making Hush Nightwing out of his new 52 costume. Wish me luck. I will post updates as I go.
It is lol. I'm just saying its possible to make costume 01 as dlc not just a costume replacement using the method UncleFestor used in his NPC unlocker.
Well you could also use Cheat Engine to load a DLC Character. So we can make them & Alt costumes for them as well, then use C.E. to load the character/costume.

it's not as convenient as having them in the P.S. Screen but it's better than taking up another Characters Costume Slot imo.

I'm sure that an app can eventually be created to do the same thing.


Aww no more Red Hood??
I really tried but some textures allways rewrite my edited textures.. and i dont wanna release ugly reskin.. so i will yield for someone who is more experienced (i'm working with photoshop only 4 months so i dont know much tricks) or who find way how completly remove that reflections, scales. Red hood deserve flawless skin.. and im unable fulfil that goal :/
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When's DragonBall?
I really tried but some textures allways rewrite my edited textures.. and i dont wanna release ugly reskin.. so i will yield for someone who is more experienced (i'm working with photoshop only 4 months so i dont know much tricks) or who find way how completly remove that reflections, scales. Red hood deserve flawless skin.. and im unable fulfil that goal :/
Gotcha,I agree that I want him to look like my Avatar,kool to know none of you guys are tryna half-ass any of these mods


TYM White Knight
Does anyone use Gimp? I am using the dds plugin, but everytime I go to decompress it's giving me a wrong tag error in notify.