eww gamefaqs
I'm starting to think that trait isn't as bad as people make it out to be. There doesn't have to be any guaranteed setups to make it useful in my opinion. For example your opponent might be trying to get in from full screen, and he blocks a low shot, dashes in and expects another low gunshot. Instead of doing low shots you do trait. Or after you knock them down and instead of going for the low gunshot for chip you do trait. You have to condition your opponent to block low gunshots then you start going for trait. Still matchup dependent but I think characters like Bane can't react in time and punish you. But in the mirror match you might be punished by DS's guns. And of course there are those interactable setups that I don't know of yet but I've seen
InFlames do it on me. Then again I play online and I still suck with DS so take this post with a grain of salt.