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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Mainless Wanderer
I'm thinking about attending my first local here next week and putting in some work. I play semi-regularly against a guy who is active in the scene and he insists that I should be able to compete pretty well.

The issue is I don't have a lot of offline experience. The arcade has weekly fight nights/casuals, but it's a $5 entry fee just to get in the door, before you even add tourney costs (is that normal?). Also, I just recently got married and my wife wants nothing to do with the arcade scene, so there's that consideration.

So that all being said, what's the best way to practice for offline comp short of actually playing offline casuals?

EDIT: The above is poorly worded, so let me clarify. I use different BnBs online for the input delay (for instance, I never even attempt b1u2, f3 combos) and there are other factors at work that affect how I play matchups in that environment. So what I'm really asking is whether the best use of my time is training out those offline-only BnBs, or grinding out various matchups in practice, or some other option. I probably don't have sufficient time to spend doing it all, at least for this week. What's the best start?


Death is my business
MB F3. Tight timing because it can whiff if you mistime it. I don't know if his B3 reaches...

just jump forward on reaction and b3 on his recovery , yes the mid tele will catch you but they gotta be yolo as fuck to do that. Don't waste meter on MB b3/f3


Say it with your chest .
whats the best way of punishing a deathstroke who just jumps 3 all the time kind of like batman that just jumps 2 all the time? i block his jumps but they just keep jumping on me and idk what to and if i back dash i get punish with a sword spin , idk if its lag or something but any help on that , i know how to block his strings but just cant keep him off with the jump attacks


Not the Milkman.
AA him with D2 or jump and air-to-air him with a jump light attack. Ji3 is large, but not fast.

Btw, the DS forum is so dead. Someone get the defibrilators.


Say it with your chest .
AA him with D2 or jump and air-to-air him with a jump light attack. Ji3 is large, but not fast.

Btw, the DS forum is so dead. Someone get the defibrilators.
oh ok thanks my d2 never works even on reaction -_- but hey are jumping1s universaly supposed to beat out jump2 and 3s when timed properly?


Not the Milkman.
oh ok thanks my d2 never works even on reaction -_- but hey are jumping1s universaly supposed to beat out jump2 and 3s when timed properly?

Generally speaking, air light attacks are faster than air medium and hard attacks.
Heck that generally applies to all moves.
Heck that generally applies to all fighting games.

So typically speaking yes. I can't remember the startup frames of Ji3, but it's not that fast.


Say it with your chest .
Generally speaking, air light attacks are faster than air medium and hard attacks.
Heck that generally applies to all moves.
Heck that generally applies to all fighting games.

So typically speaking yes. I can't remember the startup frames of Ji3, but it's not that fast.
Oh ok yeah i play people online i use superman he is my main once they find out they cant zone me they just jump 3 me nonstop and eventually i cant block everything lol , but thanks for tips i will try to practice jump1 vs ds jump3 ,


Say it with your chest .
Yeah but sometimes it wiffs or doesnt come out on time but i guess i just got to train harder also one last question whats ds worst matchup?


Death is my business
The changes are good , way more usable trait but less powerfull as in raw damage.

Indirect buff on MB f3.

Most of his bad matchups nerfed.

Can't wait for the patch.

Life is good.


Not the Milkman.
The changes are good , way more usable trait but less powerfull as in raw damage.

Indirect buff on MB f3.

Most of his bad matchups nerfed.

Can't wait for the patch.

Life is good.

One thing that SUCKS though: Dash moves are getting 2 hits of armor now, as in Catwoman, Lobo, and Doomsday.

EDIT: Holy **** and Superman. This is ballsack. I thought the point of DS having an easily accessed 2 hit projectile was to handle this kind of BS.

BA nerfs are hilarious though. Aquaman, Batgirl, and Superman need more IMO.


Death is my business
One thing that SUCKS though: Dash moves are getting 2 hits of armor now, as in Catwoman, Lobo, and Doomsday.

BA nerfs are hilarious though. Aquaman, Batgirl, and Superman need more IMO.
Catwoman and Lobo needed those , DD has better ways to deal with gunshots than YOLO MB Venom , if anything we got an incentive to use AR now thanks to those 3 bullets.

Yeah some characters could have been toned down more but i actually don't mind since DS has a trait now.


Not the Milkman.
You can't react to a MB Cat Dash or Venom with AR though. We used to be able to YOLO throw out pistols against CW and DD, now we can't. This is BAD. We can't just go around tossing AR all the time, it's too slow. These matchups just got worse.

Also, on top of the trait damage nerf (which makes NO sense), trait lasts only THREE seconds. Idk if that strikes you as short, but it really is. Even as it is, I find it hard to use the trait once I get it off because the best use of it outside of keepaway is 132. Setting up a 132 is going to take a LOT more time than 3 seconds.

MB interactables taking up 2 bars is BAD too. DS loves Atlantis and Ferris. MB air tanks and water jets are glorious. Now they're more expensive.

At first I was a excited for this patch. Then I was somewhat neutral. Now I'm worried.


They found way make the trait even more useless. Kano meet deathstroke. I havent been playing for a bit. I dont want re roll a charcter. What a joke.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
actually on second thought idk if its that bad. the fact that MB cat dash/venom dash or wahtever has 2 hits of armor, so what. we can react and meterburn. its just we have to spend a bar now. whatever, they did also so idk if thats really that big of an issue. we'll have to wait and see though but if you can meter burn and win every time idk if it matters. you both spent the same amount of bar and you win.

as far as the MB interactables costing 2 bars, the atlantis issue i think isnt a problem. i always though water jets were mega ass cuz of their hitbox and long ass start up. i always thought they were pretty easy to blow up. most of the interactables i like to use with deathstroke are more for positioning advantages than anything. i think it might make things like dealing with power characters interactables much easier fr a lot of the cast.

i mean sure the general system mechanics don't favor him as much as they used to but it might not be as bad as we're thinking. im just trying to have an open mind here but i could be very wrong.


They found way make the trait even more useless. Kano meet deathstroke. I havent been playing for a bit. I dont want re roll a charcter. What a joke.
How the fuck is it less useful? We now have guaranteed ways to close out matches safely and it's actually possible to use the damn things now without getting blown up. Jesus, it seems like 3/4ths of the people on this site can't think at all. Tell me, how is this worse? Get a knockdown in the first round, activate trait, take em out, round covers you from most of the cool down, bam. And if you wanna use it midmatch we still have a character with solid footsies tools that doesn't need t worry about his guns for a bit.

So tell me how a trait we can actually setup and use now is worse than one we could never fucking use?
What are DS best midscreen and corner BNBs without using meter? Off F3 and b1u2...

What are (if any) viable midscreen cross up F3 setups? Likely off hard knockdowns...