Guys all seriousness drop CSZ please, if u can't win with the tools he has now jump ship because he's not getting patched whatsoever
And for those that doubt CSZ add me or send me a msg on either system. CSZ is a character u can win any match w except against elite/moderate kitanas, KABALs and Laos because those are his worst 3 IMO
Against Anyone else I should be able to win and feel confident doing so as long as I didn't forget someone.
I'm done w this thread because there no point
Its been weeks since Ive pooped out a negative edge bomb i might add as well
There will be no patch therefor its time to buff the CSZ players, not the character
After this patch there will be no more buffing/nerfing- get use to CSZ now or drop him
Also can anyone name me a character on this site that doesn't have a nerf/buff thread. It's gotten ridiculous
edit: Sorry i typed the above w my iphone and there were spelling errors everywhere - I think i fixed 'em lol
Believe it or not Pig, Cyber Sub can deal with Kitana and Kung Lao. It's still 6-4 in their favor, but it's very doable. If he gets in on her, she's fucked, and that's really not as hard as it sounds: If she does an IAF, you can teleport in on reaction, and you'll be able to recover from it safely before she touches down. If she respects this option and starts throwing ground fans, just divekick her (or intentionally whiff a divekick over it just to get up in her face). It's a hard matchup, but it's not as bad as people seem to think.
Kung Lao is, well, basically just a matter of well-timed EX parries and punishing ground hat zoning attempts with the divekick, so long as they're read. He CAN go punch for punch with Kung Lao, but it's not easy. You end up using more B2 2 and 1 1 than you would 2 1, since it's so easy for Kung Lao to fuck with his 2 1 mixup. Basically, Kung Lao can be beaten, you just have to stay ahead of the curve. If you read an attempt to pressure, EX parry for a full combo punish. If you read a ranged ground hat, divekick/EX divekick. If you read a teleport, jump back jumpkick/divekick. All of these options hurt so much that he can really punish Kung Lao as long as he's making good reads. The only REAL problem in this matchup is that Cyber Sub gets nothing for blocking a ground hat, because NONE of his attacks are less than 10 frames, apart from his D3 (ooooooh).
I really, REALLY don't see how Sub Zero is 7-3 either. It's definitely 6-4 because Subs can control the pace of the matchup more easily, but it's really not that bad. He can go punch for punch with him in close, and honestly, he can turtle Sub out. What the hell can Sub do, at that point? If he throws an ice ball, you can divekick or teleport in. If you read a clone, you can divekick that, or just throw a bomb to get him off his spot. The only way he can really catch you is with an EX freeze, and if you read that, he just pissed away his meter for nothing (not to mention that you have this option as well). Once he actually gets in close, what does he have that you don't? Hell, Cyber Sub's 3 3 and throw mixups actually give him something of an edge, even if Sub has his 2 2. Sub Zero is so far from one of his worst matchups. Hell, I'd say Cage and Raiden are worse than Sub.
Kabal, admittedly, DOES fuck him up. If there's an answer for that asshole, I've yet to discover it. Whenever I play a good Kabal, I feel like I have no answer for IAFs or his lame blockstring (it's an 8 frame window and Cyber Subs has nothing decent under 10 frames, so that one's a foregone conclusion). If anyone has some secret method to deal with Kabal, I want to know what the hell it is.
Also, I'm tired of holding my tongue about this, so I'm just going to say it: I am sick and fucking tired of Niflheim crying about the bomb inputs. I can think of no less than TEN FUCKING TIMES I've seen "Wah, remap the bomb inputs". On more than one occasion, I've pointed out that you can easily get around this by just tapping up in the middle of a dash into 3, so you get F F U 3 instead of F F 3; done right, it'll interrupt the bomb input, but your dash into 3 still works like it normally would. One of those occasions was
in this fucking thread. If you aren't going to learn to use such a simple fix to circumvent what you clearly see as Cyber Sub's worst flaw, stop playing the fucking character, or at LEAST stop bitching about this so I don't have to see it anymore. Jesus christ...
EDIT: Oh, and since no one seems to understand how Cyber Sub's parry works, it depends on how low the move's hitbox is. It's not just where it contacts him, it's the overall collision region/hitbox of the move, from what I can tell. The parry can't stop anything on the lower... 1/5th of his hitbox or so, if I had to take a stab in the dark. That's why Nightwolf's hatchet and Sektor's telepunch still go right through it.