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Incomming patch!! .... wait what??

Leave the fucking green bean alone. He is already a great competitor to the whole cast. Sub zero Ex slide is well deserved, Cyber sub should have one...

I bet my friend is looking at all this and saying "no". Well you never professionally looked at Cyber Sub so.. yeah.


Paulo mentioned in the VSM chat that "every character is having something done to them except for CSZ".

Also CSZ's slide and Sub-Zero's slide are different. CSZ's slide is way more punishable on whiff and on block. I also heard they are increasing Sub-Zero's speed during his enhanced slide as well... By the looks of it, Sub-Zero is going to be more of a problem to beat than Kabal after patch. Thinking probably 8-2.

I can barely beat Tom's Sub as it is. We play for hours and usually for every 10 games, he wins 7 and I win 3. With this SUPER armor buff on his slide(yes super armor, not just regular) and speed increase, he will be able to blow through pressure situations easily and reverse corner situations. It takes so much work to even have CSZ in a good Sub-Zero's face pressuring that this is such a huge blow.
Wait a minute, I just saw this. Cyber Sub's slide is more punishable on whiff AND on block? I tried testing it, but it was so ambiguous that I honestly couldn't tell if there was a difference one way or another. It looks like his hitbox is bigger, but even that was hard to be sure of.

I do think it's kind of retarded if everyone but him is getting some kind of change, because no matter what, everyone in this game could be improved. I'd be hesitant to say anyone really "needs" it, but look at Cyber Sub's F2 2 1, for instance: It's slow as fuck, but there would actually be some reason to use that string (in the corner, at the very least) if it had any amount of advantage on hit. It feels like it's about, oh, +5 on hit? Why the hell would I ever want to use this for anything? Other than that, I do think it's bullshit that the EX teleport isn't completely safe. Yeah, I get it, not everyone should have a free Raiden teleport, but I'm spending meter to make my teleport safe, here. It should actually, y'know, work.

Again, I still stand by my claim that he doesn't "need" anything. There are still some minor buffs I think he could stand to get, but I think (almost) every character in this game could use a little something here and there just to expand their options and make them a more fleshed-out character. If 2 1 was even a few plus frames on block (we'll say 5), I wouldn't mind so much that it's dick slow, and it's not like he could abuse this for frame traps when he has nothing under ten frames. He could even get plus frames on a couple more strings for that reason (I'm looking at you, 3 4).

I do think the explosion on the ice bomb could stand to be a little taller so it'd be easier to divekick an airborne opponent into it. You can put the fear of God in someone if you divekick them out of the air and into a bomb freeze, but as of right now, there's no way in hell to do that consistently even IF you can successfully bait your opponent into jumping.

Other than that, the recovery on some of his strings irks me. F2 4 honestly wouldn't be such a bad way to end certain combos if it wasn't pretty much zero on hit. What makes this so stupid is that you touch down immediately after hitting, yet... You're stuck standing there until they actually recover? It may not hurt as much as U4 slide, but if this gave you the freedom to move around on hit (a la Ermac's EX push or F4 B2 as a combo ender), it'd have some practical purpose. Right now, the purpose of this string is, uh, looking cool in impractical corner X-rays. I guess you can 3 4 B2 4 X-ray in the corner for easy access to an unbreakable 45%. That's almost, sort of, KIND OF something close to a practical purpose for this string. I also don't understand the purpose of his B3 string at all. For something that looks so flashy, you'd think it'd have some sort of use, but what the hell is it good for? It's slow, it has a tiny hitbox, it's in no way hit confirmable and if you're just comboing into a freeze, 3 3 still hits low and does better. I almost feel like the mock shoryuken could be useful for something, maybe even as a command normal (I realize this would never happen without a UMK9 or the unlikely event of Cyber Sub returning for a sequel). Unfortunately, as it stands, every individual hit of the string is pretty well useless.

I think its general agreement on this thread that he DOES need tweaks and what should be addressed by NRS is:

-Bombs negative edge
-his pokes
-1 armored move

Cant we all come together and agree to support this ? (instead of keep arguing between ourselves)
Admittedly, I can agree with this, even if I truthfully have no issue with the bomb inputs. Again, you can easily train yourself to just tap up after a dash to segment your bomb inputs. I realize that feels like an unconventional solution, but it's not at all difficult to do, and it's something you can easily just get down to muscle memory.

I'd actually sooner see him get faster startup on the EX parry than an actual armor move, since he could use it to get out of a lot of the pressure situations that currently give him trouble. It wouldn't be too much to ask for full coverage on an EX parry either, i.e. it'll even parry low pokes and normals/contact specials that the normal parry won't. It seems like a more interesting alternative to an armor move.

Leave the fucking green bean alone. He is already a great competitor to the whole cast. Sub zero Ex slide is well deserved, Cyber sub should have one...

I bet my friend is looking at all this and saying "no". Well you never professionally looked at Cyber Sub so.. yeah.
What I really don't get is that they simultaneously buffed and nerfed Reptile. I support NRS, but this seems like the most absolutely fucking brainless decision whatsoever. He's certainly not a bad character, but he isn't a problem either. They're nerfing the elbow dash solely because all the online warriors are bitching about their inability to punish it, and while this shouldn't be a huge issue in high level play (let's face it, most good players are already punishing this whenever they have the opportunity), it's still completely and utterly unnecessary. At this rate, I wouldn't even be surprised if they nerfed Raiden's teleport and made a joke character out of him.

Altaire is the same guy who keeps claiming CSZ and Shang are both top tier. Hilarious stuff from this guy
I love how you just quoted Tom Brady to point this out like it's such a ridiculous idea. Tom Brady, who said Shang was top tier, oh... Two months ago, I'd say?

Ermac was also something like 5 or 6 on the tier list back then, yet he became bottom ten almost overnight without any sort of patch update to account for it. At one point, Noob was A+ tier as well, I believe, Jade was the most untapped character in the game and Cyber Sub was reportedly top fucking eight up til around early August. What can you tell us about those projections now, exactly? You people are in such a rush to establish your tier lists so you can treat them like the gospel of MK9, and at this point, you just look like a bunch of colorblind people trying to gang up on a Rubik's Cube.

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Leave the fucking green bean alone. He is already a great competitor to the whole cast. Sub zero Ex slide is well deserved, Cyber sub should have one...

I bet my friend is looking at all this and saying "no". Well you never professionally looked at Cyber Sub so.. yeah.
Don't worry, I don't think either version of sub or reptile need armour on their slide!
Also his EX acid hand is only armoured for projectiles.


if you're referring to changing ff3 then i say no because i never poop out bombs because i know to dash in w ffb 3

using "back" removes any chance of bomb pooping

please get this down then get back to me

Pig, unfortunately i get the spinning low kick(B3 normal) more often then id like to when i do this.
Never happens with you ?

I find it you cant tap B too fast or B3 comes out and you need to do this sort of slowly... So if you need to be quick / need to cancel the dash into 33 quickly this will not work that well. Any tips?

To be honest, i think they might not even need to remap the inputs. It may be the case of just reducing the negative edge window. They have done this already in a previous patch, but maybe they can do it even more.

Why is it not a problem to dash in with 21 and not get the F221 string, but its bad when you dash in with 33/34 ?

It feels like the neg.edge is there on purpose to be honest.

Just test different execution speeds for dashing in with 21 and 33. See how different it works?



Just to clear some things up:

- 34 is not +1 on block, it's neutral

- Sub-Zero is getting two buffs in one, super armor on his enhanced slide and increased speed. Being hit with armor on will not break clone, so if you throw a projectile / breath against Sub-Zero when he does enhanced slide, you're eating a full combo.

- Reptile is just getting 1 hit of armor on his enhanced slide, no super armor, no increased speed.

- Dive kicks are not "unpunishable" (except against a couple of characters) and usually leave you at a worse scenario when blocked. They're best used for whiff punishing and can be used for mobility but sparingly since they have a recovery animation on whiff unlike Kung Lao's. For more, refer to this guide http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?10886-Cyber-Sub-Zero-Dive-Kick-Guide

- D+1 has 10 start-up frames and is -6. D+3 has 7 start-up frames and is -5. D+4 has 13 start-up frames and is neutral on block and +1 on hit. (Lots of other characters D+4 are +10 on hit with faster start-up and recovery.)

- Teleport does not create an invincible wall with a hitbox like Cyrax's, it cannot be machine-gunned like Cyrax's, it has slightly more recovery than Cyraxs's. For more on CSZ's teleport, refer to these two videos: 1 -
- Parry is overrated and overlooked. Yes, it has good recovery on whiff (compared to other parries) and is fast. But people miss two key points: 1) You will be whiff punished by a good player who will bait out the parry for abusing it. 2) You knock your opponent full-screen away from you. Parry someone like Kitana or Kabal and then look at the huge disadvantage you put yourself through.

- CSZ has a lot of bad match-ups. Mostly preventing him from winning a major, and is outclassed by other characters in key areas. (i.e if you want mobility, go with Kung Lao. If you want pure rushdown, go with Johnny Cage. Etc.)

CSZ will always be my favorite MK character, but over here where he have so many excellent Kabal, Kitana, Sub-Zero, etc. players, I can kiss away any chance at winning a tourney. The upcoming patch has pretty much ended my excessive CSZ tourney usage (and I've been using him since Power Up), I'll still use him in casuals and probably against a Sheeva or something in a tourney, but that's about it.


You're like Jack Mclean, REO:

On a good day (serious, teaching), he's a good cop. On a bad day (REO the Troll), he's the best. Die Hard with a Dive Kick.


To add to what REO said, I agree that the parry is basically useless if abused, but that's a point I've made about it many times: Realistically, a good player is only going to eat, AT MOST, four or five parries in one whole set before they start to respect it, at which point they will try to bait it. Over-reliance on his parry is just begging your opponent to use even more low pokes, and Cyber Sub has enough trouble dealing with them as it is. Even as a defensive tool, the parry is such high risk for such little reward: If you parry successfully, you get a whopping 8 percent damage, and if you don't, you could easily be eating 40 or 50 percent. As far as I'm concerned, the best way to use the parry is to just throw out EX parries very sparingly, sparingly enough that your opponent can't really scout it and WON'T be hesitant to press the offense. You still need to learn to recognize opportunities where your opponent can safely circumvent the parry with nothing to lose (low pokes that jail, certain contact specials, etc.), but that's all part of knowing your matchups with the character. Again, if you're only going to land a handful of parries at best, you'd might as well make them EX parries. When you give me the option to do 8 percent four or five times in one set, versus 27 / 35 / 40 percent with an EX parry even two or three times, I'll take the latter.

And yeah, I will easily rep Cyber Sub as my favorite character in the series. I basically worshipped Ermac from the second I first saw him in an arcade, at the ripe old age of seven, and Cyber Sub definitely unseated him. I've always loved the cyborgs (I have kind of a robot fixation in general), and I was fucking ecstatic about there being a cyborg Sub Zero from the hint dropped by Boon when the game was first unveiled. I actually kind of thought "Well, there's two Sub Zeroes and now they can keep both of them alive, so one of them is expendable anyway", which meant we'd keep the original Sub and the younger brother would be turned into a cyborg, but I digress. As the game got closer to release and the leaks just kept on coming out, I began to lose hope, especially when I found out the older Sub still does and Noob is still in the game, so you can't imagine how relieved I was when the achievements leaked and I saw the name "hidden fighter: Cyber Sub-Zero". I really wanted to see him as a character from a what-if standpoint, and completely independent of that, I just love how he plays. I play very aggressively, and he fits that to a tee. He's not QUITE what I had in mind when I envisioned the character, but damned if I'm not happy with what they gave me.

He also looks fucking badass, so I mean, that doesn't hurt.


Oh, and in response to what xTac posted, do what Pig suggested with up in place of back. Instead of F F B 3, use F F U 3. You won't jump, and there's no command normal for U3, so there's really no room for error if you're doing it right. Practice it for awhile, and you won't even notice you're doing it.


number 1 fix

his gay ass intro and fatalitys... wtf u a coldblooded cyborg, awsome ass concept so... y?

but for real i'd like the remap of bombs, cuz dats just stupid... of course you can do ffb but dats not the point
when i wana go boom i should go boom
when i wana go stomp i should go stomp

also i'd like a 0 frame startup on enhanced teleport for wakeup or sometin

ey but we realy should start a poll on fixing cyber or a petetion or something,
cuz f diz da last patch, it is wat it is... i for 1 wont drop cyber either way


EX teleport doesn't even need to be zero frames, that's ridiculous. All it needs is to be on par with Cyrax's and it's just fine.


yea i aint realy mean zero, just ment a teleport that actualy teleports and doesnt turtleport

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Guys me and 10 other including Atl_redd are leveling up tonigh. We might stream and if we so I'll post the link

I promise to use CSZ the whole time and dash in w 33 and 34 and if I poop one bomb out I'll write a huge apology lol

My guide comes out sep 25 and I'll try to include video of my hands as well as the screen to show how to rush down without shitting bombs


plz do stream, i know u probaly wont shit out any bombs but i'd like to see some cyber in action n e wayz

looking forward to the guide

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Be sure to watch the impact clash stream tournament sep 24-25

I'm going to try my hardest not to use mileena at all and stick w CSZ and rain


i haven't seen your cyber yet i've only seen used for glue
i've heard u up there too though
so much respect