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Injustice Custom DLCs/Mods Thread. First post always updated


THE Duke
First: you guys are awesome and i kindly thank you for your hard work
Second: Since people are starting to change coelascend.ini, could there be a "TYM edition" of the game, with balancing and special costumes made here, or just changing the file screws the online (don't know if it uses VAC or any other cheat protection)


THE Duke
Actually, i have a mod request: can anyone mod the xbox buttons pictures to PS3 button pictures? i use a dualshock3 emulating a xbox pad (ds3 d-pad is better) but i keep messing things up due to the button images.

this should be (in theory) easier than a costume mod.
i saw similar stuff made in re6 http://ngemu.com/threads/re6-playstation-button-mod.155776/

i thank kindly for anyone willing to accept my request.
Actually, i have a mod request: can anyone mod the xbox buttons pictures to PS3 button pictures? i use a dualshock3 emulating a xbox pad (ds3 d-pad is better) but i keep messing things up due to the button images.

this should be (in theory) easier than a costume mod.
i saw similar stuff made in re6 http://ngemu.com/threads/re6-playstation-button-mod.155776/

i thank kindly for anyone willing to accept my request.
It's already been done you can See a Video of it & the corresponding Link to the mod here :


Injustice modder
Actually, i have a mod request: can anyone mod the xbox buttons pictures to PS3 button pictures? i use a dualshock3 emulating a xbox pad (ds3 d-pad is better) but i keep messing things up due to the button images.

this should be (in theory) easier than a costume mod.
i saw similar stuff made in re6 http://ngemu.com/threads/re6-playstation-button-mod.155776/

i thank kindly for anyone willing to accept my request.
I posted a mod like that days ago on the first post lol.
Here's a Pic of what it looks like when I try and replace the Lantern Symbol. I don't really like it and I think it'll look better leaving it alone.



unclefestor: Fine but next time, try it more .. 3 minutes job, so it can be done lot a better, all u need is just camouflaged that green symbol parts to black, white (or make it transparable that part). and i edited only diff.. so with all edited it should look cooler, but i dont make that costume so its just idea :)
unclefestor: Fine but next time, try it more .. 3 minutes job, so it can be done lot a better, all u need is just camouflaged that green symbol parts to black, white (or make it transparable that part). and i edited only diff.. so with all edited it should look cooler, but i dont make that costume so its just idea :)
I don't understand what you mean. I can see clearly in that pic the Green Lantern Symbol. The point is to not have both merged together. I would rather have the Green lantern one than both together {I doesn't look good IMHO like that}


I don't understand what you mean. I can see clearly in that pic the Green Lantern Symbol. The point is to not have both merged together. I would rather have the Green lantern one than both together {I doesn't look good IMHO like that}
of course u see that green symbol i didnt edited properly cause i dont make that costume ... But with some more editing it can be easily done.. If you dont understand i will post that symbol properly edited when i have time.


When's DragonBall?
You guys are awesome...I hope this can somehow be done on PS4. Would make my Injustice truly next-gen.Haha.Great stuff
of course u see that green symbol i didnt edited properly cause i dont make that costume ... But with some more editing it can be easily done.. If you dont understand i will post that symbol properly edited when i have time.
I really hope you can figure out how to do it easily or not. I completely removed the symbol from the NormHQA, Diff, and Spec and it still shows up very clearly. The symbol is on the mesh not in the Texture2D files. What you're seeing in the texture2D files is only details for the symbol. But the symbol itself is part of the mesh, and afaik, we can edit meshes, so you're correct. I don't understand how you would be able to do it.

Here's what I did :

As you can see above The Spec & Diff have the NEW Symbols and the NormHQA {Alpha & RGB} have the old ones removed. Yet it looks like this in game :

And this is what it looks like if I add Just the White part of the Red Lantern Symbol to the Diff in the Empty area on his chest ::

As you can see in my Diff & Spec there is mno green left so where the game is pulling that Green color is beyond me. I can only assume that it's in an animation file that's attached to the mesh as a Default. If I color the White parts Red then you don't see the green But the Design is still the same. The symbols get "MASHED" together


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Damn...I had this exact same problem on my dry .dds edit with Sinestro. I was hoping it was a case of just needing to change the spec maps and such. Its looking like thats actually scultped onto the mesh as you said. I was hoping it wasn't going to be like that because in that case the lighting and such in the game will always pull it up.

The only idea I had was to cut out that area and make it go all black like an improperly textured model, but that is a really shitty idea. It wont even reflect light in that instance and then you might be able to make your logo appear better but even then it'd likely just look like a big black dot with a red lantern symbol that STILL has parts of the GL logo's pattern on it visible as any area the new red lantern symbol touches the old GL symbol's geometry would still suffer from the same problems we have now. At best it'd wash out more of it but look like a really awkward black dot.

There's no real fixing this with just texture edits.

Can we make our own objects and attach them to the character model? If so you could model those symbols in Sculptris which is free, export them textured and such as .obj and then do whatever you need to in order to attach them to the model as accessories that cover up the old symbols like some of the props some characters have. I dont know how doable that idea is but its the best I got.
Yeah that's the only thing I could think of. BTW Making those parts Completely Black or White won't work either. The GL Symbol still shows up. In fact Yellow Lantern uses the exact same Texture files as GL Regime. But with all the GL symbols removed so it's just white dots. Yet in Game he has the Yellow Lantern Glowing Yellow. So I would Imagine the Devs Sculpted the Symbol on the Mesh And either attached an anims to it to get the Symbol Glowing Yellow or they used some type of Lighting structure to cause it to Glow.

Anyway, unfortunately I have no idea how to go about editing a mesh file. As I understand it Both MKKE & IGAU use a heavily modified version of UDK. Yes they still use .upk files but we can't load the actual .xxx files into the UDK that we can get a hold of.

And the problem is right now we have no way of rebuilding an xxx package. I know we can export meshes into 3DsMax but the only thing you would be able to do is adjust the vertices {Because altering the actual mesh would increase the file size}. You should be able to export from 3DSMax into the UDK we can get and then save or export as a skeletalmesh file. Then as long as your new file is the same size or smaller than the original you should be able to swap them using the MKKE Generic File Injector.

However I think the reason this hasn't been already accomplished for MKKE is because the files that you create in UDK are not compatible with the version that's used in the game.

EDIT : I am thinking about changing the UI tho. replacing the GL symbols there with the RL one. The GL symbol on the costume isn't really all that noticeable in-game You can only see it in detail in the Character Bio Viewer. So changing the UI @ least makes it a more custom costume
Last edited:


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Im betting they sculpted the symbol, did a color texture and then set a timeline for the color and had it shift in its colors along the timeline. Its an easy way to do glows and color strobing on characters and it looks snazzy as fuck with next to no effort...simply select geometry, set a keyframe, then like 39 frames later change the value of the color and it will tween through all the spectrum to get there thats needed.

If they did that your boned as its animation just like you said. Wouldn't matter if you changed the texture file because it'd be a value thats coded to change on that color no matter what color overlays are textured to it as starting points or maps.
You guys are awesome...I hope this can somehow be done on PS4. Would make my Injustice truly next-gen.Haha.Great stuff

Okay as far as PS4 goes. You would 1st need a modded PS4 {I'm not sure if this has been accomplished yet} You would need a decrypted copy of the PS4 game, and HD Map of the Game files {In order to know how the game is structured on the PS4} We would then need a version of Umodel that can process PS4 files {Unless they are the exact same format as the PS3 ver. if they are you should be able to @ least mod them} Then we need to determine how the game information is stored on the PS4 Hard Drive. On the PS3 you always need to make changes to the .TOC file to make the mods work {I don't know how to do this but I'm sure the Devs @ psx would know}


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Progress Shot of Duffman Bane.
Doombawkz Grr Maxintensity25 DarthArma

Still mapping out where all the areas on Bane's mask, lenses and body are but so far the DUFFMAN Bane Mod is coming along nicely. Here's a preview image. I'll keep playing with areas of his UV Map till I can get it straight where everything needs to go. Im having to hand paint him a Duffman Lucha mask complete with sideburns, shades and ballcap.



Injustice modder
Progress Shot of Duffman Bane.
Doombawkz Grr Maxintensity25 DarthArma

Still mapping out where all the areas on Bane's mask, lenses and body are but so far the DUFFMAN Bane Mod is coming along nicely. Here's a preview image. I'll keep playing with areas of his UV Map till I can get it straight where everything needs to go. Im having to hand paint him a Duffman Lucha mask complete with sideburns, shades and ballcap.

Very nice lol. If you have time to learn the mkkecoloreditor you can change the venom color from Green to Beer colored. So it'll look like Bane's venom is beer lol.


For hearts long lost and full of fright
Is it possible to rig a character's model to a different character's moveset? Like Zatanna with GL moves or something crazy like that?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Very nice lol. If you have time to learn the mkkecoloreditor you can change the venom color from Green to Beer colored. So it'll look like Bane's venom is beer lol.
Link me O_O
Only thing better than Bane on drugs is Bane being an Angry Drunk.

Is it possible to rig a character's model to a different character's moveset? Like Zatanna with GL moves or something crazy like that?
Or say Drunk Duffman Bane to Catwoman ;)


Injustice modder
Link me O_O
Only thing better than Bane on drugs is Bane being an Angry Drunk.

Or say Drunk Duffman Bane to Catwoman ;)

UncleFestor posted a tutorial about that in there. Gotta check a few pages back though. MkkeColorepicker allows us to edit colors that cannot be edited via texture editing. That's how unclefestor changed GL's glows from Green to red and how I changed flash's iris from black to red.


UncleFestor:.. and did you tried HowardC procedure, for making things trasparable, cause that GL symbol is 100% seperated from costume, i have tested that, so if you somehow change materials (dmg or hair material support transparency) to normal costume, then u can just edit alpha channels to black for making that symbol transparable and no holes will appear.. just edit that part on costume itself.
Well I can try and do some tests by swapping Mic's Via Hex and see if anything becomes invisible. If it does then i'll proceed with swapping Strings inside each Mic to try and Isolate that part of the texture. But to be honest if you look closely @ the pics I posted you'll see that I've changed everything in all the texture2D files and yet the Green Lantern symbol shows up and it's actually Green in parts even though I have No green in my textures. So the Game is getting it from somewhere. That symbol is coming from somewhere. And it's not a texture2D file. So swapping texture2D files to allow transparency would not remove the symbol from the mesh nor the animation that's being used on it.

I understand what you're trying to do. But that's not going to work. What you're saying is that the RL Symbol in the upper Right corner of the Diff is separate from the Circle on his chest and therefore should allow for it to become transparent. Yes that's true IF that was the source of the Symbol but it's not.

Here's a pic of his Skeletal Mesh so you can see what I mean :

As you can see the Lantern symbols are part of the mesh. Anything that's contained in the costume that's not on the mesh can be altered. Because the Symbols are Sculpted on the mesh the only option I have is to swap mics and make the parts of the Diff that contain the Symbol transparent. But that leaves a hole in those parts because the symbol is actually on his chest. It's not a separate part of the costume so I can only 'Punch a Hole in his Chest' to remove. IF I do that then there is no way to place a texture over it because essentially I have removed that section. So you'll see right through the hole in his chest. That's what I did with one of my Freddy Krueger's to cause holes to appear when he gets damaged.