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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
Duuude we need to talk about DS d2 in footsies. This move is fucking fantastic post buff. Sure the hitbox is improved but its -1 with fantastic range and is great for blowing up highs.

It also works well against crossups. I've used it to AA:

DD body splash
Batman ji2
Joker ji3

Even when it trades you still recover in time to get your combo afterwards.

This tool is VERY slept on by DS players. USE IT!

I actually love the d2 post-"d2 buff". Get some solid damage off it too despite all the scaling.


I actually love the d2 post-"d2 buff". Get some solid damage off it too despite all the scaling.

Yeah it used to be unsafe on block bre patch.

But now you can abuse it. Quick mid launcher that leads to hit confirmable hard knockdown. (d2 323 f23 flip) With hella range on it. Crouches under highs. It's fantastic. I was kind of at a wall with DS footsies until I started using this more heavily. it does great.


Not the Milkman.
I know D2 is great now, but yes, I still don't use it enough. I'm still too ingrained on an instant SF when they're above me.

After toying with other characters' D2s after the patch, I must say that DS' really stands out. He really recieved the buff well.


Mainless Wanderer
I like to throw it out on occasion after a blocked F3 now that it's safe. It's good to work into the end of block strings thanks to its good forward range and easy hit confirm followup. I find a lot of players get hit with it in that situation.


Not the Milkman.
I was using D2 a lot today against a KF player who often jumped after I D1ed her when I blocked a slide. Worked marvelously.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So, I just recently started labbing with this guy. I love him. I haven't taken him into a match yet, mainly because I want to make sure my frame traps are on par. It is my understanding that after F23, you are at +9 and can follow up with a 50/50 of B2 and B1, which can't be interrupted. Am I mistaken?

Outside of this, how do we fight with this character? What is his mid-game like? The guide mentioning starting pressure with jump-ins, but are there other ways besides jumping a lot? How would you describe Deathstroke's footsies?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Not the Milkman.
So, I just recently started labbing with this guy. I love him. I haven't taken him into a match yet, mainly because I want to make sure my frame traps are on par. It is my understanding that after F23, you are at +9 and can follow up with a 50/50 of B2 and B1, which can't be interrupted. Am I mistaken?

Outside of this, how do we fight with this character? What is his mid-game like? The guide mentioning starting pressure with jump-ins, but are there other ways besides jumping a lot? How would you describe Deathstroke's footsies?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

For the first part, technically yes. It works ONLY if you land F23 at a point blank range and do B1 after F23 with perfect timing. B2 is a little more flexinble, but if you want to have a low option, those are the requirements. F3 is better for that as it moves you forward and is +10.

Second part is simple in a general sense. Guns guns guns until they get close. Guns to reversal punish unsafe projectiles from full screen and whiffs. F3, D2, and INTELLIGENTLY USED Sword Flips at mid range. B2, F3, and B1 mixups at a close range.


Is f23 even that good? The range is kinda lame and it doesn't combo into anything if they get hit by it. I'd rather do f3.


Not the Milkman.
Is f23 even that good? The range is kinda lame and it doesn't combo into anything if they get hit by it. I'd rather do f3.

It's sexy on paper, but it's sorta like a somewhat good looking chick that has a little weight problem in practice.

The range and pushback really screw it up. Luckily it still has its place in combos.


Ayy Lmao
It's sexy on paper, but it's sorta like a somewhat good looking chick that has a little weight problem in practice.

The range and pushback really screw it up. Luckily it still has its place in combos.
I like doing f23 into sword flip while I have them in the corner, against certain characters that don't have a fast advancing normal/special. After they block f23 and you do a sword flip, it has this weird pushback where it pushes you far and you can't be punished. I'm sure you and other DS mains know what I'm talking about.


Not the Milkman.
I like doing f23 into sword flip while I have them in the corner, against certain characters that don't have a fast advancing normal/special. After they block f23 and you do a sword flip, it has this weird pushback where it pushes you far and you can't be punished. I'm sure you and other DS mains know what I'm talking about.

Oh I get it, but that's just a SF thing in general, nothing really to do with F23. It's still possible to punish though. Green Lantern and KF will rape your ass for trying that ****.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I know D2 is great now, but yes, I still don't use it enough. I'm still too ingrained on an instant SF when they're above me.

After toying with other characters' D2s after the patch, I must say that DS' really stands out. He really recieved the buff well.

I still much prefer SF for an anti-air, but I'll use d2 for when I feel the other person is gonna be mashing buttons or if I can bait them into mashing buttons/poorly jumping. Other than that, I tend to just use it as a really easy confirm off a j3 so I can get my quick and easy 20% and get them out full-screen again.


Ayy Lmao
Oh I get it, but that's just a SF thing in general, nothing really to do with F23. It's still possible to punish though. Green Lantern and KF will rape your ass for trying that ****.
I know, that why I said against characters with a non advancing fast special. And sometimes when I just do a naked SF in the corner, it doesn't have the pushback, so I just do it with f23 to make sure I get that pushback.


I know, that why I said against characters with a non advancing fast special. And sometimes when I just do a naked SF in the corner, it doesn't have the pushback, so I just do it with f23 to make sure I get that pushback.
Play me in DS mirrors next week.


Not the Milkman.
I know, that why I said against characters with a non advancing fast special. And sometimes when I just do a naked SF in the corner, it doesn't have the pushback, so I just do it with f23 to make sure I get that pushback.

I think it has something to do with hitting with the first hit. If you hit with the second hit or later, it doesnt keep you at a somewhat safe range. If the first hit connects, I think it does.


Mainless Wanderer
Speaking of sword flip and safety, did it get a stealth buff somewhere along the line on its recovery time? In DS mirrors I used to have all day to 132 punish but I feel like half the time now I'm getting blocked when I do it.


Not the Milkman.
Speaking of sword flip and safety, did it get a stealth buff somewhere along the line on its recovery time? In DS mirrors I used to have all day to 132 punish but I feel like half the time now I'm getting blocked when I do it.

I thought I was crazy, but now that you mention it, I've felt the same. I used to punish Flip with 132, now I use my own Flip >_>

I don't think they changed the recovery time though. I think the pushback is different, and 1 whiffs.
It's too damn hard to tell honestly. That trailer imo sorta of sucked. Not much to take away from it besides the fact that the Green Arrow trailer was a much better reveal.
I don't respect Deathstroke no one does he is overpowered he takes no actual skill he is bane of actual skilled players who want to learn the game and a god sennd to noob spammers. When ever a deathstroke players lose to scorpion you will understand all the frustration you put legit players thru
I thought I was crazy, but now that you mention it, I've felt the same. I used to punish Flip with 132, now I use my own Flip >_>

I don't think they changed the recovery time though. I think the pushback is different, and 1 whiffs.
Lord chazo whatever you snake what do you actually have to learn here forgot how to spam? renegadekiller21 yeah name drop bitch cause i dont hide